Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal Verbs Phrasal verbs and Idioms with Back look back = think about the past = a te gandi

la trecut keep back = withhold= a retine give back = return smth borrowed= a inapoia ceva cut back on = reduce= a reduce niste cheltuieli call back = return the call= a suna pe cineva inapoi bring back = return smth bought= a returna un obiect cumparat take (smb) back = accept (smb) again= a accepta din nou Ex: Dont look back, think about the future. If you keep back important evidence from the police, you can get into trouble. Ill lend you my book if you promise to give it back. Well have to cut back on our expenses. We cant afford to spend so much. When I phoned she was busy and she still hasnt called me back. Excuse me, Im bringing this plate back because it is cracked. He asked his old girlfriend to go out with him again, but she refused to take him back.

Expressions and phrasal verbs with Break break down = stop working= a inceta sa mai muncesti break into = burgle= a intra prin efractie break out = start (for war, disease)= a izbucni, de obicei un razboi, o boala, un incendiu, etc break out of = escape from prison= a evada break up = separate from a boy/girlfriend= a inceta ceva, a rupe o relatie Ex: The car broke down on the motorway. A thief broke into the house and stole all their jewels. The war broke out when villages near the border were attacked. Three criminals broke out of the prison last night. She kept having disagreements with Peter so they decided to break up.

Phrasal verbs with Bring bring out = release, produce= a produce, e iesi pe piata bring off = manage= a se descurca, a o scoate la capat bring up = mention, help children grow= a metiona ceva; a creste/educa pe cineva bring down = decrease= a scadea, a se diminua force to resign= a obliga pe cineva sa demisioneze bring back = re-introduce, get= a reintroduce ceva, a obtine Ex: Isnt MJ going to bring out any more albums? The Japanese keep bringing out new electronic gadgets. It was very difficult to swim across the English Channel but he brought it off. I was brought up by my grandparents in Canada. Who brought up the subject at the meeting? The government are trying to bring down the price of houses. Unpopular economic policies brought down the government.

Do you believe they should bring back school uniforms? My parents went to Australia and they brought me back a souvenir. Phrasal verbs with Get get back = return= a se intoarce get back = have smth returned= a inapoia un lucru get by = have enough money to buy the things you need= a se descurca cu o anumita suma de bani get on with = have a good relationship with= a avea o relatie buna cu cineva, a te intelege cu cineva get on with = continue with= a continua cva get away = manage to leave a place= a scapa de ceva, de obicei de o pedeapsa get over = recover from an illness= a-si reveni dintr-o boala, soc Ex: Sorry Im late but I couldnt get away until I have finished my work. We got back from the party just after midnight. Did you get the money back that you lent to Peter? She doesnt earn much but she gets by. She gets on well with all the girls in her class. I cant talk to you now- I have to get on with my work. I still cant get over that flu.

Phrasal verbs with Go go go go go go go Ex: ahead= to start doing smth= a merge inainte, a continua ceva by= pass (time), a trece(timpul) off= no longer like smth, about food= a se strica(mancarea) on= happen, occur= a se intampla through=experience smth difficult= a trece printr-o situatie dificila through with=complete= a incheia ceva We decide to go ahead with our holiday plans in spite of the bad weather. Time goes by really fast. I used to like tea but Ive gone off it now. There was a concert going on in the main square. She went through an unpleasant experience. He went through with his decision to separate from her even if it was painful

Phrasal verbs with Look look up = check information in a dictionary or a reference book= a cauta in dictionary sensuri ale cuvintelor look out = to be careful= a se feri look forward to = to wait anxiously for= a astepta cu nerabdare ceva look into = to investigate look out for =to look carefully at people or things around you= a analiza cu atentie lucrurile din jur

look through =fail to recognize, or to pretend not to recognize someone that you know= a te preface ca nu intelegi ceva, a nu recunoaste ceva look down to = to treat somebody as inferior= a trata pe cineva ca find inferior, a-l privi de sus look after = to take care of smb= a avea grija de cineva look back = think about the past= a te gandi la trecut look on = consider= a considera ceva, a lua in calcul Phrasal verbs with Turn turn back = return (at the frontier, because the road was blocked)= a te intoarce din drum turn down = the volume, an offer, an application, the TV, a proposal, a suggestion, drugs, an application= a refuza ceva turn off = the light, the TV, the central heating, the radio= a stinge ceva turn on = the light, the TV, the central heating, the radio= a aprinde ceva turn out = to be someone else, to be true, the light= a se dovedi a fi altcineva, a iesi un adevar la lumina turn to = crime, drugs= a recurge la infractiuni, droguri, etc turn up =appear suddenly= a s eivi dintr-o data Phrasal verbs with Take take after = resemble= a semana pe cineva take away = remove= a inlatura take off = remove (clothing)= a te dezbraca take off = leave the ground= a decola take on = start being responsible for= a fi responsabil pentru ceva take on = accept smb for an employment= a angaja pe cineva take over = become responsible in place of smb else= a prelua postul unei alte persoane take up = require time= a necesita timp take back = remove= a lua inapoi Ex: John takes after his father while Mary takes after her mother. I took away the knife so the baby would not cut itself. I have to take these books back to the library. Im going to take my pullover off because it is hot in here. As soon as the plane took off I started to read my book. I only took the job on because I needed the money. They took on a new teacher because they had a lot of pupils. John took over the position of captain of the basketball team. Training for the basketball takes up most of his free time.

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