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To: Karla E-MAIL

From: Belén
Subject: Greetings to a friend
Hello Karla
I am writing to you because I have recently heard from you and I am very happy to know that you are working and living in Sweden. I
would like to know how are you? How has your experience been in this country?

The last time we met was when you graduated as an architect and I knew how excited you were to travel to this country to learn more
about the infrastructure of its buildings and also learn about the culture of this country. When I found out on your social networks that
you were working in an architectural company in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, I was very excited for you, I know that you will be
achieving your dreams.

I can tell you that I am studying economics, I really like my career and I hope in the future to be able to work in my own company, to be a
great businesswoman. My family has been very well and they have asked me about you. They still remember the trip we made to
Cartagena/Colombia for Carnival, it was a lot of fun, we all had a great time.

I would love to know everything about you please, how do you feel in your new job? What is the type of people like in Stockholm? Do
you have many friends? How is the food? I have heard that there are some delicious desserts in this city.
I hope that when you have vacations at work you come to visit me, and we can go eat and walk. I also hope soon to be able to travel to
visit you and get to know Sweden, I imagine it is a very beautiful country.

Take care of yourself, I look forward to hearing from you again.


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