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Library, Information Science & Technology


Welcome to the Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts Database

Information Screen! Browse the topics listed below to find what you are looking for:

[About the Database]

[Searching Tips]
[Searchable Fields]
[Definition of Fields]
[Publications Authority]
[Author Profiles Authority File]
[Index Browse]
[Cited References]
[Copyright and Restrictions of Use]
[Where to Send Your Comments]

About the Database

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 560
core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books,
research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship,
classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information
management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
It is EBSCO Publishing’s intention to provide access to LISTA on a continual basis at Customers currently subscribing to other EBSCOhost
databases may elect to have LISTA added to their EBSCOhost profile.

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Searching Tips

There are a number of helpful tips and hints you can use to improve your search
results. For example, you can use Boolean operators to link search terms together;
and/or limit the search to a specific title.

Boolean Operators

Sometimes a search can be overly general (results equal too many hits) or overly
specific (results equal too few hits). To fine-tune your search, you can use AND, OR,
and NOT operators to link your search words together. These operators will help you
narrow or broaden your search to better express the terms you are looking for and to
retrieve the exact information you need quickly. 1/11
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USING THE "AND" OPERATOR: If you have a search term that is too general, you
can append several terms together using "AND". By stringing key terms together, you
can further define your search and reduce the number of results. Note: Unless you
define a specific search field, the result list will contain references where all your
search terms are located in either the citation,or full display.

For example, type Technology AND Information to find results that refer to
both Technology and Information.

USING THE "OR" OPERATOR: In order to broaden a search, you can link terms
together by using the "OR" operator. By using "OR" to link your terms together you
can find documents on many topics. Linked by this operator, your words are searched
simultaneously and independently of each other.

As an example, search Technology AND Information OR Computers to find

results that reference the terms "Technology" and "Information", or the term

USING THE "NOT" OPERATOR: In order to narrow a search, you can link words
together by using the "NOT" operator. This operator will help you to filter out specific
topics you do not wish included as part of your search.

Type: Technology OR Information NOT Computers to find results that

contain the terms "Technology" or "Information" but not the term "Computers".
To further define your results, type: Technology AND Information AND
Computers to constrict the search to include all terms linked by the "AND"

Grouping Terms Together Using Parentheses

Parentheses also may be used to control a search query. Without parentheses, a search
is executed from left to right. Words that you enclose in parentheses are searched first.
Why is this important? Parentheses allow you to control and define the way the search
will be executed. The left phrase in parentheses is searched first; then, based upon
those results, the second phrase in parentheses is searched.

Generalized Search:
Technology or Information and Computers or Science

Focused Search:
(Technology or Information) and (Computers or Science)

In the first example, the search will retrieve everything on Technology or Information
Computers AS WELL AS everything on Science, whether or not the articles refer to
Technology or Information.

In the second example, we have used the parentheses to control our query to only find
articles about Computers or Science that reference Technology or Information.

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Searchable Fields 2/11
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The default fields for unqualified searches consist of the following: all authors, all
subjects, all keywords, all title info (including source title) and all abstracts.

The following list will help you locate detailed information referenced in this database
as a field.

Description Example
Abstract or Author-Supplied Abstract
[Word Indexed]
AB Information
Performs a keyword search of the abstract Science

Author Affiliation
[Phrase Indexed]
AD University of
AD Performs an exact search for companies or
organizations an author is affiliated with; may also
include correspondence address.

Author Affiliation
[Word Indexed]

AF Performs a keyword search for companies or AF London

organizations an author is affiliated with; may also
include correspondence address.

Accession Number
[Phrase Indexed]
AN AN ISTA2100022
Performs an exact search for an article's unique
identification number.

Author Phrase
[Phrase Indexed]

AR Performs an exact search for an article's author in AR Roberts, Gary

the inverted format, and the uninverted format for
newswire articles.

Author-Supplied Abstract
[Phrase Indexed]

AS Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y AS Y

indicates that the articles have an author-supplied

AU Author AU Roberts
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for any authors of an

article. 3/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

Company Entity
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of company subject CO

CO headings, Company entity and associated fields. AMAZON.COM
Note: Company entities are also searchable via the
SU search tag.

Cover Story
[Phrase Indexed]
Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y
indicates that the articles will be a cover story.

Country ID
[Phrase Indexed]

CY Performs an exact search for a country's ISO CY US

identification code, indicating an article's country of

Heading or Keyword
[Phrase Indexed]
DE Performs an exact search of the subject headings,
companies, people, and author-supplied keywords
for terms describing a document's contents.

DUNS Number
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the Data Universal

DN Numbering System (DUNS Number) assigned to a DN 102096559

Note: Further information on DUNS numbers can

be found on the Dun & Bradstreet website.

Date of Publication
[Date Indexed]
DT DT 20040901
Performs an exact search for articles published on a
specific date, in the format of CCYYMMDD.

Entry Date
[Date Indexed]
ED ED 20031201
Performs an exact search for the date of entry of an
article into the database in YYYYMMDD format.

FR References Available FR Y
[Phrase Indexed] 4/11
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Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y

indicates that the articles contain references.

Full Text Available

[Phrase Indexed]

FT Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. N FT N

indicates that the records don't have full text

Geographic Terms
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of geographic locations

GE pertaining to an article's content. GE France

Note: Geographic terms are also searchable via the

SU search tag.

[Phrase Indexed]
IB IB 1556530706
Performs an exact search (with or without dashes)
for a record's International Standard Book Number.

NAICS Code or Description

[Word Indexed]
IC 451211
IC Performs a keyword search for the North American
Industry Classification Standard Number (NAICS) IC Book Stores
and text associated with an article.

[Word Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y IL Y

IL indicates that the articles contain illustrations (e.g.
graphs, charts, diagrams, etc.). IL graphs
Note: Type of illustration is also searchable via this
search tag.

[Phrase Indexed]
Performs an exact search for a publication's issue

IS ISSN (No Dashes) IS 87556286

[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a publication's

International Standard Serial Number. 5/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

Journal Name
[Phrase Indexed]
JN Acquisitions
Performs am exact search for the journal title in Librarian
which an article was published.

Language of Keywords
[Word Indexed]
KL KL German
Performs a keyword search of the language of
author-supplied terms describing the article.

Author-Supplied Keywords
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for author-supplied KW information

KW terms describing the article.
Note: Author-Supplied keywords are also
searchable via the SU search tag.

[Word Indexed]
LA LA German
Performs a keyword search for the language in
which an article was originally published.

Number of References
[Numerically Indexed]
NR NR 10
Performs an exact numeric search of the records for
the specified amount of references.

[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for people's names PE BERNERS-

PE referenced in articles. LEE, Tim
Note: People terms are also searchable via the SU
search tag.

Number of Pages
[Number Indexed]
Performs an exact numeric search for an article's
page length.

PS Reviews & Products PS

[Word Indexed] "INFORMATION
Seeking in
Performs a keyword search for products referenced Electronic
in articles. 6/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

Note: Reviews & products terms are also searchable Environments

via the SU search tag. (Book)"

Publication Type
[Phrase Indexed]
PT PT Book
Performs an exact search for the publication type.

Document Type
[Phrase Indexed]
PZ PZ Article
Performs an exact search of the document type.

[Phrase Indexed]
Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y
indicates that the articles are peer-reviewed.

Articles with Several Reviews & Products

[Phrase Indexed]

SD Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y SD Y

indicates that the articles refer to several reviews
and products terms.

Articles with Several Companies

[Phrase Indexed]

SG Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y SG Y

indicates that the articles refer to several company
entity terms.

Articles with Several People

[PHrase Indexed]

SJ Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y SJ Y

indicates that the articles refer to several people

Articles with Several Industries

[Phrase Indexed]

SK Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y SK Y

indicates that the articles refer to several NAICS

Publication Name
[Word Indexed]
SO SO Library Trends
Performs a keyword search for the journal title in
which an article was published. 7/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

SP Start Pag SP 25
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's start page.

Subject Terms
[Word Indexed]

SU Performs a keyword search of subject headings, SU SCHOLARLY

companies, people, and author-supplied keywords
for terms describing a document's contents.

[Word Indexed]
TI Computer
Performs a keyword search for the title of a Application

Ticker Symbol
[Phrase Indexed]
Performs an exact search for a company's stock
ticker number.

All Text
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of all the database's TX Information

searchable fields. Using the TX field code will Science
cause the search to look for the keyword in the full
text as well as the citation record.

Unique Identifier
[Phrase Indexed]
UI UI ISTA2100022
Performs an exact search for an article's accession

[Phrase Indexed]
Performs an exact search for a publication's volume

[back to top]

Definition of Fields
The following table explains the contents of each field in a Library, Information
Science & Technology Abstracts record's detailed display. 8/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

Field Name Description

Title of the article, and indicator as to whether or not the article is a
cover story.
Language Language in which the article was published.
Author's names in both inverted and uninverted format, as well as
author affiliation and e-mail when available.
The source in which the article was published, its volume number,
Source issue number, part number, the number of pages in the article, and a
description and number of illustrations found in the article.
Indicates a record's document type, such as article, book, abstract,
Document Type
company report, industry overview, and more.
A brief summary taken from the article, or supplied by the author or
The subjects describing the record, which may include document
Subject Terms
type, personal names, place, style or describing terms.
Geographic terms pertaining to the article's content.
Supplied Subjects describing the record that are supplied by the author.
The company or organization, DUNS number, and Ticker number
referenced in the document.
People People referenced in the article.
Author The author's correspondence address of the organization or
Affiliations institution
ISSN International Standard Serial Number.
ISBN International Standard Book Number.
URL Link to site where user can purchase Harvard case studies or books.
Unique number to identify the record.

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Publications Authority File

The Publications authority file is a list of the publications from the Library,
Information Science & Technology Abstracts database. The Publications authority file
is drawn from the publications listed in each record; therefore, all terms will provide
links to pertinent records. User is able to browse publications by using one of three
modes: "Alphabetical", "By Subject & Description" or "Match Any Words".

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Author Profiles Authority File 9/11
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The Author Profiles authority file is a controlled list of authors that assists in more
effectively searching the database. You can browse the keywords search list
"Alphabetically" or as "Relevancy Ranked".

[back to top]

Index Browse
Index browsing allows the user to view all values that occur in specified fields in a
database, along with corresponding hit counts. Access the index browse feature by
clicking the green "Indexes" button on the upper portion of the "Advanced" search
screen. Use the drop-down menu to choose an index to browse. Indexes can also be
searched using tags. Since browsable indexes are phrase indexed, the exact form and
spelling of terms as they appear in the database must be used in conjunction with the
tags when entering a search manually. Indexes available for browsing in the Library,
Information Science & Technology Abstracts database are listed below. Tags for all
fields included in the index browse feature begin with "Z" (e.g. "ZA" for Author).

Author ZA
Author-Supplied Keywords ZW
Company Entity ZO
Document Type ZT
DUNS Number ZZ
Entry Date ZD
Geographic Terms ZG
Language ZL
NAICS Code or Description ZC
People ZP
Publication Name ZJ
Subject Terms ZU
Ticker Symbol ZN
Year of Publication ZR

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Cited References

The Cited References search screen allows the user to extend a search beyond the
initial result list to records that are cited by an article. These citation records can be
accessed through an article's "Cited References" link. If a cited reference is cited again
in the database a "Times Cited in this Database" link will appear. Search Tags for all
fields included in the Cited Reference feature begin with "W" (e.g. "WA" for Cited
Author). 10/11
2/9/2019 EBSCO Help

Cited Author WA
Cited Title WB
Cited Source WC
Cited Year WD
All Citation Fields WZ

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Copyright and Restrictions of Use

The Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database is made up of
indexing, abstracts, and full text. The copyright of the abstracts and indexing is owned
by EBSCO Publishing. This database is intended solely for the use of the individual
patron of the licensing party.

Copyright of the full text is the property of the publisher of the original publication.
Text may not be copied without express written permission except for the print or
download capabilities of the retrieval software used to access it. This text is intended
solely for the use of the individual user.

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Where to Send Your Comments

If you have some comments about either the database or the software, we would
appreciate hearing from you! Please mail your comments to:

EBSCO Publishing
P O Box 682
Ipswich, MA 01938
Tel: 800-653-2726
Tel: 978-356-6500
Fax: 978-356-6565

Please submit any questions you have to:

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