Taurus 2017

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Taurus 2017. Wesak. Buddha. Shiva. Vulcan. Aldebaran. Oppenheimer.

North Korea.

Shiva upon his “vahan” or vehice, Nandi the Bull.

Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”

(Full Moon: May 10, 2017. 10.42 pm GMT)

“The Word of the Soul is, “I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.” The eye of the cosmic Bull of God
is open and from it light pours radiantly forth upon the sons of men. The eye of vision of the individual
man must likewise open in response to this cosmic light.”1


“Do you really believe, and can you stand practically by that belief, that the Buddha on that day [Wesak],
in cooperation with the Christ, and with the Hierarchy of Illumined Minds, plus the proffered aid of some of
the Thrones, Principalities and Powers of Light [Archangels], Who are the higher correspondence of the
powers of darkness – stand waiting to carry out God’s plans, when given the right and the permission of

Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year

Desire and the Buddha
Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull
Robert Oppenheimer and Nuclear Warfare
Release of Nuclear Energy: “A Great Spiritual Event”
Nuke Fear-Mongering: USA and North Korea
“Nuclear War Will Not be Allowed”

Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual

Festival of the Year
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance
to all who are affiliated with the Great White
Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the
Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and
deep import. The period is always one of prime
interest and rare opportunity …”

The importance of the first three spiritual

festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini
– can never be emphasised enough – although
one must probe its significance to experience it.
Wesak Valley in Tibet. Buddha returns each year to preside Taurus marks the high-water mark of the
over the gathering of Masters and pilgrims. spiritual year because of those Liberated Beings
who guide Humanity, meet in yearly conclave.

They gather to receive, literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – and
transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity – via their various subjective ashrams of
workers. All this is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the
world, and co-operation with humanity who must be free to determine their own destiny.

The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-
workers and groups around the planet. This takes place over five days – 2.5 days either side of the exact
full moon time, but for most participants, the 24-hour period before the exact time is the most potent
period to make a contribution – if not the exact hour.

Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year

because of the alignment that takes place between
our most exalted planetary guides and humanity.
The triangle of Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara
(in the etheric or upon the physical plane), linked in
sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of
Wisdom – in turn, aligned with their respective ray
ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates
– all poised and ready to anchor and disseminate
the new impulse issued in the previous month of
Aries. The deva or angelic evolution is also deeply involved in the entire event – hence the “Thrones,
Principalities and Powers of Light” – in the passage at the top of the page.

Wesak is important because it is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with this planet,
almost liberated from his responsibilities here, but still serving an important role in this transition phase
between the zodiacal ages and the rootraces. As the two main groups of Earth Chain and Moon Chain
humanity further integrate, the Buddha’s role will be taken over by his close brother The Christ, marking a
momentous event in planetary history that will have reverberations throughout the solar system.

Desire and the Buddha

The Buddha incarnated in Taurus and his main
Zen Buddhist Watts had his demons – self-destructive alcoholism,
marital infidelities, “questionable behaviors”, critics said
teaching was on freeing ourselves from the
undermined his greatness as a philosopher-sage. These are not
uncommon paradoxes on the Path! nature of desire that keeps humanity bound
upon the wheel of samsara – “the indefinitely
repeated cycles of birth, misery and death
caused by karma”. Desire in all its expressions – sex, food, happiness even spiritual experience.

In the undeveloped individual, Taurus is ruled by selfish desire but with some aspiration, living by the
“light of the earth” – in the sacral centre and the solar plexus, the seat of the astral or desire body. Taurus
ruler Venus is seen here in its more well-known astral expression – ruling sex, desire for food, pleasure,
sensuality, comfort and emotional “love”.

All these desires are still present and expressed in the advanced stage of the disciple or initiate, but
instead of indulging them, there is a gradual relinquishment, to enjoy them as part of the human
experience, but not be used by them.

“Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that
which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic
expression upon the physical plane. These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and
Taurus are considered in unison.”4

In an advanced person, desire has been

transformed somewhat into a greater aspiration
and the person lives more within the “light of
love” – the heart centre being relatively
awakened. Darkness gives place to light and
illumination, the eye of the Bull is opened which is
the spiritual third eye, or the “single eye”.

The movement from solar plexus to heart is a key

element of the desire-aspiration paradigm.
Likewise the sacral to throat repolarisation –
procreative to creative. Here Venus is working at a
higher frequency as the “goddess of love” and is
esoterically the mental principle that rules the
Taurean “acquisition of knowledge”.
(Artist: Francis Donald)
In the disciple or initiate, there is “illumined living”
because Taurus at its highest is the “mother of
illumination” – the head centre is more awakened at this stage, “the light of life”, working in tandem with
the heart centre. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, brightly reflecting the solar light at the full moon,
unveiling the esoteric ruler Vulcan – associated with the solar principle by its close proximity to the Sun –
the solar sparks fly off Vulcan’s forge. Venus, as the ruler of the fifth ray of science and knowledge, is
working at its highest illumination, transformed into Sophia Wisdom.

Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva

Taurus the Bull, is a symbol of fertility and also the Will – as it
works through the soul ruler of Taurus, Vulcan. The Pleiades
constellation found in Taurus, represents the “cosmic mother” or
intelligence principle. In mythology, Vulcan was the husband of
Venus – the “ugliest” and lame god united with the most beautiful
goddess. Hence Taurus expresses a profound allegory about the
unification of mind and matter, soul and personality, beauty and
the beast, spirit and form.

In the Hindu tradition, Shiva is the equivalent of Vulcan,

representing the first ray of will-power. Nandi the bull is Shiva’s
vehicle, the “jiva” or soul. The ajna centre or brow chakra is
related to the third eye, the “bull’s eye” or “Shiva’s eye” – but is
not that eye per se:

“Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below,
depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul
from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the “eye of light” in the centre of the Bull’s forehead;
this is “the single eye” of the New Testament which makes the “whole body to be full of light”.

In Taurus—Desire is transmuted into aspiration, darkness gives place to light and illumination, the eye of
the Bull is opened which is the spiritual third eye, or the “single eye”.6

“The light from the eye of the bull guides the soul
through ongoing revelations and it is constructed by the
aspirant, having a correspondence to the concrete
mind, “with its capacity to interpret environment and
experience … It exists in etheric matter and can also
act as a lens or a light-gatherer from the inner and
higher worlds”.

One of the key factors that relates to a practical use of

these faculties, lies in the following,
The Ajna Centre.
“One of the fundamental rules back of all magical
processes is that no man is a magician or worker in
white magic until the third eye is opened, or in process of opening, for it is by means of that eye that the
thought form is energised, directed and controlled and the lesser builders or forces are swept into any
particular line of activity.”8

Aldebaran: The Eye of the Cosmic Bull

“The eye of the cosmic Bull of God is open and from it light
pours radiantly forth upon the sons of men.” Can we consider
the fixed star Aldebaran to have some influence upon us from
its position in the constellation of Taurus? There are several
important fixed stars that are prominent in their influence
upon humanity – Sirius, Polaris, the Pointers, Regulus, Castor
and Pollux – to name a few.

Aldebaran is mentioned by H.P. Blavatsky in relation to

tracking its conjunction with the vernal equinoctial point over
very long cycles of time. HPB gives its meaning – “He who
follows, or succeeds the daughters of Atlas, or the Pleiades – looking down from the eye of Taurus”. In the
Alice A. Bailey books, Aldebaran is conspicuously not mentioned by name, but there are plenty of
references to the “eye of the bull”:

“The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is

hidden in this sign [Taurus], owing fundamentally to
the relation of the Pleiades to the constellation, the
Great Bear, and to our solar system. This constitutes
one of the most important triangles in our entire
cosmic series of relationships and this importance is
also enhanced by the fact that the “eye of the Bull”
is the eye of revelation …

… This Shamballa force is that which “fans or

intensifies the light by the removal of obstructions
and proceeds from far distant places, pouring
through the eye of illumination into those spheres of
influence upon the sorrowful planet, the Earth,
impelling the Bull upon its onward rush.” So speaks
Aldebaran relative to some other stars.
the Old Commentary. ”10

Yes, our “sorrowful” planet – ever more so if Humanity does not rise to the occasion to address all the
planetary ills it has created. Taurus, as an earth sign with the moon exalted, is Mother Earth – and she is
currently in a sick and sorry state.
J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Nuclear Age
Taurus is a sign of spiritual illumination and also a sign of
power – through its esoteric ruler Vulcan, co-ruler of the first
ray of will or power. As mentioned in other newsletters,
dictators like Hitler and Saddam Hussein had Taurus
prominent in their horoscopes.

Because Vulcan is a “sacred planet” and the esoteric ruler of

Taurus, does not mean it will have an harmonious expression
through an individual – it is always dependent upon their
stage of soul unfoldment. Vulcan is connected to the minerals
and metals of the earth – that he transforms upon his anvil
into objects of beauty, but also weapons of war – swords, shields, bombs and guns – to use ancient and
modern examples.

“The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger

of metals, the one who works in the densest,
most concrete expression of the natural world …
Vulcan … fashioning the instruments of war when
war and conflict are the only means whereby
liberation can come … Vulcan then takes hold and
—since the Middle Ages—has brought the mineral
kingdom, “the depths from which supply must
come,” under human control.”

We can see here how earthy Taurus is connected

to the mineral kingdom, and Vulcan whose abode
was underground at his smithy. Uranium, the raw
ingredient used in nuclear power and weapons, is
one of those products of the mineral kingdom.
The nuclear bomb was developed and used
during World War 2, in an effort to defeat the
Axis Powers – and was successful in terminating
that conflict.

Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Forging the Sword Nibelung. (Nicholas Roerich, 1941.)

Alamos Laboratory and is regarded with others

as being the “father of the atomic bomb”, for their role in the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer had the
Sun in Taurus, with Mars and Mercury also there. Hence, one could say he was “the man for the job” of
working with uranium. At school he was a versatile scholar in English and French literature, with a
particular interest in mineralogy!

“The mineral kingdom is governed astrologically by Taurus, and there is a symbolic relation between the
“eye” in the head of the Bull, the third eye, the light in the head, and the diamond. The consciousness of
the Buddha has been called the “diamond-eye.””

Its of interest to note that there is a diamond called the

“Oppenheimer blue” named after Philip Oppenheimer (no
relation) the late chairman of the De Beers diamond-
marketing cartel. (The company was formed in 1888, the
same year as another great jewel was produced, The Secret
Doctrine, by H.P. Blavatsky.)

Like his fellow compatriot Einstein, Oppenheimer possessed

the “Jewish genius” gene, completing the third and fourth
grades in one year and skipping half the eighth grade;
Bodhisattva Vajrasattva (Dorje Sempa) – eventually he graduated in physics at Harvard. Taurus is a
Diamond Mind. sign known for its clumsiness at times and Oppenheimer was
observed as such in the laboratory (a bull in the china shop?),
hence he was better suited to theoretical rather than experimental physics.

Oppenheimer also exhibited a streak of ruthlessness and violence when

he was young, reflected by his Mars in Taurus – “Mars is in detriment in this sign. Its activity adds
constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus”. He once confessed that he had left an apple
doused with noxious chemicals on the desk of a teacher whom he hated. Another time he jumped on a
friend and tried to strangle him, apparently because he suffered from deep depression, for which his moon
in Cancer may have accounted.

Oppenheimer was a typical Gemini rising – tall, thin, intense and a chain-smoker. Gemini was also his soul
purpose, which meant developing skills in connecting with people and being a communicator. Gemini’s are
often multi-linguists, and at the age of 24 he visited the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, where he
impressed by giving lectures in Dutch, despite being a native New Yorker, having little experience with the

The other synthesising factor with Gemini and Oppenheimer’s soul success was that he “brought together
intellectuals at the height of their powers and from a variety of disciplines – to answer the most pertinent
questions of the age.” In 1933 at the age of 29, he learned Sanskrit whilst going through his Saturn
return, indicating past deep affiliations with the Hindu civilisation and traditions:

“He met the Indologist Arthur W. Ryder at Berkeley. He

read the Bhagavad Gita in the original Sanskrit, and
later he cited it as one of the books that most shaped
his philosophy of life. His close confidant and colleague,
Nobel Prize winner Isidor Rabi, later gave his own

“Oppenheimer was over educated in those fields, which

lie outside the scientific tradition, such as his interest in
religion, in the Hindu religion in particular, which
resulted in a feeling of mystery of the universe that
surrounded him like a fog. He saw physics clearly,
Sanskrit verse from Bhagavad Gita. looking toward what had already been done, but at the
border he tended to feel there was much more of the
mysterious and novel than there actually was … [he turned] away from the hard, crude methods of
theoretical physics into a mystical realm of broad intuition.”15

This intuition was developed through Venus, the esoteric ruler of his Gemini rising soul purpose, arguably
the most important planet in his chart. Venus is placed in Aries,

“The power of Venus [mind] is lessened in this sign … when the Sun is exalted [in Aries] and blazes forth
in all its glory, the other lesser luminaries fade out. Just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of
the soul, the solar Angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the
Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene … Mind gives place to intuition
and reason to pure perception.”16
J. Robert Oppenheimer

Aiding the power of Venus in Aries, is its close conjunction to Jupiter, the planet of expansive Love-
Wisdom, reflecting Oppenheimer’s diverse and pioneering efforts in so many fields – like the countless
progeny that Zeus-Jupiter produces in Greek mythology. His Jupiter-Venus conjunction also reflects a
generous nature:

“When his father died in 1937 leaving $392,602 [a huge fortune in those days] to be divided between
Oppenheimer and his brother Frank, Oppenheimer immediately wrote out a will leaving his estate to the
University of California for graduate scholarships.”17

With Neptune rising in Cancer close to his Gemini ascendant, Oppenheimer was a dreamer, mystic and
visionary – inhabiting a “mystical realm of broad intuition”. Through his life’s work and the development of
the intuition, his “bull’s eye” undoubtedly developed a high function.

At the age of 22 he met some of the best minds in Europe while studying
at the University of Göttingen one of the world’s leading centers for
theoretical physics. He made friends with others such as Enrico Fermi
and Edward Teller. He was known then for being too enthusiastic in
discussion, to the point of taking over seminar sessions – a classic
Sagittarian trait – he had Uranus in Sagittarius opposite his ever-curious
Gemini rising.

Uranus is also trine to his Sun in Taurus, so he was very much a Uranian
personality, an “eccentric” scientist, of advanced intelligence. Uranus
rules Aquarius and both planet and sign are connected to exoteric
science, where the hidden side of nature is penetrated by the scientific
mind. Oppenheimer also had Saturn in Aquarius in the ninth house of
academic authority, greatly reflecting his interest (and karma) in
Oppenheimer at 26 with “big hair”!
(His intuition antennae?)
Saturn is also square to his Mercury in Taurus – a mental point of
tension from which he worked in that lifetime; it probably caused him
much frustration at times and may have also contributed to his depression and his intesnity. His spiritual
brother Einstein (See Pisces 2017 newsletter) with whom he met and worked, had the Mercury-Saturn
conjunction, far more harmonious than the Mercury-Saturn square.

Oppenheimer did important research in theoretical astronomy related to general relativity and nuclear
theory, nuclear physics, astro-physics, spectroscopy, quantum field theory and electrodynamics. His work
predicted many later finds, which include the neutron, meson and neutron star and black holes.18

His work on gravitational collapse concerning neutron stars and black holes was considered by some
physicists and historians to be his most important contribution.
Oppenheimer considered his best work on electrons and
positrons; he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for physics three
times, in 1945, 1951 and 1967, but never won. This latter fact
may have contributed by his “communist sympathies” that
resulted in him being watched by the FBI, and then his
outspoken political activism which developed after WWII, through
a concern for nuclear proliferation. But it was probably mainly
due to the fact that,

“… his scientific attentions often changed rapidly, he never

worked long enough on any one topic and carried it to fruition to
Einstein and Oppenheimer. merit the Nobel Prize.”20 This is a good example of the typical
Gemini juggler who does not necessarily follow through upon
what has been started to completion, symbolised by polar-opposite Sagittarius.

The Manhattan Project

However, it was Oppenheimer’s work developing the
nuclear bomb on the Manhattan Project at Los
Alamos, New Mexico – when he really came into his
own. This is where he brought together his great
scientific mind with his communication skills and
learnt what it truly meant to be an Aquarian group
facilitator (Saturn in Aquarius):

“Oppenheimer threw himself into with full vigor. He

was given the title “Coordinator of Rapid Rupture”,
Part of the old Los Alamo site where “fatboy” (the bomb)
specifically referring to the propagation of a fast was housed.
neutron chain reaction in an atomic bomb. General
Groves also detected in Oppenheimer something that many others did not, an “overweening ambition”
that Groves reckoned would supply the drive necessary to push the project to a successful conclusion.

Oppenheimer at first had difficulty with the organizational division

of large groups, but rapidly learned the art of large-scale
administration after he took up permanent residence on the mesa.
He was noted for his mastery of all scientific aspects of the project
and for his efforts to control the inevitable cultural conflicts
between scientists and the military. He was an iconic figure to his
fellow scientists, as much a symbol of what they were working
toward as a scientific director. Victor Weisskopf put it thus:

“Oppenheimer directed these studies, theoretical and

experimental, in the real sense of the words. Here his uncanny
speed [Gemini] in grasping the main points of any subject was a
decisive factor; he could acquaint himself with the essential details
of every part of the work.

He did not direct from the head office. He was intellectually and
physically present at each decisive step. He was present in the
General Groves and Oppenheimer.
laboratory or in the seminar rooms, when a new effect was
measured, when a new idea was conceived. It was not that he
contributed so many ideas or suggestions; he did so sometimes, but his main influence came from
something else. It was his continuous and intense presence, which produced a sense of direct participation
in all of us; it created that unique atmosphere of enthusiasm and challenge that pervaded the place
throughout its time.”21
Here is a good example of Oppenheimer’s Saturn in Aquarius and
group organisation. In the last two critical years leading up to 1945
(when it looked like the Nazis were going to beat them to the atomic
bomb), transiting Saturn was in Gemini – trine to natal Saturn,
conjunct his progressed Sun in Gemini and conjunct his Gemini
ascendant in mid 1944. This really enabled Oppenheimer to maintain
an ubiquitous presence, stimulating also the infectious enthusiasm of
his Uranus in Sagittarius. When the first atomic test was conducted
on July 16, 1945, the Sun was conjunct Oppenheimer’s Moon in
Cancer – his “baby” had been born:

“Oppenheimer later recalled that, while witnessing the explosion, he

thought of a verse from the Hindu holy book, the Bhagavad Gita

“कालोऽिस्म लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहतुर्िमह प्रवृत्तः। ऋतेऽिप त्वां न भिवष्यिन्त सवेर्

येऽविस्थताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः॥११- ३२॥

“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the
splendor of the mighty one …” Years later he would explain that another verse had also entered his
head at that time:

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of

worlds.” He said, “I remembered the line from
the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu
[Krishna] is trying to persuade the Prince
[Arjuna] that he should do his duty and, to
impress him, takes on his multi-armed form.”22

A few weeks later on August 6, 1945, the first

atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
Oppenheimer had some relevant transits on
that day:

1. It was his lunar return in Cancer, prominent on

the first nuclear explosion date, weeks earlier.
Hiroshima aftermath. Transiting Saturn was also nearby transiting
through Cancer.
2. Progressed midheaven was conjunct Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter rules his natal midheaven (career, work) so
here is the culmination of a career.
3. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct his north
node in Virgo – and closely square his
Gemini ascendant, reflecting the culmination
of his meticulous work and planning.

4. Progressed Venus (his Gemini soul ruler)

was closely conjunct his Mercury in Taurus,
setting off the square to his natal Saturn in
Aquarius – perhaps indicating success at the
resolution of this square. Mercury-Venus
together represent the synthesis of mind-
5. Transiting Uranus (uranium) was The two bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 129,000
approaching his Pluto (death) in Gemini. people. 60 million lost their lives in WW2.
6. Transiting Pluto in Leo was square to his Mars in Taurus – reflecting the awesome power and violence of
the explosion. Again, the Mercury square Saturn pattern is activated.
The Ashram of Scientists
When we hear the word “ashram”, images come to
mind of a quiet group of reflective souls swanning
around in white robes in some beautiful meditation
retreat. Indeed, an ashram like this is meant to
replicate the true inner ashram of like-minded souls
seeking to express an aspect of the Planetary Plan.

In the science of the seven rays and their subrays,

there are 7 x 7 ray combinations that yield 49
ashrams which exist upon the inner planes; they
are made up of personnel who have advanced sufficiently through initiation to gain the “right of
admittance” to these “service outlets” of the Planetary Plan. All of Humanity are gravitating toward these
force centres or “minor chakras” within the greater ashram/heart centre of the planet. This process of
graduating to the ashram is based upon an individual’s soul ray, karma and need of the time. The ray
occupations span all areas of human activity – from politics, to business, arts and sciences.

Oppenheimer was part of a “science

ashram” incarnate at that time – possibly
from a Venus-ruled fifth ray of science
ashram, or the Uranus-ruled seventh ray
of Organisation and Magic – or a
combination of both. There were then, in
the early twentieth century and today, at
this Fifth Rootrace culmination of 5.5.5,
thousands of brilliant minds scattered all
around the world, contributing to the new
Aquarian cycle – a stupendous age of
science that will, if not abused, benefit
Solvay conference in 1912. 17 of the 28 attendees became Nobel Prize
and liberate Humanity: winners. Some names: Schrödinger, Pauli, Heisenberg, Born, Bohr,
Planck, Marie Curie, Einstein.
“Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey,
and the Curies are, on their own line of force, light-bringers of equal rank with H. P. B. [Advanced initiates,
probably of the Third Degree.] All revolutionised the thought of their time; all gave a great impulse to the
ability of man to interpret the laws of nature, and to understand the cosmic process, and only those of
circumscribed vision will fail to recognise the unity of the many force impulses emanating from the one
Lodge [greater Ashram].”23

Scientists like the Curies were at the forefront of this new

wave of scientists about to incarnate in the twentieth century:

“…the new era [will] be ushered in by the scientists of the

world and … the inauguration of the kingdom of God on Earth
[will] be heralded by means of successful scientific

The discovery of radio-activity by the Curies paved the way for

the nuclear scientists that came later:

“The power of the incoming cosmic rays has called forth the
more easily recognised radio-activity with which modern
science is now concerned. It was three seventh ray disciples
who “interpreted” these rays to man. I refer to the Curies and
to Millikan. Being themselves on the seventh ray, they had the
necessary psychic equipment and responsiveness to enable
Marie Curie in the laboratory. them intuitively to recognise their own ray vibration in the
mineral kingdom.”

Note the reference to the seventh ray, indicating that they may have been from a seventh ray ashram, a
combination of 7/5. The phrase, “psychic equipment and responsiveness to enable them intuitively to
recognise” – is most important, paralleling Oppenheimer’s intuition. Marie Curie was also aided by a very
sensitive Pisces moon in grand trine formation to Uranus and her Scorpio sun – a water grand trine like
Nostradamus! She had several other planets in Scorpio reflecting her ability to probe deeply into matter,
behind the veil of maya.

Oppenheimer may well have been from a Seventh Ray

ashram, the ray of Organisation and Magic. These scientists
are really magicians, occultists working as “scientists of the
unseen” – with invisible atoms and their emanations. The
seventh ray may have assisted Oppenheimer – organising
his work, people and groups. We can see how Marie Curie’s
travail was a precursor for Einstein and Oppenheimer:

“Her achievements included the development of the theory

of radioactivity (a term that she coined), techniques for
isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two
elements, polonium and radium. Under her direction, the
world’s first studies were conducted into the treatment of
neoplasms, using radioactive isotopes … Marie [with The atom first made visible to the human eye
through the electron microscope developed by
scientific Aquarius rising] decided to look into uranium Russia in 1956.
[Uranus] rays as a possible field of research for a thesis.”

Release of Nuclear Energy: “A Great Spiritual Event”

“I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest
spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth
kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer
to the release of atomic energy, as related in the
newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in connection with
the bombing of Japan.

… By this first step in the releasing of the energy of the

atom this has been accomplished … Little as to the true
nature of this happening is as yet known, and still less is understood … all great discoveries, such as those
made in connection with astronomy or in relation to the laws of nature or involving such a revelation as
that of radio-activity or the epoch-making event announced this week [August 1945] concerning the first
steps taken in the harnessing of cosmic energy, are ever the result of inner pressure emanating from
Forces and Lives found in high Places.

Such activities are motivated from Shamballa.

This activity is set in motion by these Lives,
working on Their high plane, and it gradually
causes a reaction in the various departments of
the Hierarchy, particularly those working under
third, fifth and seventh ray Masters [their
ashrams]. Eventually, disciples upon the
physical levels of activity [such as Oppenheimer,
Curie] become aware of the inner ferment, and
this happens either consciously or
unconsciously. They become “impressed,” and
the scientific work is then started and carried
through into the stages of experimentation and Messenger from the Himalayas. (Nicholas Roerich, 1940.)
final success.”27

Note that Shamballa is the planetary head centre, from where the “will of God is directed” and which is so
prominent at the Wesak Festival during the Taurus full moon period. Indeed, the release of nuclear power
in WW2, represented the “third Shamballa impact” in the 18 million year history of Individualised
humanity – over three rootraces.

As far as Oppenheimer being impressed – Gemini is one of the most impressionable signs of the zodiac –
and they are good at doing hilarious impressions! But watery Neptune conjunct his ascendant from the
psychic sign of Cancer is perhaps the real key for allowing himself to “become impressed”. The Tibetan
continues describing he dire world situation of that time:

“The imminence of this release [of atomic

Fires of Victory (Sentinel lights on the towers in Gobi) Nicholas power]—inevitable and under direction—
Roerich . produced an enormous tension in hierarchical
circles because (to express the idea colloquially)
a race was on between the Dark Forces and the Forces of Light to acquire possession of the techniques
necessary to bring about this liberation of needed energy. Had the Dark Forces triumphed, and had
the Axis Powers obtained possession of the needed scientific formulas, it would have led to a
major planetary disaster.

The released energy would have been used first of all to bring about the complete destruction of all
opposing the forces of evil, and then it would have been prostituted to the preservation of an
increasingly materialistic and non-idealistic civilisation. Germany could not be trusted with this
power, for all her motives were … wrong …

… the Japanese … are being defeated by physical war

measures and by the destruction physically of their war
potential and the death of the form aspect. This
destruction … and the consequent release of
their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening;
it is the justification of the use of the atomic
bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use
of this released energy has been destructive, but I
would remind you that it has been the destruction
of forms and not the destruction of spiritual
values and the death of the human spirit—as was
the goal of the Axis effort.

“… the first use of this [atomic] energy has been material destruction; this was inevitable and desirable;
old forms (obstructing the good) have had to be destroyed; the wrecking and disappearance of that which
is bad and undesirable must ever precede the building of the good and desirable and the longed-for
emergence of that which is new and better.

… The constructive use of this energy and its

harnessing for the betterment of humanity is
its real purpose; this living energy of substance
itself, hitherto shut up within the atom and
imprisoned in these ultimate forms of life, can be
turned wholly into that which is good and can bring
about such a revolutionising of the modes of human
experience that (from one angle alone) it will
necessitate and bring about an entirely new
economic world structure.

The release of the energy of the atom is as yet in an

extremely embryonic stage; humanity little knows
the extent or the nature of the energies which have
Nuclear fission breaks one atom into two, while nuclear
fusion combines two atoms into one. The latter process been tapped and released. There are many types of
creates four times as much energy as fission. Pictured is a atoms, constituting the “world substance”; each can
computer model of a fusion reactor. Lockheed Martin release its own type of force; this is one of the
announces major breakthrough ‘that could solve world’s
energy crisis. secrets which the new age will in time reveal, but a
good and sound beginning has been made.

I would call your attention to the words, “the liberation of energy.” It is liberation which is the keynote of
the new era, just as it has ever been the keynote of the spiritually oriented aspirant. This liberation has
started by the release of an aspect of matter and the freeing of some of the soul forces within the atom.
This has been, for matter itself, a great and potent initiation, paralleling those initiations which liberate or
release the souls of men.”

“It lies in the hands of the United Nations to protect this released energy from misuse [not currently
happening] and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purposes. It is a
“saving force” and has in it the potency of rebuilding, of rehabilitation and of reconstruction. Its right use
can abolish destitution, bring civilised comfort (and not useless luxury) to all upon our planet; its
expression in forms of right living, if motivated by right human relations, will produce beauty, warmth,
colour, the abolition of the present forms of disease, the withdrawal of mankind from all activities which
involve living or working underground, and will
bring to an end all human slavery, all need to
work or fight for possessions and things, and
will render possible a state of life which will
leave man free to pursue the higher aims of the

The prostituting of life to the task of

providing the bare necessities or to
making it possible for a few rich and
privileged people to have too much when
others have too little, will come to an end;
[not happening yet either!] men everywhere
can now be released into a state of life which
will give them leisure and time to follow
The United Nations, still a young maturing entity –
spiritual objectives, to realise richer cultural life, commensurate with the nations of which it is composed. Much
and to attain a broader mental perspective. abused and misused but Humanity’s only real hope of global co-

But, my
brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in
every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this
new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on
this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the
big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few
decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources
and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of
income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the
control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to
whom it rightly belongs.

The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking

firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change,
except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.”29

Nuke Fear-Mongering: USA and North Korea

The world today is a very different place since
World War II and DK’s dire prediction is still playing
itself out – “the big cartels, trusts and monopolies
that controlled, will mobilise their resources and
fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their
sources of income”.

Additionally since then, there has been an

enormous technological revolution that has created
an inordinate refinement of weapons, along with
the consolidation and expansion of power by the
military industrial complex (MIC). President
Eisenhower warned about this problem back in the

Recent sabre-rattling by the respective leaders of North Korea and the USA have not helped the situation,
most likely deliberately, sowing fear and doubt by threatening to nuke Japan, Australia or the USA. The
bluster is truly pathetic – from two leader/schoolkids – are we done measuring yet boys?

The US president’s contradictory comments and mental meandering are also of great concern to many
Americans; it defies logic that he became President – but of course half the nation for voted for him! Yet
the generals, the MIC, the Neoconservatives in Washington, thinktanks and lobby groups, Democrats and
Republicans alike – are all driving foreign policy in North Korea, Syria, Russia and China.
North Korea (Neville Lang rectified version.)

The exaggerations from North Korea have been going on a long time – and are down to the placement of
the moon in “exagittarius” dominating the midheaven of its natal chart. Jupiter is also placed in Sagittarius
square to its Virgo sun, creating greater distortions within its personality expression. Sun square Jupiter is
the classic “bullshit artist” as they say in Australia, puffed up with prideful boasts.

And to throw gasoline on the fire, Donald Trump’s moon in Sagittarius sits right on North Korea’s natal
Jupiter! North Korea has met its match in the realm of extremely stupid and unconstructive statements!
These two leaders might want to make the next version of the movie, Dumb and Dumber! Hence, a war of
words – boring bluster and theatre from very bad actors.

Kim Jong Un

The Sagittarian signature is borne out in Kim Jong Un’s horoscope with a stellium of Venus, Jupiter, Uranus
and Neptune all in this sign! Currently transiting Saturn is passing over his Jupiter on the second of three
hits, no doubt creating some restraint and hesitation in acting out his wild threats – which of course, come
from the state, whilst the leader acts out the tradition. This kind of grand-standing has apparently worked
for North Korea before in terms of bargaining and sanctions.
Transiting Pluto (plutonium) has also been making a trine to North Korea’s Virgo sun and continues to do
so through 2017, giving them some confidence in wielding their power, however far from nuclear capability
they may be.

North Korea has a long and complicated history with occupation by the Japanese (1910-1945) and Russia
(1945-1950). Then of course, it has a long and tumultuous history with the USA after it divided Korea in
half in 1945 and fought the North Koreans from 1950-1953.

The North Korean military overran most of South

Korea in June 1950. The USA as a leading force for
the United Nations, intervened to defend the South.
They rapidly advanced into North Korea but the
Chinese forces intervened on behalf of North Korea.
It was not a civil war between north and south, but a
proxy war fought between two superpowers – USA
and Russia. Much destruction ensued in this 1950’s
war – more than one million civilians killed and
almost every substantial building in North Korea

USA and Russia avoided getting into an all out war

with one another and using nuclear weapons.
Instead, the cold war expanded to Europe and now the Neoconservatives in the USA are trying to revive
that old cold war with their propaganda campaign against Russia. At the same time, their overtures to
North Korea are aimed at rattling China, now the third point in the world superpower triangle.

What we are witnessing in the world at the moment, is a facing-off between the big super-powers, China,
Russia and the USA. The North Korea issues may be more of a smokescreen for the relationship between
the USA and China, in the dance of global hegemony.

North Korea does have an axe to grind with the USA. Since the massive destruction of 1950’s war, the
nation got back on its feet and a cult was created around their leaders; they are probably the most
fanatical nation on Earth today. Is North Korea a traumatised child that has been treated badly by the
family of nations? The degree of brainwashing and social control upon its inhabitants is much worse than
in the West. The chilling military parades of rockets and goose-stepping soldiers recalls the dark fanaticism
of the Nazi era.

Hence, North Korea is driven it seems, almost

entirely by its fanatical Sagittarian moon,
prominently dominating its midheaven; it has been
called a (lunar) “loonie nation”! And as mentioned,
Jupiter, ruler of the Sagittarius moon, is in hard
aspect to its Virgo sun, reflecting the personality
integration it is yet to achieve.

Finally, a few points as to what actually happened in

North Korea in the 1950’s war with the USA,
bearing in mind that they “started it” by crossing
the 38th parallel into South Korea – a line that had
been created post WW2 by the USA.

One of the thousands of villages destroyed in North Korea Nevertheless, the following facts bring a perspective
in the 1950’s.
on the phrase “overkill”. From The Intercept, “Why
Do North Koreans Hate Us? One Reason — They
Remember the Korean War.“:

University of Chicago historian Bruce Cumings writes in his book “The Korean War: A History,” “we
carpet-bombed the north for three years with next to no concern for civilian casualties.”
U.S. planes dropped— 635,000 tons of bombs — and napalm — 32,557 tons — more than during the
entire Pacific campaign against the Japanese during World War II.
Air Force General Curtis LeMay – “we killed off … 20 percent of the population” .. “We went over there
and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea.”
More than three million civilians are believed to have been killed in the fighting, the vast majority of
them in the north.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk: United States bombed “every brick that was standing on top of another,
everything that moved.”
Douglas … was stunned by the “misery, disease, pain and suffering, starvation” that had been
“compounded” by air strikes. U.S. warplanes, having run out of military targets, had bombed farms,
dams, factories and hospitals. “I had seen the war-battered cities of Europe,” the Supreme Court justice
confessed, “but I had not seen devastation until I had seen Korea.”
General Douglas MacArthur’s unhinged plan to win the war against North Korea in just 10 days – he
wanted to drop “between 30 and 50 atomic bombs … strung across the neck of Manchuria” that would
have “spread behind us … a belt of radioactive cobalt.”
Several massacres No Gun Ri massacre, in July 1950. Bodo League massacre of tens of thousands of
suspected communists – “jeeploads” of U.S. military officers were present and “supervised the
Inside North Korea, according to leading Korea scholar Kathryn Weathersby, “it is still the 1950s … and
the conflict with South Korea and the United States is still going on. People in the North feel backed into
a corner and threatened.”

Yes, North Korea is a little peeved, to put it mildly! These facts put a different slant on history. Especially
as most of the Western world has been fed a diet of sanitised Korean war propaganda via the TV M.A.S.H.
mush for the past 50 years! That program started in 1972, no doubt partly as a commentary on the
Vietnam war of the time, another south-east Asian tragedy created by Western policies.

“No Nuclear War Allowed”

There is a lesser known statement from the book Changing Esoteric
Values by Foster Bailey. Foster was the second husband of Alice
Bailey and contributed greatly to The Tibetan’s work. He may have
had contact with the Master Djwhal Khul, or at least was privy to
some inner knowledge from the Hierarchy. Foster discusses cycles of
the New Group of World Servers (NGWS):

“When the war [WWII] was over, the forces of darkness were pushed
back but they were not crushed. And ever since then there has been
the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human
experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity
to begin to learn it all over again. And in 1954, it was established
subjectively and in reality that there will be no third world
war … 1954 was a great year, a very spiritual significant year.”

Students may dispute the veracity of this statement, but there it is.
If it is true, then obviously it does not mean that workers of the light
can be complacent. Yet there are deeper implications; it means that
a major decision by the Hierarchy was taken around 1954 that would
prevent Humanity from wiping itself out. This is somewhat contrary
to the policy of Hierarchy not interfering with human free-will.
Madonna Oriflamma (Nicholas Roerich)
She holds the Banner of Peace.
Yet the decision around the year 1954 was made in those
intervening years of the atom bomb in 1945. 1954 coincided with
USA’s first hydrogen bomb test in 1952 and Russia’s in 1953, the proxy war in Korea 1950-1953) – and,
the 49-year cycle of the Decision Initiation taken by the Masters in 1952.31

The Earth has already fallen behind in its evolution since the “failure of the Moon Chain” within the Earth
Scheme, those many billions of years ago. For evolution to fail again within this Fourth Chain would set
back Earth’s evolution even further and, hold up the evolution of the solar system as a whole.
The Earth Scheme would truly merit the label of “laggard” among its planetary brothers and sisters in the
solar system. One could speculate in Foster Bailey’s book, from how “high up” did this “decree” emanate?
Was it from the Solar Logos himself, the One who “intervened” in the Moon Chain and brought it to a

In recent years, UFO activity has been detected

around missile silos, with technical faults attributed to
their presence – perhaps another sign that Those who
look on with interest from other worlds (the “Mighty
Ones” as HPB calls them), will also not allow a nuclear
exchange to take place. Successful evolution upon
planet Earth has cosmic reverberations. Despite these
“assurances” however, can we still be confident that a
nuclear war will not happen?

Subjective light-workers must work ceaselessly and

vigilantly – as a counter-force to dispel the slightest ideas that arise in those who have access to the
nuclear codes; or those generals who are already discussing “limited nuclear options”.

The Wesak Festival is the ideal time of year to build in group meditation a great defensive shield in subtle
matter, to prevent a nuclear catastrophe from occurring. Not as a quick short term fix, but as a
consolidation upon many previous years that are building for future years. But there is an urgency now,
perhaps even an emergency – there must be a great mustering of light-forces and a potent effort to
overcome personal inertia.

Wesak is where resides the Power of Shamballa, the true spiritual potency and purpose of this planet. We
can all connect subjectively during this great festival, to the Great Ones and our fellow workers around the
globe, in a united effort to consolidate a planetary shield – and to prepare the way for the Externalisation
of the Hierarchy from 2025 onwards.

Phillip Lindsay © 2017.

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Esoteric Astrology

1. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.403. [↩]

2. Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.691. [↩]
3. Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
4. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384. [↩]
5. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.144-5. [↩]
6. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.143. [↩]
7. Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
8. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1008. [↩]
9. The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.785. [↩]
10. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.376. [↩]
11. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.385-6. [↩]
12. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.230. [↩]
13. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
14. Wikipedia [↩]
15. Wikipedia [↩]
16. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
17. Wikipedia [↩]
18. Wikipedia [↩]
19. Wikipedia [↩]
20. Wikipedia [↩]
21. Wikipedia [↩]
22. Wikipedia [↩]
23. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1037. [↩]
24. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.491. [↩]
25. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.226. [↩]
26. Wikipedia [↩]
27. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.491. [↩]
28. The Shamballa Impacts, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
29. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.491-9. [↩]
30. Changing Esoteric Values, Foster Bailey. pp.72-3. [↩]
31. Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. “The Decision Initiation 2001: Saturn and Libra”. [↩]
32. The Hidden History of Humanity, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
33. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]

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