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Test Bank for Environmental Science, 15th Edition

Chapter 02 - Science - Matter - and Energy

Test Bank for Environmental Science, 15th Edition

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True / False

1. Because scientific theories are tentative explanations, they should not be taken seriously.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.1 What Do Scientists Do?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Distinguish between scientific theories and laws.

2. Once scientists have analyzed data from an experiment, they may propose a testable hypothesis to explain
those data.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.1 What Do Scientists Do?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Outline the nine necessary steps to develop a scientific theory.

3. When a natural system gets locked into a positive feedback loop, it can reach an ecological tipping point.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.4 What Are Systems and How Do They Respond To Change?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.2.4 - Describe how various systems respond to change.

4. Carbon is an element.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.2 What Is Matter and What Happens When It Undergoes Change?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Distinguish between the two chemical forms of matter.
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Chapter 02 - Science - Matter - and Energy

5. Logic and critical thinking are more important tools in science than imagination and creativity.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.1 What Do Scientists Do?

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Chapter 02 - Science - Matter - and Energy


LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Outline the nine necessary steps to develop a scientific theory.

6. When matter undergoes physical changes, the chemical composition also changes.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.2 What Is Matter and What Happens When It Undergoes Change?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.2.2 - Explain what matter is made of and the law governing changes in

7. Hydrocarbons are organic compounds.

a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.2 What Is Matter and What Happens When It Undergoes Change?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP. - Distinguish the organic compounds based on their chemical formula.

8. Peer review involves scientists openly publishing details of the methods they used, the results of their
experiments, and the reasoning behind their hypotheses for other scientists working in the same field to
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.1 What Do Scientists Do?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.2.1 - Determine how science attempts to answer questions about nature.

9. A positive feedback loop causes a system to change in the opposite direction from which it is moving.
a. True
b. False
REFERENCES: 2.4 What Are Systems and How Do They Respond To Change?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ENVS.MLSP.16.2.4 - Describe how various systems respond to change.

10. When energy changes from one form to another, it always goes from a more useful to a less useful form.
a. True
b. False
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Abbott, A. H., committee work of, 264, 306

Abolition, textbooks in support of, 138

Abraham, reference to, 138

Adams, Christmas, death of, 282 (see also Attucks, Crispus)

Adams, E. D., committee work of, 247, 264, 306

Adams, James Truslow, article by, 289

Adams, John,
attitude toward education, 4
inauguration of, 63
reference to, 212, 213, 254, 255, 256

Adams, Samuel,
reference to, 254, 262
relative of, 222

Adrian (Michigan), schools of, 266

Agricultural Chemistry, study of, 18

Agriculture, development of, 12

Americanization laws in, 105
curriculum in, 83
laws relative to education, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 39, 47
requirement for teachers in, 55
schools of, 266
teaching of patriotism in, 95
textbooks in, 41, 67, 69, 73, 98, 100

Alabama Code, reference to, 16

Alabama Patriotic Society, establishment of, 95

Alexander, Magnus N., 204

Algebra, teaching of, 6

Alien teachers, laws relative to, 304

Aliens, restrictions on, as teachers, 34, 35, 86, 88

Allen, Ethan, mention of, 211, 218

Allied Powers, citizens of, employment of, as teachers, 87

praise of, 245
reference to, 253

Alsace-Lorraine, reference to, 242

Alta (Iowa), schools of, 293

accomplishments of, 18
attitude of England toward, 237
British in, 284
Catholic Church in, 177, 178
Colonists in, 160, 212
“Defamation” of, 210
development of, 184
economic conditions in, 71
founders of, 135
freedom of, 287
friendship of, 235
influence of Irish in, 230
liberty in, 209
opportunities of, 12, 271

America, Speech on Conciliation with, 209, 213, 268

America First, 226

“America First” Publicity Association, responsibility of, 325

America is Calling, writing of, 194

American Allies, 247

American Association for International Coöperation, 220

American Bankers Association, 203

American Bar Association,

report relative to textbooks, 334, 335
work of, 185, 186, 188, 192

American Car Company, member of, criticises textbook, 202

American Citizenship, report of committee on, 185, 334, 335

American colonies, settlers in, 255

“American Creed,” teaching of, 56

American Democracy, Problems in, 77

American Economic Life, 202

American Federation of Labor,

Report of Cincinnati Convention, 323-326
representative of, 112
work of, 194, 196, 197, 198
American flag, display of, 56

American Government, study of, 188, 194

American Gymnastic Union, work of, 242

American heroes, discussion of, 278

American Historical Association,

recommendation of, 23
work of, 296

American ideals,
defending of, 259, 331
loyalty to, 130
promotion of, 185, 232
teaching of, 107

American Ideals, Safeguarding, 191

American Independence, criticism of, 226

American institutions,
knowledge of, 105
origin of, 229
respect for, 283
study of, 186

American Irish Historical Society, publications of, 230

American Legion,
National Commander of, 281
principles submitted for textbook writers, 331
work of, 186, 223, 269, 270, 273, 275

American Legion School History, standard for, 329-333

American Nation, advancement of, 16

American Nation, A History of the, 237, 307

American Nationality, The Development of, 306

American patriotism, teaching of, 297

American patriots,
history of, 74, 104
neglect of, 281

American People, Beginnings of, 307

American People, History of the, 147, 221, 222, 293, 306

American People, The Story of Our, 270

American Public Schools, teaching of history in, 3

American Revolution,
cause of, 240, 241, 247, 293 (see also Revolutionary War)
history of, 216, 225, 254, 257, 268, 272, 278, 279
justification of, 236
reference to, 101, 102, 103, 207

American Revolution, Daughters of, activities of, 22, 219

American Revolution, Sons of, activities of, 219

American schools, history in, 3, 295

American statesmen, biographies of, 95

American Tradition, Treason to, 223, 263, 292

American traditions, 200

American Turner-Bund, work of, 242

American War, Book of, 209

lack of, 261
teaching of, 187, 258

Americanization laws, provisions of, 105

attitude of, 136, 227, 228, 244, 246
reference to, 173

Ancient World, The, 177, 179, 248

Andrews, Charles M., writings of, 206

Andrews, Mathew Page,

criticism of, 218
textbook by, 224, 247

agency for, 219
charges of, 209, 217

Anglo-American difficulties, 214

Anglo-American League, 207

Anglo-American relations, improvement of, 208, 234, 240, 283

Anglo-American Union, 283, 284

history of, 231, 232, 241
praise of, 239

Anglo-Saxon civilization, 229

Anti-alien laws, passage of, 86

Appendices, 299-335
Appleton, publisher, reference to, 145

Appleton’s Complete Guide of the World, use of, 142

Arithmetic, teaching of, 7, 10

Americanization laws in, 107
flag legislation in, 57
holidays in, 60, 62
laws of, relative to education, 20, 25, 26, 34, 51, 79, 81, 89
requirements for teachers in, 55
textbooks in, 41, 249

curriculum in, 16, 53, 72, 83
holidays in, 64
laws of, relative to education, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32
requirement for teachers in, 54
textbooks in, 38, 98

Armistice, signing of, 96

Armistice Day, observance of, 96

Arnell, P. B., letter to, 215

Arnold, Benedict,
reference to, 211, 216, 223, 238
treason of, 314

Ashley, Roscoe Lewis,

statement by, 250
textbook by, 247, 307

Atlanta Journal, statement in, 288-289

Atlantic City, meeting at, 269

Atlantic Monthly, The, article in, 289-290

Attorney, County, duty of, 78

Attorney-General, duty of, 78

Attucks, Crispus, 282 (see also Adams, Christmas)

Atwood, Harry F., books by, 191, 192, 193

Auditor, County, restriction upon, 86

Austria-Hungary, 226, 251

Bagley, William C.,

comment by, 297
textbook by, 266

Baird, George W., 260

Ballou, Frank, 260

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, illustrations of, in textbooks, 201

Baltimore Sun, statement in, 289

Bancroft, George,
criticism of, 231, 232
reference to, 230
writings of, 135, 231

Banks, David, 282

Baptists, banishing of, 144

Bar Association, American, report of, relative to textbooks, 334, 335

Barnes, Everett, textbooks written by

criticism directed toward, 166, 209, 210, 211, 214, 221, 224, 237, 257,
258, 274, 276, 278, 279, 282, 284, 285
price of, 38
use of, 37

Barnes, Harry E., 251

Barry, Commodore, reference to, 321

Barry, John, service of, 177

Bassett, John S., textbook by, 307

Battle Creek (Michigan), schools at, 293

Beard, Charles A., textbook by, 247, 248, 251, 252, 266, 286, 307

Beard, Mary R., textbook by, 286

Beck, James M., book by, 190

Becker, Carl, book by, 307

Beer, George Louis, writings of, 206

Belgium, evacuation of, 118

Bemis, Samuel F., prize awarded to, 234

Benson, William, 234

Berard, A. B., textbook written by, 36

Berger, Samuel A., office of, 123, 124

Berlin (Germany), native of, 113

Berry, Margaret K., textbook by, 199

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