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‘’Once upon a time a Tortoise and a Rabbit had an argument about who was faster.
They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off
the race. The rabbit shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was
far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before
continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on
overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The rabbit
woke up and realized that he'd lost the race.”
1. First Dimension: Knowledge or Literal Understanding
What is the title of the story?
Who are the character of the story?
2. Second Dimension: Comprehension or Interpretation
What words you can describe the tortoise? The rabbit?
WhY was rabbit he didn’t win the race?
3. Third Dimension: Application
If you were the tortoise, would you have done the same?

4. Fourth Dimension: Analysis

What does the writer want to convey on the story?
What happened in the story?

5. Fifth Dimension: Synthesis

6. Sixth Dimension: Evaluation

Did the tortoise deserve to win the race?
What is the moral lesson in the fable?

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