RPS Health Care System - Harizza (2023)

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No. Doc : Valid date : September Page : 1/20

No. Rev : 01


[KEP.21.III.33.5]: [Health Care System]

Vision of the Nursing Professional Education Study Program:

To become a Nursing Profession education study program that is globally competitive and at the forefront in Indonesia with Respiration
Health Excellence

Mission of the Nursing Professional Education Study Program:

1. Carry out education and learning as well as research and community service in the field of nursing in accordance with the development of
Science and Technology (IPTEK) and produce graduates who are able to perform nursing care related to respiratory health, as well as take
an active role in national and global health development.
2. Integrating research and community service carried out by lecturers in the learning process in the field of health and nursing to support the
development of science, technology and the nursing profession
3. Organizing a credible, transparent, fair, and responsible study program management that refers to the National Higher Education Standards
4. Provide quality and comprehensive nursing professional education services


A. Course Title : Health Care System

B. Course Code / Credit : KEP21III335 / 3
C. Semester : Odd 23/24
D. Study Program : Nursing
E. Course Nature : Compulsory
F. Requirements : -
G. Team Teaching : Ns. Harizza Pertiwi, S.Kep., MN. (085175115106 / harizza@binawan.ac.id)
Ns. Nuniek Setyo Wardani, S.Kep., M.Kep (08115729933 / nuniek@binawan.ac.id )
Ns. Shenda Maulina W, S.Kep., M.Kep. (087755661956 / shenda.maulina@binawan.ac.id)
Sari Narulita, S.Kp., M.Si. (08128160314 / sari@binawan.ac.id)
Ns. Maksi Puasa, S.Kep., M.Kep. (082271048398 / ronnymax77@gmail.com)
H. Time and Place : Tuesday (A21) and Friday (B23) via Google Meet / LMS / Classroom

The subject explores the current health care system from a political, economic and socio-cultural view. Using the understanding gained from the
previous subject, students will develop an understanding of Indonesian nursing profession and the development of a national level of nursing practice.
The subject focuses on the understanding of nursing ethics and law, basic concept of humanity and the environment, nursing theories and models
used in Indonesia. The change process and group dynamics, which are integral to modern nursing practice, will be explored from an Indonesian


Learning Outcomes (LO/CPMK):
1. Understand the organization and complexity of the health care sectors
2. Appreciate the contribution of government and nursing bodies (including NGOs and companies) and nursing associations in the health
care industry and profession of nursing.
3. Recognize the place and contributions of nursing, medicine, and allied health professionals in the provision of care within the health
care systems.
4. Analyze nursing care approaches and organizations of the nursing profession.
5. Discuss the role of the nurse and the process of transition from student to professional nurse.
6. Appreciate the cultural differences between western scientific medicine and other health views.
7. Focus on understanding of the national health care concept and the practice of Indonesian nurses and nursing professional development.

Relationship between CPMK and study program’s CPL:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Understand the organisation and complexity of the √ √ √ √
health care sectors
2. Appreciate the contribution of goverment bodies and √ √ √ √
nursing (included NGO”S, company and private)
and nursing associations in the health care industry
and profession of nursing
3. Recognise the place and contributions of nursing, √ √ √ √
medicine and allied health professionals in the
provision of care within the health care systems
4. Analyze nursing care approaches and organization of √ √ √ √
nursing professional
5. Discuss the role of the nurse and the process of √ √ √ √
transition from student to professional nurse.
6. Appreciate the cultural differences between western √ √ √ √
scientific medicine and other health views
7. Focus on understanding of the national health care √ √ √ √
concept and the practice of Indonesian nurses and
nursing profession development

*Capaian Pembelajaran (CPL) of Nursing Study Program :

1. Fear God Almighty, demonstrate a professional attitude, ethical principles, legal and cultural perspectives in nursing
2. Able to master general skills in the field of science
3. Able to understand nursing science to perform nursing care based on the nursing process approach
4. Able to provide professional nursing care with respiratory health excellence in laboratory and field settings (clinic and community) to
improve the quality of nursing care and patient safety.
5. Able to carry out education with communication skills in nursing care and scientific information
6. Able to build leadership and management capacity
7. Able to conduct scientific research in the field of nursing science and technology with excellence in respiratory health to solve health
problems at national and international levels
8. Able to produce, communicate, and innovate in the field of nursing science and technology with respiratory health excellence
9. Able to improve professional skills in the field of nursing through lifelong learning
10. Able to master English in providing nursing care.
Health Care System course need to be updated regularly because science and policies related to health care are constantly evolving following the
latest trends related to disaster management. Furthermore, with government regulations and policies in order to produce graduates who are more
capable of producing creativity and innovation through collaboration in work teams and adapting to multi-talented, it is necessary to update in terms
of content and process, as well as assessments that show the achievement of CPMK. Therefore, the offline and online semester learning plans
(RPS/RPD) need to be constantly updated.

Health care

National Government
health care and nursing
concept bodies

health care Nursing,
differences system allied health

Nursing care
Role of nurse

Image 1. HCS Learning Road Map

Week CPMK Expected Ability Topic Method Indicators Percentage Staff
1 Student can understand RPS ➢Lecture Student can understand this HP
this course’s RPS and ➢Discussion course’s RPS and LMS
2 1,2,3,4 Student can understand Introduction of the Student can explain national 3.75% HP/MP
national health care National Health Care ➢ Lecture health care system
system System (SKN) : ➢ Discussion
Sub System of health care
3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Health Care system in ➢Lecture Student can explain health 3.75% SMW/SN
health care services types Indonesia: ➢Discussion care services in Indonesia
in Indonesia The function of the
puskesmas and the main
tasks of the puskesmas.
Hospital types.
Referral system and BPJS
4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Health Workforce: ➢Lecture Student can explain the 3.75% NSW
the regulation of health Definition of health ➢Discussion regulation of health
care workforce in workforce workforce in Indonesia
Indonesia Registration and
Structure of nursing
Issues in workforce health
and supply.
5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Ethic and legal aspect of ➢Lecture Student can explain the ethic 3.75% HP/MP
the ethic and legal aspect health: malpractice ➢ Discussion and legal aspect of health :
of health: malpractice malpractice
Week CPMK Expected Ability Topic Method Indicators Percentage Staff
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Empowerment of Student can explain the 3.75% SMW/SN
the empowerment of community health efforts: ➢Lecture empowerment of community
community health efforts Posyandu ➢Discussion health efforts
Desa Siaga
7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand NGO’s contribution in ➢Lecture Student can explain NGO’s 3.75% NSW
NGO’s contribution in Indonesia’s health care ➢Discussion contribution in Indonesia’s
Indonesia’s health care system: women & child health care system
system abuse, homeless, drug
user, aged/ elderly,
8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Concept of national and ➢Lecture Student can explain the 3.75% HP/MP
the concept of national local community ➢Discussion concept of national and local
and local community resources and their community resources and
resources and their implication to the nursing their implication to the
implication to the nursing profession: nursing profession
profession Nursing care standard in
public health services

9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 1-2 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% HP/MP
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 3-4 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% SMW/SN
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
11 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 5-6 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% NSW
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Health Care System ➢Case study Student can explain the 3.75% HP/MP
various health care Comparison ➢Discussion differences of health care
systems in other countries Analyzing differences in system between Indonesia
the health system in and other countries
Week CPMK Expected Ability Topic Method Indicators Percentage Staff
Indonesia with other
countries (Australia,
USA, England, Kuwait,
UAE, Japan)
13 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 1-2 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% HP/MP
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
14 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 3-4 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% SMW/SN
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
15 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 5-6 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% NSW
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
16 Final Exam
Week Topic Activity
1 RPS Student:
Studying RPS of HCS course;
Students listen to the lecturer explain about RPS;
Students conduct discussions related to the RPS
Ensure the material can be downloaded by students (RPS)
Provide an explanation of what will be done in this course, an explanation of
assignements, and provide opportunities for students to ask questions and discuss.
2 Introduction of the National Health Care Student:
System (SKN) : Studying materials related to SKN;
Structure Students listen to lecturers explain about SKN;
Overviews Watch videos on SKN;
Organisation Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
Funding well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Sub System of health care Lecturer:
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, an explanation of SKN, an
explanation of group discussions, and provide opportunities for students to ask
questions and discuss.
3 Health Care system in Indonesia: Student:
The function of the puskesmas and the Studying materials related to health care system;
main tasks of the puskesmas. Students listen to lecturers explain about health care system;
Hospital types. Watching videos about health care system;
Referral system and BPJS Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, explain health care system,
explain group discussions, and provide opportunities for students to ask questions and
4 Health Workforce: Student:
Definition of health workforce Studying materials related to health workforce;
Registration and Regulation. Students listen to lecturers explain about health workforce;
Structure of nursing workforce. Watching videos about health workforce;
Issues in workforce health and supply. Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, explain health workforce,
explain group discussions, and provide opportunities for students to ask questions and
5 Ethic and legal aspect of health: Student:
malpractice Studying materials related to ethic and legal aspect of health;
Students listen to the lecturer explain about ethic and legal aspect of health;
Watching video shows about ethic and legal aspect of health;
Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, an explanation of ethic and
legal aspect of health, an explanation of group discussions, and provide opportunities
for students to ask questions and discuss.
6 Empowerment of community health Student:
efforts: Studying materials related to posyandu and desa siaga;
Posyandu Students listen to lecturers explain about posyandu and desa siaga;
Desa Siaga Watching videos about posyandu and desa siaga;
Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, explanation of posyandu
and desa siaga, explanation of group discussions, and providing opportunities for
students to ask questions and discuss.
7 NGO’s contribution in Indonesia’s Student:
health care system: women & child Studying materials related to NGO’s contribution in health care system;
abuse, homeless, drug user, aged/ Students listen to lecturers explain about NGO’s contribution in health care system;
elderly, jobless Watching videos about NGO’s contribution in health care system;
Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, explanation of NGO’s
contribution in health care system, explanation of group discussions, and providing
opportunities for students to ask questions and discuss.
8 Concept of national and local Student:
community resources and their Studying materials related to concept of national and local community resources and
implication to the nursing profession: their implication to the nursing profession;
Nursing care standard in public health Students listen to lecturers explain about concept of national and local community
services resources and their implication to the nursing profession;
Watching videos about concept of national and local community resources and their
implication to the nursing profession;
Students conduct discussions related to the material that has been heard and studied as
well as for the discussion agenda for the next meeting.
Ensure all materials can be downloaded by students (ppt, modules, videos)
provide an explanation of what will be done in this meeting, explanation of concept of
national and local community resources and their implication to the nursing profession,
explanation of group discussions, and providing opportunities for students to ask
questions and discuss.
Week CPMK Expected Ability Topic Method Indicators Percentage Staff
9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 1-2 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% HP/MP
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 3-4 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% SMW/SN
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
11 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can present their Group presentation 5-6 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% NSW
task in a good manner (Project I) seminar 2. Communication
➢Case study 3. Media
➢Discussion 4. Paper content
12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Health Care System ➢Case study Student can explain the 3.75% HP/MP
various health care Comparison ➢Discussion differences of health care
systems in other countries Analyzing differences in system by analyzing 6
the health system in subsystems between
Indonesia with other Indonesia and other
countries (Australia, countries.
USA, England, Kuwait,
UAE, Japan)
13 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 1-2 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% HP/MP
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
14 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 3-4 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% SMW/SN
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
15 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Student can understand Group presentation 5-6 ➢Student 1. Performance 25% NSW
various health care (Project II) seminar 2. Communication
systems in other countries ➢Discussion 3. Media
4. Presentation content
The lecture method used is blended learning. Blended learning lectures are intended to lead students to understand the subject and its sub-topics.
Offline lectures are carried out using the lecture method with discussion, various presentations using an LCD projector, simulation/role playing/case
studies, group discussions, oral presentations, question and answer, watching videos on the subject being discussed, and implementing activities.
Online lectures are carried out using the zoom/google meeting application, and LMS UBinawan (can use breakoutrooms and the like for group
discussions or discussing cases).

Exam Response Response
Structured Skill and Response
CPMK Quiz Mid Final Report Presentation
Assignment Participation Exam
(Individual) (Tim)
CPMK 1 (10%) 2% 2% 3% 3%
CPMK 2 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%
CPMK 3 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%
CPMK 4 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%
CPMK 5 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%
CPMK 6 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%
CPMK 7 (15%) 2% 3% 5% 5%


Activeness Rubric
Criteria More Competent (>81) Competent (66-80) Less Competent (56-65) Not Yet Competent
Attendance 80% - 100% attendance 75% attendance Attendance 50 - 75% Attendance <50%
(On Time) (Late) (Late, No (Absent / Sick)
Activeness Frequently ask and give Ever asked and gave an Rarely ask questions and Never ask and give
opinions argument (on the basis of give arguments (Does not arguments
not knowing) match)
Presentation / Implementation of Activities Rubric
Criteria More Competent (>81) Competent (66-80) Less Competent (56-65) Not Yet Competent
Mastery Can present material Already able to present Have been able to present Unable to present and
to the material presented clearly in a material choosing the the material as well as the select and use
& complete/structured right theories and right theories and theories/concepts
Presentation systematic manner based on concepts but not yet fully concepts but have not
empirical facts as well as able to apply them been able to apply them.
examples relevant to the critically and well. Demonstrate mastery of
suitability of theory based Demonstrate mastery of presentation material with
on analysis. presentation material with not good.
Demonstrate mastery of good, not supported by
presentation material with the latest references
Well. supported by the
latest references.
Activeness Cooperate in answering Working together in Cooperate in answering Unable to cooperate in
the audience's questions, answering audience audience questions, not answering audience
responding to questions questions, but not yet responding to questions questions, not responding
from the audience fully able to apply them to questions
properly, correctly and critically and well
Rubric for Assessment of Papers/Proposals/Reports
Criteria More Competent (>81) Competent (66-80) Less Competent (56-65) Not Yet Competent
Suitability of the contents Systematic. Background Not systematic. The Not Systematic. Not Systematic.
of the paper and writing objectives are background and purpose Background and purpose Background and purpose
appropriate (introduction, of writing are appropriate. of writing do not match, of writing do not match,
discussion of material, Answering the objectives Does not answer the Does not answer the
conclusions, is not short and concise. purpose, short and concise purpose, short and
bibliography), Complete, Compilation of references Compilation of references concise, there are no
appropriate and from the last 10 years, for more than 10 years, references more than the
comprehensive, references including 2 journals. included 1 journal last 10 years and the
for the last 10 years, journal is not included.
included 3 journals
Practice Assessment /Video Rubric
Criteria More Competent (>81) Competent (66-80) Less Competent (56-65) Not Yet Competent
Appropriateness using Fulfilled video: Fulfilled video: Fulfilled video: Fulfilled video:
theory correctly in Video clarity Video clarity Video clarity Video clarity
developing religious Voice clarity Sound clarity Sound clarity Sound clarity
practice Proper reading Proper reading Proper reading
Video creativity Video creativity
Timely task completion


The collaborative learning design in MK HCS is divided into 3 activities:
1. Grouping of students based on participation in overseas internship programs.
2. Project I: writing paper and performing group presentation (increase C1-7 competence) with the aim of strengthening communication,
collaboration, critical and creative thinking skills for health care system issues.
3. Project II: performing a focused-group discussion related to health care system in other countries.

Collaborative learning designs are structured as a task that must be completed in groups. The task description can be seen as follows.
Project I
Objective Students are able to develop critical-thinking skills related to national health care system, evident by systematically and
well-written paper
Task Description Object National health sub-system and malpractice discussion
What must be done • Students search for references related to national health sub-system and malpractice
(policies and issues)
• Students conduct an assessment of real situation related to health sub-system
• Students compare and discuss similarities and differences between policies and real
• Students propose solutions to the gap between policies and real condition
• Students discuss malpractice case done by nurse that has been found
• Students propose suggestions for nursing care and nursing organizations in order to
avoid such thing from happening again in the future
• Students write down paper
Method Group discussion, writing paper
Outcome Group presentation, paper
Assessment criteria ➢ Systematic suitability of the paper
➢ Content of the paper
➢ Delivery/communication style in presentation session
➢ Media used in presentation
Project I Details:
A. Paper Part 1, Topic : SKN
1. Learn and read this concept carefully

Sub-s Sub-s Sub-s


2. Discuss in group about the real situation in the hospital compare with the above’s concept and make a report as a group task.
There are six sub system in SKN (above)
Based on student’s perception and basic concepts related to the health care system in Indonesia, student will assess and identify the real
situation in health care services such as in the hospitals and in the community services. Make your analysis in the report. Write down group’s
conclusion also.
Seminars can proceed in various ways and are shaped by a range of factors, including mix and background of students, levels of understanding
of the subject matter, and sensitivity of the topic being discussed. While some of these factors are out of our control, there are a number of
strategies that can be employed to assist your group to maximize the quality of the learning experience for all involved.
B. Paper Part 2, Topic: Ethic, Legal Aspect, and Malpractice
1. Find out information or news about malpractice that happened in Indonesia or other countries that has been done by health care practitioners,
especially nurses. It is possible to search the case from magazine, newspaper, internet, and other resources.
2. Discuss in group, learn those cases based on legal aspect concepts.
3. Give your group’s analysis to find the solution and/or suggestions to avoid similar case from happening in the future.
4. Submit this task after you have got two points of analysis: standard nursing care and nurse’s organization.

Paper Systematics
Table of Contents
Chapter I : Part A : 1) Concept/ Theories Regarding Health Sub-System
2) Real Condition in Health Care Services: Hospital and Community Health Centers
3) Discussion
Chapter II: Part B : 1) Malpractice Case
2) Discussion
Chapter III : Conclusion

Submission Deadline : Week 8 at 23.59

Items of assessment should be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions will be accepted if an extension of time has been negotiated
with your lecturer to the due date. You MUST prepare a media for presentation regarding your paper.
Project II
Objective Students are able to develop critical-thinking skills by analyzing different health care systems in other countries compared
to Indonesia.
Task Description Object Health care system comparison
What must be done • Students search for references related to health care system in 6 countries (Australia,
USA, England, Kuwait, UAE, Japan)
• Students compare and discuss similarities and differences between other country’s and
Indonesia’s system
• Students discuss the positive and negative aspect of those systems
• Students prepare a media to deliver the result of the discussion
• Students deliver the result as a group seminar
Method Group discussion, preparing media
Outcome Group presentation, media
Assessment criteria ➢ Systematic suitability of the media
➢ Content of the media
➢ Delivery/communication style in presentation session

Submission Deadline : Week 12 at 23.59

Items of assessment should be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions will be accepted if an extension of time has been negotiated
with your lecturer to the due date.


Each exam/evaluation will be represented in real value (0 – 100). In determining the final value, the following weighting will be used:
CPMK 1 = 10 %
CPMK 2 = 15 %
CPMK 3 = 15 %
CPMK 4 = 15 %
CPMK 5 = 15%
CPMK 6 = 15%
CPMK 7 = 15%
The rating scale (grade) will be used, namely;
Fixed scale formulated by Binawan University
80 – 100 A 4,00 High Distinction
70 – 79,99 B 3,00 Dictinction
60 – 69,99 C 2,00 Credit
55 – 59,99 D 1,00 Pass
0 – 54,99 E 0 Fail

Azwar, A. (2004). Standarisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan. Depkes R.I. Jakarta

Crisp, J., & Taylor, C. (Eds.). (2004). Potter & Perry’s fundamentals of nursing. (2nd ed.).
Sydney: Mosby.

Departemen Kesehatan R.I, (2013) Sistem Kesehatan Nasional. Depkes R.I. Jakarta

Departemen Kesehatan R.I, (2013) Rencana pembangunan kesehatan Menuju Indonesia Sehat 2010. Depkes R.I. Jakarta

S.J. Duckett. (2004). The Australian Health Care System (2nd ed.).Oxford: New York.

This Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) is effective from September 2022, for Binawan University Nursing Study Program students for the
2022/2023 academic year onwards. This RPS is evaluated regularly every semester and improvements will be made if improvements are still needed
in its implementation.

Process Person In Charge Date

Name Signature
1. Formulation Ns. Harizza Pertiwi, S.Kep., MN 15 Juni 2023

2. Study program examination Dr. Aan Sutandi, S.Kep., Ners., 15 Juni 2023
and approval MN.

3. Faculty examination and Dr. Aliana Dewi, S.Kp., MN. 15 Juni 2023

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