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MODEL OUTLINE Spraying Pesticides to Control West Nile Virus: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? I. Introduction.

Thesis: The chemicals sprayed to control west-Nile virus and mosquitoes pose a greater risk to humans and other animals than the virus itself. A. Most mosquitoes do not carry and transmit west-Nile virus and chances of contracting the virus from a mosquito is slim. B. Malathion, the main chemical used in controlling west-Nile can become more toxic if not stored under the proper conditions. C. The long-term effects of Malathion on humans are still unknown while its effects on many aquatic animals and amphibians have been known to be harmful. D. There are other, less harmful, ways of controlling the mosquito population. E. Two people died as a direct result of west-Nile virus in 2000; however, the effects of exposure to Malathion and other chemicals will most likely cause more problems in the long run. II. Most mosquitoes do not carry and transmit west-Nile virus and chances of contracting the virus from a mosquito is slim. A. Scientists say that less than 1% of all mosquitoes are infected. 1. Out of 65 mosquito species in NY, only six are able to carry and transmit the virus. 2. Some mosquito breeds can only transfer the virus to certain animals. B. Only people with weakened immune systems can be seriously affected the virus. 1. The virus only turns into encephalitis {swelling of the brain) in those that are very ill or weak already. 2. Healthy people who contract the virus have flu like symptoms that go away within days. III Malathion, the main chemical used in controlling west-Nile can become more toxic if not stored under the proper conditions and also as it breaks down. A. Malathion must be stored at 77 degrees to avoid its conversion into a more deadly poison.

1. The Malathion used in NY was stored in unrefrigerated warehouses and outdoor storage tanks where the temperatures reached I 00 degrees. 2. Companies that manufacture Malathion have admitted that it has not been stored properly in some cases but will not comment on how toxic the Malathion can become. B. The EPA has recently reported that tests of Malathion in NY area holding tanks found traces of isomalathion, a poisonous neurotoxin. C. Malathion breaks down quickly ~ but often breaks down into the more toxic malaoxon.

IV. The long-term effects of Malathion on humans are still unknown while its effects on many aquatic animals and amphibians have been known to be harmful. A. Malathion does not only kill mosquitos. 1. Fish, tadpoles, and other insects have been affected. 2. Bees and monarch butterflies are also at risk. B. Spraying has included federally protected salt marshes that were not known breeding grounds for mosquitos but did include other insects that were harmed. C. Human Studies 1. Live studies in which individuals were exposed to Malathion have shown a genotoxic effect. a. a. Genotoxic is the ability of a chemical to damage the genes on a DNA molecule. 2. Mothers exposed to Malathion during the second trimester of pregnancy bore children who were showing over two and one half times more gastrointestinal disorders than the children born to unexposed mothers. V. There are other, less harmful, ways of controlling the mosquito population. A. Mosquito eating fish can be introduced into an area. B. Monomolecular films can be placed in small artificial areas such as roadside ditches in order to prevent mosquito larvae from getting air .

C. Bacteria can be added to water as granules or cakes. The larvae ingest the bacteria and die. VI. Two people died as a direct result of west-Nile virus in 2000, however, the effects of exposure to Malathion and other chemicals will most likely cause more problems in the long run. A. Scientists say that the possibility of people dying from exposure to Malathion over a long period of time is a reality. B. No victims of west-Nile virus have been autopsied for public record. There is no real proof that these victims died strictly because of west-Nile. C. Only people with weakened immune systems become sick. D. Manufacturers of Malathion have clearly stated in instructions that it should not be sprayed directly on people or bodies of water. 1. NY has done both. 2. Much of the information about spraying times was incorrect and people were stuck outside in the spray.

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