E-Book Keys To Using Organic Haritaki - Compressed

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Keys to using Organic Heritaki www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org

We live in an age where buzzwords rule Haritaki is an herb that has been used
the health industry. Companies use since ancient times. It is a longtime staple
catchy language to lure in customers–– of the Ayurvedic practice. Harvested
words and phrases like “superfood,” from the seeds of the Terminalia
“holistic healing,” and “all natural” fill Chebula tree, this unique plant is
magazines and health blogs alike. While generally consumed in a powder form.
the products that big-name companies For modern users, it can also be taken as
push are often beneficial in many ways, a capsule for more convenient usage and
there are too many unknown factors a specifically time-release process. The
that customers lack sufficient tree from which the herb is derived
knowledge about. is native to Southern Asia and India, and
it has a characteristically bitter taste on
Before you choose to invest your money its own.
in a product, it’s important to do the
research for yourself. Make sure it is a Incredibly high in Vitamin C, this
worthwhile product that can add real superfruit has the potential to boost
value to your health routine and overall immunity and provide effective anti-
health. inflammatory and antioxidant properties
as well. Highly useful and easy to ingest,
Here, we’ll go over the benefits and uses haritaki is a wonder herb that is largely
of a relatively common but largely underutilized due to lack of knowledge.
unknown herb that has the potential to However, in recent times, the extensive
transform lives. With this information, benefits are beginning to put this
you’ll have the power to make your own powerful herb on the map in health
decisions about your health. The herb in communities and beyond.
question? Haritaki.

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History has shown time and time again that haritaki can provide immense benefits to
mental health. Rightfully coined the “King of Herbs” in the Ayurvedic community,
haritaki has been consumed for centuries as part of a consistent regimen by some of
the greatest thinkers and spiritual leaders of all time.

Sages, monks, and revered yogis have long given partial credit for their enhanced
state of enlightenment to haritaki. The herb is said to help tap into a deeper level of
mental and spiritual awareness and access the third eye more fully. In short, it really is
a superfood for your brain.

Some of the Super Brain results that have come about from regular haritaki usage are
astounding. Adults and children alike have taken part in studies and demonstrated
behaviors that are characteristically believed to stem from haritaki. For example,
children can read a book that is behind their head instead of in front of their eyes.
People can be blindfolded and successfully play a game of hide and seek.

These results—while somewhat unbelievable at first—were recorded by prominent

spiritual figures and leaders throughout time. The link between the enlightenment of
the past and the enhanced mental state witnessed in these studies is haritaki.

Currently, many studies are ongoing in regards to the specific medical explanation for
the enhanced brain function that haritaki enables. These studies aim to better
understand the scientific reason behind the miraculous effects of the herb.

It is hoped that with time, these studies can give insight into further uses of haritaki in
the future. There are plans to continue research through EEG methods to get an
adequate map of brain activity. Research is also being conducted on oxygenation of
the brain and its correlation to this seemingly magical herb.

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The extensive list of Ayurvedic plants and herbs spans such a wide array of purposes
and benefits that it can be overwhelming to begin exploring within the practice. A
great place to start is with Kadukkai.

Kaddukai is a Tamil word. In Sanskrit, it is known as haritaki. The Kadukkai Podi fruit
grows at around 100 feet high in trees found in India. This is one of the most sought
after and highly revered herbs in the entire Ayurvedic community. In addition, it is
commonly regarded as one of the most beneficial herbal remedies in the entire world.
Harvested from the tree of origin in September and October and dried for continual
year-round use, Kadukkai is incredibly versatile both in benefits and in methods of

One of the most predominant reasons to take Kadukkai is because it eliminates

bacteria and parasites from the digestive system. The herb is incredibly effective at
cleansing the digestive tract and proactively setting the system up for long term

Beyond digestive health, Kadukkai is commonly recommended for overall health and
longevity, as well as enhanced regular brain function. There is evidence to
suggest that Kadukkai has immense benefits for oral health, treating and preventing
mouth sores and throat-related illnesses. It is even safe enough to treat illnesses in
animals, making it an incredibly diverse and useful household herb.

In addition to the bodily health benefits, the herb is said to have some spiritual and
metaphysical benefits as well. It is said to enhance awareness and open the third eye.
It can also be consumed in multiple forms–such as powders, capsules, or even in its
fresh herb form. This makes it easy for anyone to incorporate into their daily wellness
routine. With this laundry list of health benefits and more, it is no wonder that
Kadukkai is held in such high esteem globally and within Ayurveda.

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Haritaki is known by the name Harad in the

Hindi language. It is the same herb, Terminalia

The benefits of haritaki are many, but perhaps one of the main reasons for its
increasing rise in popularity is that it can be taken in capsule form. Generally, haritaki
comes in many forms. From powders to tablets and capsules, the herb is available in a
wide array of consumption methods. However, there are actually specific benefits
that can be harnessed when folks opt to ingest this Ayurvedic miracle herb in its
capsule form.

Haritaki capsule products, such as Organic Haritaki Plus Capsules from Kailash
Herbals, allow users to access the full benefits of haritaki without any of the less
pleasant aspects of the herb or any interruption to their daily lives. Perhaps the most
obvious reason for this is convenience.

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This whole ordeal can be easily avoided when you choose Haritaki Plus Capsules,
which are mess-free and flavorless. Just pop them in your mouth, take a sip of water
to wash them down, and go.

Another advantageous feature of taking haritaki capsules is dose regulation. When

you use a powder, it is harder to control the specific amount of the herb you are
consuming. With capsules, you can trust that the same exact dose will be ingested
every time. This is great for system regulation, as too much haritaki can cause some
folks bowel irritability and other digestion issues.

Haritaki Plus Capsules are entirely vegan, so they are easy for everyone to take
without the stress of allergens or dietary restrictions. With minimal additives, no
mess, and an exact dosage, why would you choose any other method of taking

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Haritaki operates as a boost to cognitive functioning. The nootropic spurs an increase

in brain functions, including a boost in short-term and long-term memory as well as
learning retention.

These effects on cognitive functioning are due to the oxygenation that is enhanced
when using haritaki. The oxygenation opens up neuro-pathways to boost overall brain
function. This has been proven in different medical studies, including one prominent
study out of India. That study showed haritaki improved the brain function of test

Cognitive functioning is essential to performing at peak levels. In many ways, your

brain is a muscle in need of exercise. Keeping your brain fit will help maintain
functions, like a fight or flight response. Haritaki will help your brain keep that prime
function. It will target different parts of the brain, like the hippocampus, to enhance
brain function and memory.

A boosted memory and brain function can lead to increased levels of performance in
other aspects of life as well. Got a big test to study for or a project at work requiring
high levels of focus? You’ll certainly benefit from the Ayurvedic herb that is haritaki.

What exactly does improving cognitive function entail though? Some of the indicators
of stronger cognitive functioning include:
Better memory and retention of information
Increased focus
More energy
Higher levels of innovation

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These benefits will translate to other areas of life as well, including financial and social
wellness. Having more energy can easily lead to being open to new experiences and
spending more time with friends. A high level of cognitive functioning is beneficial for
many reasons and is a clear indicator of overall health. For these various reasons,
haritaki has been in use as a cognitive booster for centuries. It is prevalent in several
South Asian cultures, including India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.

Summary: Haritaki is perhaps most famous for its abilities to boost cognitive function.
Users love it for honing their focus, improving their memory and knowledge
retention, and overall bettering the way they use their brains. Studies out of India
have supported the idea that taking haritaki can help with cognitive function.


Haritaki plays a key role in burning excess fat. It effectively detoxifies the body by
removing AMA toxins and reduces sudden hunger pangs and a craving for unhealthy
dietary choices.

Haritaki cleans the intestinal tract, and in so doing so stops the build up of toxins in
that area of the body. This allows the digestive system to process food faster and
more efficiently, which leads to weight loss.

While this may appear to be counter intuitive to weight loss, on fact the Avatar,
Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that it is the delays in the digestive system that cause
the excess foods to be added to the body weight. Many people have this experience.
They eat the same amount but the food does not contribute to belly fat as much as it
does without Haritaki. Nithyananda says that the waste products that stay in your
digestive system for sometimes days rather than hours add to the fat content in our
bodies. So the task is to move the food and the food waste through quickly. The
faster it moves through the less weight we gain. Some experts have indicated that
meat products can stay in our system for days at times, depending on the ease of
bowel movement and activation of the digestive system.

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Obviously Haritaki works best for this purpose when it is taken in the evening after
food and before bed in large quantities. When this process is followed the bowel
movement in the morning is fast and strong, removing toxins from the system.

Summary: Loss of excess weight is a benefit reported by many users. The cause of
this weight loss is the increase speed of digestion which reduces the time that food
waste can stagnate in the body

Constipation is never an easy topic to talk
The causes of bowel movements are a long
and varied list. Some potential causes
about, but sometimes it is necessary to be Stress
open about how a problem like this can Medications like narcotics, anti-
compromise daily life. Not only is it a depressants, and iron pills
health concern, but it can provoke pain, Excessive consumption of dairy
discomfort, and embarrassment in the Colon diseases
person affected. Fortunately, there is a Low fiber or water
treatment for constipation in the form of Hypothyroidism
Haritaki can help with constipation due to its
By definition, constipation is having less ability to promote and aid in healthy
than three bowel movements over a week digestion. It can be used to either prevent or
and experiencing discomfort. Severe treat constipation. In fact, for thousands of
constipation results from not having at years, haritaki has been a go-to solution for
least one bowel movement a week. There constipation in Ayurvedic medicine.
may also be severe discomfort when
attempting to pass bowel movements. There are several ways to use haritaki to your
Bowel movements look different for advantage. Just chewing haritaki will help
everyone, so it is always important to with digestion. Utilizing it as a paste will clear
discuss this with your doctor if you think and cleanse your bowels. Haritaki can even
something is not operating as it should be. be used to help treat hemorrhoids.

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You can utilize haritaki for constipation in one of two ways:
Add a teaspoon of haritaki powder to a bucket of water (half-full) 10 minutes
before bathing. Take a bath in the haritaki-water combination. Swelling will be
reduced and healing promoted.
Add a teaspoon of haritaki powder to a drink one or two times a day. This will
help cleanse your colon – clearing anywhere up to fifteen pounds of toxic waste
in your system.

In addition to having thousands of years of proven use for constipation, haritaki has
no side effects. As an all-natural solution to an age-old problem, it is safe for regular
and continued use.

Summary: Haritaki has many cleansing capabilities. Namely, it’s often used for its
stimulation of the bowels to relieve constipation resulting from any number of
causes. By ingesting a simple capsule or even just bathing or drinking water mixed
with haritaki powder, many can find relief from stubborn constipation and painful


Most haritaki users report that they have greater energy when taking haritaki.

As someone who checks with the many thousands of customers who order regularly
from me, I find that this is one of the top benefits listed. More elderly users are the
group that report this effect the most. I regularly hear of users reporting that they can
now function with much less sleep, that they have energy to undertake more physical

Some users find if they take haritaki at night they are so energized they have trouble
sleeping. For this group, which is about 1%of users I recommend that they take the
haritaki in the morning instead of the evening. This way they discover more energy
during the day, and are able to sleep better at night, as they are more exercised.

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Summary: One of the most noticeable benefits of taking haritaki is the increase in
energy that over 50% of users report. This increase can lead people to take up
exercise and live an overall more fulfilling life.



When it comes to anti-aging solutions, many people are looking for the fountain of
youth. Now, researchers are trying to uncover if haritaki and its effects on telomeres
holds the answers that people everywhere are seeking.

Understanding telomeres is essential to understanding the human aging process.

Telomeres are the DNA caps at the ends of each of our chromosomes, protecting
them from fraying and falling into disarray. These telomere caps keep the genetic
information inside chromosomes from spilling out when we grow new bone, blood,
and skin cells.

Telomeres shorten every time a cell divides, which happens automatically as we age.
The process eventually reaches a point where the cells simply can’t divide any longer
– which is when we start to see damage from old age, like heart disease and
decreased brain function.

Telomeres are only part of the aging pie, but they make a huge difference. Those with
naturally longer telomeres often live much longer than those with shorter ones, so
finding a way to slow or reverse the shortening of telomeres can have dramatic
effects on the aging process.

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How does haritaki play into telomere length? So far scientists aren’t sure if it’s possible
to lengthen telomeres, but some studies suggest that haritaki may be beneficial in
reducing and slowing down damage to telomeres as cells divide. The key to anti-aging
may lie in increasing telomerase in the body, which is an enzyme that repairs telomeres
as they divide.

In a study from 2004, scientists found that T. chebula was effective at increasing the
lifespan of certain cells by 40%. It did so by slowing down oxidative stress and telomere
shortening. The exact reason why haritaki has such an effect on telomeres isn’t yet
known, but it could have an effect on telomerase or other parts of these vital
chromosome caps.

The idea that haritaki can prevent aging through reducing telomere damage is exciting
news for many people. It may be that in due time, researchers truly will discover the
fountain of youth in haritaki.

Summary: There are many components to the aging process, but one of the most
important aspects is the length of our telomeres. Some studies have found that haritaki
can reduce oxidative stress in the body and reduce how quickly telomeres shorten over
time. This is in line with how Ayurvedic practitioners have used haritaki for centuries to
slow aging.

Particularly in North America, diabetes has become an epidemic running rampant and
drastically damaging many lives. Diabetes is the 7th top cause of death in the United
States, and at least 10% of the country’s population suffers from some variety of the
disease. People with diabetes are twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack than
others, and the disease can lead to kidney failure, hypertension, and even medically
necessary amputation of limbs if problems grow without being managed correctly.

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It is a serious disease that is so commonplace that it often gets brushed aside as
unfixable or too daunting of a task to tackle. However, there are many ways that
diabetes can be managed and even prevented.

There are many necessary lifestyle, dietary, and medical changes that need to be
made to fully combat diabetes. On the same scale, there already exist dozens of
natural methods of minimizing symptoms and maximizing prevention for diabetes and
similar conditions. Within the Ayurvedic practices, there are many herbs that can be
used to this effect. It should come as no surprise that haritaki is at the top of this list.
For centuries, haritaki has been commonly used in India and Southern Asia to reduce
fluctuations in blood glucose and regulate systems of the body. Modern research has
pointed to the correlation between the consumption of haritaki and the gradual
increase of tolerance to glucose. This ability to better process glucose in the body
strongly links to a decrease in diabetes.

By controlling blood sugar levels and building up immunity to drastic changes in

insulin production in the body, haritaki has proven itself to be the best natural
method for combating the symptoms of a disease that has taken the lives of
thousands of people from countries all across the world.

Summary: Diabetes is a complex disease that’s been rising across the globe in recent
decades. Haritaki has long been used by Ayurvedic practitioners for stabilizing blood
glucose levels and other internal functions. Combined with a healthy diet and
exercise, haritaki may help resist the dangerous fluctuations in insulin production
common to diabetes.

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Eye cleansing can be necessary for various reasons,

whether a person has a foreign object or substance
in their eye that needs to be washed out, or they
have conjunctivitis. When it comes to eye cleansing,
haritaki presents a clear solution.

Haritaki is an all-natural Ayurvedic herbal treatment

that has centuries of success to back it up.
Combining it with water creates an eye wash that is
likely to result in:
Reducing stye infections
Reducing eye dryness
Reducing conjunctivitis/pink eye
Healing eye infections

The natural cleanser can be created in a few

different ways. Many are simple home remedies
requiring haritaki and some household items. With
the materials on hand, you can create a solution
quickly and easily. With no side effects, it is a safe
solution to several common eye conditions.

Haritaki fruit can be turned into a juice or tea for the

eye cleanse. Dried haritaki fruit can be boiled into a
tea, with the cooled water acting as a cleanser.
Haritaki powder can also be made into a tea, as long
as the sediment is filtered out.

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To make an eye wash solution using haritaki powder, follow these steps:
Boil 1 teaspoon of haritaki powder in 8 ounces of water for 10 minutes.
Cool the mixture for 10 minutes.
Strain out haritaki powder sedimentation.
Pour the solution through a coffee filter to allow the liquid to drain into a clean
vessel. This should filter out all sedimentation.
Allow it to cool further as needed.
Use an eye cap to pour the liquid into your eye by tilting your head back. Repeat
2-4 times.
Repeat up to 3-5 times per day

Fun fact: this concoction also doubles as a mouthwash.

If you aren’t sure if you are having a serious eye condition, you should learn the signs
and potentially seek further medical attention. Typically, anything beyond normal
itchy and watery eyes can be a cause for concern. Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is one
of the most common eye health issues. Some of the telltale signs of this includes:
Redness in one or both eyes
Thick yellow discharge, especially after sleeping
Itchy, burning eyes
Blurred vision
Sensitivity to light
Overall, only a few steps stand between you and an all-natural eye wash solution.
With a haritaki eye cleanse, you’ll be seeing clearer in no time.

www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org

Cleansing a wound is an important part of proper wound care. It’s the first step in
preventing infection or other complications. Haritaki is an ancient Ayurvedic solution
that is highly beneficial in cleansing wounds and cuts.

Haritaki has been used for thousands of years to clean wounds and treat a variety of
dermatological issues, including skin fungus, sores, ulcers, lip sores, and more. It is
able to do so because of the properties that the herb contains. Haritaki is a triple
threat, operating as anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial agent. This
combines to create a very powerful solution to many common cuts and wounds.
To cleanse a wound with haritaki, follow the steps below. Note that cleansing and
treatment vary based on the type of wound.

For a linear wound or linear incision, you would:

Pour an irrigation solution into an irrigation tray
Soak a 4”x 4” gauze pad in the solution and squeeze out excess solution
Gently wipe the wound from top to bottom, directly over the wound
Discard the gauze pad and moisten a new one
Repeat the cleaning, stroking downward parallel to the cut
Continue repeating these steps with a new gauze pad and then dry the wound

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If the wound is open, follow these steps:
Pour an irrigation solution into an irrigation tray
Soak a 4”x4” gauze pad in the solution and squeeze out excess solution
Gently clean the wound by starting in the center and working outwards in a half
circle or full circle
Use a new gauze pad for each circle
Clean at least 1 inch beyond the dressing or 2 inches beyond the wound margins
Gently pat dry the wound using dry gauze pads

You can also turn haritaki powder into a paste. This is effective when you need to
reduce swelling or healing time.

Caring for wounds is an essential step in the healing process. Taking the necessary
steps from the start limits the likelihood for infection and other issues later on.
Haritaki operates as an all-natural solution to help cleanse wounds and promote

Summary: Haritaki has long been prized as an all-purpose wound cleanser, acting as
an antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory tool. After thorough cleansing,
gently applying haritaki as part of a liquid solution or paste to small cuts, scrapes,
sores, and fungal infections can quell the swelling and redness, as well as prevent
further infection.

www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org

Research into potential solutions to cancer are extensive and continuously growing.
Haritaki use is in that realm of research as a potential supplement to cancer

For thousands of years, this Ayurvedic treatment has been a solution for an extensive
list of diseases and illnesses. From everyday issues like infections to lifelong diseases,
haritaki has garnered a reputation as a universal panacea for many different ailments.
For this reason, cancer researchers are starting to test this herb to see what benefits
it offers.

Haritaki contains significant anti-bacterial properties. An extract of the supplement

has been studied and discovered to operate as an anti-bacterium against several
strong bacteria. Some of those bacteria include Gram positive and Gram negative,
both human pathogenic bacteria. This function indicates haritaki can operate as an
anti-cancer agent. A 2007 study published in the Independent newspaper in London,
United Kingdom, discussed this operation. This study documented a need for cancer
patients to boost immune systems to fight the disease. This is one of the core
functions of haritaki.

Other studies around haritaki have shown it helps improve the health of many organs
that are consistently damaged by cancer. This includes kidneys, the pancreas, and
more. In fact, the 2007 study showed mice grafted with pancreatic cancer fared
better when given haritaki. The test group had tumors reduced in size while the
control group did not. Triphala, an active ingredient in haritaki, attacked the cancer
cells and resulted in significant improvement with no side effects.

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Cancer is a debilitating disease, resulting in extensive medical treatments and a
change in lifestyle. While haritaki may not be the absolute cure, it is a step towards
better health and living for people in general, including cancer patients. Haritaki is not
meant to replace proper medical treatment for cancer but rather act as a supplement
to treatment.

Summary: Cancer is a multi-faceted and incredibly complex disease, with different

symptoms and complications varying from person to person. Haritaki is not a cure for
cancer, but it has shown promise in alleviating some symptoms for many patients
because of its antibacterial properties. Some patients find haritaki to be an important
supplement to conventional treatment.


In a 1996 In the study, T. chebula was one of the few substances shown to inhibit
HIV-1 protease activity by more than 70%. The HIV protease is the enzyme that the
virus needs to be infectious. Inhibiting that enzyme makes HIV unable to replicate and
infect others. More research is needed to truly understand the full benefits and
impacts haritaki can have on this HIV, but the study suggests a powerful potential for
this herb.

Symptoms of HIV are often flu-like, including fever, sore throat, fatigue, as well as
developing ailments like yeast infections and inflammation in different places. The
healing power of haritaki may help curtail the intensity of these symptoms by
reducing inflammation and increasing energy. There is no known cure for HIV, but
haritaki can be effective in managing the side effects of the virus.

If not diagnosed and treated, HIV can lead to the development of AIDS, which stands
for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. This can lead to all sorts of related
illnesses and diseases that result from weakened immune systems, including cancer
and a generally shortened lifespan. However, proper treatment means people
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS can live as long as those without it.

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The inhibitory activity of haritaki against the HIV-1 protease and its other healing
benefits can be an important part of any holistic approach to treating and managing
HIV. More studies need to be done, but the current knowledge of the effect of
haritaki is promising.

Summary: Similar to its benefits in treating some cancer side effects, those with HIV
may find relief from flu-like symptoms caused by the virus. Furthermore, a study from
Singapore found promise in the herb’s ability to affect the way HIV can replicate.
More research is needed, but haritaki might be a powerful tool in the treatment in


Cystic fibrosis is a life-changing disease that can seem insurmountable and claims
many lives. This genetic disorder mostly affects the lungs, but can also target kidneys,
liver, intestine, and pancreas. Often patients suffer from difficulty breathing and lung
infections, among other symptoms. There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis.

Many different medicinal routes have been tested to stop or at least curtail the effects
of this disease, including a path taken by 17-year-old Madhavi Pulakat Gavini. In an
effort to aid a family member suffering from cystic fibrosis in the early 2000s, she
sought out help from her grandfather in India. As an Ayurvedic physician and
traditional medicine practitioner, he suggested testing standard ayurvedic medicines.

After testing ten different herbals against bacteria that frequently cause lung infection
for cystic fibrosis patients, she discovered the effectiveness of haritaki against cystic

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The bacteria in question is called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or P. aeruginosa. It is very
common in soil, water, and on plants. It causes serious infections for compromised
immune systems, particularly relevant to cystic fibrosis patients. The bacteria are
covered in a protective coating, called a bio film. Currently, no drugs can infiltrate this
bio film layer.

Gavini needed one of the ten selected testers to break through this film. After much
research, she found Terminalia chebula, an active ingredient in haritaki, is capable of
penetrating this bio film layer, destroying P. aeruginosa.

Her successful work led to a prestigious award and a college scholarship. It also
discovered a new use for a long-used Ayurvedic herbal treatment. Cystic fibrosis
affects many people around the world, and haritaki presents one option to battle
bacteria for these patients. While it is not a cure for cystic fibrosis, it can limit one of
the leading causes in serious and deadly lung infections.

Summary: Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common – and most debilitating –
genetic diseases known to man. There’s been promising research suggesting haritaki
can alleviate the risk for lung infections common to CF. In the early 2000’s, a teenage
girl named Madhavi Pulakat Gavini was key in demonstrating how haritaki could
destroy P. aeruginosa, which affects those with weakened immune systems. Haritaki
just might be the solution against cystic fibrosis symptoms

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Lots of haritaki fans have written in to describe how haritaki has helped to improve
the life of their furry companions. It’s incredible!

Some haritaki users say that giving their dogs small doses has helped dogs with
worms and bladder infections. There is even evidence in lots of Ayurvedic texts
that Terminalia chebula (haritaki) helps with arthritis and digestive issues in all types
of animals. Of this research, dogs are the animals that this herb is most well-known to

One haritaki user, Louanne Tung, opted to give her dog 1/4th of a teaspoon of the
herb each night. She did so after finding antibiotics alone weren’t enough to help with
a painful bladder infection. Mixing the haritaki with a few tablespoons of water
produced amazing improvements in her dog’s health.

Haritaki has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to cleanse the digestive system and
eliminate harmful bacteria. Sometimes, it is taken as part of the incredible polyherbal
mixture, Triphala (or “three fruits”).

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Triphala is made up of haritaki (Terminalia chebula), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and
bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). This is a well-known formulation in Ayurveda. All three
components are praised for their ability to clean out and improve digestive systems in
both humans and dogs. Haritaki in particular, as the King of Herbs, is capable of
treating all sorts of digestive issues, including IBS, ulcerative colitis, and many kidney
1. chebula is excellent for dogs because it is natural and proven to increase intestinal
transit time in animals, meaning it can greatly relieve constipation. For any dog
lovers out there, it’s easy to want to share the power and healing benefits of
haritaki with our beloved canine companions, especially when they’re suffering or
in pain. When used in combination with vet-prescribed medicines, haritaki can
work wonders for dogs and other animals, too.

Summary: Haritaki isn’t just for use in humans! Some users give small doses to their
furry friends to relieve intestinal distress caused by worms and bacteria when
conventional medicine is not enough. Though some may not like the taste, water
mixed with a little haritaki is safe for dogs to consume.

www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org

Called the ‘King of Herbs,’ Terminalia chebula, or haritaki, is a centuries-old

supplement used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

When taken in convenient capsule form or as a powder added to water, this herb can
be taken as a daily supplement to encourage cognitive functioning, cleanse the
digestive system, and boost sexual energy, among other benefits. Haritaki powder can
also be used for enemas, wound cleaning, and in a solution to soothe eye irritation.

Though powerful, haritaki is an organic and all-natural substance that is safe and has
no side effects when taken as recommended. Whatever your ailment, haritaki may be
able to help you find relief.

www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org
1. NCBI – Extract from Terminalia chebula seeds protect against experimental
ischemic neuronal damage via maintaining SODs and BDNF levels.
2. NCBI – Antidiabetic and renoprotective effects of the chloroform extract of
Terminalia chebula Retz.
3. The Journal -Trinity scientists discover how to attack a bacteria that causes cystic
fibrosis infections
4. Ijrap – A Perspective study of Haritaki
5. NCBI – Triphala Extract Suppresses Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in Human
Colon Cancer Stem Cells
6. Scialert – A Review on the Pharmacological Aspects of Terminalia chebula
7. Worldhealth – Supporting Telomeres For Longer Healthspans

www.Kailashherbals.net www.Haritaki.org

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