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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016) 20, 377e387

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Fascial hierarchies and the relevance of

crossed-helical arrangements of collagen to
changes in the shape of muscles*
Graham Scarr, CBiol., FRSB., FLS., DO*

60 Edward Street, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 8FJ, UK

Received 27 October 2014; received in revised form 5 September 2015; accepted 30 September 2015

KEYWORDS Summary Muscles are composite structures consisting of contractile myofibres surrounded
Collagen; by complex hierarchies of collagen-reinforced fascial sheaths. They are essentially flexible cyl-
Crossed-helix; inders that change in shape, with the particular alignment of collagen fibres within their myo-
Crossed-ply; fascial walls reflecting the most efficient distribution of mechanical stresses and coordinating
Epimysium; these changes. However, while the functional significance of this crossed-helical fibre arrange-
Fascia; ment is well established in other species and in different parts of the body, relatively little
Helix; attention has been given to this within the fascia of humans; and the relevance of this geomet-
Muscle; ric configuration to muscles and surrounding fascial tissues is described.
Myofascia; ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction et al., 2012). Once dismissed as a packing tissue of little

consequence, the fascia is now recognized as a continuous
interconnected network that permeates and envelops
The fascia
almost every part of the body and is now taking its rightful
place at the ‘top table’ of anatomical and physiological
The importance of the fascia to normal function has been
recognized by ‘hands-on’ practitioners for more than a
The term ‘fascia’ refers to dense planar tissue sheets
century (Still, 1899; Findley and Shalwala, 2013) but it
such as the ‘deep’ or ‘investing’ fascia (fascia profunda),
is only recently that it has emerged as a significant
septa, aponeuroses, joint and organ capsules, the epimy-
contributor to mainstream orthopaedic knowledge (Schleip
sium that surrounds muscles; and the softer ‘superficial’
fascia beneath the skin, the intra-muscular endomysium
that surrounds individual muscle fibres; and perimysium
The author is an independent researcher with no funding or that surrounds bundles of these fibres. It also includes the
institutional affiliation, and there are no conflicts of interest. dura mater, periosteum, neurovascular sheaths and
* Tel.: þ44 115 9491753.
abdominal mesentery etc, and is continuous with ‘non-
E-mail address: gscarr3@ntlworld.com.

1360-8592/ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
378 G. Scarr

fascial’ densifications in the form of ligaments, tendons authors consider that the myofascia should no longer be
(Benjamin, 2009; Schleip et al., 2012), periosteum and considered as a collection of ‘tubes’ or ‘sheaths’, as it is
bone (Aaron, 2012). really a “three-dimensional matrix that is continuous
The internal structure of these fascial sheets consists of throughout the entire organ” (Purslow and Delage, 2012 p
an extra-cellular matrix (ECM) containing highly hydrated 5) and “tremendously complex compared with other con-
proteoglycan complexes (‘ground substance’) and a variety nective tissues” (Gillies and Lieber, 2011 p 318), a com-
of cells and interlinked fibres (Gillies and Lieber, 2011), and parison with crossed-helical ‘tubes’ in other parts of the
is continuous with the ECM that surrounds virtually every body and in different species suggests that an appreciation
cell in the body. A fibrillar collagen and elastin network also of this pattern is important to furthering our understanding

encloses proteoglycan ‘microvacuoles’, which surround and of muscle mechanics (Clark and Cowey, 1958; Kier and
blend with tendons, aponeuroses, skin, nerves and blood Smith, 1985).
vessels etc so that at the microscopic level there is no
distinct boundary between where one ends and another Endomysium
begins (Guimberteau, 2005, 2012). The endomysium is a delicate tissue that surrounds indi-
Unfortunately, it is this anatomical continuity and the vidual muscle fibres (myofibres) and links them all within a
pervasiveness of fascial tissues at every size scale that has continuous honeycomb arrangement that extends laterally
confounded anatomists over the centuries and maintained across each fascicle and over the entire length of the
this connective tissue matrix as the “Cinderella of ortho- muscle (Purslow and Trotter, 1994; Nishimura et al., 1996)
pedic science” (Schleip et al., 2012 p xv); but a new and all (Fig. 2). It consists of a basement membrane that covers
encompassing classification system based on density and the sarcolemma (plasma membrane) and contains mostly
fibre alignment is now able to relate them all together in a type IV collagen, and a thicker felt-like reticular layer of
useful way (Schleip et al., 2012 p xvii). The myofascia is collagen fibres of predominantly types III, V and VI with only
then just a fibrous specialization that is intimately con- small amounts of type I.
nected with muscle, and the crossed-helical orientation of This network forms an intimate connection with the
collagen fibres within it and the surrounding fascia play myofibril and enables the transfer of contractile force
important functional roles that deserve wider recognition. (Huijing, 2012a; Turrina et al., 2013), and because the
tubular wall of this endomysial sheath is shared between
adjacent myofibres, the tensional force generated by
The fascia contraction can be efficiently transmitted to adjacent
tubes through what is described as trans-laminar shear
Myofascia (Purslow and Trotter, 1994; Purslow, 2002). Even the ter-
minations of serially arranged myofibres, which are often
The myofascia is traditionally classified into three different staggered by about a quarter of their length with respect to
regions (Turrina et al., 2013), which together form a hier- adjacent myofibres, must transmit their force in the same
archical network of fibrous tubes or sheaths enclosing way (Gaunt and Gans, 1992; Sharafi and Blemker, 2011) as
smaller tubes within them, and is continuous with ‘higher- this endomysial network is the only structure that contin-
level’ fascial tubes (compartments) that surround groups of uously links them all together within a fascicle (Purslow,
muscles, the limbs and entire body (Fig. 1). Although some 2010; Turrina et al., 2013). Such lateral load sharing

Figure 1 Schematic diagrams of (a) a transverse section of muscle showing the general hierarchical arrangement of myofascial
‘tubes’ surrounding the myofibres (not to scale); (b) transverse section of the human thigh showing the ‘higher-level’ fascial tubes
consisting of muscle septa and the deep ‘investing’ fascia surrounding individual muscles and the entire limb. Reproduced with
modifications from Scarr (2014) Handspring.
Fascial hierarchies and the relevance of crossed-helical arrangements of collagen 379

(Passerieux et al., 2006; Gillies and Lieber, 2011). The

perimysium is continuous with the outer epimysium and
tendons at either end of the muscle, and has direct at-
tachments to both myofibres and their endomysial sheaths
(Purslow, 2010; Gillies and Lieber, 2011).
Although both endomysial and perimysial tissues are
regarded as qualitatively similar across different species
such as bovines, porcines, murines and humans etc (Rowe,
1981), variations do occur between them and in different


muscles within the body, and can complicate detailed
comparisons. Several levels of organization have been
described, including the larger fascicles that bundle groups
of myofibres (10e100) and their endomysium together
(Fig. 1a), to the smaller fascicles that arise from them and
subdivide into successively smaller bundles (Purslow, 2010;
Chaudhry et al., 2012). Terms such as ‘primary’ and ‘sec-
ondary’ fascicles, however, will not be mentioned further
as they relate to relative size and are used inconsistently in
the literature. In contrast to the endomysium, micro-
mechanical modelling shows that the behaviour of peri-
mysial fascicles is transversely anisotropic to changes in
shape (Sharafi and Blemker, 2010).
The ‘walls’ of these perimysial fascicles consist primarily
of two or more layers containing large flattened cables or
bundles of wavy (crimped) collagen type I fibres, which are
oriented parallel to the myofibres in the region of the
myotendinous junction but generally curve around the
fascicle wall with an oblique angle (Passerieux et al., 2007).
The cables are generally aligned at an angle of w55
relative to the myofibre axis in resting muscle, and each
alternating layer is oriented differently so that the tubular
wall appears as a crossed-ply network with the cables
Figure 2 Transverse sections of bovine muscle viewed under spaced at regular intervals and parallel to each other
SEM showing a) the endomysial network (arrows) surrounding (Gillies and Lieber, 2011; Purslow, 2010). In addition, thin
individual myofibres, and a thickened region of perimysium strips of perimysial tissue extend laterally from the smaller
(arrowhead); b) higher power view of endomysial ‘tubes’ fascicle walls and pass between the myofibres (Passerieux
showing the shared walls (arrow) between myofibres. (Myofi- et al., 2007) with the collagen fibres aligned in both fel-
bres removed after digestion with NaOH). Reproduced from ted and criss-cross arrangements (Rowe, 1981) (Fig. 3). The
Trotter and Purslow (1992) Wiley with permission. points of intersection between these oriented collagen fi-
bres then give rise to branching plexuses that ultimately
maintains a uniform strain throughout the tissue and is connect to the surface of adjacent myofibres (and their
transversely isotropic (Passerieux et al., 2006; Sharafi and endomysium) through perimysial junctional plates (PJP’s)
Blemker, 2010; Chaudhry et al., 2012) as well as enabling spaced at regular intervals along their length (Passerieux
muscles to grow and repair damaged sarcomeres without et al., 2006). The PJP’s are attached to the sarcolemma
loss of force transfer through the contractile column and transfer tensional forces between them through spe-
(Purslow, 2010). cific transmembrane proteins such as integrins, which
While the endomysium ultimately transmits the interact with the inner cytoskeleton and contribute to the
tensional force generated by myofibre contraction to the mechanosensing and regulatory abilities of each cell (Wang
tendons (Turrina et al., 2013), it is also “very compliant to et al., 2009; Brown et al., 2012; Ingber et al., 2014).
tensile forces acting within the plane of the network and. Although the tensile properties of the perimysium are
can easily deform to follow the length and diameter similar to those of the endomysium, the fascicle ‘walls’ are
changes of muscle fibers in contracting and relaxing mus- much thicker and there is plenty of evidence to show that
cles” (Purslow and Delage, 2012 p 7), making this highly the perimysium is also involved in myofascial force trans-
nonlinear elastic material a key component in muscle mission (Passerieux et al., 2007; Purslow and Delage, 2012 p
flexibility (Meyer and Lieber, 2011). 10), but a transfer of forces by trans-laminar shear within
the shared walls of each fascicle seems improbable.
Perimysium Purslow and Delage (2012 p 8) explained that “de-
The perimysium, however, is a much more complex myo- formations caused by shear through its thickness would be
fascial tissue and one with key functions that remain un- of orders of magnitude greater than in the endomysium,
resolved, with collagen types I, III, IV, V, VI, XII and XIV and so perimysium would represent a rather sloppy and
predominating and large variations in thickness, fibre size, inefficient force transmission pathway at physiologically-
orientation and attachment adding to this complexity relevant muscle lengths”.
380 G. Scarr

Figure 3 A lateral view of a sheet of perimysium overlying

two muscle fibres (asterisks) shows bundles of collagen
fibres (double arrows) arranged in a crossed-ply arrangement
with crimping in some of the fibres and a more delicate Figure 4 Schematic drawing of a pennate muscle showing
felt-like network of finer collagen fibrils. (Sheep how contraction of the myofibre bundles leads to an increase in
semitendinosus  1700). Reproduced from Rowe (1981) their diameter and change in pennation angle q with shortening
Elsevier with permission. of the muscle (not to scale) (re-drawn after Schmalbruch,
1985). Schmalbruch (1985) describes a model by Feneis
(1935) that proposes that the septal walls between adjacent
Schmalbruch (1985) cites an earlier model proposed by fascicles (perimysium) act like neutral displacement mem-
Feneis (1935) where the perimysium provides “neutral” branes that enable the myofibre bundles to slide relative to
connections between adjacent fascicles and enables them each other and change shape. The ‘neutral connecting threads’
to slide past each other and facilitate changes in muscle change their alignment relative to the longitudinal axis of the
shape during contraction (Purslow, 2010). As all fan- fascicles but remain the same with respect to the tendon
shaped, fusiform and pennate muscles increase in width sheets (see text).
when contracting (Lieber and Fridén, 2000; Azizi et al.,
2008), any consequent changes in the angle that myofi-
bres make with their tendinous/aponeurotic connections act as an automatic transmission system allowing a
at either end (<34 in human gastrocnemius muscle, pennate muscle to shift from a high gear [1:1.4] during
Kawakami et al., 1998) means that some sort of sliding rapid contractions to low gear [1:1] during forceful con-
element within the muscle is necessary in order to tractions”, thus modulating muscle performance during
accommodate this (Purslow, 2002) (Fig. 4). Purslow (1989) mechanically diverse functions. However, their use of
found that collagen fibres lie within the plane of the the term “rotation” to describe these changes in orien-
crossed-ply perimysial layers and do not run through the tation of contracting myofibres (Fig. 4) is perhaps unfor-
thickness of the inter-fascicular walls, which supports the tunate as any perceived axis of rotation is a virtual
model whereby the septal walls between adjacent fasci- contrivance.
cles can act as “neutral displacement membranes” that While Schmalbruch’s (1985) description of Feneis (1935)
facilitate sliding during changes in shape (Feneis, 1935; model also includes “neutral connecting threads” that
Schmalbruch, 1985). cross multiple perimysial fascicles as “large collagen
In the example given (Fig. 4) the muscle fibres and bundles. arranged parallel to the tendons and obliquely
tendon sheets form a parallelogram, with the length of the to the muscle fibres. and hence do not resist movement
myofibres being 60e70% of the muscle belly length, so that of the fascicles”, so the alignment of these threads in this
shortening the myofibres shortens the muscle by about example (Fig. 4) suggest that these fibres may actually be
33% and increases the collective diameters of the myofibre part of the epimysium (see below).
bundles (fascicles) by about 20% (Schmalbruch, 1985). As
muscles maintain a constant volume during contraction, so Epimysium
the cross-sectional area of the muscle fibres must in- The epimysium is an even thicker myofascial tissue that
crease, and similar changes in fascicle length have also covers the entire muscle and is continuous with the peri-
been observed more recently in human gastrocnemius mysium lying beneath, and tendons at either end, as well
(38e25 mm, a change of 34%) (Kawakami et al., 1998) and as other fascial structures that surround it (Turrina et al.,
other muscles (Fukunaga et al., 1997; Purslow, 2002). 2013) (Fig. 1). Collagen cables of type I fibres are also
Azizi et al. (2008) showed that changes in the pennate crimped and even larger in diameter and generally form
angle of muscle fibres (wild turkey) “decrease a muscle’s the same crossed-ply arrangement in resting fusiform
output force but increase output velocity by allowing muscles of 55 relative to the myofibre axis (Purslow,
the muscle to function at a higher gear ratio (muscle ve- 2010; Gillies and Lieber, 2011). However, the myofibres
locity/fiber velocity)”, and that “muscle-shape changes within pennate muscles are themselves arranged at an
Fascial hierarchies and the relevance of crossed-helical arrangements of collagen 381

angle to the collective direction of tension generation, indicates an average fibre angle of 39 relative to the body
and the arrangement of collagen fibres within these and axis.
some other muscles can be parallel to the long axis and
form a dense surface layer that functions as a surface The helical tube
tendon (Benjamin, 2009; Purslow, 2010).
The main functions of the epimysium are thus the All these tissues contribute to the highly complex and
transmission of tensional forces (Huijing, 2012b; Turrina continuous structural network that extends from the
et al., 2013) and containment of the muscle during inner cellular cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, endomy-
contraction (Passerieux et al., 2007), but high levels of sial sheath, perimysial fascicules and epimysium to the


hyaluronic acid associated with proteoglycans in the outer tendons and surrounding fascia, muscles and bone; with
epimysial layers also enable the muscle surface to slide each region playing its own specialized part in the transfer
with respect to adjacent structures (McCombe et al., of tension. The descriptions of myofascial tissues as
2001). Although some epimysial surfaces are tightly ‘tubes’ naturally follows from their cross-sectional ap-
bound to the deep fascia, the sliding ability of many pearances; and the higher-level fascial tubes surrounding
others is facilitated by thin septal sheets and interposed groups of muscles, the entire limb and body wall are
loose connective tissues, which enable the muscle and similar (Figs. 1 and 2), with the orientations of collagen
surrounding tissues to accommodate to the changes in fibres within their walls having an important functional
shape that occur during contraction (Stecco and Stecco, role.
2012a,b). However, it may be that this ‘sliding’ is at The ‘walls’ of the perimysium and epimysium are
least partly due to structural rearrangements within distinct in that they frequently contain two crossed-ply
mutually linked collagen fibres and proteoglycans at both sets of collagen cables aligned at about 55 (relative to
‘fibrillar’ and molecular levels, and related to the micro- the long axis in resting fusiform muscles) (Fig. 3), while
vacuolar system described by Guimberteau (2005, 2012); the apparently isotropic orientation of collagen fibres
and ‘shear-linkage’ type connections of the endomysium within the endomysium appears to be random but collec-
(Purslow, 2002) rather than a true shear (Levin and Martin, tively has a (numbers-weighted) mean alignment of about
2012 p 139). 59 (Purslow and Trotter, 1994). All these angles increase
Although the myofascia has been classified into these with muscle contraction and become more aligned with its
distinct regions for the purpose of description, the struc- transverse, or circumferential, plane and when the muscle
tural complexity that unites them all into a functional unit is stretched the angles decrease as the fibres become
also enables the efficient transfer of tensional force to aligned towards the main direction of tension, indicating
other fascial tissues that surround the epimysium (Maas that the collagen fibres are mechanically linked with each
and Sandercock, 2010; Huijing, 2012b). other (Purslow, 1989; Chaudhry et al., 2012). The partic-
ular alignments of collagen fibres within the walls of these
tubes can thus not be considered incidental but a
The fascial tissues associated with muscle
contributor to the mechanics of muscle function, which
can be simply analysed if the crossed-ply sets of collagen
These include the inter-muscular fascial septa that connect are considered as left- and right-handed helixes, or spirals
adjacent muscles within a group; and the extra-muscular (Fig. 5).
fasciae that merge with the deep fascia (fascia profunda),
interosseal membranes and periosteum, and the neuro-
vascular sheaths that enclose the nerves and vessels sup- Crossed-ply helixes
plying the muscle (Fig. 1b). The deep, or ‘investing’, fascia
is a tough tissue that surrounds and contains groups of In 1958, Clarke and Cowey showed that changes in
muscles (compartments) and is continuous with aponeuro- the relative length and diameter of certain nemertean
ses (McCombe et al., 2001; Stecco and Stecco, 2012a,b) and and turbellarian worms were controlled by the particular
the overlying ‘superficial’ fascia that lies beneath the skin alignment and geometric configuration of tensioned
(Benjamin, 2009; Abu-Hijleh et al., 2012); and all are fibres within their body walls. In essence, the inextensible
involved in the transfer of tension (Maas and Sandercock, fibres were constrained by the crossed-helical geometry
2010; Huijing, 2012b), with the loose fibre network of the surrounding the pressurized body tube and enabled it
superficial layer contributing to its flexibility (Iatridis et al., to maintain a constant volume throughout changes in
2003). shape; and this basic hydrostatic model has now
The distinctions between these different types of fas- become entrenched as a design principle in biomechanics
cia can thus be rather tenuous at the microscopic level, as (Wainwright, 1988; Shadwick, 2008; Kier, 2012).
they are interlinked with each other, and the same named A crossed-helical tube that is shortened will cause the
tissue can vary in its structural organization and func- fibre angles to increase (relative to the tube axis) while one
tionality depending on where it appears in the body that is extended in length will cause them to decrease; and
(Benjamin, 2009; Stecco and Stecco, 2012a,b). While in both cases, the tension within the fibres becomes greater
collagen fibre alignments in the deep fascia have been as the tube shape moves away from its central resting po-
noted as lying parallel with the muscles (McCombe et al., sition (Purslow, 1989; Goriely and Tabor, 2013) (Fig. 6). The
2001; Benjamin, 2009), Benetazzo et al. (2011) noted optimum shape that balances both longitudinal and
the mean angle between crossed-fibre orientations in circumferential stresses is when the fibres are at an angle
human thoraco-lumbar and crural fascia as 78 , which of w55 , i.e. these fibre orientations are reflecting the
382 G. Scarr

The muscular tube

The tensioned fibres actually follow the course of geo-

desics, or the shortest line between two points on the
surface of a curve, and the theoretical relationship be-
tween fibre angle and volume is relatively simple for a tube
with circular cross-section (Fig. 7a). Muscles, however,
maintain an almost constant volume during contraction and
elongation, with Baskin and Paolini (1966) finding variations

in frog sartorius muscle of less than 0.006 cm3 per 100 g of

muscle (Rana, ex-vivo), but the graph is still relevant if the
cross-section of the tube is an ellipse, or non-circular,
where changes in the fibre-angle follow a horizontal line
(b) within the boundaries of the curve (a) (Clark and Cowey,
Such a tube would only have a circular cross-section
when it reached either of these two extremes, i.e. when
the fibres are under the greatest amount of tensional
stress, with the tube progressively flattening towards the
middle as the fibre angles approach 54.44 ; the angle where
tension is at a minimum, and circumferential and longitu-
dinal stresses are balanced (Clark and Cowey, 1958).

The constraining fibres

It should be recognized that the apparently continuous
collagen fibres that stretch between the ends of the
crossed-helical tubes shown in Figs. 5e7 are really graphic
representations of bundles of shorter collagen molecules/
Figure 5 Schematic drawings of crossed-helixes showing how fibrils that are cross-linked together and transfer tensional
a shortened tube (a) causes the fibre angles to increase forces between them (Avery and Bailey, 2008; Purslow,
(relative to the tube axis); b) a lengthened tube decreases the 2010).
fibre angles; and (c) a ‘resting’ tube with fibre angles of w55
balances both longitudinal and circumferential fibre stresses
(not to scale).

Figure 7 Graph (a) showing the relationship between volume

Figure 6 Graph showing the relationship between changes in and crossed-helical fibre angle for a tube with circular cross-
length and diameter for a constant volume tube with crossed- section, with maximum volume coinciding with the least
helical fibres (helixes not to scale). Re-drawn with modifica- tensional stress in the fibres and an angle of 54.44 (middle
tions from Kier and Smith (1985). dotted line). The horizontal line (b) indicates the limits (an-
gles) of maximum contraction and elongation (dotted lines) for
a tube with constant volume, where the tube is long and thin at
most efficient distribution of mechanical stresses and lower fibre angles, and fat and short at high fibre angles (not to
coordinating the changes in shape of the tube, as well as scale), with the vertical position of this line on the volume axis
providing a system of elastic energy storage that assists in of the graph determining the relative amount of flattening
returning the tube to its resting state (Fig. 6) (Clark and (ellipses) that occurs near the resting angle. Re-drawn with
Cowey, 1958). modifications from Clark and Cowey (1958) and Wainwright
Fascial hierarchies and the relevance of crossed-helical arrangements of collagen 383

Muscles generally have an elliptical or irregular cross- (Hebrank, 1980), fish, dolphins and whales (Pabst, 2000)
section with considerable variation in shape in-vivo suggesting that a similar pattern is likely to occur
(Fig. 1b) and normally operate in the near-horizontal part throughout the human. Indeed, the alignments of muscle
of the curve shown in Fig. 6 and middle region of the hor- and investing fascial tissues that curve around the body
izontal line in Fig. 7b and rarely, if ever, reach the extremes wall and limbs are also suggestive of helical arrangements,
of shape and fibre alignment shown (Purslow, 1989). It is if only in part (Benetazzo et al., 2011; Vleeming, 2012)
thus important to note that the ideal curves shown in these (Fig. 8); and Scarr (2013) also suggested an alternative
figures are theoretical representations of the mechanical helical arrangement of collagen in the limbs of mammals,
behaviour of crossed-helical tubes with inextensible fibres, although this remains unconfirmed.


while the wavy crimped collagen fibres in the perimysium Crossed-helical arrangements of collagen have also been
and epimysium (Fig. 3) can be stretched by an additional described in the walls of elastic arteries (Holzapfel, 2006),
five per cent of their length; and such tubes are likely to the inter-vertebral disc (Hukins and Meakin, 2000), heart
behave differently (Clark and Cowey, 1958). (Buckberg, 2002), trachea, oesophagus (Carey, 1920a,b),
Purslow (1989) showed that the crimp angle (w39 in small intestines (Gabella, 1987) and embryonic notochord
resting muscle) contributes to the elasticity of individual (Koehl et al., 2000); and tubular organs that maintain
fibres and that this angle decreases (as tension in the fibres constant volume throughout changes in shape due to
increases) and they are straightened out during changes in crossed-helical arrangements of muscle and fascial tissue
muscle length and shape. A correlation with changes in have also been described in the tongues of mammals and
sarcomere length (fusiform muscle in vitro) and crossed- lizards, the arms and tentacles of cephalopods and the
helical fibre angles (1.1 mm at w20 to 3.9 mm at w80 ) trunks of elephants (Kier and Smith, 1985). The mechanical
confirmed that the straightened fibres are acting as con- principles that underlie the value of this ubiquitous pattern
straints to further increases in muscle length and circum- in biology even contribute to the novelty of the ‘Chinese
ference, and that these particular angles corresponded finger trap’ toy and its effectiveness as a suture in gastro-
with a sudden and dramatic increase in the stiffness (0 e intestinal surgery (Song et al., 2008).
w18 KPa) and ability of the perimysium to transfer signifi- Considering the similarity between the theoretical fibre
cant tensional forces (Purslow, 1989). However, these ex- angle that balances both longitudinal and circumferential
tremes are well beyond the normal range of living muscle, stresses (54.44 ), and the alignment of collagen fibres
which explains why they can change shape with ease. within the myofascia of resting muscles and other biological
examples, it would seem that these geometric crossed-
Variations in angle helical arrangements are indeed contributing to the coor-
Variations in the resting fibre angles of a collagen- dination of changes in muscle shape. They would also
reinforced tube would undoubtedly depend on its partic- enable such tubes to bend smoothly without kinking and
ular functional activities, such as in bovine semitendinosus resist torsional deformations, thus further demonstrating
muscle where collagen fibres are generally aligned parallel the value of this particular arrangement to muscle me-
(0 ) to the long axis and cause it to act more as an epi- chanics (Wainwright, 1988 p 71; Etnier, 2003).
tendon (Purslow, 2010), and in the deep fascia where they
can be arranged similarly (McCombe et al., 2001; Benjamin,
2009). While the arrangement of collagen fibres within the
epimysium of pennate muscles may be “parallel to the long
axis of the muscle and forms a dense surface layer that Although collagen fibre angles quoted in the literature are
functions as a surface tendon” (Purslow, 2010), the myofi- sometimes stated in relation to the transverse axis they
bres are arranged at an angle to this, and there is some have been converted here relative to the longitudinal axis
gradation in collagen fibre angle as the myofascia transits
into functionally related tissues with different mechanical
properties. Passerieux et al. (2007) showed that oblique
perimysial fibres become more axially aligned with the
overall direction of muscle tension generation as they
approach the myotendinous junction (bovine flexor carpi
radialis). Tendons, however, are more complicated than is
generally recognized, with collagen fibres tending to form
complex plaits and spirals in both longitudinal and trans-
verse directions (Kannus, 2000); and in ligaments, their
complex myofascial connections and variable internal or-
ganization suggest a much more complex multi-axial
loading (Van der Wal, 2009).

A ubiquitous pattern

Crossed-helical winding and its functional significance Figure 8 Schematic diagrams showing the muscles and fascia
have been described in the body walls of squid (Johnsen of the trunk twisting around the body wall and continuing into
and Kier, 1993), amphibians (O’Reilly et al., 1997), eels the neck and limbs. Reproduced from Scarr (2014) Handspring.
384 G. Scarr

of the tube for comparison purposes. Biological helixes of these tubes have been widely considered as compressing
are not continuous, like metal springs, but consist of mul- the contents of a constant-volume tube, they are already
tiple discrete components (fibres) arranged into these under tension, and the collagen and proteoglycans mole-
particular geometric configurations because they are the cules within them are mechanically linked with each other
most efficient packing arrangement within a dynamic (Wess, 2008).
environment (Pickett et al., 2000). The orientation of fibres It has thus been suggested that structural rearrange-
with respect to the longitudinal axis then distinguishes this ments, and moment by moment changes in the balance
biological configuration from the continuous ‘helical angle’ between tensioned collagen fibres and compressed pro-
that is perpendicular to it and as used in mechanical teoglycans at both fibrillar and molecular levels, and across

engineering. the myofascial hierarchy, also regulate the changes in

shape of muscle and that perhaps an equivalent mechanism
Simple hydrostat or integrated structure? operates within the tubular hierarchy of surrounding fascial
tissues (Levin, 2014). This balance between tension and
Crossed-helical configurations in biological tissues are compression acting within and between different tissues
widely considered to be acting as hydrostats (Wainwright, has been considered in relation to tensegrity, a structural
1988; Aspden, 1990; Kier, 2012; Goriely and Tabor, 2013; design principle whose significance is increasingly recog-
Findley et al., 2015), where an incompressible fluid con- nized in structural biology, but the reader is referred
tained within a tube is constrained by tensioned fibres in elsewhere for further information (Levin, 2002; Ingber
the tube wall, but this seems to be far too simplistic on its et al., 2014; Scarr, 2014).
own when considering the high level of structural organi-
zation within muscle (Levin, 2014). Although an increase in A brief summary
intra-muscular pressure as the result of lateral tissue
constraint would increase muscle stiffness and lead to The endomysial sheath (tube) surrounding each myofibre
increased force production during active contraction is shared with those adjacent to it and transmits the force
(Purslow, 2002), muscles are not like pressurized balloons of contraction through trans-laminar ‘shear’, and ulti-
(Levin, 2002; Sharkey, 2015) and most of the water con- mately to the tendinous tissues at either end of the mus-
tained within them is tightly bound to a wide diversity of cle; and because this network forms a tight and seamless
proteoglycan complexes that are cross-linked with the connection that is continuous across the whole fascicle, its
collagen fibres (Gillies and Lieber, 2011). behaviour is transversely isotropic to changes in shape
While the measurement of normal intra-muscular pres- (Purslow and Trotter, 1994; Chaudhry et al., 2012). The
sures during contraction (15e141 mm Hg) is notoriously perimysium also forms a honey-comb like network (at a
difficult (Hill, 1948; Ward et al., 2007; Aweid et al., 2012), higher size-scale) that extends across the entire muscle
pressures of 6e12 mm Hg at rest (Aweid et al., 2012) may and continues into the epimysium, with the larger fasci-
be at least partly due to the passive muscle stiffness, or cles giving rise to smaller fascicles that subdivide into
intrinsic tension, that naturally occurs in muscle tissues in- successively smaller bundles and ultimately connect to the
vivo (Schleip et al., 2006; Masi and Hannon, 2008). endomysium and individual myofibres (Passerieux et al.,
Collagens are the main tension-bearing element within 2006; Purslow, 2010). However, the transverse anisotropy
ECM/fascial tissues and are aligned parallel to the local of this perimysial network suggests that changes in muscle
tissue strain (Purslow, 2010) with the cells contained within diameter will not be the same in every direction (Sharafi
them also contributing to this tension (Tomasek et al., and Blemker, 2010), thus complicating the precise rela-
2002). Myofibroblasts generate significant tensional forces tionship between muscle length and diameter during
due to the presence of smooth muscle-like actin filaments changes in shape. Although Schmalbruch (1985) descrip-
within their cytoskeletons and transfer this into the sur- tion of the Feneis (1935) model includes “neutral
rounding ECM through transmembrane proteins, and they displacement membranes” within the walls of adjacent
play an important role in tissue contracture during wound perimysial sheets, and which enable the fascicles to slide
healing and other fascial pathologies (Tomasek et al., against each other during changes in muscle shape (Fig. 4),
2002). This contractile ability thus enables myofibroblasts confirmation of the details of this mechanism are still
to contribute to the intrinsic tension/passive stiffness of needed.
muscle and other tissues (Schleip et al., 2006), and perhaps Bundles of collagen fibres within the perimysium and
even assist in organizing or fine-tuning the crossed-helical epimysium form crossed-helical arrangements that bal-
lattice as the most efficient distribution of tension. So, ance and coordinate the longitudinal and circumferential
while it has been assumed that the walls containing these stresses within the walls of these myofascial tubes during
crossed-helical arrangements simply apply pressure against changes in muscle shape; but more comparative details of
the contents of a fluid filled bag during changes in shape, a their alignments within fusiform, fan-shaped and pennate
more complex picture emerges. muscles are needed. Myofascial hierarchies are inter-
connected and extremely complex, and much information
A new model has been determined on two-dimensional tissue samples,
The contraction of myofibres mechanically influences the with relatively few attempts made to extrapolate them to
endomysium, perimysium and epimysium (as described the behaviour of crossed-helical tubes; and although this
above) and leads to shortening of the entire muscle tubular perspective is itself a simplification, much is likely
because of their tensional continuity with each other and to be gained from an understanding of these geometric
the tendinous tissues at each end (Fig. 5). While the walls patterns.
Fascial hierarchies and the relevance of crossed-helical arrangements of collagen 385

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