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Test Bank for Integrated Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology, 3rd Edition : Colbert


Integrated Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology, 3rd

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Chapter 1
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which term best describes the study of drugs and their action on the body?
a. Therapeutics
b. Pharmacology
c. Pharmacotherapy
d. Disease management
2. The most common source of drugs today is:
a. Plants.
b. Animals.
c. Chemical synthesis.
d. Genetic bioengineering.
3. The agency that regulates drug testing and approves new drugs is the:
a. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).
b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
c. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
4. The phase of drug testing that is performed to look for rare or serious adverse effects after
the drug is marketed is:
a. Phase I.
b. Phase II.
c. Phase III.
d. Phase IV.
5. What organization is officially responsible for establishing public standards that approved
drugs must continue to meet?
a. The Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR)
b. The American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS)

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c. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP)

d. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
6. The name given to a drug that is considered the nonproprietary name and is not owned by
any particular pharmaceutical company is the:
a. Chemical name.
b. Generic name.
c. Trade name.
d. Brand name.
7. A 21-year-old pregnant female has been exposed to the drug Virazole, which has been
reported to cause damage to the fetus. This type of drug exposure is referred to as:
a. An adverse drug reaction (ADR).
b. A life-threatening reaction.
c. Hypersensitivity.
d. Teratogenicity.
8. Drugs that do not go directly into the systemic circulation after being absorbed and are
metabolized through the liver describes a:
a. Steady state.
b. First-pass effect.
c. Therapeutic range.
d. Half-life.
9. A physician would like a patient to receive acetaminophen via the enteral route. Your
choice of administration may include:
I. Oral.
II. Nasogastric.
III. Rectal.
a. I
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I, II, and III
10. Administration of 80 mg propranolol given orally (PO) produces the same response as 1
mg intravenously (IV). The difference in dosage is explained by:
a. The first-pass effect.
b. Bioavailability.
c. Protein binding.
d. Metabolism.
11. The most common and convenient route of drug administration is:
a. Oral.
b. Inhalation.

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c. Sublingual.
d. Transdermal.
12. A malnourished patient is susceptible to an increase in drug response because of all
except which of the following?
a. A malnourished patient has less serum albumin.
b. The free, unbound drug is an active drug and will lead to greater drug response.
c. Less drug is absorbed systemically.
d. Much of the drug will be free within the bloodstream.
13. The effect of administering a water-soluble drug to an infant, who has a higher
percentage of total body water compared to an adult, would be:
a. Decreased effect.
b. The same effect.
c. Increased effect.
d. An additive effect.
14. The mechanisms responsible for metabolism of rifampin in the liver include:
I. Drug oxidation.
II. Enzyme inhibition.
III. The cytochrome P-450 system.
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
15. After drugs are metabolized, they can be eliminated from the body through the:
a. Skin.
b. Lungs.
c. Feces and urine.
d. All of the above.
16. The potency of a drug is best described as:
a. An affinity of the drug for a particular receptor site.
b. The degree in which the drug can be cleared from the body.
c. The route of the drug.
d. The amount of drug required to produce the response desired.
17. Excretion of drugs through the kidneys is affected by all except which of the following?
a. Glomerular filtration
b. Drug oxidation
c. Impaired renal function
d. Tubular secretion and reabsorption
18. When a drug binds to a receptor site, all except which of the following can occur?
a. An ion channel can be opened or closed.
b. Biochemical messengers that initiate chemical reactions can be activated.

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T T R 283
§ 1. Ground occupied by the Teutons 283


N T M 285
§ 1. Guth 285
2. The Aasir 289
3. Odin, or Grîmr 292
4. Frey 294
5. Thor 300
6. Baldur and Hodur 303
7. Tyr 305
8. Heimdall 308
9. Will 311
10. Hilda 317
11. Ve 320
12. Gerda 321
13. Œgir 322
14. Ing—Seaxnot 324
15. Eormen 326
16. Erce 328
17. Amal 329
18. Forefathers 331


N O M 334
§ 1. Day 334
2. The Wolf 335
3. Eber, the Boar 337
4. The Bear 338
5. The Horse 340
6. The Eagle 342
7. The Raven 344
8. The Swan 345
9. The Serpent 346
10. Kettle 347
11. Weapon Names 348
12. Thought 352


H N N 355
§ 1. The Nibelung 355
2. Sigurd 356
3. Brynhild 359
4. Gunther 362
5. Hagen 364
6. Ghiseler 365
7. Ghernot 367
8. Folker 370
9. Dankwart 371
10. Theodoric 372
11. Uta, Ortwin 375
12. Sintram 379
13. Elberich 380


T K R 383
§ 1. The Paladins 383
2. Charles 384
3. Roland, &c. 387
4. Renaud 394
5. Richard 399
6. Astolfo 400
7. Ogier le Danois 402
8. Louis 403


D N 408
§ 1. Nobility 408
2. Command 413
3. Brightness 414
4. War 416
5. Protection 419
6. Power 421
7. Affection 426
8. Appearance 427
9. Locality 429
10. Life 433


N S 435
§ 1. Slavonic Races 435
2. Slavonian Mythology 438
3. Warlike Names 440
4. Names of Might 441
5. Names of Virtue 443
6. Names of Affection 444
7. Names from the Appearance 445

M N 446
§ 1. Greece 446
2. Russia 447
3. Italy 450
4. Spain 453
5. France 455
6. Great Britain 459
7. Germany 466
8. Scandinavia 469
9. Comparative Nomenclature 470

The names here given are referred, as far as possible, first to the language
in which the form occurs, then to their root.
The original names, in their primary form, are in capitals, the shapes they
have since assumed are in Roman type, the contractions in italics. A table is
here given of the main stems and branches, with the abbreviations used for
them in the glossary.
H Modern Jew (Jew.)
(Heb.) Aramæan (Aram.)
P Persian (Pers.)
G Modern Greek (Mod. Gr.)
(Gr.) Russian (Russ.)

Italian (It.)
Venetian (Ven.)
Spanish (Span.)
Portuguese (Port.)
Provençal (Prov.)
Wallachian (Wall.)
French (Fr.)
K Ancient British
(Kelt.) (Brit.)
Gadhaelic Ancient Irish
(Gad.) (Erse)
Modern Irish Dialect

T Icelandic
(Teu.) (Ice.)
Northern Swedish
(Nor.) (Swed.)
Anglo-Saxon Frisian
(A.S.) (Fris.)
Old German German
(O.G.) (Ger.)

Frank French
Spanish (Span.)

Lombardic Italian
(Lomb.) (It.)
S Russian (Russ.)
Slovak (Slov.)
Bohemian (Bohm.)
Hungarian (Hung.)
Lithuanian (Lith.)
Lettish (Lett.)
Illyrian (Ill.)

Aaron, m. Eng. Heb. mountain, 27

A , m. Nor. Ten. divine bear, 290
A , m. Nor. Teu. the gods, 289.
A , m. Nor. Teu. divine wolf, 290
A , f. Nor. Teu. love, 401
A , m. Nor. Teu. divine power, 291
Abacuck, m. Scot. Heb. embracing, 51
Abban, m. Fr. Lat. white, 157
Abel, m. Eng. Heb. breath, 11
Abelard, m. Eng. Teu. noble firmness.
Abellona, f. Dan. Gr. of Apollo, 65
Abigail, f. Eng. Heb. father of joy, 12
Abimelech, m. Eng. Heb. father of the king, 12
Abishalom, m. Eng. Heb. father of peace, 12
Abner, m. Eng. Heb. father of light.
Abiud, m. Eng. Dan. Heb. father of praise, 20
Abra, f. Cambrai, Heb. father of a multitude, 11
Abram, m. Eng. Heb. father of height, 11
Absalom, m. Eng. Dan. Heb. father of peace, 12
Aby, m. Am. Heb. father of multitudes, 12
Accepted, m. Eng. Accius, m. Lat. 140
Achaius, m. Lat. Kelt, horseman, 276
Achashverosh, m. Heb. Zend, venerable king, 57
Achill, m. Ger. Gr. without lips (?), 74
Achilla, f. Lat. Gr. without lips (?), 74
Achille, m. Fr. Gr. without lips (?), 74
Achillea, f. It. Gr. without lips (?), 74
Achilles, m. Eng. Gr. without lips (?), 74
A , Gr.(?) without lips, 74
Achim, m. Ger. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
Achsah, f. Eng. Heb. anklet, 38
Acim, m. Ill. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
Actma, f. Ill. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
Ada, f. Eng. Teu. happy.
Adah, f. Eng. Heb. ornament, 7
Adalard, m. Fr. Teu. nobly firm, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Adalfieri, m. It. Teu. noble pledge, 409
A , m. Lom. Teu. noble spear, 412
A , f. Fr. Teu. noble pledge, 409
A , m. Lom. Teu. noble pledge, 409
A , m. Ger. Teu. nobly stern, 412
A , f. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. nobly bold, 412
A , m. Goth. Teu. noble king, 412
Adalrik, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. noble day, 413
Adam, m. Eng. Fr. Dutch, Ger. Dan. Heb. red earth, 10
Adamina, f. Scot. Heb. red earth, 10
Adamk, m. Lus. Heb. red earth, 10
Adamnan, m. Scot. Heb. Lat. dwarf Adam, 10
Adamnanus, m. Lat. Heb. dwarf Adam, 10
Adamo, m. Ital. Heb. red earth, 10
Adams, m. Lett. Heb. red earth, 10
Addala, f. Lett. Teu. noble cheer, 412
Addo, m. Fris. Teu. noble cheer, 412
Addy, f. Eng. Teu. noble threatener, 411
Ade, m. Flem. Heb. red earth, 10
Adela, f. Eng. Teu. noble cheer, 411
Adelaïda, f. Rom. Russ. Teu. noble cheer, 411
Adelaide, f. Fr. Eng. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 411
Adelaïs, f. Old. Fr. Teu. noble cheer, 411
Adelajda, f. Slov. Teu. noble cheer, 411
A , m. Ger. Teu. noble eagle, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. noble bear, 412
Adelbert, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
Adelberta, f. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
Adelbold, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bold, 412
Adelbrecht, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
Adelburg, f. Ger. Teu. noble protection, 412
Adelchis, m. Lat. Teu. noble pledge, 412
Adèle, f. Fr. Gr. Teu. noble cheer, 411
Adeleve, f. Eng. Teu. noble gift, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. noble peace, 412
A , noble spear, 412
Adelgard, m. Ger. Teu. noble guard, 412
Adelgis, noble pledge, 412
Adelgonda, f. Rom. Teu. noble war, 412
Adelgonde, f. Fr. Teu. noble war, 412
Adelgunde, f. Ger. Teu. noble war, 412
A , m. Ger. Teu. nobly firm, 412
Adelhelm, noble helmet, 412
A , f. Ger. Teu. noble helmet, 412
A , f. Ger. Teu. noble battle maid, 413
Adelhold, m. Ger. Teu. nobly firm, 412
Adelicia, f. Lat. Teu. noble cheer, 412
Adelina, f. Eng. Teu. noble manner, 413
Adelinde, f. Ger. Teu. noble snake, 413
Adeline, f. Eng. Teu. noble snake, 413
Adelschalk, m. Ger. Teu. noble servant, 413
Adelswinde, f. Ger. Teu. noble strength, 413
Adeltrude, f. Ger. Teu. noble maid, 412
Adelulf, m. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 412
Adelwin, m. Ger. Teu. noble friend, 412
Ademaro, m. Ital. Teu. fierce greatness, 304
Adeodat, m. Ger. Lat. by God given, 188
A , m. Lat. by God given, 188
Adhémar, m. Fr. Teu. fierce greatness, 304
Adilo, m. Ger. Teu. noble, 412
Ado, m. Fris. Teu. noble, 412
Adolf, m. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Adolfine, f. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Adolfo, m. Ital. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Adolphe, m. Fr. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Adolphus, m. Eng. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Adoncia, f. Span. Lat. sweet, 196
Adosinda, f. Span. Teu. fierce strength, 305
Adriaan, m. Dutch, Lat. from Adria, 156
Adrian, m. Eng. Ger. Lat. from Adria, 156
Adriana, f. Ital. Lat. from Adria, 156
Adriane, f. Ger. Lat. from Adria, 156
Adriano, m. Ital. Lat. from Adria, 156
A , m. Lat. N.L.D. Lat. from Adria, 157
Adrien, f. Fr. Lat. from Adria, 156
Adrienne, f. Fr. Lat. from Adria, 156
Aed, m. Welsh. Kelt. fire, 226
Aeddon, m. Welsh. Kelt. 226
A , m. Erse. Kelt. fire, 226
Ægidius, m. Lat. Gr. with the Ægis, 79
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf, 380
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. elf gift, 380
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. high as an elf, 381
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf helmet, 381
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf council, 381
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf ruler, 381
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. threatening elf, 382
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf darling, 382
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. elf ruler, 382
Æ , m. Lat. Gr. of the sun, 191
Ælla, m. A. S. Teu. elf friend, 382
Ælle, m. A. S. Teu. elf friend, 382
Æ , f. Lat. work (?), 141
Æmiliana, f. Lat. work (?), 141
Æmilianus, m. Lat. work (?), 141
Æ , m. Lat. work (?), 141
Æneas, m. Lat. praise (?), 74
A , m. Erse, Kelt. excellent virtue, 242
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble prince, 349
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. nobly bright, 412
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. noble increase, 412
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. noble gift, 409
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. noble battle maid, 412
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble council, 410
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble ruler, 409
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble stone, 412
Æ , f. A. S. Teu. noble threatener, 411
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble guard, 412
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble friend, 412
Æ , m. A. S. Teu. noble wolf, 409
Aëtius, m. Lat.
Afanassij, m. Russ. Gr. undying, 109
Affonso, m. Port. eagerness for war, 305
Affrica, f. Manx, Irish, Kelt. pleasant, 230
Afonso, m. Port. eagerness for war, 305
Agafia, f. Russ. Gr. good, 82
Agafon, m. Russ. Gr. good, 82
Agape, f. Gr. love, 113
Agapit, m. Russ. Gr. loved, 113
Agata, f. It. Span. Swed. Slov. Ger. good, 82
A , f. Eng. Hung. Gr. good, 82
Agathe, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. good, 82
A , m. Gr. good, 82
Agathocles, m. Gr. good fame, 82
Agathon, m. Ger. Gr. good, 82
Aggate, f. Lett. Gr. good, 82
Aggie, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 119
Agilard, m. Fr. Teu. formidably bright, 328
Agilbert, m. Frank. Teu. formidably bright, 323
Agilo, m. Ger. Teu. formidable, 322
Agiltrude, f. Ger. Teu. formidable maiden, 323
Agilulf, m. Frank. Teu. formidable wolf, 323
Agilward, m. Norm. Teu. formidable guardian, 323
A , m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
Aglaé, f. Fr. Gr. brightness, 72
A , f. Lat. Gr. brightness, 72
Aglaja, f. Ger. Gr. brightness, 72
Agmund, m. Nor. awful protection, 323
Agnar, m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
Agne, m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
Agnello, m. It. Gr. pure, 119
A , f. Dan. Eng. Ger. Fr. Gr. pure, 119
Agnesca, f. It. Gr. pure, 119
Agnese, f. It. Gr. pure, 119
Agnesija, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 119
Agnessa, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 119
Agneta, f. Eng. Swiss, Gr. pure, 119
Agnete, f. Dan. Gr. pure, 119
Agnies, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 119
Agnizka, f. Pol. Gr. pure, 119
Agnola, f. It. Gr. angel, 53
Agnolo, m. It. Gr. angel, 53
Agnyta, f. Lett. Gr. pure, 119
Agostina, f. It. Lat. venerable, 158
Agostinha, f. Port. Lat. venerable, 158
Agostinho, f. Port. Lat. venerable, 158
Agostino, m. It. Lat. venerable, 158
Agoston, m. Hung. Lat. venerable, 158
Agrafina, f. Russ. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
A , m. Lat. Lat. field tiller.
A , m. Lat. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
Agrippina, f. Lat. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
Agrippine, f. Fr. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
Agueda, f. Port. Gr. pure, 57
Ahasuerus, m. Eng. Pers. venerable king.
Ahrens, m. Ger. Teu. powerful eagle, 342
Ahrold, m. powerful eagle, 342
A , m. Gr. Gr. eagle, 342
Aidan, m. Eng. Kelt. fire, 226
A , m. Gr. with the Ægis, 79
Aileen, f. Ir. Gr. light, 67
Aileve, f. Eng. Teu. elf gift, 380
Ailie, f. Scot. Teu. famed war, 406
Aimable, f. Fr. Lat. lovable.
Aimée, f. Fr. Lat. loved.
Aimerich, m. Ger. Teu. work ruler, 331
Aimery, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 331
A , f. Erse. Kelt. joy, 230
Aineceallach, m. Gael. Kelt. joyful war, 230
A , m. Gr. Gr. praise, 174
A , m. Ger. Gr. swift wolf, 335
Akilina, f. Russ. Lat. eagle, 156
Akim, m. Russ. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
Akulnia, f. Russ. Lat. eagle, 156
Ala, m. Eng. Teu. holy (?), 402
Alaf, m. Nor. Teu. forefather’s relic, 332
Alain, m. Fr. It. Lat. cheerful (?), Kelt. harmony, 279
Alan, m. Scot. Ger. Lat. cheerful (?), Kelt. harmony, 279
Alane, f. Ger. Lat. cheerful, Kelt. harmony, 279
Alard, m. Ger. Teu. nobly stern, 409
Alaric, m. Eng. Teu. noble ruler, 409
Alarich, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 409
Alaster, m. Gael. Ger. helper of men, 85
Alatea, f. Span. Gr. truth, 126
A , m. Cym. Kelt. harmony, 279
Alban, m. Eng. Lat. white, 157
A , m. Lat. white, 157
Albany, m. Scot. Kelt. white, 157
Albar, m. Lat. Span. white, 157
Alberia, f. Span. Lat. white (?), 157
Alberic, m. Eng. Teu. elf king, 380
Alberich, m. Ger. Teu. elf king, 380
Alberico, m. It. Teu. elf king, 380
Albert, m. Eng. Fr. Russ. Pol. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Alberta, f. Eng. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Albertine, f. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Albertino, m. It. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Alberto, m. It. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Albin, f. Erse. Kelt. white (?), 157
Albin, m. Ger. Lat. white, 157
Albina, f. Ger. Lat. white, 157
Albinia, f. Eng. Kelt. white (?), 157
Albino, m. Rom. Lat. white, 157
Alboin, m. Fr. Teu. elf friend, 380
Alboino, m. Lomb. Teu. elf friend, 380
Albrecht, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
Albwin, m. Ger. Teu. elf friend, 380
Alcuin, m. Eng. Teu. hall friend, 382
Alcuinus, m. Lat. Teu. hall friend, 382
Alda, f. It. Lat. Eng. Teu. rich, 376
Aldclatha, f. Gael. Kelt. decaying beauty.
Aldebert, m. Eng. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
Aldegonde, f. Flem. Teu. noble war, 410
Alderich, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 412
Aldgitha, f. Eng. Teu. noble gift, 412
Aldhelm, m. Eng. Teu. noble helmet, 412
Aldobrando, m. Ital. Teu. battle sword, 318
Aldonça, f. Span. Lat. the sweet, 196
Aldrovando, m. Ital. Teu. battle sword, 318
Aléard, m. Prov. Teu. nobly stern, 412
Aléarda, f. Prov. Teu. nobly stern, 412
Aleardo, m. Ital. Teu. nobly stern, 412
Aleixo, m. Port. God helper, 85
Alejandro, m. Span. Teu. helper of men, 85
Alejo, m. Span. Gr. helper, 85
Aleks, m. Lett. Gr. helper, 85
Aleksa, m. Serv. Gr. helper, 85
Aleksajeder, m. Slav. Gr. helper of men, 85
Aleksander, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
Aleksije, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
Ales, m. Slav. Gr. helper, 85
Alessandra, f. Ital. Gr. helper of men, 84
Alessandro, m. Ital. Gr. helper of man, 85
Alessio, m. Ital. Gr. helper, 85
Aletea, f. Span. Gr. truth, 126
A , f. Eng. Ger. Gr. truth, 126
Alexander, m. Eng. Gr. helper of men, 85
Alexandr, m. Bohm. Gr. helper of men, 84
Alexandra, Eng. Gr. 84
Alexandre, m. Fr. Gr. helper of men, 85
Alexandrina, f. Eng. Gr. helper of men, 84
Alexandrine, f. Fr. Gr. helper of men, 84
A , m. Gr. helper of men, 85
Alexe, m. Fr. Gr. helper, 85
Alexia, f. Ger. Gr. helper, 84
Alexis, m. Eng. Ger. Gr. helper, 85
A , m. Gr. Gr. helper, 85
Alexius, m. Lat. Gr. helper, 85
A , f. Nor. Teu. household spirit, 380
A , m. Nor. Teu. elf spear, 380
A , f. Nor. Teu. elf woman, 380
A , f. Nor. Teu. elf cheerfulness, 380
Alfhild, f. Eng. Teu. elf battle maid, 380
Alfliotr, f. Nor. Teu. elf terror, 380
Alfonso, m. Span. Teu. eager for battle, 320
Alfred, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. elf council, 380
Alfreda, f. Eng. Teu. elf council, 380
Alfredo, m. It. Teu. elf council, 380
Alfried, m. Ger. Teu. elf council, 380
A , m. Nor. Teu. elf, 380
Algar, m. Eng. Teu. hall spear, 380
A , m. Eng. Fr. with whiskers, 427

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