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Svetlana asks Dr. Miller for information related to Alzheimer’s disease. Dr.

Miller decides to send Mary

Ellen an RMA into the room to review a patient education brochure that discusses the progression of the
disease. Alzheimers disease affects the memory, reasoning, and problem solving skills. Dementia is the
name for a group of symptoms associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. It can affect
memory thinking skills and other mental abilities. The exact cause of Alzheimers disease is not yet fully
understood, and although a number of things are thought to increase your risk of developing the
condition. As the condition develops memory problems become more severe and further symptoms can
can develop, such as confusion, disorientation, and getting lost in familiar places. Difficulty planning or
making decisions, problems with speech and language problems moving around without assistance or
performing self care tasks. Personal changes such as becoming demanding and suspicious of others. The
frontal Lobe of the brain eventually causes problems with intelligence, judgement and behavior. Dr.
Miller could possibly say to Svetlana while there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, the focus of
treatment is on managing symptoms and slowing down the progression of the disease. Medications can
be prescribed to help with memory and cognition, and certain lifestyle modifications such as regular
physical exercise and mental stimulation, and a healthy diet may also be recommended. Just keep in
mind that it’s important to create a safe and supportive environment for your mother and ensure she
receives proper care and treatment. The education brochure for the patients , that Mary Ellen states that
you should include information about the causes and risk factors Alzheimer’s disease the symptoms and
stages of the disease, available treatment options, strategies for managing everyday difficulties, tips for
communication, caregiver support resources, and potential clinical trials or research studies that patients
and if there family is willing to be on board with it. The lobes of the brain pertaining to memory,
reasoning, and problem solving skills are primarily the temporal lobes and the frontal lobes..

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