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INTRODUCTION the presidential certification dispensed with the

requirement not only of the printing but also that
Caltex v. Palomar, G.R. No. L-19650, 29 of reading the bill on three separate days.
September 1966
FACTS: W/N RA 7716, an act that seeks to widen the tax
Petitioner conceived the “Caltex Hooded Pump base of the existing VAT system and enhance its
Contest” where participants have to estimate the administration by amending the National Internal
actual number of liters a hooded gas pump can Revenue Code, has been constitutionally passed.
dispense during a specific period of time. There
was no fee or consideration required to be paid, HELD:
nor any purchase of any Caltex products to be There is no merit in the contention that
made in order to join the contest. Foreseeing the presidential certification dispenses only with the
extensive use of mail for advertising and requirement for the printing of the bill and its
communications, Caltex requested clearance for distribution three days before its passage but not
Respondent Postmaster General but was denied with the requirement of three readings on
citing said contest is a “gift enterprise” deemed separate days. The phrase "except when the
as a non-mailable matter under the anti-lottery President certifies to the necessity of its
provisions of the Postal Law. Hence, Petitioner immediate enactment, etc." in Art. VI, Sec 26(2)
filed a petition for declaratory relief. qualifies the two stated conditions before a bill
can become a law: (i) the bill has passed three
ISSUE: readings on separate days and (ii) it has been
W/N the “Caltex Hooded Pump Contest” falls printed in its final form and distributed three days
under the term “gift enterprise” which is banned before it is finally approved. In other words, the
by the Postal Law. "unless" clause must be read in relation to the
"except" clause, because the two are really
HELD: coordinate clauses of the same sentence. To
No, said contest is not a gift enterprise. The word construe the "except" clause as simply
“lottery” is defined as a game of chance where dispensing with the second requirement in the
the elements of which are (1) consideration, (2) "unless" clause (i.e., printing and distribution
chance, and (3) prize. The term “gift enterprise” three days before final approval) would not only
and “scheme” in the provision of the Postal violate the rules of grammar but it would also
Law making unmailable “any lottery, gift, negate the very premise of the "except" clause:
enterprise, or scheme for the distribution of the necessity of
money or any real or personal property by lot, securing the immediate enactment of a bill which
chance, or drawing of any kind” means such is certified in order to meet a public calamity or
enterprise as will require consideration as an emergency.
element. The intent of the prohibition is to
suppress the tendency to inflame the gambling Arroyo v. De Venecia, G.R. No. 127255, 14
spirit and to corrupt public morals. There being August 1997

Law originated in the House of Representatives
as HB No. 7189. The bill was approved on the
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. third reading on Sept. 12, 1996. The bicameral
115455, 25 August 1994 conference committee submitted its report to the
House. After recess, Javier, Chairman of the
FACTS: Committee on Ways and Means, proceeded to
Petitioner assail the constitutionality of RA 7716 deliver his sponsorship speech, after which he
saying that S. No. 1630 did not pass three was interpellated. Arroyo was fourth to
reading on separate days as required in the interpellate, and announced that he was going to
Constitution because the second and the third raise a question on the quorum although he never
readings were done on the same day. The did. Albano then moved to approve conference
President had certified S. No. 1630 as urgent and committee report, to which Arroyo asked for

clarification. However, Deputy Speaker then HELD:

approved the motion. On the same day, the bill NO. Congress did not commit grave abuse of
was signed by the Speaker and Senate discretion in enacting RA 8240.
President. The enrolled bill was also signed into
law by President Fidel Ramos. Petitioners claim Violation of Internal Rules of the House
that there are actually four different versions of It is clear that there was no violation of the
Arroyo’s interpellation. However, Court says there constitutional requirements for enactment of the
is no need to discuss this point as petitioners law, but of internal rules. As seen in cases both
have announced that to expedite resolution of here and abroad, Court has no power to inquire
petition, they agree that the word “approved” into non-compliance with its own rules.
appears in the transcripts. Petitioner’s principal Osmena v. Pendatun: The rules adopted by
argument is that RA No. 8240 is null and void deliberative bodies are subject to revocation,
because: modification, or waiver at the pleasure of the
a. It was passed in violation of the body adopting them
rules of the HOR. US v. Ballin, Joseph and Co: Constitution
b. T h e s e r u l e s e m b o d y t h e empowers each House to determine its rules of
constitutional mandate in Sec. proceedings. Power to make rules is a
16(3) of Art. 6 of the Constitution continuous power.
stating that each House may City Loan Savings v. Moore: Legislative act will
determine the rules of its not be declared invalid for noncompliance with
proceedings and that the rules.
consequently, violation of the State v. Savings Bank: Authority of the House
House rules is a violation of the may be abused, but when the House clearly
Constitution itself. acted in a matter clearly within its power, it would
c. T h e y c o n t e n d t h a t t h e be an unwarranted invasion of the independence
certification of Speaker De of the legislative department.
Venecia that the law was properly McDonald v. State: no inquiry will be permitted to
passed is false and spurious. ascertain whether two houses have or have not
More specifically, petitioners charge that complied strictly with their own rules
- In violation of Rule 8(35) and Rule 17(103) Schweizer v. Territory: Courts cannot declare an
of the rules of the House – Chair, in act of the legislature void on account of non-
submitting the conference committee compliance with its rules of procedure made by
report to the House, did not call for yeas itself.
and nays, preventing Arroyo from According to Justice Fernando, rules are hardly
questioning presence of quorum permanent in character and are subject to
- In violation of Rule 19(112) – Chair revocation and modification. Mere failure to
deliberately ignored Arroyo’s question conform does not have the effect of nullifying.
- In violation of Rule 16(97) – Chair refused In the case at bar, there were no rights
to recognized Arroyo and instead transgressed. House rules do not affect other
proceeded to act on Albano’s motion and rights except those in the Senate. Hence, Courts
declared report approved cannot look into internal proceedings
- In violation of Rule 20(121-122), Rule
21(123), Rule 27(109) – Chair suspended Judicial Power
session without ruling on Arroyo’s motion Even if judicial review has expounded in scope,
Respondents answer that: there is still a need for an actual case or
- Court is not proper venue to enforce controversy. It is an established rule that courts
House rules. cannot declare act of legislature void on account
- Journal no. 39 covering sessions shows merely of noncompliance with rules of procedure
that on Motion of Albano, there being no made by itself. It is not the case that the branch
objection, HB was approved. has gone beyond the constitutional limits of its
jurisdiction to call for exercise of judicial review.
W/N Congress committed grave abuse of
discretion in enacting RA 8240.

Railroading of Passage the House Committee (HC) on Local

Petitioners claim that the passage of the law in Governments and HC on Committee
the House was “railroaded” as Arroyo was still Appropriations. The Committee submitted to the
making a query to the Chair when the latter house a favorable report with amendments.
declared Albano’s motion approved. However, Meanwhile, a counterpart of HB 8817, SB 1243
approval of conference committee report had “An Act Converting the Municipality of Santiago
already been declared before subsequent into an Independent Component City to be
objection from Arroyo. There is no rule cited that Known as the City of Santiago,” was filed in the
in cases involving a conference committee report, Senate with Sen. Tito Sotto as principal sponsor
a nominal voting must be held. In the approval of just right after the HR had conducted its first
the original bill, yeas and nays have already been public hearing. HB 8817 was passed on 2nd
taken. It would have been sheer tedium to repeat reading and approved on 3rd reading and was
the process. When session resumed, Arroyo thereafter submitted to the Senate. The Senate
made no more objection. Arroyo was prevented Committee on Local Government recommended
from continuously questioning presence for a that HB 8817 be approved without amendment
quorum, for it had already been established. Out since it was on all fours with SB 1243. The
of 111 members, only 5 are questions its manner Committee Report passed the 2nd reading and
of execution. was approved on the 3rd reading. The enrolled bill
as submitted to the President and signed by him
Enrolled Bill Doctrine on May 5, 1994 as RA 7720. When a plebiscite
Signing of Speaker and Senate President and on the Act was held, a great majority of registered
certification of secretaries of both Houses is voters of Santiago voted in favor of its conversion
conclusive of its enactment. It is well-established into a city. However, the petitioners assail the
as a rule of evidence. Courts have refused to look validity of RA 7720 arguing that Santiago could
into allegations that enrolled bill was otherwise not qualify into a component city because its
than as certified by presiding officer. Enrolled bill average annual income for the last 2 consecutive
carries on its face a solemn assurance by years falls below the required annual income of
legislative and executive departments charged P20Million. The bill did not originate from the
with duty of enacting and executing laws. Art. 6, House of Representatives.
Sec. 16(4) of Constitution: Each House shall keep
a journal of its proceedings: ISSUES:
- Journal is regarded as conclusive. 1. [MAIN] WON the Internal Revenue Allotments
- Bill which became RA 8240 is in the journal. (IRAs) are to be included in the computation of
Therefore, enactment is proven. the average annual income of a municipality
for the purposes of its conversion into an
It would be an unwarranted invasion of the independent component city.
prerogative of a coequal department for this 2. WON RA 7720 can be said to have originated
Court to set aside a legislative act as void based from the House of Representatives
on its own rules of procedure. That would make considering that Senate passed SB No. 1243,
the Court guilty itself of grave abuse of its its own version of HB 8817.
discretion to do so.
WHEREFORE, petition for certiorari and 1. YES! IRAs form part of income of LGUs.
prohibition is dismissed. Petitioners argue that the IRAs should not be
included in the computation to determine the
Alvarez v. Guingona, G.R. No. 118303, 31 average annual income of the municipality (see
January 1996 notes). The IRAs are not actually income but
transfers and/or budgetary aid from the
FACTS: national government and that they fluctuate
HB No. 8817 “An Act Converting the Municipality depending on factors like population, land and
of Santiago into an Independent Component City equal sharing. Following the proposed
to be known as the City of Santiago”was filed in computation the average annual income is only
the House of Representatives (HR) with Antonio about P13Million which is far below the P20
Abaya as principal author. It was then referred to Million average income requirement. SC held

petitioner’s argument as untenable! Internal thus constitute income which the local
Revenue Allotments form part of the income of government can invariably rely upon as the
LGUs. A Local Government Unit is a political source of much needed funds. While Section 450
subdivision of the State which is constituted by (c) of the Local Government Code provides that
law and possessed of substantial control over the average annual income shall include the
its own affairs. It is autonomous in the sense income accruing to the general fund, exclusive of
that it is given more powers, authority, special funds, transfers, and nonrecurring
responsibilities and resources. Power which income, it must be noted that IRAs are a regular
used to be highly centralized in Manila, is recurring item of income and can’t be classified
thereby deconcentrated, enabling especially as a special fund or transfer. Dept of Finance
the peripheral local government units to Order No 35-93also defines Annual Income to
develop not only at their own pace and be revenues and receipts realized by provinces,
discretion but also with their own resources cities and municipalities from regular sources of
and assets. The practical side to development the Local General Fund including the internal
through a decentralized local government revenue allotment and other shares provided for
system certainly concerns the matter of in Sections 284, 290 and 291 of the Code, but
financial resources. With its broadened powers exclusive of nonrecurring receipts, such as other
and increased responsibilities, an LGU must national aids, grants, financial assistance, loan
now operate on a much wider scale. More proceeds, sales of fixed assets and similar
extensive operations, in turn, entail more others. Such order, constituting executive or
expenses. Understandably, the vesting of duty, contemporaneous construction of a statute by an
responsibility and accountability in every LGU administrative agency charged with the task of
is accompanied with a provision for reasonably interpreting and applying the same, is entitled to
adequate resources to discharge its powers full respect and should be accorded great weight
and effectively carry out its functions. Availment by the courts, unless such construction is clearly
of such resources is effectuated through the shown to be in conflict with the Constitution, the
vesting in every LGU of: governing statute, or other laws.
1. the right to create and broaden its own
source of revenue; 2. YES! It cannot be denied that HB No. 8817
2. the right to be allocated a just share in was filed in the House of Representatives first
national taxes, such share being in the form of before SB No. 1243 was filed in the Senate.
internal revenue allotments (IRAs); and Petitioners themselves cannot disvow their own
3. the right to be given its equitable share admission that HB No. 8817 was filed on April
i n t h e p ro c e e d s o f t h e u t i l i z a t i o n a n d 18, 1993 while SB No. 1243 was filed on May
development of the national wealth, if any, within 19, 1993.The filing of HB No. 8817 was thus
its territorial boundaries. precursive not only of the said Act in question
The funds generated from local taxes, IRAs and but also of SB No. 1243. Furthermore,
national wealth utilization proceeds accrue to the petitioners themselves acknowledge that HB
general fund of the local government and are No. 8817 was already approved on Third
used to finance its operations subject to specified Reading and duly transmitted to the Senate
modes of spending the same as provided in the when the Senate Committee on Local
Local Government Code and its IRR (i.e. not less Government conducted its public hearing on
than 20% of the IRAs must be set aside for local HB No. 8817. The filing in the Senate of a
development projects). Hence, for purposes of substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt of the
budget preparation, the IRAs and the share in the bill from the House, does not contravene the
national wealth utilization proceeds are constitutional requirement that a bill of local
considered items of income. This is also because application should originate in the House of
the Local Government Code defines income as Representatives, for as long as the Senate
all revenues and receipts collected or received does not act thereupon until it receives the
forming the gross accretions of funds of the local House bill. SC Final Words: On the side of
government unit. The IRAs are items of income every law, there is a presumption of
because they form part of the gross accretion of constitutionality. Hence, for RA 7720 to be
the funds of the local government unit. The IRAs nullified it must be shown that there is a clear
regularly and automatically accrue to the They and unequivocal breach of the Constitution, not

merely a doubtful and equivocal one; the Morales v. Subido, G.R. No. L-29658, 27
grounds for nullity must be clear and beyond February 1969
reasonable doubt.
In the Senate, HB 6951 was amended by Sen
Casco v. Gimenez, G.R. No. L-17931, 28 Rodrigo, inserting the phrase “has served as
February 1963 officer in the Armed Forces” the now Sec 10 of
RA 6951. However, when the bill was published,
FACTS: the phrase “who has served the police
Petitioner was engaged in the manufacture of department of a city or” was dropped and only
synthetic resin glues. It sought the refund of the the Rodrigo amendment was retained. Petitioner
margin fees relying on RA 2609 (Foreign showed certified photostatic copies of the draft
Exchange Margin Fee Law) stating that the approved by Congress to back his claim. A
Central Bank of the Philippines fixed a uniform memo was also adduced showing that Sec 10
margin fee of 25% on foreign exchange was recast for clarity. The change was not made
transactions. However, the Auditor of the Bank during the legislative proceedings making the
refused to pass in audit and approved the said omission of the phrase invalid.
refunds upon the ground that Petitioner’s
separate importations of urea and formaldehyde ISSUES:
is not in accord with the provisions of Sec. 2, par. W/N the court can investigate the matter.
18 of RA 2609. The pertinent portion of this
statute reads: “The margin established by the HELD:
Monetary Board … shall be imposed upon the NO. Court cannot go behind the enrolled Act to
sale of foreign exchange for the importation of discover what really happened. The respect due
the following: “XVIII. Urea formaldehyde for the to the other branched of Government demands
manufacture of plywood and hardwood when that Court act upon the presumption that other
imported by and for the exclusive use of end- branches did its official duty. The investigation is
users.” better done in Congress, not by the Court. The
signing by the Speaker of the House of
ISSUE: Representatives and by the President of the
W/N “urea” and “formaldehyde” are exempt by Senate of an enrolled bill is an official attestation
law from the payment of the margin fee. by the two houses that such bill is the one that
has passed Congress. And when the bill thus
HELD: attested is signed by the President and deposited
The term “urea formaldehyde” used in Sec. 2 of in the archives, its authentication as a bill that has
RA 2609 refers to the finished product as passed Congress should be deemed complete
expressed by the National Institute of Science and unimpeachable. In all cases, journals must
and Technology, and is distinct and separate from yield to the enrolled bill. With respect to matters
“urea and formaldehyde” which are separate not expressly required to be entered on the
chemicals used in the manufacture of synthetic journal, the enrolled bill prevails in the event of
resin. The one mentioned in the law is a finished any discrepancy.
product, while the ones imported by the WHEREFORE, the motions for reconsiderations
Petitioner are raw materials. Hence, the are denied.
importation of “urea” and “formaldehyde” is not
exempt from the imposition of the margin fee. Astorga v. Villegas, G.R. No. L-23475, 30 April
Mabanag v. Vito, G.R. No. L-1123, 5 March
1947 FACTS:
House Bill No. 9266 was passed from the House
of Representatives to the Senate. Senator Arturo
Tolentino made substantial amendments which
were approved by the Senate. The House,
without notice of said amendments, thereafter
signed its approval until all the presiding officers

of both houses certified and attested to the bill. the barrels of “wine” in Beliso’s warehouse and
The President also signed it and thereupon those which were delivered to Pons. The
became RA 4065. Senator Tolentino made a Customs authorities found the five barrels in
press statement that the enrolled copy of House Pons’ house but they were already opened and
Bill No. 9266 was a wrong version of the bill were empty; they also found 5 large empty tins
because it did not embody the amendments (corresponds in size to the heads of the barrels)
introduced by him and approved by the Senate. and 77 tins of opium; they then ordered three of
Both the Senate President and the President the barrels in Beliso’s house to be returned to the
withdrew their signatures and denounced RA customhouse and then found each barrels
4065 as invalid. Petitioner argued that the containing a large tin like the ones found in Pons’
authentication of the presiding officers of the house. Each tin contains 75 tins of opium. Upon
Congress is conclusive proof of a bill’s due a r re s t , P o n s v o l u n t a r i l y c o n f e s s e d h i s
enactment. participation in the smuggling of opium. Pons
was found guilty of the crime of illegal
ISSUE: importation of opium and was sentenced to be
W/N House Bill No. 9266 is considered enacted confined in Bilibid Prison for two years and pay a
and valid. fine of P1,000.00. Pons appealed the decision,
contending that the court erred in:
HELD: 1. Denying his counsel’s motion
Since both the Senate President and the Chief alleging and offering to prove that
Executive withdrew their signatures therein, the the last day of the special
court declared that the bill was not duly enacted session of the Philippine
and therefore did not become a law. The Legislature for 1914 was on
Constitution requires that each House shall keep February 28; that Act No. 2381,
a journal. An importance of having a journal is under which Pons must be
that in the absence of attestation or evidence of punished if guilty, was not
the bill’s due enactment, the court may resort to passed/approved on February 28
the journals of the Congress to verify such. of that year, rather on March 1;
“Where the journal discloses that substantial that therefore, Act No. 2381 is
amendment were introduced and approved and null and void.
were not incorporated in the printed text sent to 2. Finding that the legal evidence of
the President for signature, the court can declare record establishes his guilt
that the bill has not been duly enacted and did beyond reasonable doubt
not become a law.”
United States v. Pons, G.R. No. L-11530, 12 1. W/N the Court can take judicial notice of
August 1916 legislative journals

Facts: 2. W/N the date of adjournment of the

Legislature could be proved by legislative
Appeal from judgment of Court of First Instance journals or by extraneous evidence
of Manila charging Gabino Beliso, Juan Pons,
and Jacinto Lasarte with the crime of illegal a. W/N Act No. 2381 is null and
importation of opium. On April 5 or 6 of 1915, 25 void because it was approved
barrels of “wine” arrived at Manila from Spain on while Philippine Commission was
board the Spanish mail steamer, Lopez y Lopez. not in session
They were consigned to Lasarte. The barrels
were delivered to Beliso’s warehouse in Calle San 3. W/N the plaintiff is guilty of the crime of
Anton. Five of the barrels were delivered to Pons illegal importation of opium
by one of Beliso’s men. Customs authorities
conducted an investigation on the shipments of Held:
merchandise from Spain which were manifested 1. YES, the court can take judicial notice of
as wine and were consigned to persons who legislative journals.
were not listed as merchants – this led them to

Sec. 275, Code of Civil Procedure: Legislative journals are conclusive

existence of official acts of the evidence of the date of adjournment of
legislative, executive, and judicial the Legislature.
departments of the United States
and of the Philippine Islands shall be o “Conclusive evidence” is that
judicially recognized by the court which establishes the fact o
without the introduction of proof; but Appellant depends on memory or
the court may receive evidence upon recollection of witnesses in proving
any of the subjects in this section his contention while legislative
states, when it shall find it necessary journals are the acts of the
for its own information, and may government itself
resort for its aid to appropriate
books, documents, or evidence. Records of the
Legislature are as
Sec. 313, Code of Civil Procedure: important as those of the
“Official documents may be proved judiciary and to inquire
as follows: into the veracity of the
journals of the Philippine
o (2) The proceedings of the Legislature, when they
Philippine Commission, or of are clear and explicit
any legislative body that may would be to violate both
be provided for the the letter and the spirit of
Philippine Islands, or of the organic laws by
Congress, by the journals of which the Philippine
those bodies or of either Government was brought
house thereof, or by into existence, to invade
published statutes or a coordinate and
resolutions, or by copies independent department
certified by the clerk or of the Government, and
secretary or printed by their to interfere with the
order: legitimate powers and
Provided, That in the case of functions of the
Acts of the Philippine Legislature
Commission or the Philippine
Legislature when there is in Altering the probative
existence a copy signed by the force and character of
p re s i d i n g o ffi c e r s a n d t h e legislative record and
secretaries of said bodies, it making the proof of
shall be conclusive proof of the legislative action depend
provisions of such Act and of the upon uncertain,
due enactment thereof.” imperfect evidence such
as what appellant
Well settled in the United States that contends with would
legislative journals may be noticed by the result in an unstable
courts in determining the question of foundation of the laws
whether a particular bill became a law or
not. a) NO, Act No. 2381 is valid; it was
approved while Legislature was in
2. The date of adjournment of the Legislature session.
could be proved by legislative journals.
The journals, which are
conclusive evidence, are
clear in saying that the

Legislature adjourned at Assembly adjourned

12MN on February 28, 1914 sine die at 12 o'clock
and not March 1, 1914 as midnight on February
stated by the appellant’s 28, 1914
3. YES, the plaintiff is guilty beyond reasonable
Page 793 of Vol. 7 of doubt of the crime of illegal importation of
the Commission opium as established by the facts found by
Journal for the the trial court.
ordinary and special The judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED.
sessions of the Third
P h i l i p p i n e Belgica v. Ochoa, G.R. No. 208560, 19
Legislature: “The November 2013

J o u r n a l f o r. . . Araullo v. Aquino, G.R. No. 209287, 3 February

February 28, 1914, 2015
was approved... The
hour of midnight FACTS:
having arrived, on Petitioners claim that the DAP contravenes Sec
motion of 29(1) Art VI of the Consti by allowing the
Commissioner Executive to allocate public money pooled from
Palma, the un/programmed funds in the guise of the Pres.
Commission, as a exercising his consti authority under Sec 25(5) -
Chamber of the where he can transfer funds out of savings to
P h i l i p p i n e augment the appropriations within the Exec.
L e g i s l a t u re , Branch of gov’t. Complicated because there were
adjourned sine die.” alleged transfer of funds to agencies/offices
outside the Executive.
State ex rel. Herron vs.
Smith: “Imperative reasons of
public policy require that the Antecedents of the controversy
authenticity of laws should Sept 25 2013: Sen Jinggoy Estrada delivered a
rest upon public memorials privilege speech in the Senate to reveal that
of the most permanent some Senators, himself included, had been
character. They should be allotted an additional P50M each as “incentive”
public, because all are for voting in favor of CJ Corona’s impeachment
required to conform to them;
they should be permanent, Where DAP funds come from acc. To Sen
that right acquired to-day Estrada:
upon the faith of what has (1) U n re l e a s e d a p p ro p r i a t i o n s u n d e r
been declared to be law shall Personnel Services
not be destroyed to-morrow, (2) Unprogrammed funds
or at some remote period of (3) Carry-over appropriations unreleased
time, by facts resting only in from the previous year
the memory of individuals.” (4) Budgets for slow moving items or
projects that had been realigned to
Journal of support faster-disbursing projects
proceedings was
published in Acc. to DBM, funds came from:
compliance with Sec. (1) Pooling of unreleased appropriations like
7, Act of Congress, unreleased funds from:
and it was stated > Personnel Services appropriations,
therein that the > slow-moving projects

> discontinued projects per zero-based (b) They “augment” discretionary lump sum
budgeting findings appropriations in the GAAs YES.
(2) withdrawal of unobligated allotments also
for slow-moving programs and projects (3) W/N the DAP violates
earlier released (a) Equal Protection Clause lacks factual and
legal basis for this
DBM’s legal bases for DAP’s use of savings: (b) system of checks and balances Yes.
• Sec 25(5) Art VI of 1987 Constitution (c) Principle of public accountability enshrined in
o President’s authoirty to augment the 1987 Consti considering that it authorizes the
an item for his office in the Gen. release of funds upon the request of legislators
Appropriations Law Yes.
• Sec 49 (Authority to Use Savings for
Certain Purposes) Luna argues implementation of the DAP was
• Sec 38 (Suspension of Expenditure "unfair & selective" because the funds released
Appropriations under the DAP was:
• Chap. 5 Book VI of Exec. Order 292 > not made available to all the legislators, with
(Admin Code of 1987) some of them refusing to avail themselves of
• General Appropriations Acts (GAAs) of the DAP funds
2011, 2012, 2013 > others being unaware of the availability of
o Use of savings such funds.
o Meanings of savings and
augmentation OSG counters the challenges, stating that the
o Priority use of savings supposed discrimination in the release of funds
under the DAP could be raised only by the
ISSUES affected Members of Congress themselves, and if
Procedural Issue: the challenge based on the violation of the Equal
W/N certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus are Protection Clause
proper remedies to assail the constitutionality &
validity of the Disbursement Acceleration
Program (DAP), National Budget Circular (NBC) W/N factual and legal justification exists to issue
No. 541, and all other exec. Issuances. YES. a temporary restraining order to restrain the
implementation of the DAP, NBC No. 541, and all
> Is a controversy ripe for judicial determination? other exec. Issuances allegedly implementing the
> Is there a standing of petitioners? YES.
For oral arguments:
Substantive Issues: (4) W/N the release of unprogrammed funds
(1) W/N DAP violates Sec 29 Art VI of 1987 under the DAP was in accord with the GAAs. No.
Constitution, which says “NO money shall be Invalid.
paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of
an appropriation made by law.” NO. (5) W/N the Doctrine of Operative Fact is
applicable. YES.
(2) W/N the DAP, NBC No. 541, and all other
executive issuances allegedly implementing the HELD:
DAP violate Sec 25(5) Art VI of the 1987 Re: Procedural Issue
Constitution insofar as: YES. IT’S (1) Petitions under Rule 65 are proper
They treat unreleased app. & unobligated (2) Requisites for the exercise of the power
allotments withdrawn from gov’t agencies as of judicial review were complied with
“savings” as the term is used Sec 25(5) ✩ Actual justiciable controversy
(a) They authorize the disbursement of funds > conflict b/w legal rights
for projects or programs not provided in > entailed allocation and expenditure of
the GAAs for Exec. Dept YES. huge sums of public funds

✩ Ripe for adjudication Budget of Expenditures and Sources of

> challenged executive acts were already Financing (BESF)
being implemented by DBM National Expenditure Program (NEP)
> moot and academic? Program, Activity or Project (PAP)
→ court: does not agree that the 2 categories of gov’t expenditures:
termination of the DAP as a program was a > Capital expenditures / outlays
supervening event that mooted the cases > current operating expenditures
→ court exercises its power of jud review (2) Budget Legislation
when there was a grave violation of Consti, Congress receives President’s budget
paramount public interest, capabale of repetition Appropriations Committee in Congress
✩ Proper Party GAB: General Appropriations Bill
> De Castro v. Judicial and Bar Council Bicameral Conference with Senate
Personal stake in the outcome (3) Budget Execution
> People v. Vera Agencies submit Budget Execution Documents
Direct injury test (BED)
> personal and substantial interest Allotment Release Program (ARP) & Cash
> transcendental importance Release Program (CRP) by DBM
> David v. Macapagal Arroyo (4) Accountability
Citizen and taxpayer have standing in > ensures that gov’t funds have been effectively
public actions and efficiently used
✩ constitutionality - earliest opportunity & lis > performance targets and outcomes →
mota budget accountability reports → review of
agency performance → audit conducted by
Araullo & Belgica: assert right as citizens the Commission on Audit(COA)
> enforcement and observance of constitutional
limitations on the political branches of gov’t Nature of DAP as a fiscal plan
PHILCONSA: Legal standing long recognized (a) DAP was a program designed to promote
Luna: Additional capacity as lawyer economic growth
IBP: Avowed duty to work for the rule of law (b) History of the implementation of the DAP,
and sources of funds under the DAP
Substantive Issues (c) DAP was not an appropriation measure;
Overview of the Budget System hence, no appropriation law was required
Origin of the Budget System to adopt or to implement it
> greatly influenced by western public financial > no law was necessary for the adoption and
institutions implementation of the DAP because of its
Objectives: being neither a fund nor an appropriation, but a
→ carry on all gov’t activities of the budgetary program or an administrative system of
status of the gov’t prioritizing spending
> and that the adoption of the DAP was by
Evolution of the PH Budget System virtue of the authority of the President as the
Jones Law → 1935 Consti → CA No. 246 (1st Chief Executive to ensure that laws were
budget law - line item budget framework) → RA faithfully executed.
992 (performance budgeting) → 1973 Consti PD
1177 and 1405 (Ministry of Budget) → EO 711 (Issue 2) Unreleased appropriations & withdrawn
Office of Budget and Management → EO 292 unobligated allotments under the DAP were not
(DBM) savings, and the use of such appropriations
contravened Sec 25(5) Art VI of the 1987 Consti
PH Budget Cycle
(1) Budget Preparation > Although executive discretion and flexibility
Budget Call by DBM are necessary in the execution of the budget,
Agency Budget Proposals any transfer of appropriated funds should
Budget Hearings conform to Section 25(5), Article VI of the

> Requisites for the valid transfer of allocated were already satisfied, or the need for
appropriated funds under Section 25(5), Article such funds had ceased to exist, for only then
VI of the 1987 Constitution could savings be properly realized.
(1) There is a law authorizing the President, the
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the > Third Requisite – No funds from savings
House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of could be transferred under the DAP to
the Supreme Court, and the heads of the augment deficient items not provided in the
Constitutional Commissions to transfer funds GAA
within their respective offices; > an appropriation for any PAP must
first be determined to be deficient before it
(2) The funds to be transferred are savings could be augmented from savings.
generated from the appropriations for their
respective offices; and Note is taken of the fact that the 2013 GAA
already made this quite clear, thus:
(3) The purpose of the transfer is to augment Section 52. Use of Savings. The President of
an item in the general appropriations law for the Philippines, the Senate President, the
their respective offices. Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Heads
> First Requisite – GAAs of 2011 and 2012 of Constitutional Commissions enjoying fiscal
lacked valid provisions to authorize transfers of autonomy, and the Ombudsman are hereby
funds under the DAP; hence, transfers under authorized to use savings in their respective
the DAP were unconstitutional appropriations to augment actual deficiencies
incurred for the current year in any item of their
> Second Requisite – There were no savings respective appropriations.
from which funds could be sourced for the
DAP. Were the funds used in the DAP actually > Third Requisite – Cross-border
savings? augmentations from savings were prohibited
by the Constitution
Court agrees with petitioners that the → the phrase "respective offices" used in
unreleased appropriations and withdrawn Section 25(5), supra, refers to the entire
unobligated allotments were not actual savings Executive, with respect to the President
within the context of Section 25(5) → should be limited to the specific offices
Belgica: savings should be understood refer to Bengzon v. Drilon:
the excess money after the items that needed Judiciary, Constitutional Commission &
to be funded have been funded, or those that Ombudsman → independence and flexibility
needed to be paid have been paid pursuant to re: Consti duties
the budget.
Cross-border Transfers / Cross-border
O S G re p re s e n t s t h a t " s a v i n g s " w e re Augmentations:
"appropriations balances” → funds appropriated for one office are
> being the difference between the prohibited from crossing over to another office
appropriation authorized by Congress and even in the guise of augmentation of a deficient
the actual amount allotted for the item or items.
definition of "savings" in the GAAs: (Issue 3) Equal protection, checks and balances,
set only the parameters for determining when and public accountability challenges
savings occurred
> argument that the release of funds under the
Principles presented to construe savings strictly DAP effectively stayed the hands of the
against expanding the scope of the power legislators from conducting congressional
to augment. It is then indubitable that the inquiries into the legality and propriety of the
power to augment was to be used only when DAP is speculative
the purpose for which the funds had been > guesswork and speculation cannot

overcome the presumption of the ● Petitioners: the total revenue collections

constitutionality of the assailed executive act must exceed the total revenue target
stated in the BESF
Luna argues implementation of the DAP was ● Respondents: understand the phrase to
"unfair & selective" because the funds released refer only to the collections for each
under the DAP was: source of revenue as enumerated in the
> not made available to all the legislators, with BESF, with the condition being deemed
some of them refusing to avail themselves of complied with once the revenue
the DAP funds collections from a particular source
> others being unaware of the availability of already exceeded the stated target
such funds.
(Issue 5) Doctrine of operative fact was
OSG counters the challenges, stating that the applicable
supposed discrimination in the release of funds Article 7 of CC: Laws are repealed only by
under the DAP could be raised only by the subsequent ones, and their violation or non-
affected Members of Congress themselves, and if observance shall not be excused by disuse, or
the challenge based on the violation of the Equal custom or practice to the contrary.
Protection Clause > When the courts declared a law to be
inconsistent with the Constitution, the former
Re: Checks and balances shall be void and the latter shall govern.
> Luna: the grant of the funds under the DAP > Doctrine of operative fact explained in De
to some legislators forced their silence about Agbayani v. PNB
the issues and anomalies surrounding the DAP → ‘When the courts declare a law to be
> Belgica: unjust encroachment on Exec. branch inconsistent with the Constitution, the former
→ by allowing the legislators to identify PAPs, shall be void and the latter shall govern.’
authorized them to take part in the Administrative or executive acts, orders and
implementation and execution of the GAAs, a regulations shall be valid only when they are
function that exclusively belonged to the not contrary to the laws of the Constitution
> Justice Brion: Doctrine of operative fact
Re: Accountability → can only apply in situations where the
> DAP was repugnant to the principle of public nullification of the effects of what used to be a
accountability enshrined in the Constitution, valid law would result in inequity and injustice
because the legislators relinquished the power → but where no such result would ensue, the
of appropriation to the Executive, and general rule that an unconstitutional law is
exhibited a reluctance to inquire into the totally ineffective should apply
legality of the DAP → cannot apply to the authors, proponents
and implementors of the DAP
(Issue 4) Sourcing the DAP from unprogrammed
funds despite the original revenue targets not Court partially grants the petitions
having been exceeded was invalid > declares the acts & practices under DAP, NB
Circular No. 541 & related exec. Issuances
"unprogrammed appropriations" UNCONSTITUTIONAL
→ appropriations that provided standby For being in violation of Sec 25(5) of Art. VI of
authority to incur additional agency obligations 1987 Consti & doctrine of separation of
for priority PAPs when revenue collections powers:
exceeded targets, and when additional foreign
funds are generated (a) Withdrawal of unobligated allotments
from implementing agencies, and the
→ present controversy on the unprogrammed declaration of the withdrawn unobligated
funds was rooted in the correct interpretation allotments
of the phrase "revenue collections should > without complying w/ statutory
exceed the original revenue targets” definition

of savings Whether the President may prohibit the Marcoses

(b) Cross-border transfers of the saving of from returning to the Philippines, in the exercise
the Executive to augment the of powers granted by the Constitution – YES
appropriations of other offices outside Whether the President acted arbitrarily or with
the Exec. grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
(c) Funding of projects, activities and excess of jurisdiction when she determined that
programs that were not covered by any the Marcoses’ return poses a serious threat to
appropriation in the GAA national interest and welfare – NO

Marcos v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211, 15 HELD:

September 1989 Regarding the Petitioners’ Assertions + Court’s
The Marcos regime had a profound effect on the Their return is guaranteed under provisions of
political, economic, and other aspects of national Article III, Sections 1 and 6 of the Constitution.
life. In February 1986, Ferdinand E. Marcos was SECTION 1. No person shall be deprived of life,
deposed from the presidency via the non-violent liberty, or property without due process of law,
"people power" revolution and forced into exile. nor shall any person be denied the equal
In his stead, Corazon C. Aquino was declared protection of the laws.
President of the Republic under a revolutionary SECTION 6. The liberty of abode and of changing
government. Her ascension to and consolidation the same within the limits prescribed by law shall
of power have not been unchallenged. The failed not be impaired except upon lawful order of the
Manila Hotel coup in 1986 led by political leaders court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired
of Mr. Marcos. The takeover of television station except in the interest of national security, public
Channel 7 by rebel troops led by Col. Canlas with safety, or public health, as may be provided by
the support of "Marcos loyalists". The law.
unsuccessful plot of the Marcos spouses to The Court is not bound by the narrow confines in
s u r re p t i t i o u s l y re t u r n f ro m H a w a i i w i t h arriving at a solution to the controversy. It would
mercenaries aboard an aircraft chartered by a not do to view the case within the confines of the
Lebanese arms dealer. There are also the right to travel and the import of the decisions of
communist insurgency and the seccessionist the U.S. Supreme Court in the leading cases
movement in Mindanao which gained ground of Kent v. Dulles and Haig v. Agee.
during the rule of Mr. Marcos, to the extent that
the communists have set up a parallel The individual right involved is not the right to
government of their own on the areas they travel from the Philippines to other countries
effectively control while the separatist are virtually or within the Philippines.
free to move about in armed bands. The efforts at
economic recovery, three years after Mrs. Aquino The right to return to one's country is not among
assumed office, have yet to show concrete the rights specifically guaranteed in the Bill of
results in alleviating the poverty of the masses. Rights, which treats only of the liberty of abode
The recovery of the ill-gotten wealth of the and the right to travel, but it is the Court’s well-
Marcoses has remained elusive. considered view that the right to return may be
Marcos, in his deathbed, has signified his wish to considered, as a generally accepted principle of
return to the Philippines to die. Pres. Aquino, international law and, under our Constitution, is
considering the dire consequences to the nation part of the law of the land [Art. II, Sec. 2 of the
of his return at a time when the stability of Constitution.]
government is threatened from various directions
and the economy is just beginning to rise and The President is without power to impair liberty of
move forward, has stood firmly on the decision to abode of the Marcoses because only a court may
bar the return of Mr. Marcos and his family. do so "within the limits prescribed by law." Nor
may the President impair their right to travel
ISSUE: because no law has authorized her to do so.
As discussed, Bill of Rights includes right to
travel and liberty of abode. Petitioner’s assertion

of right to return is inapplicable as it is not stated Having sworn to defend and uphold the
in the provisions. OSG claims that the President’s Constitution, the President has the
power to impair the Marcoses’ right to travel is a obligation under the Constitution to protect the
political question. Under international law, the people, promote their welfare and advance the
right of Mr. Marcos and his family to return to the national interest.
Philippines is guaranteed.
Right to return is distinct and separate from the Article II, Sections 1, 4 and 5 consist of ideals
right to travel and enjoys a different protection that the President must take into consideration.
under the International Covenant of Civil and The President is not only clothed with
Political Rights. extraordinary powers in times of emergency, but
is also tasked with attending to the day-to-day
Regarding the First Issue problems of maintaining peace and order and
The Constitution itself provides that the ensuring domestic tranquility in times when no
execution of the laws is only one of the foreign foe appears on the horizon.
powers of the President. The Congress’ Resolution does not even
Art. VII, Sec. 1 of the Constitution provides that question the President's power to bar the
"[t]he executive power shall be vested in the Marcoses from returning to the Philippines,
President of the Philippines." However, it does rather, it appeals to the President's sense of
not define what is meant by executive power. compassion to allow a man to come home to die
Court was reminded by petitioners’ allegations of in his country.
the U.S. institution of the U.S. Presidency after
which ours is legally patterned. Regarding Judicial Review
- Corwin - Article II (Executive) is the most Article VIII, Section 1 of the Constitution:
loosely drawn chapter of the The judicial power shall be vested in one
Constitution. Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may
- Schlesinger - For the American be established by law. Judicial power includes
Presidency was a peculiarly personal the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
institution. It changed shape, intensity controversies involving rights which are legally
and ethos according to the man in demandable and enforceable, and to determine
charge. whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
- Clark Clifford – The executive branch was discretion amounting to lack or excess of
a chameleon, taking its color from the jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
character and personality of the instrumentality of the Government.
President Court cannot agree with the OSG that the issue
Although the 1987 Constitution imposes constitutes a political question which is beyond
limitations on the exercise of specific powers of the jurisdiction of the Court to decide. The
the President, it maintains intact what is question for the Court to determine is whether or
traditionally considered as within the scope of not there exist factual bases for the President to
"executive power." Corollarily, the powers of the conclude that it was in the national interest to bar
President cannot be said to be limited only to the return of the Marcoses to the Philippines. The
the specific powers enumerated in the Court finds that there exist factual bases for
Constitution. the President's decision. The President has
Whatever power inherent in the government that determined that the destabilization caused by the
is neither legislative nor judicial has to be return of the Marcoses would wipe away the
executive (Springer v. Government of the gains achieved during the past few years and
Philippine Islands). lead to total economic collapse. Given what is
Regarding the Second Issue within our individual and common knowledge of
President did not act arbitrarily or with grave the state of the economy, the Court cannot argue
abuse of discretion in determining that the with that determination.
return of former President Marcos and his Petition is Dismissed.
family at the present time and under present
circumstances poses a serious threat to Ocampo v. Enriquez, G.R. No. 225973, 8
national interest and welfare and in prohibiting November 2016
their return to the Philippines.

FACTS: Petitioners Saguisag, et al., as members of the

During the campaign period for the 2016 Bar, failed to disclose the direct or potential injury
Presidential Election, then candidate Rodrigo R. which they may suffer as a result of the act
Duterte publicly announced that he would allow complained of. Their interest in this case is too
the burial former President Ferdinand E. Marcos general and shared by other groups, such that
at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani ("LNMB"). Duterte their duty to uphold the rule of law, without more,
won the May 9, 2016 elections. is inadequate to clothe them with requisite legal
Aug. 7, 2016 – Defense Secretary Delfin N. standing.
Lorenzana issued a Memorandum to AFP Chief Petitioners also failed to prove that the case is of
of Staff General Ricardo R. Visaya regarding the transcendental importance. At this point in time,
interment of former President Ferdinand E. the interment of Marcos at a cemetery originally
Marcos at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani. established as a national military cemetery and
Aug. 9, 2016, AFP Rear Admiral Ernesto C. declared a national shrine would have no
Enriquez issued a directive to the Philippine Army profound effect on the political, economic, and
on the Funeral Honors and Service for President other aspects of our national life considering that
Marcos. more than twenty-seven (27) years since his
Dissatisfied with the foregoing issuance, the death and thirty (30) years after his ouster have
petitioners filed a Petition for Certiorari and already passed. Significantly, petitioners failed to
Prohibition and Petition for Mandamus and demonstrate a clear and imminent threat to their
Prohibition with the Court. fundamental constitutional rights.
As to petitioners Senator De Lima and
ISSUE: Congressman Lagman, they failed to show that
W/N the issuance and implementation of the the burial of Marcos encroaches on their
assailed memorandum and directive violated the prerogatives as legislators.
Constitution, and domestic and international laws
3. Exhaustion of administrative remedies
HELD: Petitioners violated the exhaustion of
Procedural Issues administrative remedies. Contrary to their claim
1. Political Question of lack of plain, speedy, adequate remedy in the
The Court agrees with the OSG that President ordinary course of law, petitioners should be
Duterte's decision to have the remains of Marcos faulted for failing to seek reconsideration of the
interred at the LNMB involves a political question assailed memorandum and directive before the
that is not a justiciable controversy. In the Secretary of National Defense. The Secretary of
excercise of his powers under the Constitution National Defense should be given opportunity to
and the Administrative Code of 1987 to allow correct himself, if warranted, considering that
the interment of Marcos at the LNMB, which is a AFP Regulations G 161-375 was issued upon his
land of the public domain devoted for national order. If petitioners would still be dissatisfied with
military cemetery and military shrine purposes, the decision of the Secretary, they could elevate
President Duterte decided a question of policy the matter before the Office of the President
based on his wisdom that it shall promote which has control and supervision over the
national healing and forgiveness. Department of National Defense (DND).

2. Locus Standi 4. Hierarchy of Courts

Petitioners have no legal standing to file the Not an exceptional case; no direct resort to the
petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus Court; should be filed first with the RTC
because they failed to show that they have The RTC is not just a trier of facts, but can also
suffered or will suffer direct and personal injury as resolve questions of law in the exercise of its
a result of the interment of Marcos at the LNMB. original and concurrent jurisdiction over petitions
Petitioners cannot also file as taxpayers. They for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, and has
merely claim illegal disbursement of public funds, the power to issue restraining order and
without showing that Marcos is disqualified to be injunction when proven necessary.
interred at the LNMB by either express or implied
provision of the Constitution, the laws or Substantive Issues

I. The President’s decision to bury Marcos allocation of plots at the LNMB is based on
at the LNMB is in accordance with the the grant of authority to the President under
Constitution, the law and jurisprudence existing laws and regulations.
- Court shares the view of the OSG that the
- Section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution proposed interment is not equivalent to the
(Public office is a public trust) is not a self- consecration of Marcos' mortal remains.
executing provision considering that a law - Petitioners’ repeated reference to a "hero's
should be passed by the Congress to clearly burial" and "state honors," without showing
define and effectuate the principle embodied proof as to what kind of burial or honors that
therein. will be accorded to the remains of Marcos, is
- speculative until the specifics of the
Petitioners' reliance on Sec. 3(2) of Art. XIV a interment have been finalized by public
nd Sec. 26 of Art. XVIII of the Constitution is respondents.
also misplaced. Sec. 3(2) of Art. XIV refers to
the constitutional duty of educational B. No violation of RA 10639
institutions in teaching the values of - With its victim-oriented perspective, our
patriotism and nationalism and respect for legislators could have easily inserted a
human rights, while Sec. 26 of Art. XVIII is a provision specifically proscribing Marcos'
transitory provision on sequestration or interment at the LNMB as a "reparation" for
freeze orders in relation to the recovery of the Human Rights Violations Victims (HRVVs).
Marcos' ill-gotten wealth. Clearly, with The law is silent and should remain to be so.
respect to these provisions, there is no direct This Court cannot read into the law what is
or indirect prohibition to Marcos' interment at simply not there.
the LNMB. - The enforcement of the HRVV s' rights under
- The second sentence of Sec. 17 of Art. VII is R.A. No 10368 will not be impaired by the
likewise not violated by public respondents. interment of Marcos at the LNMB as it has no
Being the Chief Executive, the President causal connection and legal relation to the
represents the government as a whole and law.
sees to it that all laws are enforced by the
officials and employees of his or her C. No violation of International Human
department. Under the Faithful Execution Rights Laws
Clause, the President has the power to take - The nation's history will not be instantly
"necessary and proper steps" to carry into revised by a single resolve of President
execution the law. The mandate is self- Duterte, acting through the public
executory by virtue of its being inherently respondents, to bury Marcos at the LNMB.
executive in nature and is intimately related - Whether petitioners admit it or not, the
to the other executive functions. lessons of Martial Law are already engraved,
albeit in varying degrees, in the hearts and
A. No violation of RA 289 minds of the present generation of Filipinos.
- Petitioners miserably failed to provide legal
and historical bases as to their supposition II. The President’s decision to bury Marcos
that the LNMB and the National Pantheon are at the LNMB is not done whimsically,
one and the same. The National Pantheon capriciously or arbitrarily, out of malice, ill
(singular interment place for the mortal will or personal bias (no grave abuse of
remains of all Presidents of the Philippines, discretion)
national heroes, and patriots) does not exist
at present. The LNMB was not expressly included in the
- To apply the standard that the LNMB is national shrines enumerated in PD 105
reserved only for the "decent and the brave" - The proposition that the LNMB is implicitly
or "hero" would be violative of public policy covered in the catchall phrase "and others
as it will put into question the validity of the which may be proclaimed in the future as
burial of each and every mortal remains National Shrines" is erroneous because: (1)
resting therein, and infringe upon the As stated, Marcos issued P.D. No. 208 prior
principle of separation of powers since the to P.D. No. 105; (2) Following the canon of

statutory construction known as ejusdem determining who are entitled and disqualified
generis, 138 the LNMB is not a site "of the to be interred at the LNMB.
birth, exile, imprisonment, detention or death - Marcos should be viewed and judged in his
of great and eminent leaders of the nation,"; totality as a person
and (3) Since its establishment, the LNMB - Aside from being eligible for burial at the
has been a military shrine under the LNMB, Marcos possessed none of the
jurisdiction of the PVAO. disqualifications stated in AFP Regulations G
- Assuming that P.D. No. 105 is applicable, the 161-3 7 5
descriptive words "sacred and hallowed" o Not convicted of a crime involving moral
refer to the LNMB as a place and not to each turpitude
and every mortal remains interred therein. o Marcos was honorably discharged from
m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e . P VA O e x p re s s l y
The LNMB is considered as a national shrine for recognized him as a retired veteran
military memorials. The PVAO, which is pursuant to R.A. No. 6948, as amended
empowered to administer, develop, and maintain The Supreme Court denied the petitions.
military shrines, is under the supervision and
control of the DND. The DND, in tum, is under the White Light Corporation v. Manila, G.R. No.
Office of the President. 122846, 20 January 2009
- The presidential power of control over the
Executive Branch of Government is a self- FACTS:
executing provision of the Constitution and 03 Dec 1992 – Mayor Alfredo Lim signed into law
does not require statutory implementation, the Ordinance which prohibits short-time
nor may its exercise be limited, much less admission in hotels, motels, lodging houses,
withdrawn, by the legislature. This is why pension houses, and similar establishments in the
President Duterte is not bound by the alleged City of Manila.
1992 Agreement between former President 15 Dec 1992 – Malate Tourist Development
Ramos and the Marcos family to have the Corporation (MTDC), owner and operator of
remains of Marcos interred in Batac, Ilocos Victoria Court in Malate, filed a complaint for
Norte. declaratory relief w/ prayer for a writ of
- Under the Administrative Code, the President preliminary injunction and/or TRO with the RTC of
has the power to reserve for public use and Manila. They claimed that the ordinance, with
for specific public purposes any of the lands motels and inns concerned, be declared invalid
of the public domain and that the reserved and unconstitutional, since the MTDC was
land shall remain subject to the specific authorized by PD 259 to admit short-time
public purpose indicated until otherwise admissions and wash-up rates
provided by law or proclamation. 21 Dec 1992 – Petitioners (White Light Corp,
- President Duterte's determination to have T i t a n i u m C o r p , S t a . M e s a To u r i s t a n d
Marcos' remains interred at the LNMB was Development Corp) filed for a motion to
inspired by his desire for national healing and intervene, on the ground that the ordinance
reconciliation. Presumption of regularity in the directly affects their business interests as
performance of official duty prevails over operators of the drive-in hotels and motels in
petitioners' highly disputed factual allegation Manila.
that, in the guise of exercising a presidential 14 Jan 1993 – RTC issued a TRO directing the
prerogative, the Chief Executive is actually City of Manila to cease enforcement of the
motivated by utang na loob (debt of Ordinance; 08 Feb 1993 – Court issued writ of
gratitude) and bayad utang (payback) to the preliminary injunction to cease enforcement of
Marcoses. Ordinance
20 Oct 1993 – After submission of the case
• AFP Regulations G 161-375 must be without trial since this was a purely legal
sustained question, the RTC declared the Ordinance void.
- In the absence of any executive issuance or RTC said that the ordinance is unconstitutional
law to the contrary, the AFP Regulations G because it strikes at the personal liberty of the
161-375 remains to be the sole authority in individual which is guaranteed and protected by

the State; the court likened the ordinance of the presents the cause and standard for the
present case with the ordinance in Ynot vs IAC petitioner’s standing.
City of Manila filed for review on certiorari with
the SC, but SC treated petition as petition for The rule on locus standi has several exceptions:
certiorari and referred this to the CA overbreadth doctrine, taxpayer suits, 3rd party
In the CA, the City (of Manila) asserted that standing, and the issue of transcendental
Ordinance is a valid exercise of police power importance. In this case, the concept of the third
pursuant to Sec 458 (4) (iv) of the Local party standing and the overbreadth doctrine are
Government Code, which bestows upon the city the exceptions to the rule on locus standi.
g o v e r n m e n t t h e p o w e r t o re g u l a t e t h e
establishment, operation, and maintenance of Requisites for recognition of the right of the
xxx motels, inns, xxx, and other similar petitioners to bring actions in behalf of 3rd parties:
establishments. - Petitioner must have suffered injury-in-fact,
City also used Art III, Sec 18 (kk) of the Revised giving him sufficient concrete interest in the
Manila Charter which states that ordinances outcome of the issue at hand
necessary and proper for promotion of morality, - Petitioner must have a close relation to the 3rd
etc party
Petitioners: Ordinance is unconstitutional - There is a hindrance between the 3rd party and
because it violates the right to privacy and the his ability to protect his own interests
freedom of movement; that it is an invalid
exercise of police power; it is unreasonable and It is clear that the petitioners (WLDC, etc) in this
oppressive interference with their business case are affected by the ordinance, based on the
CA reversed RTC decision (because a. not a said requisites needed for 3rd party standing.
violation of right to privacy: ordinance penalizes
the operators nd owners, b. police power is The overbreadth doctrine permits challengers to
constrained through a lawful object-curb immoral government action to raise the rights of 3rd
activities-obtained through a lawful method- parties. This doctrine applies when a statute
establishments were still allowed to operate, c. needlessly restrains constitutionally-guaranteed
adverse effects justified by well-being of rights. The Ordinance suffers from ovebreadth.
constituents of Manila, d. liberty is regulated by
law, as held in Ermita-Malate Motel Operators (Substantive) NO, the Ordinance passed by the
Association vs City Mayor of Manila) City of Manila government is not constitutional.

ISSUES: **In deciding the substantive issue, the Court

(Procedural) Do the establishments have the legal discussed police power, due process, validity of
standing to plead for the protection of their an ordinance on substantive due process
patrons’ equal protection rights? grounds, definition of liberty, and legitimacy of
the ordinance as police power.**
(Substantive) Is the Ordinance that was passed
by the City of Manila government constitutional? Police power – has no exact definition to
underscore its comprehensiveness and to
HELD: provide enough room for efficient and flexible
Ordinance Unconstitutional. response as the conditions require
This is based on the necessity of the State and its
(Procedural) YES, the establishments have the right to protect itself and its people
legal standing to plead for their patrons’ equal The goal of the ordinance to eliminate the use of
protection rights. the said establishments for illicit purposes falls
within the police power of the State.
Locus standi is the ability of one party to But the end does not justify the means, since the
demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to means must align with the Constitution (which
and harm from the law/action challenged to safeguards the rights it guaranteed to its people).
support the said party’s participation in the case.
The extancy of a direct and personal interest Due Process – also has no precise definition

Purpose of due process is to prevent arbitrary Legitimacy of the Ordinance as police power
encroachment of right to life, liberty, property by The interests of the public that requires
the government interference with private rights of individuals must
This is a guarantee against arbitrary seizure or have reasonably necessary means, and must not
regulation unduly oppress private rights
Two restrictions on government; procedural and There is no other alternative for accomplishment
substantive due process of purpose that is less intrusive of private rights
Procedural due process: procedures the There must be a reasonable relation between
government must follow in before it deprives a purposes of the measure and the means for its
person life, liberty, or property; concerned with accomplishment because personal rights and
how the government should adhere to specific private property rights must not be arbitrarily
procedures upon intruding into the private sphere invaded
Substantive due process: inquires WoN the THE EXERCISE OF POLICE POWER IS
government has sufficient justification for SUBJECT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW WHEN LIFE,
depriving a person of life, liberty, or property LIBERTY, OR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED.
**due process tempers police power The behavior which the ordinance seeks to curtail
is already prohibited; can be diminished by
Test of the validity of an ordinance – from US vs existing laws
Carolene Products
The judiciary shall defer to the legislature unless Individual rights may be adversely affected only
there is discrimination against a minority or there to the extent that may fairly be required by the
is infringement of a fundamental right legitimate demands of public interest and welfare.
Two standards of judicial review: strict scrutiny
for laws dealing with freedom of mind/political Promotion of sense of morality has full
process, and rational basis standard of review for endorsement of the judiciary, so long as such
economic legislation (3rd: immediate scrutiny) measures do not trample upon rights that the
In the present case, rational basis test as applied: Court swore to protect.
the petitioners suffer economic injury because
the ordinance makes them lose their patrons Resident Marine Mammals of the Protected
Strict scrutiny as applied: the petitioners have the Seascape Tanon Strait v. Reyes, G.R. No.
standing to sue for their patrons; this is because 180771, 21 April 2015
the ordinance restricts their (patrons’) right to
liberty FACTS:
Liberty is not a list of what can or cannot be done ● June 13, 2002 - Government of the
Rather, it is an atmosphere of freedom where Philippines (DOE) entered into a Geophysical
people interact with others, the society, and Survey
nature without harming others and Exploration Contract-102 (GSEC-102) with
Definition of Liberty ○ involved geological and geophysical studies
From City of Manila vs Hon. Laguio, Jr. of the Tañon Strait
Liberty is the right to exist and the right to be free ● December 21, 2004 - DOE and JAPEX
from arbitrary detention (as defined by Malcolm) formally converted GSEC- 102 into SC-46
The animus (spirit) behind the ordinance is the ○ exploration, development, and production of
curtailment of sexual behavior, since the city petroleum resources of Tañon Strait
government asserts that the subject ● May 9 to 18, 2005 - JAPEX conducted
establishments harbor such ‘prostitution, seismic surveys in and around the Tañon Strait
adultery, and fornications’ by providing a location ● JAPEX committed to drill exploration well in
to do such things. Aloguisan and Pinamugajan (declared
BUT regardless of the truth of such claim, protected seascape) ← Agreed to comply with
l e g i t i m a t e s e x u a l b e h a v i o r, w h i c h i s the Environmental Impact Assessment
constitutionally protected, will be curtailed as well requirements pursuant to Presidential Decree
Other legitimate activities, that maybe impaired No 1586
by the Ordinance, cannot be discounted

● January 31, 2007 - the Protected Area existing lass and regulations
Management Board of the Tañon Strait
(PAMB-Tañon Strait) issued Resolution No. 4. Respondents may not be compelled to
2007-001 furnish copies of all documents
○ a d o p t e d t h e I n i t i a l E n v i ro n m e n t a l
Examination (IEE) commissioned by JAPEX 5. Petitoners not entitled to injunctive
○ recommended the approval of JAPEX’s ECC relief
● March 6, 2007 - the EMB of DENR Region VII 6. Moot and academic - SC-45 mututally
granted an ECC to the DOE and JAPEX terminated effective June 21, 2008
● Nov 16, 2007 - Feb 8, 2008 - JAPEX drilling
of exploratory well ISSUE:
Proceedings 1. Mootness Issue
● Petitioners : filed 2 separate petitions (Dec 2. Procedural Issue: Locus Standi
17, 2007) 3. Main Issue: Legality of Service Contract No.
● Court: Consolidated the 2 cases (April 2008) 46.
● R espondent (JAPEX): “Case is moot”
○ because it had stopped exploration actvities HELD:
in the Tañon Strait in 2008 1. Mootness Issue -> NOT MOOT
○ A real party in interest, given until Apr 21,
2012 to file memorandum a. Exceptions to Mootness:
i. Grave violation of the Constitution;
Petitioner’s Allegations ii. Exceptional character of the situation and
1. The seismic survey has reduced fish the paramount public interest
catch in the area. iii. Constitutional issue raised
a. Reduced by 50-70%, 15-20 iv. Capable of repetition yet evading review.
kilos to 1-2 kilos of harvest a
day b. Despite the termination of SC-46,
b. Caused by the destruction of i. Enironmental and livelihood issues affect
the “payao” public interest
ii. Constitutionality of SC-46 quesioned
2. Incidences of “Fish kill” because of iii. Capable of repitition
seismic survey
2. Procedural Issue: Locus Standi -> HAVE
3. ECC obtained by JAPEX invalid STANDING
a. Lacked requirements
b. a. Petitioners Argue:
4. Exceeded its 1.5 km radius exclusive
zone stated in IEE i. Resident Marine Mammals through their
5. Omly PAMB-Tañon Strait Resolution - Stand to be benefited or injured by judgment
and ECC was given to the fisherfolk, of the suit
despite several requests for all - Citing Oposa v Factoran Jr - Right to sue for
documents on the Tañon Strait faithful performance of
project international and municipal environmental laws

Public Resondents’ Counter-Allegations ii. Stewards

1. Petitioners have no legal standing - Have stakes as forerunners of a campaign to
build awareness among
2. SC-46 does not violate the those affectted in Tanod Strait
Constitution - As stewards of the environment since the
Gov’t has failed in its duty
3. ECC was issued in accordance with to protect the envirnment

- Right to balanced healthful exology

assumed to exist fromt eh
b. Respondents Argue: - inception of humankind
i. Resident Marine Mammals have No standing 3. Main Issue: Legality of Service Contract
- parties have to be natural or juridical persons No. 46 -> SC-46 NULL AND VOID
(Sec. 1, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court) a. Sec 2, Art XII of the Constitution
- Oposa doesn’t apply i. Par. 4 The President may enter into
-Petitioners were all natural persons agreements with foreign-owned corporations
-Albeit some were still unborn involving either technical or financial assistance
for large-scale exploration , development , and
ii. Stewards No standing utilization of minerals , petroleum , and other
- Represent animals whicih cannot be parties mineral oils according to the general terms and
- Not real party in interesT conditions provided by law, based on real
- Cannot benefit or be injured by decision contributions to the economic growth and
general welfare of the country.
iii. President Arroyo No standing -> THIS IS
CORRECT. SHE CANNOT BE ii. Par 5 The President shall notify the Congress
IMPLEADED AS A RESPONDENT of every contract entered into in accordance
1. No proof of her disapproval to SC-46 with this provision , within thirty days from its
2. Acts remain to be her own execution.

c. COURT JUDGMENT: b. ConCom Deliberations - Par 4 as an

i. Stewards are REAL PARTIES exception to Par 1
- Filipino citizens are stewards of nature i. Par 1 agreements involving either technical or
- May bring a suit to enforce environmental financial assistance
laws = Service contracts
- Not just in representation of the marine
mammals ii. In these contracts,
- The foreign contractors provide the capital,
ii. Sierra Club v . Rogers C.B . Morton (Justice expertise, technology
Douglas) - BUT Governement exercises control and
- Simplified if law allws “environmental issues supervision over the enire
to be litigated before federal agencies or operation
federal courts in the name of the inanimate
object about to be despoiled, defaced, or c. THERE IS A General Law on Oil
invaded by roads and bulldozers and where Exploration -> COULD HAVE BEEN VALID
injury is the subject of public outrage.” i. No merit in Petitioners claim that SC-46 is
- “Inanimate objects are sometimes parties in prohibited because no general law on oil
litigation.” exploration existed

iii. Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases ii. Presidential Decree 87 or the Oil Exploration
- Citizen suit. – Any Filipino citizen in and Development Act of 1972
representation of others, including minors or - cannot be impliedly repealed so lightly
generations yet unborn, may file an action to - It is the general law BUT only through a law
enforce rights or obligations under by Congress
environmental laws.
- on the principle that humans are stewards of d. BUT President was not the signatory to
nature. SC-46 and the same was not submitted to
- May be retroactively applied to this case Congress -> THEREFORE NULL AND VOID
i. Even if in complieance with PD 87, still needs
iv. Oposa case to conform to CONSTITIUTION
- Allowed suit be brought in the name of the ii. Signed ONLY DOE Secretary Perez Jr.
unborn ● No proof of President’s approval
iii. “Alter ego doctrine” CANNOT hold

● Required by Constitution to act in person o Atty. Paguia asserts that inhibition of

iv. Not simply formailites the SC members from hearing the
● Play a much bigger role petition is called for under Rule 5.10
● As Safeguards to eliminate the abuses of the Code of Judicial Conduct
prevalent during martial law (prohibition against justices or judges
● Unenforeable if not complied with from participating in any partisan
political activity), which they violated
e. SC-46 vis-a-vis Other Laws -> STILL NOT by attending the EDSA 2 rally & by
VALID authorizing PGMA’s assumption into
i. The Environmental Impact Statement System Presidency, violating the 1987 Consti.
(EISS) Called Estrada v. Arroyo a “patent
- Established in 1978 under Presidential mockery of justice and due process”.
Decree No. 1586 • May 30, 2003: Hearing of the Omnibus
- Need ECC secured and EIA made to operate Motion; petitioner presented to court several
in protected areas portions of the book Reforming the Judiciary
declared by Proclamation No 2146 by J. Artemio Panganiban, to be part of the
evidence for the defense.
ii. National Integrated Protected Areas System • June 9, 2003: Petitioner filed a motion
Act of 1992 (NIPAS Act) pleading, stating among other things that
- Established system of integrated protected Estrada be granted opportunity to prove truth
areas in statements from the book, and for the
- EXCEPTION under its SECTION 12 and 14: Court to include in its Joint Resolution the
allows the exploration of protected areas for TRUTH of the acts of CJ Davide (going to
the purpose of information-gathering on EDSA, authorizing [ground: permanent
energy resources disability] and proclaiming VP Arroyo’s
assumption into presidency).
iii. IN THIS CASE: • July 2, 2003: Sandiganbayan issued an order
- Tañon Strait is an environmentall critical area denying the motion.
(Proclamation 2146) • P e t i t i o n e r fi l e d a M o s y o n g
- Needs ECC secured and EIA made Pangrekonsiderasyon, stating that three
(PD 1586) justices of the special division made their
- Not exempted because of purpose of bias against his client known
surveying for energy resources o Chico-Nazario: foul & disrespectful
(NIPAS ACT , Sec 12 and 14) language, “Magmumukha naman
a. Section 14 does not exempt the EIA kaming gago”
b. It provides additional requisites o De-Castro: characterized the motion
as insignificant before prosecution
Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148560, 19 could file its comments or opposition;
November 2001 granting Estrada’s motion = chaos
and disorder
FACTS: • July 14, 2003: He filed a motion for
• Sept. 23, 2003: Court issued its resolution in disqualification, but received the two assailed
the above-numbered case. resolutions, denying this motion and his
o Petition for certiorari by Estrada, earlier Mosyong Pangrekonsiderasyon. They
acting through counsel Atty. Alan F. noted that Atty. Paguia has a history
Paguia against the Sandiganbayan “exhibiting similar conduct towards the SC.
o It prayed that CJ Davide and the • Oct. 10, 2003: He repeated his earlier claim
other members of the SC to of political partisanship against the member
disqualify themselves from hearing of the Court in a three-page pleading upon
and deciding the petition; the order to show-cause.
assailed resolutions be set aside, and
the criminal cases pending before the ISSUE:
Sandiganbayan be dismissed for lack
of jurisdiction

W/N Atty. Paguia should be suspended from the Central Bank Employees Association, Inc. v.
practice of law for conduct unbecoming of a Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas, G.R. No. 148208,
lawyer and an officer of court. 15 December 2004

HELD: Tañada v. Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915, 29

Atty. Paguia has violated Canon 11 and Rule December 1986
13.02 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. Facts:
• Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Due process was invoked by the petitioners
Responsibility mandates that the lawyer in demanding the publication of a number of
should observe and maintain the respect presidential decrees which they claimed had
due to the courts and judicial officers and not been published, as required by the law.
insist on similar conduct by others
o Atty. Paguia succeeded in Government argued that while publication is
seeking to impede, obstruct, and necessary as a rule, it was not so when it
pervert the dispensation of was “otherwise provide”, as the decrees
justice by “liberally imputing themselves declare that they are to become
sinister and devious motives by effective upon approval.
questioning the impartiality,
integrity, and authority of the SC, in its April 24, 1985 decision of the case,
members of the Court”. affirmed the necessity of the publication of
• Rule 13.02 of the Code of Professional the presidential issuances which are of
Responsibility prohibits a member of the general application. Petitioners then moved
bar from making such statements on a for a motion for reconsideration/clarification
case that may tend to arouse public asserting the following questions:
opinion for or against a party i. What is meant by “laws of public nature”
o Atty, Paguia has persistently or "general applicability”?
ignored this (ex. His article in the ii. Must a distinction be made between laws
Sept. 7, 2003 issue of the Daily of “general applicability” and laws which
Tribune, calling Estrada v. Arroyo are not
unconstitutional and void and iii. What is meant by publication?
accusing the Justices of partiality iv. Where is the publication to be made?
to GMA) v. When is the publication to be made?
• The SC will not countenance any
wrongdoing nor allow the erosion of the Issue:
people’s faith in the judicial system by Wether or not publication is an indispensable
those who have been privileged to requirement for the effectivity of presidential
practice law. issuances.


from the practice of law. Yes. Publication is an indispensable
Re: The Court’s “partisan political activities”
Assailed presence of other justices of Court at Article 2 of the New Civil Code provides
GMA’s oath-taking is no different from their “laws shall take effect after 15 days following
official functions such as attending the SONA by the completion of their publication in the
the President. Hence, there is no partisanship at Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise
play. provided.” The clause “unless it otherwise
Partisan political activities = acts designed to provided” refers to the date of effectivity and
cause success or defeat of a particular not to the requirement of publication which
candidate/candidates in an election cannot in any event be omitted. The reason
being such omission would offend due
process insofar as it would deny public

knowledge of the laws that are supposed to actual number of liters a hooded gas pump can
govern it. dispense during a specific period of time. There
was no fee or consideration required to be paid,
The term “laws” should refer to all laws not nor any purchase of any Caltex products to be
only to those of general application, for made in order to join the contest. Foreseeing the
strictly speaking all laws relate to the people extensive use of mail for advertising and
in general albeit there are some that do not communications, Caltex requested clearance for
apply to them directly. Therefore, all statues Respondent Postmaster General but was denied
including those of local application and citing said contest is a “gift enterprise” deemed
private laws, shall be published as a as a non-mailable matter under the anti-lottery
condition for their effectivity, which shall provisions of the Postal Law. Hence, Petitioner
begin fifteen days after publication unless a filed a petition for declaratory relief.
different date of effectivity is fixed by the
legislature. ISSUE:
W/N the “Caltex Hooded Pump Contest” falls
In the case at bar, SC held that all under the term “gift enterprise” which is banned
presidential decrees and executive orders by the Postal Law.
promulgated by the president in the exercise
of the legislative powers whenever the same HELD:
are validly delegated by the legislature or, at No, said contest is not a gift enterprise. The word
present, directly conferred by the “lottery” is defined as a game of chance where
Constitution shall be published. However, the elements of which are (1) consideration, (2)
interpretative regulations and those merely chance, and (3) prize. The term “gift enterprise”
internal in nature, that is regulating only the and “scheme” in the provision of the Postal
personnel of the administrative agency and Law making unmailable “any lottery, gift,
not the public, need not to be published. enterprise, or scheme for the distribution of
money or any real or personal property by lot,
Therefore, the court declared that all laws chance, or drawing of any kind” means such
shall be published in full in the Official enterprise as will require consideration as an
Gazette, to become effective only after element. The intent of the prohibition is to
fifteen days from their publication, or on suppress the tendency to inflame the gambling
another date specified by the legislature, in spirit and to corrupt public morals. There being
accordance with Article 2 of the Civil Code.
Aisporna v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
Yaokasin v. Commissioner of Customs, G.R. L-39419, 12 April 1989
No. 84111, 22 December 1989
Petitioner Mrs. Aisporna was charged with
Philippine Internal Trading Corp. v. COA, G.R. violation of Sec. 189 of the Insurance Act for
No. 132593, 25 June 1999 allegedly acting as an insurance agent without
first securing a certificate of authority to act as
s u c h f ro m t h e o ffi c e o f t h e I n s u r a n c e
Commissioner. Mrs. Aispor na, however,
maintained that she was not liable because she
II. CONSTRUCTION AND only assisted her husband, and that she did not
INTERPRETATION receive any compensation.

Caltex v. Palomar, G.R. No. L-19650, 29 ISSUE:

September 1966 W/N the receipt of compensation is an
essential element for violation of Sec. 189.
Petitioner conceived the “Caltex Hooded Pump HELD:
Contest” where participants have to estimate the

Receipt of compensation is essential to be their continuance in office, their salary shall not
considered an insurance agent. Every part of a be decreased”, even as it is anathema to the
statute must be considered together with the ideal of an independent judiciary envisioned by
other parts, a kept subservient to the general the Constitution.
intent of the enactment, and not separately and
independently. The term “agent” used in par. 1 of ISSUE:
Sec. 189 is defined in par. 2 of the same section. W/N the salary of the members of the judiciary is
Applying the definition of an insurance agent in subject to the general income tax applied to all
par. 2 to the agent in par. 1 would give harmony taxpayers.
to the aforementioned 3 paragraphs of Sec. 189.
A statute must be construed so as to harmonize HELD:
and give effect to all its provisions wherever Yes. The salary of the members of the judiciary is
possible. Every part of the statute must be subject to the general income tax. According to
considered together with the other parts and kept Perfecto vs. Meer, income taxes are part of the
subservient to the general intent of the whole diminution of judges’ salaries because “the
enactment. independence of judges is of far greater
importance than any revenue that could come
Endencia v. David, G.R. No. L-6355-56, 31 from taxing their salaries”. Endencia vs. David
August 1953 confirmed Perfecto vs. Meer. However both
decisions must be discarded because the
FACTS: framers of the fundamental law (i.e. Fox,
RA 590 declares that no salary received by a Concepcion, and Bernas), as the alter ego of the
public officer shall be considered exempt from people, have expressed in clear and
income tax, payment of which is hereby declared unmistakable terms the meaning of Sec. 10 Art. 8
not to be a diminution of his compensation fixed of the 1987 Constitution; that is, to make the
by law. While Art. 8, Sec. 9 of the Constitution salaries of the members of the judiciary taxable.
states that judges shall receive compensation as
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during People v. Macarandang, G.R. No. 12088, 23
their continuance in office. Petitioners question December 1959
the legality of RA 590.
ISSUE: Defendant was accused and convicted of illegal
W/N RA 590 unconstitutional. possession of firearms in Lanao. Defendant,
admitting the ownership and possession of the
HELD: firearm and ammunitions, invokes as his legal
No. Saying that the taxing of the salary of a excuse the appointment issued to him by
judicial officer is not a decrease in compensation Governor Dimakuta as secret agent shown in the
is a clear interpretation of “Which shall not be Governor’s letter which he presented as and
diminished during their continuance in office”, by evidence. He was granted this appointment for
the Legislature. Through the separation of having shown good faith by previously
powers, such a task must be done by the surrendering to the office of the Governor a
Judiciary. Judicial officers are exempt from taxes firearm. He has then been appointed as SECRET
on his salary not for his own benefit but for the AGENT to assist on the maintenance of peace
public, to secure and preserve his independence and order campaigns and is authorized to hold
of judicial thought and action. and carry in his possession 1 Riot shotgun.

Nitafan v. CIR, G.R. No. 78780, 23 July 1987 ISSUE:

W/N a Secret Agent tasked to assist in the
FACTS: maintenance of peace and order falls among
Petitioners submit that any tax withheld from their those authorized to possess firearms.
emoluments and compensations as judicial
officers constitutes a decrease or diminution of HELD:
their salaries, contrary to the provision of Sec. 10, Yes. It may be true that the Governor has no
Art. 8 of the Constitution mandating that “during authority to issue any firearm license or permit

but section 879 of the Revised Administrative repeated demands. Sec. 1 Ordinance No. 4
Code provides the “peace officers” are exempted Series of 1995 provides: “Any owner or manager
from the requirements relating to the issuance of of fishponds in places within the territorial limits
license to possess firearms. The appointment of Pagbilao, Quezon, shall pay a municipal tax in
sufficiently put him in the category of “peace the amount of P3.00 per hectare of fishpond on
officer” equivalent even to a Municipal Police part thereof per annum.” He admits to the non-
expressly covered by section 879. Wherefore the payment of the taxes but contends that the
decision appealed from is reversed and the ordinance is unconstitutional, or assuming its
Defendant acquitted. constitutionality that it does not apply to him as
he is a lessee not an owner or manager.
People v. Mapa, G.R. No. L-22301, 30 August
1967 ISSUE:

FACTS: 1. W/N the ordinance is null and void

Defendant was accused of illegal possession of because it is ambiguous and uncertain.
firearms. He invokes in his defense that he was 2. W / N t h e o rd i n a n c e a p p l i e s t o
an appointed Secret Agent of the provincial Accused.
Governor of Batangas. He sought to be acquitted
as the case of People v. Macarandang used the
same defense providing evidences of his HELD:
appointment. No, the ordinance is constitutional. In no way
may the ordinance at bar be said to be tainted
ISSUE: with vagueness. It is unmistakable from the
W/N a Secret Agent falls among those authorized above provision that the Accused falls within the
to possess firearms. coverage. As the actual operator of the
fishponds, he comes within the term “manager”.
HELD: While it appears that the National Government is
No. The court held that the law cannot be any the owner of the fishpond, the Government never
clearer. The law does not contain any exception shared in the profits they generated. It is
for secret agent therefore holding this position therefore, logical that Accused alone shoulders
would not constitute a sufficient defense to a the burden of the taxes under the ordinance. And
prosecution for a crime of illegal possession of obviously, the word owner cannot be construed
firearm and ammunitions. Wherefore the to include the Government because of the
conviction of the accused must stand. The ancient principle that the government is immune
Court’s ruling overturned that of People v. from taxes.
Canet v. Decena, G.R. No. 155344, 20 January
People v. Jabinal, G.R. No. L-30061, 27 2004
February 1974
SWS v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 208062, 27 April • Sangguniang Bayan (SB) of Bula, CamSur
2015 passed Resolution 49 (1998) authorizing PET
Canet to establish, operate and maintain a
cockpit in Sitio Cabaya, San Roque, Bula,
Camarines Sur.
• Subsequently, SB passed Ordinance 001
(1999): “An Ordinance Regulating the
People v. Nazario, G.R. No. L-44143, 31 August Operation of Cockpits and Other Related
1988 Game-Fowl Activities in the Municipality of
Bula and Providing Penalties for any Violation
FACTS: of the Provisions Thereof.” Upon transmittal to
Accused was charged with violating a municipal RESP Mayor Decena, it was noted that Ord.
ordinance requiring him to pay municipal taxes 001 does not contain rules and regulations on
worth P362.52 as a fishpond operator in spite of cockfighting and other related game fowl

activities and a separability clause so it was effect no ordinance allowing the operation of a
returned to the SB who then withdrew, set cockpit, Reso. 49 authorizing petitioner to
aside, and shelved indefinitely Ord. 001. establish, operate and maintain a cockpit
• Canet, relying on SB Reso. 49, applied for a cannot be implemented. To compel Mayor
mayor’s permit to operate, establish and Decena to issue the mayor’s permit would not
maintain a cockpit. Mayor Decena denied the only be a violation of LGC Sec. 447 (a) (3) (v),
application on the ground that, among others, but would also be an undue encroachment on
under the LGC, the authority to give licenses Mayor Decena’s administrative prerogatives.
for establishment, operation and maintenance • To read into the ordinances objects which
of cockpits as well as the regulation of were neither specifically mentioned nor
cockfighting and commercial breeding of enumerated would be to run afoul of the
gamecocks is vested in the SB. Thus, she dictum that where a statute, by its terms, is
cannot issue the permit inasmuch as there expressly limited to certain matters, it may not,
was no ordinance passed by the SB by interpretation or construction, be extended
authorizing the same. to other matters. The express mention of one
• Canet filed a complaint for Mandamus and person, thing, act, or consequence excludes
Damages with Preliminary Mandatory all others – expressio unius est exlusio
Injunction (PMI) against Mayor Decena before alterius. What is expressed puts an end to
the RTC. Mayor Decena filed MTD. RTC what is implied – expressium facit cessare
denied the MTD and issued a writ of PMI upon tacitum. This proceeds from the premise that
posting of 50K bond by Canet. Mayor Decena the legislative body would not have made
filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition specific enumerations, if it had the intention
before the CA. CA issued a TRO and then, not to restrict its meaning and confine its
afterwards, reversed the RTC. MR denied. terms to those expressly mentioned.
• Even if there was a legislative gap caused by
ISSUES: such an omission, neither could the Court
WON Mayor Decena, can be compelled to presume otherwise and supply the details
issue the permit absent a municipal ordinance thereof, because a legislative lacuna cannot
which would empower her to do so be filled by judicial fiat. Courts may not, by
interpretation, enlarge the scope of a statute
HELD: and include therein situations not provided nor
NO intended by the lawmakers. Courts are not
Canet: There is no ordinance in Bula which authorized to insert into the law what they
authorizes the grant of a mayor’s permit to think should be in it or to supply what they
operate and maintain a cockfighting arena, think the legislature would have supplied if its
however, SB’s Reso. 49 authorized him to attention has been called to the omission.
operate a cockpit. Furthermore, Municipal Tax Courts should not, by construction, revise
Ordinances 01 (1989) and 05 (1993) generally even the most arbitrary and unfair action of
provide for the issuance of a mayors permit for the legislature, nor rewrite the law to conform
the operation of businesses. with what they think should be the law.
SC: • F u r t h e r m o r e , c o c k fi g h t i n g , a l t h o u g h
• Municipal Tax Ordinances 01 and 05 contain authorized by law, is still a form of gambling.
general provisions for the issuance of Gambling is essentially antagonistic to the
business permits but do not contain specific aims of enhancing national productivity and
provisions prescribing the reasonable fees to self-reliance. A statute which authorizes a
be paid in the operation of cockpits and other gambling activity or business should be
game fowl activities. strictly construed, and every reasonable doubt
• It was Ord. 001 which provided for the resolved so as to limit rather than expand the
collection of application filing fees, ocular powers and rights claimed by franchise
inspection fees, mayor’s permit fees, filing holders under its authority.
fees for the institution of complaints, entrance
fees and special derby assessments for the Petition DENIED. CA affirmed.
operation of cockpits. This, however, was
withdrawn by the SB. Hence, there being in

III. AIDS TO CONSTRUCTION Twenty-six petitions for review were filed

charging the respective Defendant with “illegal
Central Capiz v. Ramirez, G.R. No. L-16197, 12 possession of deadly weapon” in violation of
March 1920 Presidential Decree No. 9. An order quashed the
information because it did not allege facts which
FACTS: constitute the offense penalized by P.D. No. 9. It
failed to state one essential element of the crime,
Private Respondent contracted with viz.: that the carrying outside of the residence of
Petitioner Corporation for a term of 30 years, a the accused of a bladed, pointed, or blunt
supply of all sugar cane produced on her weapon is in furtherance or on the occasion of,
plantation, which was to be converted later into a connected with or related to subversion,
right in rem and recorded in the Registry of insurrection, or rebellion, organized lawlessness
Property as an encumbrance upon the land, and or public disorder. Petitioners argued that a
binding to all future owners of the same. The perusal of P.D. No. 9 shows that the prohibited
Respondent refuses to push through with the acts need not be related to subversive activities
contract thinking it might violate Act No. 2874, and that they are essentially malum prohibitum
“An Act to amend and compile the laws relating penalized for reasons of public policy.
to lands of public domain, and for other
purposes,” since more than 61 percent of the ISSUE:
capital stock of the corporation is held and
owned by persons who are not citizens of the W/N P.D. No. 9 shows that the prohibited
Philippine Islands or of the United States. The acts need not be related to subversive activities.
land involved is a private agricultural land.
The primary rule in the construction and
W/N said Act no. 2874 is applicable to interpretation of a legislative measure is to search
agricultural lands, in the Philippine Islands which for and determine the intent and spirit of the law.
are privately owned. Legislative intent is the controlling factor.
Because of the problem of determining what acts
HELD: fall under P.D. 9, it becomes necessary to inquire
into the intent and spirit of the decree and this
The limit and purpose of the Legislature can be found among others in the preamble or
in adopting Act No. 2874 was and is to limit its “whereas” clauses which enumerate the facts or
application to lands of public domain and that events which justify the promulgation of the
lands held in private ownership are not included decree and the stiff sanctions stated therein.
therein and are not affected in any manner
whatsoever thereby. Aboitiz Shipping Corporation v. Cebu, G.R. No.
L-14526, 31 March 1965
Jones Law of 1916: “That no bill may be
enacted into law shall embrace more than one FACTS:
subject, and that subject shall be expressed in
the title of the bill.” The Petitioner contends that the
ordinance implemented by Respondent should
be declared null and void because the ordinance
Petition DENIED. CA affirmed. seeks to generate revenue by collecting wharfage
from vessels which dock at the public wharves of
People v. Purisima, G.R. No. L-42050-66, 20 piers located in the said City but owned by the
November 1978 National Government. According to Respondent,
the legislature made no distinction between those
FACTS: owned by the City of Cebu and the National
Government and that consequently, both fall
within the scope of the power granted.
Petitioners assail this construction erroneous in

the light of the meaning of “public wharf” as it punctuation. If the punctuation gives it a meaning
may have bearing on the right to charge which is reasonable and is in apparent accord
wharfage. with legislative will, it may be as an additional
argument for adopting the literal meaning of the
ISSUE: words in the statute as thus punctuated. An
argument based on punctuations alone is not
W/N the City of Cebu, through its conclusive and the court will not hesitate to
ordinance, has the right to charge wharfages change the punctuation when necessary to give
from docks which are owned by the National the act the effect intended by the legislature,
Government. d i s re g a rd i n g s u p e r fl u o u s a n d i n c o r re c t
punctuation marks, or inserting others when
HELD: necessary. Inasmuch as defendant had, “visible
means of support” and that the absence of such
The term “public” refers to the nature of was necessary for the conviction for gambling
use of the pier or wharves. Hence, the power to and loitering in saloons and gambling houses,
impose wharfage rests on a different basis and defendants are acquitted.
that is ownership. The Court also referred to the
previous subsection of the questioned portion of People v. Yabut, G.R. No. 39085, 27 September
the ordinance pointing out that it implies a 1933
distinction with regard to those docks that are
owned by the City and those of the National FACTS:
Government. The Court states that only those Defendant was convicted for homicide. While
which are constructed by the City shall be serving sentence, he killed another prisoner. He
considered as its property. was consequently charged for murder. After
conviction, he was punished with the maximum
period for murder, in accordance with Art. 160 of
the Revised Penal Code.
US v. Hart, G.R. No. L-8848, 21 November 1913 ISSUE:
W/N the lower court erred in applying Art. 160.
Respondent was caught in a gambling house and HELD:
was penalized under Act No. 519 which punishes
“every person found loitering about saloons or No. Respondent relied on the word “another”
dram shops or gambling houses, or tramping or appearing in the English translation of the head
straying through the country without visible note of Art. 160, and suggests that the law is
means of support”. The said portion of the law is applicable only when the new crime committed
divided into two parts, separated by the comma, by a person serving sentence is different from the
separating those caught in gambling houses and crime for which he is serving sentence. According
those straying through the country without means to him, his conviction for murder is not different
of support. Though it was proven that Hart and because it involved homicide. No such deduction
the other Defendants had “visible means of is warranted from the text itself, or from the
support”, it was under the first part of the portion Spanish caption. When the text of the law is clear
of law for which they were charged with. The and unambiguous, there is no need to resort to
prosecution persisted that the phrase “without the preamble, heading, epigram or head note of a
visible means of support” was in connection to section for interpretation of the text, which are
the second part of the said portion of Act No. mere catchwords or reference aids, consulted to
519, therefore was not a viable defense. remove, not create doubts

ISSUE: People v. Abilong, G.R. No. L-1960, 26

How should the provision be interpreted? November 1948

The construction of a statute should be based Abilong was found guilty of attempted robbery in
upon something more substantial than mere April 1946 and ordered to serve 2 years, 4

months, and 1 day of destierro during which he The trial court ruled that this case was not
was prohibited from entering any place within the covered by the prohibition because the donation
radius of 100 km from the City of Manila. In was made at the time the deceased and
September 1947, he “willfully, unlawfully and Respondent were not yet married and were
feloniously” evaded the service of this sentence simply cohabitating.
by going beyond the limits made against him and
committing vagrancy. He pleaded guilty and was ISSUE:
sentenced to 2 years, 4 months, and 1 day of W/N the prohibition applies to donations between
prision correccional. He appealed from the live-in partners.
decision, arguing that Article 157 of the RPC
does not cover evasion of service of destierro HELD:
and only applies to persons imprisoned in a penal Yes. It is a fundamental principle in statutory
institution and completely deprived of their liberty construction that what is within the spirit of the
(hence the use of the word “imprisonment” in the law is as much a part of the law as what is
provision). The Solicitor General argued that the written. Since the reason for the ban on
RPC’s original text, in Spanish, did not confine donations between spouses during the marriage
Article 157 to cases of “imprisonment.” is to prevent the possibility of undue influence
and improper pressure being exerted by one
ISSUE: spouse on the other, there is no reason why this
Does Article 157 apply when the penalty is prohibition shall not apply also to common-law
destierro? relationships.
The court, however, said that the lack of the
HELD: donation made by the deceased to Respondent
YES. Inasmuch as the RPC was originally does not necessarily mean that the Petitioner will
approved and enacted in Spanish, the Spanish have exclusive rights to the disputed property
text governs. “It is clear that the word because the relationship between Felix and
‘imprisonment’ used in the English text is a wrong Respondent were legitimated by marriage.
or erroneous translation of the phrase ‘sufriendo
privacion de libertad’ used in the Spanish text. It Song Kiat Chocolate Factory v. Central Bank
is equally clear that although the Solicitor General of the Philippines, G.R. No. L-8888, 29
impliedly admits destierro as not constituting November 1957
imprisonment, it is a deprivation of liberty, though
partial, in the sense that as in the present case, People v. Manantan, G.R. No. 14129, 31 July
the appellant by his sentence of destierro was 1962
deprived of the liberty to enter the City of
Manila.” A person escapes from the restrictions Akbayan v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 147066, 26
of the penalty of destierro when he enters the March 2001
prohibited area.
APPEAL DENIED Buenaseda v. Flavier, G.R. No. 106719, 21
September 1993

Matabuena v. Cervantes, G.R. No. 28771, 31 FACTS:

March 1971 The Private Respondents filed an administrative
complaint with the Ombudsman against the
FACTS: Petitioner for the violation of the Anti-graft and
Felix Matabuena cohabitated with Respondent. Corrupt Practices Act. In response, the
During this period, Felix Matabuena donated to Ombudsman filed an order directing the
Respondent a parcel of land. Later the two were preventive suspension of the Petitioners, who
married. After the death of Felix Matabuena, his were employees of the national center for mental
sister, Petitioner, sought the nullification of the health. The Respondent argue that the preventive
donation citing Art.133 of the Civil Code “Every suspension laid by the Ombudsman under Sec.
donation between the spouses during the 24 of RA 6770 is contemplated in by Sec. 13(8) of
marriage shall be void.” Art. 9 of the 1987 Constitution, while the
Petitioner contends that the Ombudsman can

only recommend to the Heads of Departments decision in this case sets back the gains that
and other agencies the preventive suspension of our country has achieved in terms of human
officials and employees facing administrative rights, especially human rights for those
investigation conducted by his office. whom we do not like or those who are
against us.
• The Court has permitted a basic freedom
W/N the Ombudsman has the power to enshrined in the Bill of Rights to be taken
preventively suspend government officials away by Government.
working in other offices other than that of the
Ombudsman pending the investigation of • The issue before us is one of rights and not
administrative complaints. of power. Mr. Marcos is insensate and
would not live if separated from the
HELD: machines which have taken over the
Yes. The Ombudsman has the power to suspend functions of his kidneys and other organs.
the employees of the said institution may it be in To treat him at this point as one with full
punitive or preventive suspension. Sec. 13(3) of panoply of power against whom the forces
the Constitution refers to “suspension” in its of Government should be marshalled is
punitive sense, as the same speaks of penalties totally unrealistic. The Government has the
in administrative cases, while Sec. 24 of RA 6770 power to arrest and punish him. But does it
grants the Ombudsman the power to preventively have the power to deny him his right to
suspend public officials and employees facing come home and die among familiar
administrative charges. This statute is procedural surroundings?
and may arise in order to facilitate a speedy and
• The Court should view the return of Mr.
efficient investigation on cases filed against the Marcos and his family solely in the light of
officers. A preventive measure is not in itself a the constitutional guarantee of liberty of
punishment but a preliminary step in an abode and the citizen's right to travel as
administrative investigation. against the respondents' contention that
national security and public safety would
Marcos v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211, 15 be endangered by a grant of the petition
September 1989 - Dissenting
• Section 6 of the Bill of Rights states
Dissents: categorically that the liberty of abode and
of changing the same within the limits
Gutierrez, J. (relevant) prescribed by law may be impaired only
Main point: With all due respect for the upon a lawful order of a court. Not by an
majority opinion, I disagree with its dictum executive officer. Not even by the
on the right to travel. I do not think we President. Section 6 further provides that
should differentiate the right to return home the right to travel, and this obviously
from the right to go abroad or to move includes the right to travel out of or back
around in the Philippines. If at all, the right to into the Philippines, cannot be impaired
come home must be more preferred than except in the interest of national security,
any other aspect of the right to travel. It was public safety, or public health, as may be
precisely the banning by Mr. Marcos of the provided by law.
right to travel by Senators Benigno Aquino, • There is no law setting the limits on a
Jr., Jovito Salonga, and scores of other citizen's right to move from one part of the
"undesirables" and "threats to national country to another or from the Philippines
security" during that unfortunate period to a foreign country or from a foreign
which led the framers of our present country to the Philippines. The laws cited
Constitution not only to re-enact but to by the Solicitor General immigration,
strengthen the declaration of this right. health, quarantine, passports, motor
Media often asks, "what else is new?" I vehicle, destierro probation, and parole are
submit that we now have a freedom loving all inapplicable insofar as the return of Mr.
and humane regime. I regret that the Court's Marcos and family is concerned. There is

absolutely no showing how any of these and tyrants and charlatans and scoundrels
statutes and regulations could serve as a of every stripe.
basis to bar their coming home.
Paras, J.
• There is no disrespect for a Presidential
determination if they grant petition. They • The issue as to whether or not former
would still be applying the Constitution President Ferdinand E. Marcos should be
allowed to return to the Philippines may be
o Opposition to the resolved by answering two simple
government, no matter how questions: Does he have the right to return
disgusting, is not sufficient to to his own country and should national
deny or ignore a safety and security deny him this right?
constitutional right.
o There is no dispute that the
o The Government has more former President is still a
than ample powers under Filipino citizen and both under
existing law to deal with a the Universal Declaration of
person who transgresses the Human Rights and the 1987
peace and imperils public Constitution of the
safety. But the denial of Philippines, he has the right to
travel papers is not one of return to his own
those powers because the country except only if
Bill of Rights says so. There prevented by the demands of
is no law prescribing exile in national safety and national
a foreign land as the penalty security.
for hurting the Nation.
Cruz, J. • It is therefore clear to me, all other opinions
• It is my belief that the petitioner, as a to the contrary notwithstanding, that the
citizen of the Philippines, is entitled to former President should be allowed to
return to and live — and die — in his own return to our country under the conditions
country. I say this with a heavy heart but that he and the members of his family be
say it nonetheless. That conviction is not under house arrest in his hometown in
diminished one whit simply because many Ilocos Norte, and should President Marcos
believe Marcos to be beneath contempt or any member of his family die, the body
and undeserving of the very liberties he should not be taken out of the municipality
flaunted when he was the absolute ruler of of confinement and should be buried within
this land. ten (10) days from date.
• I cannot turn back on the lessons of liberty Padilla, J.
that I taught for more than three decades
• Mr. Marcos is a Filipino and, as such,
as a professor of Constitutional Law. These entitled to return to die and be buried in
principles have not changed simply this country;
because I am now on the Court or a new
administration is in power and the shoe is • Respondents have not shown any "hard
on the other foot. evidence" or convincing proof why his
right as a Filipino to return should be
• Like the martyred Ninoy Aquino who also denied him. All we have are general
wanted to come back to the Philippines conclusions of "national security" and
against the prohibitions of the government "public safety" in avoidance of a specific
then, Marcos is entitled to the same right demandable and enforceable constitutional
to travel and the liberty of abode that his and basic human right to return;
adversary invoked. These rights are
guaranteed by the Constitution to all • The issue of Marcos' return to the
individuals, including the patriot and the Philippines, perhaps more than any issue
homesick and the prodigal son returning, today, requires of all members of the Court,

in what appears to be an extended political • Admittedly, the Chief Executive is the

contest, the "cold neutrality of an impartial "sole" judge of all matters affecting
judge." It is only thus that we fortify the national security and foreign affairs; the Bill
independence of this Court, with fidelity, of Rights precisely, a form of check against
not to any person, party or group but to the excesses of officialdom is, in this case, a
Constitution and only to the Constitution. formidable barrier against Presidential
action. (Even on matters of State security,
this Constitution prescribes limits to
Sarmiento, J. (relevant) Executive's powers as Commander-in-
• I also find quite strained what the majority
would have as the "real issues" facing the • We would have betrayed our own Ideals if
Court: "The right to return to one's we denied Marcos his rights. It is his
country," pitted against "the right of travel constitutional right, a right that cannot be
and freedom of abode", and their abridged by personal hatred, fear, founded
supposed distinctions under international or unfounded, and by speculations of the
law, as if such distinctions, under "man's "capacity" "to stir trouble" Now
international law in truth and in fact exist. that the shoe is on the other foot, let no
more of human rights violations be
o There is only one right repeated against any one, friend or foe. In
involved here, whether under a democratic framework, there is no this as
municipal or international getting even.
law: the light of travel,
whether within one's own
country, or to another, and Philippine Sugar Central Agency v. Collector
the right to return thereto. of Customs, G.R. No. L-27761, 6 December
o The Constitution itself makes 1927
no distinctions; let then, no
one make a distinction. Ubi FACTS:
lex non distinguit nec nos
distinguere debemus. Petitioner acts as agency and attorney-in
-fact of Ma-ao Sugar Central Co. Ma-ao Sugar
• While the Chief Executive exercises
Central Co. shipped 5,124,416 gross kilos of
powers not found expressly in the Charter
centrifugal sugar to United States in a wharf on
but has them by constitutional implication,
Pulapandan, Occidental Negros on steamship
the latter must yield to the paramountcy of
Hannover. Wharf was built and maintained solely
the Bill of Rights.
by the Ma-ao Sugar Central Co. Defendant
• According to Fernando: "A regime of collected wharfage dues on petitioner’s wharf.
constitutionalism is thus unthinkable
without an assurance of the primacy of a ISSUE:
bill of rights. Precisely a constitution exists
to assure that in the discharge of the W/N the Defendant can collect wharfage
governmental functions, the dignity that is dues on wharves not owned by government.
the birthright of every human being is duly
safeguarded. To be true to its primordial HELD:
aim a constitution must lay down the
boundaries beyond which he's forbidden Yes. The Government can be allowed to
territory for state action” collect because not to do so “would overthrow
and destroy the whole system of the
• There is no law banning the Marcoses from
Government, in and by which millions of pesos
the country; neither is there any court
have been levied and collected and expended in
decree banishing him from Philippine
the construction of Government wharves, and it
would have defeated the construction of the
Government wharf at Pulapandan.”

Dissenting Opinion:

Historically, wharves not owned nor

operated by government cannot be taxed or
levied upon.

Lazatin v. Disierto, G.R. No. 147097, 5 June


Ient v. Tullet, G.R. No. 189158, 11 January 2017

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