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The School Community: Definition & Members

School Community – Students, teachers, parents & staff members have common values and standards for
the education of the students who attend the school. Share responsibility for one another and provide
environment for intellectual learning and create a healthy social atmosphere where all the members of the
community are supported.
Business, Organizations, Neighborhood, or etc who are invested in a school could also be consider as part
of the community.
School Community – students, teachers, parents, school administrators, businesses, charitable
organizations and neighborhoods are the group of people involved with the school who have common
values and standards for the education of the students who attend the school.
What is a school community?
It includes the business, barangay officials, securities and others that are located within the perimeter of
the school.
Important of School Community: They help to build the mission of the school. Organizations outside of
the school help the school. They provide necessities for students or members of the community.
Carenderia, Bookstores, Xerox copy stores. They are there to support and provide what you want.
School Community Members:
Caregivers are different to parents, they are called yaya or kasambahay. They are the one who are
entrusted to take care of child or service the household stuffs.
School Community Programs and Activities: Science Activity, Festivities, Perya, Movie Nights, Change,
Examples of School Communities: Barangay Officials, Parents, Business Owners

Stakeholder – A person who has an interest or concern in the organization at hand.
Who are the Stakeholders in Education:
School board members, administrators, and teachers - They each want their work to have a positive
impact on children, and their jobs are directly affected by the success of the school system.
Parents – A successful education system for their children
Students – have an interest in receiving a good education.
Government officials, like city councilors and state representatives

1. Stakeholder – Board of Trustees, Dean, Associate Dean

2. Schoolboard
3. Administrator
4. Officials
5. Business
6. Industry
7. Parents
8. Students

Promoting Community Involvement in Schools

Community Involvement
School Community – Each group within a neighborhood brings their own unique influence and
The Different Connection Levels
A movement to support higher involvement is essential to attracting more community members and
strengthening the school community.
Parent-teacher groups are prominent in schools, and are found at the national, state, and local levels and
offer membership benefits and a planned structure. Students need to be included in the planning of these
positive activities.
School Spirit and pride is critical to reaching out to the second level of stakeholders: family friends,
physical neighbors to the school, local civic organizations, and the town’s Chamber of Commerce.
It’s a good practice to open the school building to meaningful local events and to sponsor free seminars
and workshops on topics of interest that stretch beyond the school.
The final level of involvement or tier three comes from the school’s larger audience: corporations and
large civic groups. Schools need to be proactive in maintaining a positive relationship with this tier. The
goodwill this foster strengthens and promotes beneficial and positive commitment.
The 21st century has seen greater transparency in many areas between schools and their communities. A
positive and consistently welcoming school environment will draw in the various stakeholders with whom
school personnel should connect.
Three Tiers
Primary Stakeholders: Parents, Teachers, Caregivers, students, they form Contemporary families.
They give the first level of support because it for the children acquiring the knowledge.
Secondary Stakeholders: Community officials, Small Business firms we see outside the campus.
Third Level: Corporations and Civic Groups such as Gabriela, Rotarac and other big organizations who
can give support and donations.
1. Community Involvement
2. School Community
3. Contemporary Families
4. Chamber of Commers
5. Corporations
6. Civic Groups

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