Sample Writing C17 Test 3 Task 1

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The bar graph illustrates the mean weekly expenditure of

households in proportion to their earning in two years namely

1968 and 2018.
Overall, the majority of income was spent on food during 1968,
while in 2018 spending on entertainment was the highest in
comparison to average salary.
First of all, meals incurred the highest expenditure in 1968 (35%
), followed by accommodation along with garments (10%).
However, the figures for food and wearables were lowered by half
in 2018, with the former constituting approximately 17% and the
latter 5%, yet the opposite held true for housing. The fourth rank
was taken by leisure expense, but it subsequently rose to first
place at nearly 23% after 50 years.
In contrast, families during both given years spent the least of
their average salary on fuel and power, specifically about 6% in
1968 and 4% in 2018. Additionally, household and personal
goods as well as transport shared the same figure of roughly 8%
in 1968. Although the data representing transport grew
substantially, the percentage of personal possessions decreased
and household goods stayed the same.

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