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A) The given picture explains how a lead pencil is


B) The picture illustrates the process of manufacturing …

A) Overall, the process of making a pencil consists of 12 steps,
beginning with planting seeds and ending with the ready
pencils being boxed.

B) Overall, the process of making a pencil is rather complex,

including as many as 12 steps.

Main Body:

Firstly, looking at the picture, it can be seen that for trees to be

mature enough to be used as a raw material for pencils, it takes
roughly 17 years, during which the seeds are replanted and
given a slimmer shape. Only after being chopped down are
trees sliced into thin boards, (known as slats). Afterwards,
these slats undergo a chemical treatment which takes about
two months to settle/take effect.

Keep the meaning, change the vocabulary and structure:
The diagram + result verb + production/process + of + name of
the process
1) Paraphrase the production part
2) The result verb depends on it


Start with
Begin with
Finish with/at -
End with/at - The process of making tea ends with this step
Culminate (T) - This culminates (what?) the process of making

Body Part:
Grammar for process:
1) Inversion
2) Relative clause
3) Reduction
4) Passive Voice
5) Conditionals/Unless/ Until/ After/ Before/ While
+ Following/followed by (come after)
+ Preceding/ preceded by (come before)

6) Transitions: Subsequently, Afterwards, Next, Then

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