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Author(s): Olof Hellgren, Jonas Waldenström, Staffan Bensch
Source: Journal of Parasitology, 90(4):797-802. 2004.
Published By: American Society of Parasitologists

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J. Parasitol., 90(4), 2004, pp. 797–802
q American Society of Parasitologists 2004


Olof Hellgren, Jonas Waldenström, and Staffan Bensch
Department of Animal Ecology, Ecology Building, Lund University, SE-22362 Lund, Sweden. e-mail:

ABSTRACT: Many bird species host several lineages of apicomplexan blood parasites (Protista spp., Haemosporida spp.), some
of which are shared across different host species. To understand such complex systems, it is essential to consider the fact that
different lineages, species, and families of parasites can occur in the same population, as well as in the same individual bird, and
that these parasites may compete or interact with each other. In this study, we present a new polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
protocol that, for the first time, enables simultaneous typing of species from the 3 most common avian blood parasite genera
(Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leucocytozoon). By combining the high detection rate of a nested PCR with another PCR step
to separate species of Plasmodium and Haemoproteus from Leucocytozoon, this procedure provides an easy, rapid, and accurate
method to separate and investigate these parasites within a blood sample. We have applied this method to bird species with
known infections of Leucocytozoon spp., Plasmodium spp., and Haemoproteus spp. To obtain a higher number of parasite lineages
and to test the repeatability of the method, we also applied it to blood samples from bluethroats (Luscinia svecica), for which
we had no prior knowledge regarding the blood parasite infections. Although only a small number of different bird species were
investigated (6 passerine species), we found 22 different parasite species lineages (4 Haemoproteus, 8 Plasmodium, and 10

Species of the apicomplexans Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, which are generally much more sensitive than traditional mi-
and Leucocytozoon comprise a diverse group of vector-trans- croscopic procedures (Perkins et al., 1998; Richard et al., 2002).
mitted parasites that infect red blood cells (in the case of Leu- Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based methods
cocytozoon spp., also white blood cells) and other organs within can provide sequence information that allows for the identifi-
their vertebrate hosts (Atkinson and Van Riper, 1991; Valkiu- cation of the specific parasite lineage below the species level
nas, 1993). Species of these parasite genera share several char- (Bensch and Åkesson, 2003), which is not possible using par-
acters with human malaria parasites, and all 3 (but most often asite morphology alone. There are several published PCR-based
only Plasmodium spp.) are referred to as avian malaria. These methods (Bensch et al., 2000; Perkins and Schall, 2002; Rick-
parasites have served as model organisms for studies on many lefs and Fallon, 2002; Fallon et al., 2003) and 1 serological
aspects of parasite–host interactions, including parasite–host technique (Atkinson et al., 2001) for the detection and identi-
evolution (Perkins and Schall, 2002; Ricklefs and Fallon, 2002), fication of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. from birds.
host life-history trade-offs (Richner et al., 1995; Nordling et al., However, until now, there has been no general protocol avail-
1998), and sexual selection (Hamilton and Zuk, 1982). The fre- able for the detection of Leucocytozoon spp.
quent use of these parasites in evolutionary and population The cytochrome b gene of the apicomplexan parasite mito-
ecology studies is based on the relative ease with which in- chondrial genome has been found to have conserved regions
fected birds can be distinguished from uninfected ones and the for construction of primer sites with variable sections of DNA
fact that the intensity of infection can be estimated for each between the conserved regions, which have made it suitable for
host using blood smears (Valkiunas, 1993; Richner et al., 1995; detection and identification of Haemoproteus and Plasmodium
Rintamäki et al., 1998). Thus, both quantitative and qualitative lineages (Waldenström et al., 2004).
methods can be applied to examine the costs of infection. In this article, we describe a nested-PCR assay, which targets
Species of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leucocytozoon the cytochrome b gene of the parasites, thus enabling the
are closely related genetically but differ in life-history traits. screening and typing of Leucocytozoon species in parallel with
The main body of published work has focused on species of species of Haemoproteus and Plasmodium in avian blood sam-
the more easily detected Haemoproteus and Plasmodium, with ples. The protocol involves a first PCR step, modified from
relatively few studies on Leucocytozoon spp. (Atkinson and Van Waldenström et al. (2004), which amplifies parasite DNA from
Riper, 1991). The scarcity of investigations on Leucocytozoon all 3 genera, and then a choice of 2 primer pairs to either am-
spp. infections is not because the infection is itself rare but plify Leucocytozoon spp. singly or to amplify Haemoproteus
because the life stages of Leucocytozoon spp. are detectable in spp. and Plasmodium spp. together (Haemoproteus–Plasmodi-
peripheral blood for only very short time periods, which makes um). This new method appears highly repeatable and reliable
the infection difficult to detect and accurately identify using and provides an important tool for simultaneous studies of spe-
traditional ocular methods (Fallis and Desser, 1977; Valkiunas, cies of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leucocytozoon in
1997). Despite the methodological difficulties, Leucocytozoon birds.
spp. have been found to be a common (sometimes the most Moreover, this method also provides the possibility of se-
common) parasite in some bird populations, primarily in the quence-based identification of different mitochondrial lineages
temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rintamäki et within the parasite genera.
al., 1998; Deviche et al., 2001).
Some of the problems associated with the traditional typing MATERIALS AND METHODS
of blood parasites can now be solved with molecular methods, Primer design
Primers were designed within the 59 end of the cytochrome b gene
Received 2 July 2003; revised 24 November 2003; accepted 24 No- of the parasite mitochondrial genome by using the published sequences
vember 2003. of avian Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leucocytozoon mitochondrial


leus; 1 crossbill, Loxia curvirostra; 1 robin, Erithacus rubicula; and 1

siskin, Carduelis spinus).
To further test the new method, we applied the nested-PCR assays
on a collection of blood samples (n 5 86) from adult bluethroats for
which we had no prior parasite infection knowledge. Each blood sample
contained 5–20 ml of blood and had been stored in SET buffer (0.015
M NaCl, 0.05 M Tris, 0.001 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, pH 8.0)
at ambient temperature in the field and later at 220 C. DNA was ex-
tracted using a standard chloroform–isoamylalcohol method (Sambrook
et al., 2002), and diluted genomic DNA was used as template in the
PCR assays.
Samples showing positive amplification were selected for sequencing
using procedures as described by Bensch et al. (2000). Fragments were
FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the directions and combinations first sequenced from the 59 end with either HaemF (in the case of Hae-
of the different primers. 1. Primers for amplification of the initial step moproteus-Plasmodium spp.–positive samples) or HaemFL (in the case
in the nested PCR. 2. Primer combination for amplification of Hae- of Leucocytozoon spp.–positive samples), and the obtained sequences
moproteus and Plasmodium lineages. 3. Primer combination for ampli- were edited and aligned using the program BioEdit (Hall, 1999). Sam-
fication of Leucocytozoon lineages. Note that the primer HaemR2/R2L/ ples with positive amplification yielded PCR products of 478 bp (ex-
NR3 is the reversed compliment and is shown as it should be ordered cluding primers) for Leucocytozoon spp. and 480 bp for Haemoproteus
(59–39). Underlined letters indicate the primer sequences not shared be- spp. and Plasmodium spp.
tween HaemF–HaemFL and HaemR2–HaemR2L. I stands for a univer- All unique haplotypes, i.e., sequences differing by 1 or more base
sal base, inosine. pair from any of the other obtained sequences, were sequenced from
the 39 end using HaemR2 (Haemoproteus-Plasmodium spp.–positive
samples) or HaemR2L (Leucocytozoon spp.–positive samples) for se-
DNA (mtDNA) (Perkins and Schall, 2002). Primer pairs that amplify quence validation. In cases where mixed infections occurred (n 5 3),
the conserved regions of the Haemoproteus spp. and Plasmodium spp. observed as ‘‘double base calling’’ in the electropherogram, fragments
cytochrome b genes have previously been developed at Lund (Bensch were cloned and separated using a TA-cloning kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
et al., 2000; Waldenström et al., 2004). In the original protocol (Bensch California) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We amplified
et al., 2000), the HaemF and HaemR2 primers were used to amplify a the inserted DNA from 10 colonies per plate using standard M13 prim-
480-bp fragment (excluding primers) with a single PCR. The perfor- ers and sequenced from 1 direction using the forward primer.
mance of this PCR was significantly improved, especially for the de- We used the program MEGA, version 2.1 (Kumar et al., 2001), and
tection of low-intensity Plasmodium sp. infections, by extending the the neighbor-joining method with a Kimura 2-parameter distance matrix
single PCR to a nested PCR (for full details see Waldenström et al., to investigate the genetic relationship of the parasite sequences obtained
2004). HaemNF and HaemNR2 primers were used to initially amplify in this study with published sequences. The tree was rooted with Thei-
a 617-bp large fragment (including the primers), to which the HaemF leria annulata (Piroplasmidia).
and HaemR2 primers of Bensch et al. (2000) could be internally nested
in a second PCR step. Repeatability and detection
Based on sequence homology among aligned sequences of the par-
asite genera, initial primers were constructed (HaemNFI [59-CATATAT- The repeatability of the method was estimated by running 30 blue-
TAAGAGAAITATGGAG-39] [I 5 a universal base, inosine] and throat DNA samples 3 times for both the Leucocytozoon and the Plas-
HaemNR3 [59-ATAGAAAGATAAGAAATACCATTC-39]) to amplify modium–Haemoproteus samples. The outcomes of the different runs
parasite mtDNA from species of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leu- were compared using a 1-way analysis of variance to calculate among-
cocytozoon. For the second PCR, we used HaemF–HaemR2 primers and within-individual variation of scored prevalence (Lessells and Boag,
(Bensch et al., 2000) for Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. and 1987). To further evaluate the success of the amplification of Haemo-
constructed 2 new primers, HaemFL (59-ATGGTGTTTTAGATACTT proteus–Plasmodium spp. and to determine if the performance differed
ACATT-39) and HaemR2L (59-CATTATCTGGATGAGATAATGGIG between the 2 nested-PCR methods, the same samples were tested using
C-39) for Leucocytozoon spp. (Fig. 1). primers developed for the exclusive amplification of Plasmodium spp.
The first PCR was performed in volumes of 25 ml, which included and Haemoproteus spp. (Waldenström et al., 2004). The detection suc-
50 ng of total genomic DNA, 1.25 mM of each deoxynucleoside tri- cess of the method was tested with a dilution series as in Fallon et al.
phosphate, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 13 PCR (Applied Biosystem, Foster City, (2003). Three dilution series stemming from each of 2 birds with single
California), 0.6 mM of each primer, and 0.5 units Taq DNA polymerase. infections of Haemoproteus and Plasmodium and 1 with Leucocytozoon
The PCRs including HaemNFI–HaemNR3 were conducted using the spp. were tested for positive amplification. The samples were diluted
following conditions: 30 sec at 94 C, 30 sec at 50 C, and 45 sec at 72 with uninfected bird DNA, keeping the total concentration at 25 ng/ml,
C for 20 cycles. The samples were incubated before the cyclic reaction in steps of 10, down to a 1,000,000-fold dilution (Table I). The original
at 94 C for 3 min and after the cyclic reaction at 72 C for 10 min. We intensity of the infection was scored under a light microscope as in
used 2 ml of the first PCR reaction as the template for the second PCR, Fallon et al. (2003).
1 ml for Leucocytozoon spp. (HaemFL–HaemR3L) and 1 ml for Hae-
moproteus spp.–Plasmodium spp. (HaemF–HaemR2). These PCRs were
performed separately in 25-ml volumes with the same proportions of
reagents as in the initial PCR reactions. The thermal profile of the PCR
was identical to the initial PCR but performed for 35 cycles instead of
Detection of apicomplexan parasite infections
20 cycles. To check if the PCRs had been amplified successfully, we
The nested PCR for the detection of Leucocytozoon spp. cor-
ran 1.5 ml of the final PCR product on a 2% agarose gel and used
samples with positive amplification for further evaluation. rectly amplified all samples in the test panel where Leucocy-
tozoon or Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus parasites had been
Evaluation recorded by microscopy. Among the test panel of birds with
To evaluate the ability of the method to detect Leucocytozoon spp. unknown infections, the PCR assays gave an overall prevalence
infections, we used samples from birds with known infections of dif- of apicomplexan parasites in 59% (n 5 86) of birds, with vary-
ferent parasites, i.e., where infection had been confirmed morphologi- ing genus-specific prevalences, i.e., 24% of 8 lineages for Plas-
cally using Geimsa-stained blood smears. The test panel included birds
with single infections of Leucocytozoon spp. (2 juvenile bramblings,
modium, 48% of 5 lineages for Leucocytozoon, and 1.2% of a
Fringilla montifringilla) and birds with simultaneous infections of both single lineage for Haemoproteus (Fig. 2). The method also
Haemoproteus spp. and Leucocytozoon spp. (1 bluetit, Parus caereu- identified several individuals with simultaneous infections with

TABLE I. Dilution series of malaria-infected birds. Each infected bird was tested for positive PCR amplification in three dilution series. Limits of
infection intensities for consistent scoring (all positive) and minimum detection (at least one positive) are calculated based on smear intensities.
Prefix in the lineage name corresponds to h 5 Haemoproteus, p 5 Plasmodium, and l 5 Leucocytozoon.

Smear Number of positive amplifications (max 3) Consistent Minimum

intensity scoring detection
Lineage (%) 1 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 limit (%) limit (%)

hGRW1 3.75 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0.00375 0.00038

hGRW1 2.4 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0.0024 0.00024
pGRW2 1.16 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0.00116 0.00012
pGRW2 0.022 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0.0022 0.00022
1Bram1 0.03 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0.003 0.00003

species from 2 parasite genera (10% with Leucocytozoon–Plas- were negative and 9 positive in all 3 runs, whereas 4 samples
modium infections and 1.2% with Leucocytozoon–Haemopro- showed mixed positive and negative results (R 5 0.814, F1,89
teus) or with 2 lineages from the same parasite genus (2 indi- 5 14.147, P , 0.0001; Fig. 3). The Leucocytozoon spp. primers
viduals with 2 lineages of Leucocytozoon and 1 individual with gave identical results in all 3 runs for 25 of the 30 tested sam-
2 lineages of Plasmodium). ples (14 consistently negative and 11 positive), whereas 5 sam-
The repeatability of both methods was high. Of the 30 sam- ples showed mixed positive and negative results (R 5 0.740,
ples tested with the Plasmodium and Haemoproteus primers, 17 F1,89 5 9.546, P , 0.0001; Fig. 3). The amplification using the

FIGURE 2. Genetic relationship (neighbor joining and a Kimura 2-parameter distance method) of blood parasites. Bootstrap values presented
on the clade branches. Shaded lineages are obtained from previous studies or from GenBank. Underlined lineages were found in a sample set of
bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) with unknown infections. † indicate lineages found in control birds with known infections. The tree was rooted
with Theileria annulata (Piroplasmidia).


Detection of parasite lineages

Several PCR-based methods for studies of Haemoproteus

spp. and Plasmodium spp. have been published recently
(Bensch et al., 2000; Ricklefs and Fallon, 2002; Fallon et al.,
2003), but the present investigation reports the first protocol for
a general detection of Leucocytozoon spp. PCR-based methods
are more sensitive than traditional microscopy (Richard et al.,
2002); however, performance differs markedly between meth-
ods. In a comparative study, Richard et al. (2002) concluded
that PCR assays targeting parasite mtDNA had superior per-
formance over those targeting nuclear ribosomal genes. In our
laboratory, we have developed a nested-PCR assay (Walden-
FIGURE 3. Number of positive or negative amplification of blood
parasites in 3 runs of 30 test individuals. Each individual bird was tested
ström et al., 2004), based on the primer pairs published in
3 times. Black, individuals tested for Leucocytozoon spp.; white, indi- Bensch et al. (2000), which further improved the detection ca-
viduals tested for Plasmodium spp.–Haemoproteus spp. pability, especially for low-intensity Plasmodium spp. infec-
tions. In this study, we have further developed the methods of
Bensch et al. (2000) and Waldenström et al. (2004) by making
initial primers that include Leucocytozoon spp. mtDNA in the
primers from Waldenström et al. (2004) did not yield any new amplification and an additional set of primers for the second
positive samples among the 30 tested. step that allow for separation of Leucocytozoon spp. infections.
Our nested-PCR method provided positive amplifications in Thus, from extracted blood samples, only 3 PCR runs are need-
all cases down to dilutions corresponding to 1 parasite per ed to identify individuals infected with species of Plasmodium–
100,000 host blood cells for Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Haemoproteus or Leucocytozoon in a study population of birds.
Leucocytozoon (Table I). In dilutions corresponding to 1 para- The new method correctly identified all samples with known
site per 1,000,000 host blood cells, 50% of the samples in the infections, and the repeatability was high for the detection of
Haemoproteus spp. dilution series, 67% in the Plasmodium spp. Plasmodium spp., Haemoproteus spp., and Leucocytozoon spp.
series, and 67% in the Leucocytozoon spp. series showed pos- Because the methods are performed on DNA extracted from
itive amplification. The method did not show any positive am- blood samples, the prerequisite for successful amplification is
plification for less than 1 parasite per 1,000,000 host blood cells the presence of parasites in the circulating blood of the host.
except 1 positive case for Leucocytozoon at the dilutions cor- Because results are obtained as the presence or absence of
responding to 1 parasite per 10,000,000 host blood cells (Table bands in an agarose gel, a validation of the total DNA quality,
I). e.g., by first using molecular sexing of the hosts, is needed
before trusting negative scores in the malaria PCR. In the case
of the bluethroat with unknown infections, the blood samples
Phylogenetic relationships
had been previously used for host microsatellite and amplified
fragment length polymorphism typing (data not shown). Al-
The sequenced PCR products of the 2 PCR assays were ed-
though the repeatability of parasite detection was high, some
ited and aligned, and the resulting alignment of 480 bp was
variation was observed between trials. The obtained variation
analyzed. The sequences showed high variability, and a neigh-
was most likely associated with low parasitemia because vari-
bor-joining tree clustered them into 3 distinct groups with high
ation also occurred at very low intensities when the method
confidence (bootstrap values from 88 to 98 for the different
was tested for intensity dependence. However, the method al-
genera and branches; Fig. 2). These 3 clusters corresponded to lows detection of infections without failures in the dilutions
species of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium, and Leucocytozoon. corresponding to 1 parasite per 100,000 host blood cells, and
Each cluster was confirmed using published genus-identified inconsistent results were obtained initially in dilutions corre-
sequences, together with the tested samples of known infections sponding to 1 parasite per 1,000,000 host blood cells (Table I).
from this study. All sequences obtained with the Leucocytozoon Hence, the method successfully identified infections with inten-
spp. primer combination grouped in the Leucocytozoon cluster, sities of $0.001% infected blood cells, with the possibility of
and all the sequences obtained with the Haemoproteus spp. and identifying infections with intensities of $0.0001% infected
Plasmodium spp. primer pair grouped with known Haemopro- blood cells. The occurrence of the variation at very low inten-
teus and Plasmodium sequences. Furthermore, apart from pro- sities is likely to be due to chance events during the first PCR
viding generic identification of tested samples, the obtained cycles that determine whether a fragment will be amplified or
fragment of the cytochrome b gene was also phylogenetically not. Even though the repeatability is high and the detection rate
informative within genera, as observed in large lineage varia- is roughly twice that of ocular investigation (Waldenström et
tion in all 3 obtained clusters. Among the sequences included al., 2004), studies of processes (fitness) at the individual level
in this analysis, the deepest split was 6.3% within Haemopro- should consider using repeated screening to include and in-
teus spp., 19.2% within Plasmodium spp., and 22.8% within crease the reliability of birds with the lowest infection intensi-
Leucocytozoon spp. ties.

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J. Parasitol., 90(4), 2004, p. 802

q American Society of Parasitologists 2004


Parasites and Diseases of Wild Birds in Florida, by D. J. Forrester an excellent example being a 4-page table on ticks reported from pas-
and M. G. Spalding. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. serines, with collection sites, dates, tick stages represented, and preva-
2003. 1132 p. Cloth cover, ISBN: 0-8130-2560-5. lence. There are 23 tables listing similar data for helminth parasites of
wild turkeys. The tabular data and Literature Cited alone make this
At first glance, a book with the above title might not seem to be of single volume an exceptionally valuable resource, potentially saving
great general interest. However, Florida has a highly diverse bird fauna, enormous amounts of time for anyone who has any reason whatsoever
the state is a major migration site, and the authors have worked with to recover information on bird diseases or parasites.
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for decades, This book is also unusual in that it mentions both negative data and
assessing the effect of parasites and disease on both birds and mammals. gaps in our knowledge, although the information applies mainly to Flor-
As a result, this book is one of the most comprehensive, easily used, ida. For example, in the chapter on Anserinae (whistling ducks, swans,
and data-rich resources available to parasitologists. It will be especially and geese), we are told there is no information on neoplasia, viruses,
relevant, indeed virtually a required reference volume, for those in any bacteria, fungi, or blood protozoa in these (wild) birds, but we are also
area of conservation biology or wildlife management, and it will be told of reports on some of those parasites in captive flocks or in nearby
very useful to teachers and researchers who are working with natural states. Ecological data are included when available and relevant, a good
host–parasite systems involving birds. example being seasonal dynamics of nematodes in bobwhites. The book
Parasites and Diseases of Wild Birds in Florida is organized more provides a reasonable number of photographs of pathological condi-
or less along classical taxonomic lines, with chapters on bird families tions, some of which are quite dramatic, thus useful in teaching. Tech-
beginning with loons and grebes and ending with passerines. ‘‘Parasite’’ niques are also illustrated, and although some readers might question
and ‘‘disease’’ are both interpreted broadly, thus information is provided why these photographs are included, it is not always obvious to biolo-
not only on viruses, bacterial infections, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and gists in general, especially in a molecular age, how data on wild animals
arthropods but also on chemical residues, e.g., lead poisoning and or- are acquired. A good example of this material is the series of photo-
ganophosphates, and trauma, e.g., injury resulting from contact with graphs on how to make and use a lard-can bait trap to get information
structures. The book is heavily referenced (even the Preface has a lit- on avian malaria vectors.
erature cited section!) and as a result is a virtual window revealing a The text is well written. The David Maehr pen and ink bird drawings
vast body of literature, not typically accessible to the average academic are a nice touch for a scientific book, and the originals of these drawings
or government employee. For example, the 22-page chapter on kites are probably collectibles because of their subtle quality.
has nearly 4 pages of references, with citations ranging from those in
major journals to ones in relatively obscure commission reports. Each John Janovy, Jr., School of Biological Sciences, 348 Manter Hall, Uni-
chapter also is generously supplied with tables, including data sources, versity of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0118.

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