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. What is a Hazard, and how is it different from risk?

b. Explain the hazards (to human receptors and ecological receptors)

1. Aquaculture industries in Canada
2. Lumber operations in Canada
Hint: 1. Consider among other things special environmental conditions
prevalent in Canada,
such as snow cover and sea ice.
2. Understanding the background operations in these industries would
help you
populate the hazards.
3. Don’t just state the hazard, be specific and explain its occurence
Q2) Develop an initial Conceptual Site Model (CSM) for the
abandoned fish sauce plant in St.
Mary’s NL. The details of the location of the plant and background of
the plant is given in the
link below.
Use google maps to understand the general layout of the plant and
potential receptors.
Use the interviews from local people and other information from the
link above to develop
Make any suitable assumptions for the assignment but make sure you
mention them.
Use lecture notes to identify the constituents of CSM.
Make sure to illustrate the exposure pathways in the CSM could be
using any of the following:
Word, power point, any other software or hand drawn.

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