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Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176

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Nonlinear and time-dependent analysis of continuous unbonded

prestressed concrete beams
Tiejiong Lou, Sergio M.R. Lopes ⇑, Adelino V. Lopes
CEMUC, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra 3030-788, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes a numerical model developed to predict the full-range nonlinear response, as well as
Received 26 November 2012 time-dependent service-load behaviour, of continuous beams prestressed with internal unbonded
Accepted 7 December 2012 tendons. Both geometric and material nonlinearities are considered. The strain increment in unbonded
Available online 11 January 2013
tendon, at any deformed state, is computed from the elongation of the entire tendon between end
anchorages. The unbonded prestressing contributes to the concrete beam by equivalent loads, which
Keywords: would be updated continuously during the solution process. The analysis reproduces the experimental
Unbonded tendons
results of continuous beam specimens with favourable agreement. Some important aspects of behaviour
Continuous beams
Numerical method
of the continuous beams are examined.
Behaviour Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction computational efficiency and accuracy. Allouche et al. [11] de-

scribed a numerical model which used the finite beam element
In an unbonded prestressed concrete beam, there is no strain method incorporating an iterative moment–curvature approach
compatibility between unbonded tendons and the surrounding to compute the stress in unbonded tendons. The model can take
concrete, so that the change in the strain in unbonded tendons is care of continuous rectangular beams subjected to one-point, uni-
member dependent rather than section dependent. Over past dec- form or third-point loading, but it neglected the nonlinear geomet-
ades, numerous simplified approaches or empirical/semi-empirical ric effects of the structure which may play an important role in the
equations for computing the stress in unbonded tendons have been behaviour of slender beams such the ones used for unbonded post-
proposed, including some recent studies by He and Liu [1], Yang tensioned beams. Moon and Burns [12], Ariyawardena and Ghali
and Kang [2], Lee and Kim [3], and Harajli [4,5]. The determination [13], Barbieri et al. [14], Vu et al. [15] have also devoted their works
of the accurate stress in unbonded tendons should be based on the to the development of numerical models for unbonded prestressed
deformation of the entire tendons between anchorages, and an concrete beams. However, few of the models have been applied to
iterative procedure needs to be applied in the analysis. Alkhairi the analysis of continuous beams prestressed with unbonded
and Naaman [6] proposed an analytical model in which the change tendons.
in strain in unbonded tendons was calculated by integrating the This paper describes a numerical method for geometric and
curvature in concrete at the level of the unbonded prestressing material nonlinear analysis of continuous prestressed concrete
tendons between end anchorages. This analytical method or simi- beams with internal unbonded tendons over the entire loading
lar methods of analysis [7,8] can predict the response of simply process up to failure. The analysis is also capable of simulating
supported beams up to failure, but may not be able to handle con- the time-dependent behaviour of such beams under service condi-
tinuous beams which are quite common in engineering practice. tions. The numerical model is validated by comparing the model
More general numerical methods of analysis, mostly the finite predictions with experimental results for continuous test beams.
element method analysis, have also been reported. Some investiga- In addition, the proposed model is used to evaluate some impor-
tors [9,10] developed solid-truss models in which the concrete tant aspects of behaviour of the continuous beams, including the
member was modeled by solid elements and the unbonded tendon evolution of curvatures and neutral axis depths, the development
was modeled by truss elements. Due to a large number of degrees of support reactions and bending moments, and the growth of
of freedom, this model may have some limitations when applied to time-dependent deformations.
the analysis of large structures. For prestressed concrete beams,
the beam element models have been popular for their merits of 2. Finite element formulation

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 239797253. Fig. 1 shows a plane beam element with two end nodes i and j,
E-mail address: (S.M.R. Lopes). by which the local coordinate system (x, y) is defined. The node

0045-7949/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176 167

points are at the centroid of the concrete section. Each node has where the summation symbol signifies that the concrete section is
three degrees of freedom, namely, axial displacement u, transverse divided into a number of layers to employ a layered approach and
displacement v, and rotation h. Assuming that a plane section re- the subscript ci represents each concrete layer and sj represents
mains plane after bending and that the shear deformation is negli- each bonded reinforcement layer; E is the tangent modulus for
gible, the axial strain e at any fibre of a concrete section is defined materials; A corresponds to area and r corresponds to stress.
by [16] A load control or displacement control incremental method is
 2 used to solve the structure equilibrium equations, which are
@u 1 @ v @2v assembled in the global coordinate system from contributions of
e¼ þ y 2 ð1Þ
@x 2 @x @x all elements. For each increment step, the Newton–Raphson itera-
where the second term of the right side represents the large dis- tive algorithm is employed to eliminate the out-of-balance loads:
placement effect. R ¼ P  Q ¼ P load þ P pres  Q ð8Þ
Assume u is a linear function and v is a cubic polynomial.
According to the updated Lagrangian description, the element where Q is the structure internal resisting loads; and P is the struc-
equilibrium equations for short-term loading are as follows (inclu- ture equivalent nodal loads which consists of two components,
sion of long-term or time-dependent effects is to be discussed in namely, Pload due to external loads and Ppres due to unbonded pre-
Section 4): stressing. The obtainment of Ppres is to be discussed in the following
dP e ¼ K eT due ¼ K e1 þ K e2 due ð2Þ
Pe ¼ f Ni Vi Mi Nj Vj M j gT ð3Þ 3. Numerical treatment of unbonded tendons
u ¼ f ui vi hi uj vj hj g ð4Þ
The contribution of unbonded tendons to the concrete beam is
2 3 made by transforming the prestressing force into equivalent nodal
d11 =l 0 d12 =l d11 =l 0 d12 =l
6 3 2 3 2 7
loads acting on the finite element model. It is to be noted that the
6 12d22 =l 6d22 =l 0 12d22 =l 6d22 =l 7 equivalent loads of unbonded prestressing used in the current
6 7
6 4d22 =l d12 =l 6d22 =l
2d22 =l 7 analysis are different from the conventional equivalent loads of
e 6 7
K1 ¼ 6 7 bonded prestressing. For the equivalent load method of bonded
6 d11 =l 0 d12 =l 7
6 7 prestressing, the effective prestress fpe is converted into the equiv-
6 3 27
4 Symmetry 12d22 =l 6d22 =l 5 alent loads and then the prestressing steel are considered as ordin-
4d22 =l ary bonded reinforcement with yield strength of (fpy  fpe) and
ð5aÞ ultimate strength of (fpu  fpe), where fpy and fpu are the yield stress
and ultimate strength of prestressing steel, respectively. For unb-
2 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 onded prestressing, however, the preceding method is no longer
6 6=5l 1=10 71=10 0 6=5l applicable due to strain incompatibility between the unbonded
6 7
6 7 tendons and the surrounding concrete. In this analysis, the equiv-
6 2l=15 0 1=10 l=30 7
K 2 ¼ N6
7 ð5bÞ alent loads of unbonded prestressing are obtained from the trans-
6 0 0 0 77 formation of the current prestressing force updated consecutively
6 7
4 Symmetry 6=5l 1=10 5 during the solution process.
2l=15 The unbonded prestressing tendon can be considered as an
assemblage of a series of tendon segments, each of which spans
where P is the element equivalent nodal loads; ue is the element
a beam element. Whatever the original shape of the tendon is, as
nodal displacements; K eT is the element tangent stiffness matrix
long as the length of the beam element is sufficiently small, the
which consists of the material stiffness matrix K e1 and the geometric
corresponding tendon segment can be approximated as a
stiffness matrix K e2 ; l is the length of the beam element before
straight-line segment [17]. The length of the tendon segment at
deformation; and
any deformed state can be expressed as
d11 ¼ Eci Aci þ Esj Asj ð6aÞ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i j lp ¼ ðX pj  X pi Þ2 þ ðY pj  Y pi Þ2 ð9Þ
d12 ¼ Eci yci Aci þ Esj ysj Asj ð6bÞ where (Xpi,Ypi) and (Xpj,Ypj) are the global coordinates of the tendon
i j
X X segment joints pi and pj, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, the joints
d22 ¼ Eci y2ci Aci þ Esj y2sj Asj ð6cÞ pi and pj of the tendon segment are related to the corresponding
i j nodes i and j of the beam element by
X X X pi ¼ X i  ei sin a0  ei hgi cos a0 ; Y pi ¼ Y i þ ei cos a0  ei hgi sin a0 ð10aÞ
N¼ rci Aci þ rsj Asj ð7Þ
i j X pj ¼ X j  ej sin a0  ej hgj cos a0 ; Y pj ¼ Y j þ ej cos a0  ej hgj sin a0 ð10bÞ

cos a0 ¼ ðX j0  X i0 Þ=l; sin a0 ¼ ðY j0  Y i0 Þ=l ð11Þ

M j ,θ in which (Xi, Yi) and (Xj, Yj) are the global coordinates of the beam
M i ,θ i j
i x j element nodes i and j, respectively; (Xi0,Yi0) and (Xj0,Yj0) are the glo-
bal coordinates, at the original undeformed state, of the beam ele-
N i , ui N j ,uj
ment nodes i and j, respectively; ei and ej are the eccentricities of
Vi , vi Centroidal axis Vj , v j
unbonded tendons at nodes i and j, respectively; hgi and hgj are the
rotations at nodes i and j, respectively; and a0 is the original angle
between the global coordinate axis and the local one.
y As illustrated in Fig. 2, the global coordinates of the beam ele-
ment nodes at any deformed state are determined by
Fig. 1. Sketch of beam element.
168 T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176

X where Ep is the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel; fpy is the

yield stress; and K, Q and R are the empirical parameters.
uig Multiply the stress rp by the tendon area Ap to obtain the pre-
stressing force Np. It is to be noted that for a time-dependent anal-
ysis, the tendon relaxation should be considered in the calculation
( X i 0 , Yi 0 )
i of the tendon stress or force (to be discussed in the next section).
Beam element
When the prestressing force in unbonded tendons is known, as
ei j shown in Fig. 3, its contribution to the element equivalent nodal
( X j0 ,Yj0 ) forces is obtained by
pi Original state
v i ej x F epres ¼ Np f  cos c sin c ei cos c cos c  sin c ej cos c gT
Tendon segment pj ð17Þ
y i
( X i , Yi ) v g
where c is the angle between the tendon segment and the longitu-

ei dinal axis of the beam element. As shown in Fig. 3,

θ ig
pi sin c ¼ ðei  ej Þ=lp ð18Þ
( X pi , Y pi ) ( X j ,Yj )
Deformed state j The element equivalent nodal loads P epres due to prestressing are ex-
ej actly the opposite of the equivalent nodal forces indicated by Eq.
pj θ jg x (17). The structure equivalent nodal loads due to unbonded pre-
( X pj , Y pj ) stressing are assembled from the contribution of all the tendon seg-
Y ments by
u gj X
P pres ¼ T T P epres ð19Þ

Fig. 2. Relationship between beam element nodes and tendon segment joints. where T is the displacement transformation matrix, which would be
varying continuously during the solution process in accordance
with the continuous change of the direction of the local coordinate
X i ¼ X i0 þ ugi ; Y i ¼ Y i0 þ v gi ð12aÞ system.
X j ¼ X j0 þ ugj ; Y j ¼ Y j0 þ v gj ð12bÞ According to Eq. (15), the value of the tendon strain at the ori-
ginal undeformed state is required for the calculation of the cur-
in which ugi and ugj are the global X-displacements at nodes i and j, rent strain in unbonded tendons. Also, the original stress in
respectively; v gi and v gj are the global Y-displacements at nodes i unbonded tendons would be applied for the analysis of prestress
and j, respectively. transfer. Due to elastic compression, the stress in tendons after
Combining Eqs. (9)–(12), the tendon segment length can be ex- the prestress transfer is generally smaller than the original value.
pressed as a function of the global nodal displacements (X, Y dis- The tendon stress after the prestress transfer is referred to as the
placements and rotation) of the beam element. In other words, effective prestress, the value of which is usually known. The origi-
the tendon segment length, at any deformed state, can be deter- nal tendon stress (strain) can be determined according to the effec-
mined in terms of the global nodal displacements. The global nodal tive prestress by the trial-and-error method as follows: (1)
displacement increments, and thereby the global nodal displace- estimate approximately a value of the original tendon stress, and
ments, are obtained by solving the structure equivalent equation then transform it into equivalent nodal loads; (2) analyze the beam
during the iterative procedure. and, when the analysis is completed, check the difference between
The length of the tendon segment at the original undeformed the tendon stress calculated and the effective prestress; (3) adjust
state is: the original tendon stress according to this stress difference, and
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the process is repeated until the difference vanishes.
lp0 ¼ l þ ðej  ei Þ2 ð13Þ

Assume that the friction forces between the unbonded tendon and 4. Time-dependent analysis
the duct are negligible. Therefore, the strain in the unbonded ten-
don is constant over its full length, and the strain increment in The workability of a prestressed concrete structure after a long
the tendon, above the original state, can be calculated from the period of time is subject to unavoidable loss due to time-
elongation of the tendon between two end anchorages: dependent effects such as creep and shrinkage of concrete and
X X . X relaxation of prestressing tendons. The time-dependent behaviour
Dep ¼ lp  lp0 lp0 ð14Þ

where the summation is made for all tendon segments. j x

The total strain in unbonded tendons is then obtained from
ep ¼ ep0 þ Dep ð15Þ ej
ei pj Np
where ep0 is the original tendon strain.
Substituting the strain ep into the constitutive relationship for pi
unbonded prestressing tendons yields the stress rp. For prestress-
ing steel, the stress–strain relationship may be expressed using the Np
Beam element node
Menegotto and Pinto equation [18] as follows:
" # Tendon segment joint
1Q y
rp ¼ Ep ep Q þ ð16Þ
f1 þ ½ep Ep =ðKfpy ÞR g1=R
Fig. 3. Contribution of unbonded prestressing force to element nodal loads.
T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176 169

P/2 P/2 P/2 P/2

35 mm
1600 mm 1600 mm
As3 As2

300 mm
35 mm
As1 As4

950 mm 950 mm 150 mm

200 mm . 1600 mm 1600 mm 1600 mm 1600 mm 1600 mm 1600 mm . 200 mm

5000 mm 5000 mm

Fig. 4. Details of test beams [21].

Z t
Table 1 @ rc ðsÞ
ecrc ðtÞ ¼ rc ðt0 ÞCðt; t0 Þ þ Cðt; sÞ ds ð21Þ
Design parameters of test beams [21]. t0 @s
Beam As1 (mm2) As2 (mm2) As3 (mm2) As4 (mm2) fc0 fpe where rc(t0) and rc(s) is the initial stress applied at time t0 and the
(MPa) (MPa)
stress applied at time s, respectively. C(t,s) is the creep compliance,
YLA1 452.4 226.2 226.2 226.2 34.9 1083 defined as the creep strain at time t caused by a unit stress applied
(4Ø12) (2Ø12) (2Ø12) (2Ø12)
at time s. The form of the creep compliance adopted in this study is
YLA2 452.4 226.2 226.2 226.2 36.7 1196
(4Ø12) (2Ø12) (2Ø12) (2Ø12) as follows [19]:
YLB2 603.2 508.9 226.2 603.2 33.0 1193
(3Ø16) (2Ø18) (2Ø12) (3Ø16) X

YLC1 763.4 763.4 226.2 763.4 37.1 1169 Cðt; sÞ ¼ /k ðsÞ½1  erk ðtsÞ  ð22Þ
(3Ø18) (3Ø18) (2Ø12) (3Ø18) k¼1
YLC2 763.4 763.4 226.2 763.4 33.2 1205
(3Ø18) (3Ø18) (2Ø12) (3Ø18) where m, /k(s) and rk are the empirical parameters, which can be
determined according to experimental data. The advantage of this
form is its efficiency in simulating the history of the applied
of prestressed concrete structures under service conditions is a
The time is divided into a number of small intervals. By utilizing
major interest for researchers and engineers.
the above form of the creep compliance, the creep strain increment
The total concrete strain at time t, ec(t), may be expressed as
at time interval Dt n ð¼ t n  t n1 Þ; Decr
n , is given by

ec ðtÞ ¼ emc ðtÞ þ ecrc ðtÞ þ esh Decr cr cr

n ¼ ec ðt n Þ  ec ðt n1 Þ ¼ gn þ Cðt n ; t n1=2 ÞDrn ð23Þ
c ðtÞ ð20Þ
in which tn1/2 represents the middle time between time tn1 and
where em cr sh
c ðtÞ, ec ðtÞ and ec ðtÞ are the mechanical strain, creep strain
time tn; Drn is the stress increment at time interval Dtn; and
and shrinkage strain, respectively.
The shrinkage strain is independent of the applied stress and can X

be determined conveniently according to design codes, while creep

gn ¼ ð1  erk Dtn Þxkn ð24Þ
is associated with the history of the applied stress. Assuming that
there is a linear relationship between creep and the applied stress, where xkn is obtained from the following recursive formula:
which is generally true under service conditions, the creep strain
xkn ¼ xkðn1Þ erk Dtn1 þ Drn1 /k ðtðn1Þ1=2 Þerk Dtn1 =2 ð25aÞ
due to the applied stress that gradually changes with time can be
expressed by applying the principle of superposition as follows: xk1 ¼ rc ðt0 Þ/k ðt0 Þ ð25bÞ

Beam element node Centroidal axis

115 mm 115 mm

10 @ 30 mm

- 200 mm 36 @ 266.67 mm 200 mm -

Fig. 5. Finite element model of the test beams.

σ σ σ
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. Stress–strain diagrams for materials: (a) concrete, (b) prestressing steel, (c) nonprestressed steel.
170 T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176

150 150

120 120

Applied load (kN)

Applied load (kN)

90 90

Test (left span) Test (left span)

60 60
Test (right span) Test (right span)
Computation Computation
30 30

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

180 210

150 180
Applied load (kN)

120 Applied load (kN)

Test (left span) 90 Test (left span)
Test (right span) Test (right span)
Computation 60 Computation
30 30

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)


Applied load (kN)

Test (left span)
Test (right span)
60 Computation


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Deflection (mm)
Fig. 7. Comparisons between predicted load–deflection response and experimental results for the test beams.

By applying the virtual work principle, the time-dependent incre- where DP en is the equivalent nodalload increments
 due to external
mental equilibrium equations, at time interval Dtn, for a beam ele- loads and unbonded prestressing; DP en and DP en represent the
ment are determined as follows: equivalent nodal load increments due to concrete creep and con-
 cr  sh   crete shrinkage, respectively; Desh
n is the shrinkage strain increment;
DP en þ DP en þ DP en ¼ K e1 þ K e2 Duen ð26Þ Duen is the nodal displacement increments; the form of the material
stiffness matrix K e1 is a modification of K e1 by replacing the coeffi-
 e cr Eci Aci gni 0 Eci yci Aci gni Eci Aci gni 0  Eci yci Aci gni cients d11,d12 and d22 in Eq. (5a) with the coefficients d 11 , d
12 and
DP n ¼  ð27aÞ
i i i i 22 , respectively; the form of the geometric stiffness matrix K e ex-
X X X X 2
 e sh  Eci Aci 0 Eci yci Aci Eci Aci 0  Eci yci Aci pressed by Eq. (5b) is also used here.
DP n ¼ Desh
n ð27bÞ
i i i i
T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176 171

150 160

YLA1 120

Applied load (kN)

Applied load (kN)

90 100

Test (left span)
60 Test (right span) 60
Test (left span)
Computation Test (right span)
40 Computation

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Stress increase in unbonded tendons (MPa) Stress increase in unbonded tendons (MPa)

180 210

150 180
YLB2 150
Applied load (kN)

Applied load (kN)

Test (left span)
Test (left span) 90
Test (right span)
60 Test (right span)
60 Computation

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Stress increase in unbonded tendons (MPa) Stress increase in unbonded tendons (MPa)


Applied load (kN)

Test (left span)
Test (right span)
60 Computation


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Stress increase in unbonded tendons (MPa)
Fig. 8. Comparisons between predicted tendon stress increase and experimental results for the test beams.

11 ¼
d Eci Aci þ Esj Asj ð28aÞ ation of prestressing steel, Drpr, is computed based on the following
i j equation [20]:
12 ¼
d Eci yci Aci þ Esj ysj Asj ð28bÞ  
Drpr logðs  t 0 Þ rp0
i j ¼  0:55 ð30Þ
22 ¼
X X rp0 10 fpy
d Eci y2ci Aci þ Esj y2sj Asj ð28cÞ
i j in which (s  t0) is the time in hours after stressing. This equation is
subject to the condition that rp0 (original stress immediately after
Ec ðt n1=2 Þ stressing) is the only applied stress and the tendon length is kept
Ec ¼ Ec ðt n1=2 Þ ¼ ð29Þ constant. In a prestressed concrete beam, the applied stress would
1 þ Cðtn ; t n1=2 ÞEc ðt n1=2 Þ
be affected by some causes such as prestress transfer, the applica-
In the calculation of the tendon stress, which would be transformed tion of external loads, creep and shrinkage of concrete. Therefore,
into equivalent loads as described previously, the prestress loss due the original stress used to calculate the relaxation at each time
to tendon relaxation should be considered. In this study, the relax- interval should be modified according to the change in the applied
172 T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176

200 where x⁄ is the distance to the end support of the beams; and y⁄ is
the distance between the tendon line and the centroidal axis of
the beams. The tendon lines outside the end supports were
160 straight lines tangent to the tendon curve represented by Eq.
Applied load (kN)

140 (31a) at x⁄ = 0.
The unbonded prestressing steel consisted of 15 mm seven-
wire strand having ultimate strength, yield strength and elastic
100 modulus of 1941 MPa, 1680 MPa and 197 GPa, respectively. The
YLA2 span critical section
80 YLB2 span critical section longitudinal nonprestressed reinforcement consisted of 12, 16 or
YLC1 span critical section 18 mm deformed steel bars having yield strengths of 361, 384
YLA2 centre support and 364 MPa, respectively. The shear reinforcement consisted of
40 YLB2 centre support
YLC1 centre support 10 mm stirrups with spacing of 150 mm in the outer shear spans
20 and of 200 mm in the flexural spans for all beams, while the shear
reinforcement in the inner shear spans consisted of 10 mm stir-
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 rups with spacing of 150 mm for Beams YLA1 and YLA2,
Curvature (10 rad/mm) 100 mm for Beam YLB2 and 80 mm for Beams YLC1 and YLC2.
The amount of nonprestressed steel (As1, As2, As3 and As4), the con-
Fig. 9. Curvature evolution for the continuous beams. crete strength fc0 and the effective prestress fpe for the beams are
given in Table 1.
In the finite element idealization, the concrete beam is idealized
200 as 38 beam elements, and the cross section of a beam element is
YLA2 span critical section
subdivided into 10 concrete layers and 2 steel layers each of which
YLB2 span critical section represents the top or bottom steel bars, as shown in Fig. 5. The
YLC1 span critical section unbonded tendon is also divided into 38 segments corresponding
Applied load (kN)

YLA2 centre support

to the beam elements. The material models adopted are as follows:
YLB2 centre support
YLC1 centre support the Scott et al. model [22] is adopted for concrete in compression
while the bilinear elastic-softening model [23] is adopted for con-
120 crete in tension (Fig. 6(a)); the Menegotto and Pinto model [18] is
adopted for prestressing steel (Fig. 6(b)); and the elastic-perfectly
plastic model is adopted for nonprestressed steel (Fig. 6(c)). During
80 the analysis, when the concrete strain at the critical section
reaches the ultimate compressive strain, the beam is assumed to
be crushed.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 5.2. Comparisons between computational and experimental results
Neutral axis depth (mm)
According to the model prediction, all the beams analyzed fail
Fig. 10. Neutral axis depth evolution for the continuous beams. by crushing of concrete at the span critical section. Prior to failure,
the beams experience sequentially four typical phases, namely,
first cracking at the centre support, second cracking at the span
stress due to these causes. The total relaxation at time tn is obtained
critical section, first yielding (of nonprestressed steel) at the centre
by summing up the relaxation at all time intervals.
support, and second yielding at the span critical section. The pre-
dicted failure mode, as well as the typical phases experienced, is
5. Application consistent with the experimental observation.
Fig. 7 compares the predicted load–deflection responses with
5.1. Continuous test beams and analysis model the experimental results for the test beams. It can be seen that,
for Beams YLB2, YLC1 and YLC2 which had coincident experimen-
In an experimental programme at the structural laboratory of tal values between left and right spans, the computational and
Hunan University [21], a series of continuous beams post- experimental results are in good agreement. For Beams YLA1 and
tensioned with internal unbonded tendons were tested to failure. YLA2, the numerical prediction agrees favorably with the experi-
Five of the beams, designated as YLA1, YLA2, YLB2, YLC1 and mental results for the left span, which, however, were not well
YLC2 are used to calibrate the proposed model. The dimensions coincident with those for the right span.
and steel layouts are shown in Fig. 4. The beams were of a rectan- Fig. 8 shows the comparisons between numerical and experi-
gular section with width of 150 mm and depth of 300 mm, and mental results regarding the load versus stress increase in unbond-
were continuous over two spans (4800 mm each span). Both spans ed tendons for the test beams. The experimental values of the
were under third-point loading. The layout of the unbonded ten- tendon force were read from the load cells placed at the left and
dons was kept constant for all beams and was defined by the fol- right stressing ends, while there existed some reading disparities
lowing equations: between the left and right cells as can be observed in Fig. 8. It is
y ¼ 2:5297  105 x2  0:1006x seen that, at the initial loading stage, the analysis overestimates
the stress increase in unbonded tendons, attributed to that the fric-
for 0 6 x 6 1988 mm ð31aÞ
tion loss, which is rather important for the small stress increment
y ¼ 3:0518  105 x2  0:1214x þ 20:7

developed at this stage, is neglected in the analysis. After cracking,
for 1988 mm < x 6 4320 mm ð31bÞ the tendon stress increases quickly, and therefore the influence of
 4 2  the friction loss gradually diminishes. In the post-elastic range, the
y ¼ 1:4817  10 x þ 1:4225x  3313:9
results obtained from the analysis agree well with the experimen-
for 4320 mm < x 6 4800 mm ð31cÞ tal results, as shown in Fig. 8.
T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176 173

160 180 End support Centre support

End support Centre support
140 160

Applied load (kN)

Applied load (kN)

120 YLB2
Actual values
Actual values 40 Elastic values
20 Elastic values 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Support reaction (kN) Support reaction (kN)

210 Centre support

End support

150 YLC1
Applied load (kN)



60 Actual values
Elastic values

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Support reaction (kN)
Fig. 11. Support reaction evolution for the continuous beams.

5.3. Evolution of curvatures and neutral axis depths centre support. It is also seen that the neutral axis depth increases
as the amount of nonprestressed steel increases.
Fig. 9 shows the curvature evolution at the span critical section
and centre support section with the applied load for the three con-
tinuous beams having different amounts of nonprestressed steel 5.4. Development of support reactions and bending moments
(YLA2, YLB2 and YLC1). It can be observed that, before yielding at
the span critical section, the curvature at the centre support devel- Fig. 11 shows the development of the reactions at end and centre
ops faster than that that at the span critical section, while it is supports with the applied load. Both the actual and elastic values
opposite after yielding. It is also seen that, with increasing amount are illustrated. The actual values are obtained from the nonlinear
of nonprestressed steel, the ultimate load increases obviously, computer analysis proposed in this study, while the elastic values
while the curvature ductility gradually decreases. are obtained from an elastic analysis. It can be seen from the figure
Under the prestressing force and self-weight (nil live load), that the actual values are identical to the elastic ones at the initial
there is a small hogging (sagging) curvature at the span critical sec- loading up to cracking. Thereafter, the actual values begin to devi-
tion (centre support). At this state, the neutral axis lies someplace ate from the elastic ones due to redistribution of internal forces. Be-
at the top (bottom) half of the span critical section (centre sup- cause the first cracking appears at the centre support, on cracking
port). With the application and increase of the live load, the hog- the internal forces are redistributed towards the critical region in
ging (sagging) curvature at the span critical section (centre the span. As a consequence, the actual reactions grow faster at
support) gradually vanishes, and then sagging (hogging) curvature the end support while slower at the centre support, as shown in
begins to appear and develop. Accordingly, the neutral axis at the Fig. 11. The reaction evolution stabilizes until the yielding of non-
span critical section (centre support) moves upward (downward) prestressed steel over the centre support, which leads to a further
to a place far above (below) the top (bottom) fibre, and suddenly growth (diminution) of the rate of increase in the actual reactions
jumps to a place far below (above) the bottom (top) fibre and then at the end support (centre support). When the nonprestressed steel
move upward (downward). Fig. 10 shows the evolution of neutral at the span critical section begins to yield, the internal forces turns
axis depths at the span critical section and centre support section, to be redistributed towards the centre support, thereby resulting in
after the neutral axis enters the outermost tensile fibre, with the a diminution (growth) of the rate of increase in the actual reactions
applied load. It is seen that, before yielding at the span critical sec- at the end support (centre support). It is also observed that the dif-
tion, the neutral axis at the span critical section moves slower than ference between the actual reaction and elastic value is less obvious
that at the centre support. After yielding, the neutral axis at the for higher amount of nonprestressed steel. The above observations
span critical section moves rapidly, much faster than that at the are consistent with another experimental study [24].
174 T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176

160 180 Centre support Span critical section

Centre support Span critical section
140 160

Actual values Actual values
Applied load (kN)

Applied load (kN)

Elastic values 120 Elastic values
YLA2 80
20 20

0 0
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120
Moment (kN-m) Moment (kN-m)

Centre support Span critical section

150 Actual values

Applied load (kN)

Elastic values

90 YLC1



-160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120
Moment (kN-m)

Fig. 12. Moment evolution for the continuous beams.

Fig. 12 shows the development of the bending moments, ob- 0.69(1 + 9.2s0.45)/E(s), r1 = 0.05; /2 (s) = 1.56(1 + 1.7s0.45)/E(s),
tained from the nonlinear and elastic analyses, at the span critical r2 = 0.005; EðsÞ ¼ E0 ð1  e0:4s Þ, where E0 is a constant, the value
section and centre support with the applied load. It is seen that, of which is 1.4 times the instantaneous modulus of elasticity at
similar to the actual reaction evolution, the actual moment evolu- age of 28 days. The concrete shrinkage model recommended by
tion during the whole loading process is mainly controlled by three MC10 [25] is adopted. It is assumed that the tendons were tensioned
phases, namely, first cracking, first yielding and second yielding. to an original prestressing force and then anchored to the concrete
Due to redistribution of moments, the load-moment relationship beam at concrete age of 28 days.
losses its linearity on first cracking, which causes a diminution At zero live load (self-weight load is considered), the growth of
(growth) of the rate of increase in moments at the centre support the upward deflection (camber) at midspan and axial shortening
(span critical section). This change in the moment evolution is from day 28 to day 600 due to time-dependent effects for the three
accentuated by first yielding, and later alleviated by second yield- beams is illustrated in Fig. 13. It can be observed that after pre-
ing. The degree of moment redistribution can be expressed as: stress transfer, the camber increases very quickly at early age
b = 1  M/Me, where M is the actual moment in the inelastic range, and tends to stabilize about 40 days later. The increase in axial
and Me is the elastic moment. It can be observed that the degree of shortening is also rapid at early age, and becomes rather slow after
moment redistribution decreases as the amount of nonprestressed several hundred days. It is also observed that the nonprestressed
steel increases. At the ultimate limit state, the values of b for YLA2, steel has important influence on the development of time-depen-
YLB2 and YLC1 are respectively 27.5%, 22.5% and 19.1% at the cen- dent deformations, particularly of the beam camber. A higher
tre support, and 12.7%, 10.8% and 9.5% at the span critical amount of nonprestressed steel registers lower increases in the
section. camber and axial shortening. At a service load of 60 kN, the growth
of the downward deflection at midspan and axial shortening for
5.5. Growth of time-dependent deformations the three beams is shown in Fig. 14. The instantaneous deflections
of the beams due to the live load are 3.4–3.7 mm, while the instan-
A time-dependent analysis is conducted taking into account the taneous axial shortenings are not noticeable, as can be seen in
creep and shrinkage of concrete and the relaxation of prestressing Fig. 14. Similar to the case of nil live load, the time-dependent
steel. The values of the creep parameters defined in Eq. (22) and deformations of the beams under live loading develop rapidly at
the time-dependent modulus of elasticity of concrete, recom- first, while the development slows down with time. At given age,
mended by Zhu [19] for preliminary design of large concrete dams, the higher the amount of nonprestressed steel, the lower the
are slightly modified for the current analysis: m = 2; /1(s) = deflection and axial shortening.
T. Lou et al. / Computers and Structures 119 (2013) 166–176 175

6 10
P = 60 kN
P = 0 kN

Downward deflection (mm)

Upward deflection (mm)

4 6

2 2 YLC1
YLC1 0

0 -2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (days) Time (days)

6 6
P = 60 kN
P = 0 kN
Axial shortening (mm)

Axial shortening (mm)

4 4

2 YLC1 2

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (days) Time (days)
Fig. 13. Time-dependent deformations for the continuous beams under zero live Fig. 14. Time-dependent deformations for the continuous beams under live
load. loading.

6. Conclusions reproduces well the experimental load–deflection response and

stress increase in unbonded tendons over the entire loading range
A numerical model based on the finite element method is devel- up to failure. Some important aspects of behaviour of the continu-
oped to predict the complete nonlinear response of continuous ous beams are evaluated using the proposed model. The analysis
concrete beams prestressed with internal unbonded tendons. The shows that the amount of nonprestressed steel significantly affects
model is also capable of predicting the long-term service-load the behaviour of continuous beams, including the curvature, neu-
behaviour of such beams due to concrete creep, concrete shrinkage tral axis depth, moment redistribution and the time-dependent
and tendon relaxation. The finite element formulation is estab- deformations.
lished using the layered Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. According
to the updated Lagrangian description, the stiffness matrix consists
of the material stiffness matrix, which represents the material non-
linear effect, and the geometric stiffness matrix, which represents
The work presented in this paper has been supported by the
the large displacement effect. The tendon strain increment, above
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under Grant
the reference strain, is computed from the elongation of the entire
No. SFRH/BPD/66453/2009.
tendon between end anchorages. This increment is added to the
reference strain to obtain the current total strain, and thereby
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