IT Support and Application

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IT Support and Application

Role of Computer in Modern Business

1. Business communication
Businesses use various methods of communication through a computer. They use live
chat tools, email, video conferencing systems, social network, web conferencing for
communication between employees, suppliers, and customers, and smartphones. It is sometimes
quite important to communicate with employees or other members of your company a few times
during the day, hence computers allow us to do so in a matter of seconds.

2. Marketing
Computers perhaps play the most important role in marketing. Today, marketing is mostly
done online, and some forms of marketing include, social media marketing, website development,
advertising, and e-newsletters. The most important advantages of online marketing are brand
engagement, demographic targeting, reduced costs, real-time results, and less intrusiveness.

3. Research
The Internet allows us to find information which can be quite useful for your business
projects. You will be able to know what the public opinion is regarding your service or products by
doing online surveys. You can also get information and learn about other company products by
using the Internet. When you launch a new service or product, you can find out what the public
reaction is by viewing the reviews on your website or social media accounts.

4. Forecasting and budgeting

PCs are also quite useful when it comes to forecasting and budgeting. There is a wide
range of software for budgeting and forecasting that you can use. This software will also allow
you to estimate your business expansions or future sales. Spreadsheet programs like Excel are
helpful for forecasting and budgeting.

5. Storage
You will be able to store vast amounts of data by using PCs and the Internet. According to
Motz Technologies, you will not need huge cabinets where you will store all the data, your data
can be quickly and easily stored on cloud platforms that will allow you to have easy access to the
data from multiple computers. Computerized storage will provide you with additional office space,
as well as security of the data.
6. Presentations and design
In the past, all companies had to make their documents by hand. However, with the help
of digital photography, printing, and graphic design, companies no longer have to make
documents by hand, they can easily and quickly make the documents more presentable and artsy.

7. Education
Your employees could get an education on company policies, procedures, and software
by using computers. Instead of hiring someone to teach your employees about certain things,
they can easily do it online.

8. Home-based workers
Since everyone has at least one computer or laptop at home, we can do our jobs online.
If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot go to work, you will have the chance of doing
your job online, hence, you will not have to worry about not finishing an important project on time.
You will be able to do your work via a device that is connected to the Internet.

9. Organization
The easy use of spreadsheets and databases allowed companies to improve their
management and efficiency worldwide. A lot of offices use computer programs to handle
accounting, scheduling, billing, contact management, and inventory management. Hence, by
using a computer, you will be able to plan and organize things better.

The Role and Importance of Technology in Business

In the last decades preceding the 90s, technology has overhauled the way we do things.
Whether it’s for business or social purposes, we no longer rely on traditional methods and means.
Thanks to the fast-evolving technological advancements today, we shop, interact, live and
research differently from what we did 5 years ago. It’s no doubt that technology is the driver of
success for modern businesses. From marketing, to PR or security, everything has gone digital.

IT Is Indispensable
The role of technology in the business landscape cannot be overstated. It’s imperative that
you employ a workforce that is techsavvy at least in the basis. Getting your staff up to date with
emerging trends not only boosts productivity, but it has immense bearing on your bottom-line.
Today, the IT department in every business, big or small is indispensable. IT experts are largely
attributed to the changing dynamics at the organizational level. These experts are becoming
crucial given their capacity to help a business maintain its competitive edge.
Every business relies on technology in big and small ways. As technology evolves,
businesses have an overriding need to incorporate some form of technology. Simply, the same
technology cannot afford to remain at the backend; it’s an integral component of any discerning
business front end. There are several elements that technology has transformed for the better.
Technology contributes in:

Improving Communication
In many ways than one, technology simplifies communication. Whether it’s a social
connection or you are trying to relay mission critical data, things are no longer want they used to
be. IT is fundamental for effective communication internally and externally. In house, technology
streamlines the types off data relay that occur between sections or departments. There is a need
for an organization to stay up to date with new email marketing tactics or ways of sending
company wide data via digital platforms. Externally, technology has made communication easy
and ubiquitous.

Propels Marketing and Business Growth

From an external communication point of view, a business will use new technology to
advertise and break into new markets. Forward thinking enterprises advertise digitally with a view
to drive traffic. Even though yours is a brick-and-mortar business, technology has to be part of
your marketing mix, if you expect to grow your revenue. Remember, a highly seasoned IT team
is the key to your success. You need experts who are conversant with search marketing, web
optimization and social media targeting.

Streamlines Decision Making

Decision making in any business is a critical process. You need technology to streamline
the decision-making process. There is a need to keep track of customer and market data.
Technology in form of business relevant software facilitates error free reporting. You have a
guarantee of accuracy with metrics drawn from the finance, marketing and customer engagement
departments. It is technology that captures critical data and helps a business to see its weak
areas, and ways of how to strategize accordingly.

Boosting Your Competitive Edge

Nowadays, other businesses in the same niche as you are spending more to market and
advertise. The need to stay on top of the completion is crucial. Nobody wants to associate with a
brand that is barely visible online. Your competitors are using technology to weigh you up and to
drive their traffic. Technology is using viable online tools to drive your sales.
Enhancing Customer Relationship
Reputable CRM management systems let you discover what your customer base wants.
It’s advisable to target the right customer at the right time to avoid them crossing over to your
competitor. Even though the technology you rely on is compatible with your existing systems,
there is the issue of smart threats and cyber threats. The cloud storage makes it critical to have
robust cyber security measures to keep your assets and data safe.

Maintain Industry Relevance

Whether you are in the real estate, health, warehousing or freight industry, there is a form
of technology designed to inject efficiency into your operations. If you are leveraging these
technologies to break into new market, save lives, boost sales or for crop production module,
technology will have made its impact.

Co, M. (2019, June 10). The importance of computers in modern businesses - iCharts. iCharts.

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