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The Skewb, invented by Tony Durham is a corner-turning twisty puzzle (/twisty-puzzles/), consisting of 8 corner and 6
square center pieces. This puzzle is a Pyraminx shape-mod (/twisty-puzzles/3x3x3-rubiks-cube-shape-mods-variations/),
working on the same 4 axes mechanism and this is why it was first called the Pyraminx Cube. If you take it apart you realize
that it has the same inner cores and the four corners are actually centers and the other four pieces are edges.

The Skewb and its bigger brother, the Master Skewb

At a first glance the corner-turning Skewb might seem to be unusual for those who are only familiar only with the Rubik's
Cube (/the-rubiks-cube/), but it's easy to get used to it and it's actually easier to solve than a 2x2x2 Pocket Cube (/twisty-
puzzles/2x2x2-rubiks-cube-pocket/). After the first face is done it can be solved in maximum 24 steps. It is very fun to play
with, no wonder why it became an official WCA (/the-rubiks-cube/rubiks-cube-competitions-wca/) event. The current World
Record (/the-rubiks-cube/history-of-the-world-record-evolution/) for the fastest solve is held by Jonatan Klosko with an
amazing 1.10 seconds.

Start the Skewb Simulator (/online-puzzle-simulators/skewb-


There are many Skewb mods: Skewb Diamond (photo) where the corners become centers, the
Pillowed mod, the Ultimate Skewb where you have to orient every piece, but there are
dodecahedron shaped mods, and Siamese (/twisty-puzzles/siamese-twisty-puzzles/) Skewbs, and
the list goes on.

It's highly recommended to buy a Skewb because it's an easier WCA cube, they usually have a great
quality with clicking mechanism and it makes a great collection piece.

Solution Guide
In this solving method we are using the classic FRU Rubik's Cube notation (/the-rubiks-cube/notation/) but in this case the
letters mark the corners instead of the faces. We assign the letter F, R, L, B, U to the corners of the cube as seen on the
image. A letter by itself means a clockwise ↻ rotation and an apostrophe marks a anticlockwise ↺ turn. The Skewb being a
Pyraminx (/twisty-puzzles/pyraminx-triangle-rubiks-cube/) mod a turn of a corner means a 1/3 (120o) rotation.
Hold the puzzle in our hands with the corners facing you!

1. Solving the first face

Try to bring the matching corners aroun a center piece. Use this stage to familiarize with the puzzle and try to do this
without reading any help and algorithms. This step is similar to solving the corners on the first layer of the Rubik's Cube
(/the-rubiks-cube/how-to-solve-the-rubiks-cube-beginners-method/step-2-first-layer-corners/) so knowing that is a big

When three of the four corners are solved but the last one is oriented wrong use one of the algorithms below to rotate the
highlighted piece. This algorithm won't harm the solved pieces on the top of the cube, marked with arrows.

Clockwise ↻: F R F' R'

Coutnterclockwise ↺ (direction on the image): F' L' F L
You should see a complete face at the end of this step. Note that the color of the top corners on the sides match, but it's not
important to fit to the side center pieces yet. Unsolved pieces are marked with grey stickers.

2. Cycle the centers

Now that the first face is done, we have to put all the remaining 5 centers to the right place. To do that we can use an
algorithm to cycle 3 centers around a bottom corner. Take the cube in your hand so the solved face is up and do the
following as many times as necessary.

Rotate around F clockwise ↻: L B L' B' - R' B' R B

Around F counterclockwise ↺: R' B' R B - L B L' B'

3. Solve the remaining 4 corners

Here's a simple algorithm which rotates the bottom corners of the Skewb. It turns the two corners on the right
counterclockwise ↺ and the ones in the left clockwise ↻.

Hold the puzzle with the solved side facing up. If there are two bottom corners that have both the color of the bottom center
piece on the same lateral side of the cube (orange headlights on the image), then move that face to the front-right side and
do the algorithm below. If you can't find two such pieces then do the same algorithm until you can see one.
L' F L F' - L' F L F'

When you master this solution you might find interesting the page about solving the Skewb blindfolded

Solution of the Skewb Diamond

I mentioned before the Skewb Diamond mod where the corner pieces of the Skewb become centers and the centers
become corners. This puzzle is an octahedron having 8 sides and the ones facing each other having the same color. You
can buy a Mefferts or Mozhi version, they both move very well after lubrication.

Scrambled Skewb puzzle


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