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AQUALISA CASE QUESTIONS Some items to consider as you attack this case: 1.

What is the Aqualisa Quartz value proposition to plumbers; to consumers? 2. Why is the Quartz shower not selling? 3. Aqualisa spent three years and E5.8Million developing the Quartz. Was the product worth the investment? Is Quartz a niche product or a mainstream product? 4. Aqualisa currently has three brands: Aqualisa, Gainsborough and ShowerMax. What is the rationale behind this multiple-brand strategy? Does it make sense? 5. What should Rawlinson do to generate sales momentum for the Quartz product? Should he change his strategy to target consumers directly, target the DIY market, target developers, Should he lower the price of the Quartz? Or should he do something different altogether? 6. Successful analysis of this case requires close reading and sound thinking. 7. As noted in class, all companies operate with constraints imposed on them by the marketplace and by their own internal policies, capabilities and limitations. Main Concepts: product development the product life cycle target marketing branding policy Customer lifetime value Distribution strategy PLEASE NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Yes, there is quantitative data to analyze in this case Customer lifetime value is important in this case. No, you will not get an A unless you do the numbers As I noted in class, there is a textbook solution, but I have, in the past, accepted non-textbook solutions that were well developed and based on case data and sound marketing principles. 5. There are also solutions that just dont work.

Case Write-Up Protocols 1. Include a title page with the name of the case and your ID number. I do not want to see your name, or any other personal identifiers anywhere on the write up. 2. Papers should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10. 3. With double spacing,m do not skip lines between paragraphs, you simply indent each paragraph. 4. You may either imbed any support material you develop, e.g. graphs, tables, etc. into the text or you may add them in an appendix. The appendix will not count toward the page limit (see below). 5. Number your pages 6. Maximum paper length is 5-7 pages. There is no minimum length. 7. Spelling and proper usage/grammar count. 8. All papers are due by 7:15 on Thursday, February 28th. Make an extra copy for yourself to use in class as a reference for our case discussion. 9. Assume a professional tone of voice when you write the paper. Do not use terms such as in the case, or the case says. Approach the case situation as if you are in the middle of it living it. 10. I will evaluate your work as if I am the CEO of a company for whom you work, or for whom you are consulting. This means I expect top-level professional work. On the next page, you will find a grading rubric.

AQUA LISA QUARTZ CASE WRITE UP GRADING RUBRIC Analysis Accurately assesses the situation facing Aqua Lisa Quartz Identifies and adequately explores the pros and cons of alternative solutions Offers a feasible marketing solution supported with case data and sound reasoning. Does a good job of employing quantitative and qualitative analysis Appropriately integrates course learning from discussion/lectures and readings. Presentation Clear, organized, logical writing. Proper English usage and spelling. Proper source citation Point Value 10 15 25 15 10


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