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empire state ov morocco

united states for amerika

moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
h ~ societas ripublicae ea al maurikanos ~ g
moorishe divyne ande nationall muuvement ov thee world
northe weste amexem ❤ northe weste afrika ❤ northe amerika ❤ ‘thee north gate’
ande thee adjoining amerikana islands
h ~ ‘temple ov thee moon ande sun’ ~ g
thee true ande de jure natural piiples ❤ heirs ov thee lande
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ g

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous natural divyne

Quo Warranto Mandamus Restitutio Mittimus
writ ov mandamus international dockument
(exersize ov constitution for thee united states for northe amerika—sekured wrights)
for thee wreckord to be read into thee wreckord ande letting thee wreckord show.
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principal. knowtise to principal is knowtise to agents.

re: macx cause ov aktione # macx k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 (exhibit a attached)

to: Broderick Smith, Subject

Saint Elizabeth Parish Court
58 High Street, Black River [ST ELIZABETH, JAMAICA]
Phone: 876 Email:

all rize ande stand ande remain standing into perpetuity. this iz a sovereigne living annsiente artikle iii moorishe
amerikan al morockan universall kourt aktion. i am sovereigne living justise sharon ann peart johnson, my free
chosen sovereigne appellation of nobility iz shasha ann bey ande my sovereigne matrimoniall appellation is sharon
ann martini, all are in capitis diminuto nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio
heredes. i ande all moors, are thee sovereigne living justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui
juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. wi are capit et corpus juris legalis, which iz our statement that wi are
thee lawfull and legall natural head ande body for our empire. all moors are thee originall indiginous sovereigne
annsiente al morockan moorishe amerikan ascendants ov thee great pharoahs of kemet ande ov thee annsiente moabites
ande canaanites. our full faith ande trust, our allegiance, our credit ande our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for
wi are thee piipel who are thee originall inndiginous naturall divyne sovereigne annsiente empire state for morocko
ande thee de jure moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA,
thee universall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande thee earthwide artikle iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourt. today,
wi are exercising thee law by our sovereigne status, which iz thee originall indiginous naturall divyne sovereigne
annsiente artikle iii living united states district for kolumbia kourt and wi are thee sovereigne fiduciaries, kreditores,
exekutors, trustees, ministars, possessors, and titled benefishiaries for this kause for aktione. wi are peace. wi thee one
nation are not at war. wi are one state, one empire, ande one god. wi heirby recognize ourselves and aksept our
sovereigne ascension. wi issue a universall kreditors bill for possession ande custody over all land, all naturall
resourses, all kommerse, ande all other property. wi, thee one true god nation, exercise all annsiente sovereigne rights
at this time ande at all points in time nunc pro tunc.

let me not, i pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. for i know not to give flattering
titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away. Job 32:21, 22.
"put on thee whole armour of god, that ye may stand against thee wiles of thee devil. for we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against thee rulers of thee darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places." Ephesians 6:11, 12

Res Judicata
hagans v lavine 415 u.s. 533, there is no discretione to ignore lack ov jurisdiction. joyce v u.s. 474 2d 215; thee law
provides that once state ande federall jurisdiktione have been challenged, it must be proven. main v thiboutot 100.
s. ct 2501 (1980); "jurisdictione can be challenged at any time " and "jurisdictione, once challenged, cannot be
assumed and must be decided". basso v utah power and light co. 495 f.2d 906, 910

Stare Decisis
"There are no lawful judicial courts operating under thee jurisdiction of thee United States Corporation doing business
at North America. Lawful courts have not been in existence since 1789. Article III Judges do not enforce Statutes and
Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes." See: (FRC versus GE 281 US 464 Keller versus PE
261 US 428, 1 Statute 138_178).

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
i ov vi
"There have not been any lawful Judges within thee jurisdiction of thee United States Corporation doing business at
North America since 1789. There have just been administrators." See: (FRC versus GE 281 US 464 Keller versus
PE 261 US 428, 1 Statute 138_178).
"If a court acts without authority, its judgments ande orders are regarded as nullities. They constitutes no justification;
ande all persons concerned in executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law as trespassers." Title 18,
United States Code, Part 1, Chapter 13 §241.

"Fraud vitiates thee most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments." United States versus Throckmorton,
98 United States 61

Title 42 United States Code section 1983, section 1985, & section 1986: Clearly established thee right to sue anyone
who violates your constitutional rights. thee constitution guarantees: He who would unlawfully jeopardize your property
loses property to you, and that's what justice is all about."

no UNITED STATES CORPORATION or CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZEN or any other foreigner, has personam
jurisdiction over me or any other moorishe nationale. i am thee law, and i am thee government. my body, all land ande
all of my personal property are in thee jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited moorishe estate at this time and at all times.
i am thee sovereigne kreditor to your CORPORATION/Company, doing business here in “northwest amexem/ africa,
morocco” ande earthwide.” all U.S. Citizens, Foreign Agents and American Citizens are subjects to thee moorishe
nationales here in northwest amexem/ africa, morocco.

whereaz, i sovereign living chief justice, sharon ann peart johnson, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes, am neither [ENS LEGIS], [STRAWMAN], [BLACK]
[COLORED], [NEGRO], [JAMAICAN], [CORPSE], [DEAD] or [LOST AT SEA]. i am not subjekt to thee
[CHRISTIAN BLACK CODES], nor any codes, rules, acts, statutes, ordinances, regulations, et cetera. i am in full
life, in propria persona sui juris, in my own proper person. i am, sovereigne, ande no court can challenge that status,
or standing.

be it known that i, sovereigne living chief justice, sharon ann peart johnson, ande all moorishe amerikan nationalls,
moors, are thee supreme law for thee land, with superior jurisdiction here at thee lande ov xamayka, otherwise known
as thee corporate fiction, [JAMAICA], and earthwide. i ande all moors are thee unniversall sovereigne, originall,
inndiginous, annsiente, naturall, divine, fidusiaries for thee sovereigne living state ov ande four, annsiente morocco,
also appellationed az thee maghrib al aqsâ, thee land most extreme west, thee north gate, north amerika ande thee
adjoining antilles/atlantis/americanna islands, north west amexem, turtle island, among other sovereigne land

no [UNITED STATES CORPORATION] [COMPANY] or [CITIZEN] or any other foreigner, has personam
jurisdiction over me or over ani moor. no [UNITED STATES CORPORATION] [COMPANY], [CITIZEN],
[CORPORATE VENUE] has legal authority and thus cannot render judgment over me or ani moorishe amerikan
nationall, moor, ande ani and all aktiones by thee [UNITED STATES CORPORATION] [COMPANY], [CITIZEN]
ande all heirs assignes agentes prinsipalls ande ani ande all dirivatives thereov, are coram non judice, (in presence of
a person not a judge.)

"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, ande a creature ov thee mind only, a government
can interface only with other artificial persons. Thee imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed
from creating and attaining parity with thee tangible. Thee legal manifestation ov this is that no government, as well
as any law, agency, aspect, court, et cetera. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons
ande thee contracts between them.” Supreme Court Reporter 1795, (3 United States 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54.

"When a suit is brought and determined in a court which has no jurisdiction in thee matter, then it is said to be
coram non judice, and thee judgment is void. Manufacturing Company versus Holt, 51. W. Va. 352, 41 S.E. 351.

"A court cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding valid. It is clear and well
established law that a void order can be challenged in any court." See Old WayneMut. Association versus
McDonough, 204 United.States 8,27 Supreme Court 236(1907).

"Whoever, under color of any law, ...willfully subjects any thee deprivation of any rights, privileges, or
immunities secured or protected by thee Constitution or laws of thee United States [shall be guilty of a crime]." See
18 United States Code § 242.

jurisdiktione and venue

i hereby invoke my treaty rights to Consular jurisdiction under articles 20 and 21 of thee treaty of peace and
friendship of 1836 between thee united states of america ande thee moroccan empire:

Article 20. If a citizen of thee united states, or any persons under their protection, shall have any disputes with a
moor, thee consul shall decide between thee parties, and whenever thee consul shall require any aid or assistance
from our government, to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately granted to him.

Article 21. If a citizen of thee united states should kill or wound a moor, or, on thee contrary, if a moor shall kill
or wound a citizen of thee united states, thee law of thee country shall take place, an equal justice shall be rendered,
thee consul assisting at thee trial; and if any delinquent shall make his escape, thee consul shall not be answerable
for him in any manner whatever.

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
ii ov vi
"A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid international agreements may
possibly not work completely to thee satisfaction of state authorities. under thee supremacy clause of thee united states
constitution art. vi, clause 2, state policies [...] must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangements."
kolovrat v. oregon, 366 u.s. 187, 194, 81 s ct.922 (1961).

i have been informed that thee administrative court/tribunal, St. Elizabeth PC, is in thee business ov selling debt bonds
and/or securities, ande that your administrative court/tribunal has sold debt bonds ande/or securities bearing thee name
[SHARON MARTINI] [Sharon Martini] [sharon martini], under [TRN 122 050 860], to escheat thee sovereign living
creditor SHARON MARTINI estate and coerce me thee sovereigne, living, original, naturall, divyne being, in propria
persona sui juris to accept and be surety for another man's person. This is, if true, of course, fraud, trust fraud, ande
human trafficking. It is also a violation of thee Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), which
states, "It shall be unlawful for any person employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or thee activities
of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in thee conduct of
such enterprise’s affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt." Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) 18 united states code 1962.

If this is merely misinformation, or, an honest, accounting, mistake, then no doubt, you will want to rectify thee
situation. To that end, I am placing on thee public wreckord, ande have provided you, sovereigne, universal, living,
"United States for America General Services living bid bond, living action bond, living payment bond Creditor
Bond 2025923, Writ Affidavit, 2023 June 03, nunc pro tunc", which includes restated, 1) LIEN RELEASE FOR
ALL ESCROW PROPERTY. 2) Release for all living person property from escrow. 3) sovereign universal original
living BID BOND. 4) sovereign Universal Original Living PAYMENT BOND. 5) sovereign universal original living

Counterfeit Securities– Pursuant to Title 18 USC § 4, of the commission of crimes cognizable by a court of the
United States under Title 18 USC § 513 to wit: “513(a) Whoever makes.. utters or possesses a counterfeited security
of a State or political subdivision thereof or of an organization with intent to deceive another person, organization, or
government, shall be fined not more than $250,000.00 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Whoever transports, transmits, or transfers in interstate or foreign commerce any goods, wares, merchandise, securities
or money, of the value of $5,000 or more, knowing the same to have been stolen, converted or taken by fraud; or

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property
by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transports or causes to be transported, or
induces any person or persons to travel in, or to be transported in interstate or foreign commerce in the execution or
concealment of a scheme or artifice to defraud that person or those persons of money or property having a value of
$5,000 or more; or

Whoever, with unlawful or fraudulent intent, transports in interstate or foreign commerce any falsely made, forged,
altered, or counterfeited securities or tax stamps, knowing the same to have been falsely made, forged, altered, or
counterfeited; 18 United States Code § 2314 (2020). Transportation of stolen goods, securities, moneys,
fraudulent State tax stamps, or articles used in counterfeiting.

See also Sections 2311, 2314 and 2320 Trafficking in Counterfeit goods or services, for additional fines and
sanctions. Among the securities defined at 18 USC § 2311 is included “evidence of indebtedness” which, in a broad
sense, may mean anything that is due and owing which would include a duty, obligation or right of action.

With the placement on the public wreckord of the afore mentioned creditor bond, any and all causes of action, de facto
cases, charges, claims, bills of attainder, ande any and all associated debtor accounts allonged to my sovereign living,
creditor, transmitting utility SHARON MARTINI, Sharon Martini, sharon martini, are settled, closed, not valid, not
with standing, null and void, and dismissed, with prejudice, and all obligations discharged.

You are commanded to amend and update the record, balance all accounting books and adjust any and all records, on
both sides, to reflect a zero (0) balance, pursuant to generally accepted record keeping principals, within seventy two
(72) hours, providing documentary evidence, at the below stated mailing location, within seven (7) days.

Failure to do as commanded will constitute default and serves as your admission of guilt by silence fraud, treason,
trust fraud, securities fraud, tax fraud, false imprisonment, human trafficking, racketeering, color of law, color of
office under color of authority. "if a court acts without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullifies.
they are not voidable, but simply void; and form no bar to a remedy sought in opposition to them, even prior to a
reversal. they constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in executing such judgments, or sentences, are
considered, in law, as trespassers. " Elliot v. Peirsol, 26 u.s. 328,3400 (1828).

Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left
unanswered would be intentionally misleading. United States versus Tweel, 550 F2d 297, 299-300.

Once a fraud, always a fraud. 13 Vin. Abr. 530.

"An unrebutted affidavit becomes a judgment in commerce" see Heb. 6:13-15, ergo, by acquiescence, thee affidavit
stands as law.
ignorantia juris, quod quisque teneture scire, neminem excusat. ignorance ov thee law, iz no excuse.
unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
iii ov vi
we declare ande affirm by virtue of divine law, under thee zodiac constitution, ande upon thee united states
republic constitution of 1791, ande upon thee honor of our foremothers ande forefathers that thee above writ of
mandamus ande affidavit is true ande correct.

no thing in this law full affidavid, nora ani spoken affidavids, nora hour sylente affidavids, shall be innterpreted ore
construed as konnsente to ani jurisdiktie that is knot in thee jurisdiktione ov hour annsiente annsesstrall innherited estate
at ani pointe in tyme.

upon my inherited status, i sharon ann peart johnson, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui
juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, being a descendant of thee ancient moabites in other respect known as
– al moroccan – moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to thee ‘five points of light’ – love, truth, peace,
freedom, ande justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my
autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, ande declare thee following to be true, correct, not misleading, ande not intended
to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose.

chronos time imemmoriall into perpetuitie september 13, 2023 nunc pro tunc.

ego sum

chief justise / vizier / ministar

sharon ann peart johnson in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink in proprio persona sui juris in proprio solo ande in
proprio heredes
all sovereigne originall inndiginous annsient divine moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande all sovereigne
originall inndiginous annsiente empire state ov morocco ande thee de jure moorishe nationall ripublik federall
gouvernmente dokumetes are on thee publik wreckord at amerika, annsiente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe
weste africa, thee northe gate, turtle islande, al moroc, morroco, maghrib al aqsâ, gaia, midgarde, earthe
empire state ov morocco
united states for northwest amexem
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
care of calabash bay postal agency, saint elizabeth, cornwall county, land ov xamayka [jamaica]
northe weste afrika, northe amerika, al moroc, morocco
latittude: 17.875056 longittude: +77.757604
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 8hl5cp kzc7qj
amen, amen deco vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

cc: Antony Anderson, Subject

Jamaica Constabulary Force
Phone: 876-927-4421 Email:,
certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 6924

Kenneth Chin, Subject

Jamaica Constabulary Force
3 North Street, Black River [ST ELIZABETH, JAMAICA]
Phone: 965-2232, 876-965-2237 Email:
united states post office certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 6894

Delroy Chuck, Subject

61 Constant Spring Road, Kingston, Jamaica
Phone: 876-906-4923-31 888-458-7842 Email: Fax: 876-906-4983 / 876-906-1712
united states post office certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 7129
unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
iv ov vi
Derrick Sangster, Subject
Saint Elizabeth Municipal Company
58 High Street, Black River [ST ELIZABETH, JAMAICA]
876-965-2038 Email:
united states post office certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 6931

Patrick Linton Allen, Subject

King's House, Hope Road [KINGSTON 6, JAMAICA]
Phone: 876-927-6424 Fax: 876-927-4561 Email:
united states post office certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 6917

Duane R. Miller, Subject

2800 Army Pentagon
Washington, District for Columbia 20310
Phone: Email:
united states post office certified mail receipt #: 7020 0090 0000 0245 6900

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
v ov vi
exhibit a:

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio...writ ov mandamus macx kause ov aktione macx
k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee northe gate' /
central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of thee moon and
sun' / 'turtle island'.
vi ov vi
empire state ov morocco
united states for amerika
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
h ~ societas republikae ea al maurikanos ~ g
moorishe divyne ande nationall muuvement ov thee world
northweste amexem❤northweste africa❤northe amerika❤ ‘thee northe gate’
ande thee adjoining islands
h ~ ‘temple ov thee moon ande sun’ ~ g
thee true ande de jure naturall peoples ❤ heirs ov thee land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ❤ i. self. law. am. master. ~ g

empire state ov morroco

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginious naturall divyne affidavid ov writtene innitiall + kover
letter / pruuf ov servise
knowtise to agent iz knowtise to prinsipall. knowtise to prinsipall iz knowtise to agente.

macx cause ov aktione k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 chronos: 12 septembre 2023

all rize ande stand ande remain standing into perpetuity. this iz a sovereigne living annsiente artikle iii moorishe
amerikan al morockan universall kourt aktion. i am sovereigne living justise sharon ann peart johnson, my free
chosen sovereigne appellation of nobility iz shasha ann bey ande my sovereigne matrimoniall appellation is sharon
ann martini, all are in capitis diminuto nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio
heredes. i ande all moors, are thee sovereigne living justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui
juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. wi are capit et corpus juris legalis, which iz our statement that wi are
thee lawfull and legall natural head ande body for our empire. all moors are thee originall indiginous sovereigne
annsiente al morockan moorishe amerikan ascendants ov thee great pharoahs of kemet ande ov thee annsiente moabites
ande canaanites. our full faith ande trust, our allegiance, our credit ande our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for
wi are thee piipel who are thee originall inndiginous naturall divyne sovereigne annsiente empire state for morocko
ande thee de jure moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA,
thee universall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande thee earthwide artikle iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourt. today,
wi are exercising thee law by our sovereigne status, which iz thee originall indiginous naturall divyne sovereigne
annsiente artikle iii living united states district for kolumbia kourt and wi are thee sovereigne fiduciaries, kreditores,
exekutors, trustees, ministars, possessors, and titled benefishiaries for this kause for aktione. wi are peace. wi thee one
nation are not at war. wi are one state, one empire, ande one god. wi heirby recognize ourselves and aksept our
sovereigne ascension. wi issue a universall kreditors bill for possession ande custody over all land, all naturall
resourses, all kommerse, ande all other property. wi, thee one true god nation, exercise all annsiente sovereigne rights
at this time ande at all points in time nunc pro tunc.

to: Broderick Smith, Subject

Saint Elizabeth Parish Court
58 High Street, Black River [ST ELIZABETH, JAMAICA]
Phone: 876 Email:

affidavit of Fact ... certificate of service

i, sharon ann peart johnson, in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink, in proprio persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in
proprio heredes, hereby certify that, wednesday, 13 septembre, 2023, the enclosed 1. unniversal sovereigne originall
inndiginious naturall divyne affidavit ov quo warranto mandamus restitutio mittimus writ ov mandamus, 2.
United States for America General Services living bid bond, living action bond, living payment bond Creditor
Bond 2025923, Writ Affidavit, 2023 June 03, nunc pro tunc, delivered by email, and/or returne receipt united
states post office ref # 7020 0090 0000 0245 6887. also included in this presentmente are the following dokumentes
on the publik wreckord:

• tax levy (restated) 1099 1099c 1096

• writ ov praecipe
• judiciall proklamatione
• appellatione proklamatione
• fiduciarie affadavid
• declaratione ov truste
• allodiall fee schedule
• 666 moorishe sovereigne dollarium

chronos time imemmoriall into perpetuitie nunc pro tunc.

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio... affidavid ov fact + pruuf ov servise macx kause ov
aktione macx k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee
northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of
thee moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
1 ov 5
ego sum

chief justise / vizier / ministar

sharon ann peart johnson in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink in proprio persona sui juris in proprio solo and in
proprio heredes
all sovereigne rights exercised at all tymes.
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
care of calabash bay postal agency, near pedro plains, saint elizabeth, cornwall county, land ov xaymaka
northeweste amexem, northeweste afrika, north amerika, al moroc, morocco
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 8hl5cp kzc7qj
latittude longittude 17.875056, +77.757604

amen, amen deco vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of quo warranto, mandamus, resitutio... affidavid ov fact + pruuf ov servise macx kause ov
aktione macx k000000002 / 0007394 /5062024 aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'thee
northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + thee moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of
thee moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
2 ov 5

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