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Subject Journal
Take your learning journey beyond the syllabus

Day or Week at a Glance

DATE MM/DD/YY (or week covered)

SUBJECT Your Subject

CURRENT LESSON Write the lesson you discussed or going to discuss in class

How are you feeling so far?

Express yourself using an icon, a GIF, a photo, or even lines from a song you like.


Insert your image or type your lines here. Insert your image or type your lines here.
Brain Dropbox
Take a minute to close your eyes and collect your thoughts about this class.

1. Write the first five (5) words, phrases, or sentences that come to mind.
2. It can be something the teacher wrote on the board.
3. You can share an activity in which you participated.
4. Recall something funny or interesting that happened in class.
5. All ideas are welcome here.

Highlight of the Day/Week

Write a word or concept encountered during class. Pick which one below you
like to do next.

Recall Ask

Briefly share what you learned here. If it is something you want to know more about,
write your questions here.

Subject Bucket List

List down things you would like to do for the next meeting.
It can be a goal like raising your hand to answer a question.
Write another reminder here.

Dear Self
Write a quick note to yourself. It can be for a job well done, words of encouragement to
prepare for your next class, or anything you can think of after completing this journal.

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