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28 July 2023

Maximiliano Gomez Rodriguez

Iglu Student Accommodation
167 Little Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

Dear Maximiliano,

Iglu offer of employment as a Resident Leader at Iglu Melbourne Central

I have pleasure in offering you employment with Iglu Pty Limited (‘Iglu’). Iglu is located at Level 4, 68 York Street, Sydney
NSW 2000.

Terms of Employment
You are appointed to the position of Resident Leader under the terms and conditions in this contract including the
Schedules. This contract is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction of your usual place of employment.

If these terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign a copy of this letter where shown on the last page
and return your signed acceptance as soon as possible.

The terms and conditions on which this offer is made are as follows:

Employment Position and Location

1. You will be employed on a casual basis, appointed as a Resident Leader based at Iglu Melbourne Central (167
Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000) and you will report to the General Manager of the Property. You will
liaise with the Assistant General Manager, Customer Service Coordinators and Facilities management team at
the Property.

Date of Commencement
2. Your Commencement Date with Iglu is set out in Schedule 1. As you are employed on a casual basis, Iglu may
cease to offer you casual work at any time. Iglu does not make any firm advance commitment to continuing and
indefinite work according to an agreed pattern of work for you.

Duties and Responsibilities

3. You will carry out all lawful orders and discharge duties and functions as may be delegated or assigned to you,
including work for any related, associated or subsidiary companies of Iglu. You are expected to promote Iglu’s
interests, not act in a way that is contrary to Iglu’s best interests and protect Iglu’s property to the best of your
abilities. Your detailed position description is attached. The position description sets out your responsibilities and
your role. Your position description may be updated as Iglu’s needs change.

4. Your employment is subject to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 under classification Level 2 Clerical
Grade 1 (‘the Award’). The terms of the Award are set out on the Fair Work website. However, the terms of the
Award do not form any part of the terms of this contract.

Hours of Work
5. As you are employed on a casual basis, you will be offered work on an hourly basis as required by Iglu. This will
include overnight shifts and may include work on weekends and public holidays. Iglu does not guarantee you a
minimum number, or any, hours of work.

Overnight Shifts
6. Overnight shifts will generally be between 6:00 pm and 9:00 am and will include an on call period. You must not
leave the Property when you are working on shift. Iglu will pay you an overnight stay allowance under the Award,
which will compensate you for remaining on call and performing up to an hour’s work as part of the on call period.
It is important that you fill in the electronic or paper duty log and timesheets (as advised) for every shift that you
work. Failure to complete these in detail and by the time indicated by Iglu management may mean that you are
not paid on time. You must include details of all tasks completed, plus times and details of any call outs that you
may receive.

Other Shifts
7. Iglu may offer you daytime shifts on the roster to assist in reception, marketing events and other administrative
work and to attend training or RL meetings. Iglu may offer you shifts to run agreed events for residents.

Hourly Pay
8. You will be paid according to the Award. Currently this is calculated as a gross hourly rate and casual loading for
time worked (less applicable taxation) plus any applicable overnight stay allowance. You may also receive other
payments, or higher hourly rates of pay for work performed at particular times and on particular days. The Award
sets discounted wages for employees under 20 years of age. Iglu will pay you at the full adult rate irrespective of
your age.

9. All payments made to you by Iglu throughout your employment (regardless of whether they are expressly referred
to or guaranteed by this contract) compensate you for and set-off to the fullest extent possible all combined
benefits or entitlements you have under any applicable award, enterprise agreement or law. This includes, without
limitation, payment for all hours worked, any minimum wage, payment for minimum periods of engagement,
overtime, casual loading, penalty rates for weekend work or public holiday work and other allowances and
loadings to which you may otherwise be entitled. Where the combined monetary value of all such benefits or
entitlements exceed the combined monetary value of all payments actually made to you, Iglu will pay to you the
difference between those two combined amounts.

10. Casual loading is intended to compensate you for not having an entitlement to paid annual leave, personal/carer's
leave, compassionate leave, absence on a public holiday, payment in lieu of notice of termination or redundancy
pay. The amount of casual loading paid to you during your employment with Iglu can be set off against any claim
you or anyone acting on your behalf may make that you have an entitlement to any of these benefits.

11. You will be paid fortnightly in arrears by electronic funds transfer to your nominated bank account after deduction
of all taxes, levies, and personal superannuation contributions. Iglu may unilaterally amend the frequency of
payment at any time by providing you with notice in writing, subject to any requirement of the Award.

12. In addition to payments made directly to you, Iglu will make contributions to superannuation on your behalf as
required by law.

13. Reasonable expenses properly incurred in the course of Iglu’s business will be refunded to you monthly on the
production of appropriate receipts and expense claim forms. This includes any calls you made on your personal
mobile phone for business purposes during the term of your employment.

14. As a casual employee, you will not be entitled to annual leave or personal leave. You are entitled to unpaid
compassionate leave, unpaid carer’s leave, unpaid family and domestic violence leave and unpaid community
service leave pursuant to the National Employment Standards.
Compliance with Policies and Procedures
15. Your employment is subject to compliance with Iglu’s policies and procedures as set by Iglu from time to time.
Iglu reserves the right to review and revise these policies and procedures from time to time. These policies operate
as a series of standing directions to you about how you should go about performing your work and operating as
an employee of Iglu and, as such, the policies and procedures do not form part of your contract with Iglu.

Conflict of Interest
16. You must not engage in any employment or provide any services to any competitor of Iglu during your employment
without the prior written consent of Iglu.

17. You will be invited to inform Iglu of the times when you would be free to accept shifts, and Iglu will prepare rosters
for each month based on the availability you have indicated. If you have indicated availability to work a certain
shift, you will be expected to work that shift unless there are exceptional circumstances, or you obtain the General
Manager's prior written agreement to swap the shift.

18. You are required to conduct yourself responsibly at the Property, on and off shifts. We acknowledge that you live
at the Property as a resident, but we still require you to adhere to appropriate standards of behaviour suitable for
an employee of Iglu. Failure to adhere to these standards may result in termination of your employment.

19. It is a condition of your employment that you do not smoke at work, in the Property or while wearing Iglu uniform.

Dress Code
20. You must wear your Iglu uniform and enclosed footwear when on shift and have a clean and tidy appearance.

Work Health and Safety

21. It is a condition of your employment that you comply with all relevant health and safety laws and Iglu's WHS Policy
and Procedures. By ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for yourself, fellow employees, contractors, suppliers,
residents and visitors of Iglu you will help meet WHS laws and Iglu's WHS Policy and Procedures. You are
responsible to participate in the development and delivery of a safe and healthy workplace by complying with any
instructions or reasonable directions given for your own health and safety and that of others, and immediately
report any injuries, illness, hazards, or safety concerns to your property's management team. Failure to comply
with any reasonable instructions or directions will result in the immediate termination of your employment.

Discrimination and Harassment

22. It is a condition of your employment that you comply with all relevant anti- discrimination and harassment laws
and internal procedures and policies at Iglu.

Confidential Information
23. During and after your employment, you must keep all Confidential Information secret and confidential and take all
reasonable and necessary precautions to maintain the secrecy and prevent the disclosure of any Confidential
Information. You must not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, and you must not use any part
of or make copies of any Confidential Information, except:
• as reasonably required in the ordinary and proper course of your employment;
• to the extent required by law; or
• if Iglu’s written consent is first obtained.

24. “Confidential Information’ means any information relating to the business or affairs of Iglu, its clients or its
Related Bodies Corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)), that is not in the public domain
including, but not limited to, any document, record, computer file, lists of current or former residents, trade secrets,
product training or service information, sales and marketing information, lists of prospective residents, information
relating to any computer systems or software, financial information, strategy, plan, data, report, process, proposal,
budget, idea, concept or know how.

25. This clause will survive the termination of your employment, irrespective of the basis of the termination, and shall
remain in full force and effect indefinitely.

26. Privacy You consent to Iglu collecting and using personal information and sensitive personal information as
defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) for any purpose relating to your employment with Iglu. The personal
information will be held in a secure location.

27. You consent to Iglu disclosing personal information and sensitive personal information about you to other persons
for reasons relating to you employment or for Iglu’s business requirements. These persons include the Australian
Tax Office, superannuation fund trustees and administrators, insurers, medical or occupational practitioners,
financial and legal advisers, potential purchases on sale of business and law enforcement bodies.

28. You consent to Iglu disclosing your image or likeness for marketing purposes including on Iglu’s website.

29. The clause will survive the termination of your employment, irrespective of the basis of the termination, and shall
remain in full force and effect indefinitely.

30. Iglu may carry out workplace monitoring on a continuous basis throughout your employment. This includes
surveillance of computers, other electronic devices and information technology systems, including internet and
email, via software and/or human review.

Consent to Investigate your Visa Status

31. It is a condition of your employment that you comply with all visa and immigration workplace laws and regulations
and where you are a foreign national, you give your consent to Iglu to make relevant applications and
investigations to confirm your status to work in Australia.

Employment Background Checks

32. As Iglu provides accommodation to residents under 18 years of age at select properties within its portfolio, it may
be an inherent requirement of your role, now or in the future, to complete a Police Background Check, a Working
with Children Check or any other employment background check that Iglu deems necessary in order to meet
regulatory guidelines. Whether these checks are an inherent requirement of your role is subject to the location
that you are employed at. Should you be required to complete the aforementioned checks, Iglu will notify you of
this. In the instance that you fail to successfully pass the required employment background checks, Iglu reserves
the right to terminate your employment effective immediately.

Termination of Employment

33. As you are employed on a casual basis, your employment may be terminated by you or Iglu in writing or email
but without notice or any payment in lieu of notice. You will not be entitled to any redundancy pay in respect of
the termination of your employment. On termination of your employment, you must return your Iglu uniform and
any other Iglu property in your possession.

I look forward to you joining Iglu.

Please sign below in the place provided and then return a copy to the People Team via email ( and retain
another copy for your records.

Yours sincerely,

28 July 2023
Jonathan Gliksten Date
Iglu Pty Ltd

I, Maximiliano Gomez Rodriguez, accept the offer of employment on the terms and conditions set out in this contract, by
signing this contract as set out below.

29 July 2023
Maximiliano Gomez Date

Schedule 1 Resident Leader Contract (casual employee)

Property Iglu Melbourne Central

Property Address 167 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Commencement Date 1 August 2023

Gross Hourly casual rate including

casual loading per the Award as at the $30.10 per hour (less applicable taxation)
Commencement Date

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