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4thQuarter Examination
Albarico, Fiona Belle, Cula, Robelle Grace, Culango, Cristene Joy, Lepaopao, Xyza Lee,
Redira, Raven, Tabura, Tj

Senior High School Department, University of Cebu - Banilad Campus

This is a phenomenological study wherein the researchers explore the lived experiences of

mothers with postpartum depression, particularly their physical, psychological, and emotional

changes, experiences, and coping strategies. This chapter deals with the research design, research

setting, research participants, and research instruments, which all contribute to the credibility of

the study.

Research Design

The research study used a qualitative approach. It involves gathering and studying non-

numerical data, such as text, video, or audio, to comprehend thoughts, opinions, or experiences.

It has the propensity to be adaptable, focuses on preserving rich meaning while evaluating data,

and is used to understand how people perceive the world (Bhandari, 2020). The researcher

developed the methodology on a qualitative approach because this study aims to describe and

explore the lived experiences of those mothers who have postpartum depression. This approach

helps to develop fresh research concepts or acquire in-depth insights into a topic.

This qualitative research employs phenomenological research to elaborate on the various

emotions experienced by mothers with postpartum depression. Phenomenological research is a

qualitative research methodology that aids in portraying the lived experiences of an individual. It

investigates any emerging phenomena that have affected a person and established conscious

awareness of the bodily and emotional events they underwent (Nair, 2021). The

phenomenological research aims to support any evidence that boosts the researchers' theories.

This adds to the credibility of data, allowing researchers to remove these influences to produce

unbiased narratives.

Research Settings

The researcher will conduct a study at Perpetual Succour Hospital in Cebu City, Philippines.

Perpetual Succour Hospital is a prominent healthcare facility known for its exceptional obstetric

and gynecological services (“Perpetual,” n.d.). The hospital offers comprehensive care for

pregnant women, including postpartum support, making it an appropriate setting for studying

postpartum depression. This research setting is chosen for data collection because they are close

by, reasonably priced, and convenient for all participants, which is the researchers' first priority.

Research Participants

The study aims to include a diverse group of participants. This is with regard to age,

socioeconomic status, educational background, and cultural background to capture a

comprehensive understanding of postpartum depression in this population. In this case, the

researchers will choose more than five eligible volunteers who are willing to share their stories

of phase with postpartum depression. These participants are mothers with postpartum depression

diagnoses, which is relevant to our research.

The participant in this study was selected using a purposive sampling strategy. It is also known

as judgmental sampling or selective sampling. This sampling is used in research to choose

individuals or groups of individuals that meet specific criteria relevant to the research question or

objective (Hassan, 2022). This sampling strategy will offer the crucial insights required for the

investigation, making it ideal for this particular study. This can be useful in phenomenological

research to capture a specific diverse range of experiences or viewpoints.

Research Instruments

In this study, the researchers will utilize a 4-page interview questionnaire. This is a

questionnaire wherein it consists of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information

from respondents (Mcleod, 2023). This will serve as an instrument to explore research

respondents' identities, perspectives, behavior, experiences, and phenomenon. The researcher-

made tool was most suitable for this study to investigate the lived experiences of mothers with

postpartum depression, which would be the finest thing for a phenomenological study.

The researchers will also employ video recording as another tool. Video recording can be a

valuable research tool allowing the researcher to record and replay the pictures and sounds of an

event (Edward, 2021). The use of video recording allowed the researchers to have solid proof

regarding the participant's life experiences. The research instrument was suitable for this study to

recall details and emotions that were being exploited by the participant, which would be the

finest thing for a phenomenological study.

The researchers will also employ a naturalistic observation. This instrument studies the

spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings. The researcher simply records what

they see in whatever way they see it (“Research Instruments,” n.d.). Observing the participants'
actual actions will prove the details that have been heard. This will result in greater

comprehension of the research's substance, good elaboration, and the ability to defend the study.

Bhandari, P. (2020, June 19). What is Qualitative Research: Methods and Examples. Retrieved

nnnJanuary 30, 2023, from




Edward, S. (2021, Febuary 17). Visual Evidence in Qualitative Research: The Role of

nnnVideorecording. nnn



Hassan, M. (2022, September 24). Purposive Sampling – Methods, Types and Examples.



Hellodoctor. (n.d.). Perpetual Succour Hospital & Maternity, Inc.


Mcleod, S. (2023, May 10). Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Design And Types.




Nair, K. (2021, September 27). Phenomenological Research: Methods And Examples.


Teachers College, Columbia University. (n.d.). Research Instrument Examples.



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