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Author Guidelines

and Template for

Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan
(Indonesian Journal of
Nutrition and Food [IJNF])
Author Guidelines and Template for Conference Proceedings (Extended
Abstracts) at Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and
Food [IJNF])

General Information
The manuscript must be written in American English with maximum total word
count of 1,000 words, excluding title, list of authors, author affiliations, and list of
references. Total number of pages must not exceed 3 (three) pages and it must be
saved as an MS Word file. The maximum percentages of similarity index is 25%,
with no individual resource exceeding 3% of the similarity index.

- Margin : 4 cm left; 3 cm right, top, bottom
- Line spacing : 1 (single), aligned “justified”
- Font type (all) : Times New Roman (TNR)
- Main text (all) : 12 pt.
- Title : 12 pt., consists of 10‒15 words, Bold
- Authors list : 12 pt., Bold
- Affiliations : 12 pt.
- Keywords : 12 pt., consists of 3‒5 words, Italic
- Corresponding author’s information : 12 pt., Bold
- The main text of manuscript : 12 pt.
- Abstract : Max. 100 words
- Introduction : Max. 150 words
- Methods : Max. 200 words
- Result and Discussion : Max. 300 words
- Title for tables and figures : 12 pt.
- Conclusion : Max. 50 words
- Acknowledgement (optional) : Max. 50 words
- Declaration of conflict of interests : Max. 50 words
- References : Max. 5 references

Figures and Tables

The figures and tables must be incorporated into the text. They should be presented
following the order of when they are cited in the text. Graphs and images must be
in acceptable resolution range (at least 300 dpi). Tables must be formulated directly
in the MS Word and not in an image format. Add footnotes rather than writing
information directly in the figures.

List only references cited in the manuscript (maximum 5 references). Use relatively
new references (preferably from the last 10 years).
1 Manuscript Title (Typed with capital letter on each words with the exception of
2 the first letter of conjunction words)
4 Full name of 1st author without title1*, Full name of 2nd author without title2
5 Department, Faculty, Institution, xxx (zip code) City, Country
6 Department, Faculty, Institution, xxx (zip code) City, Country
8 ABSTRACT (Max. 100 words)
9 Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food (IJNF) is a scientific publication in the
10 field of nutrition and food, related to aspects of biochemistry, clinical nutrition,
11 community nutrition, and functional foods, as well as the socio-economic aspects
12 of nutrition and food, including nutrition and food information and regulations. The
13 abstract contains a brief description of the research objectives, methods, results, and
14 implications in a single paragraph. It should be written in maximum 100 words.
16 Keywords: ordered alphabetically, separated by commas
17 Corresponding author: Email address
19 INTRODUCTION (Max. 150 words)
20 The introduction consists of background of the study and research
21 objectives. Background of the study should explain state of the art of the topic by
22 referring to literature.
23 The writing styles for citations is distinguished between writing at the
24 beginning and at the end of sentences as follows: for a single author: (Khomsan
25 2014); for two authors: (Khomsan & Sukandar 2010); for more than two authors:
26 (Khomsan et al. 2013); for more than one reference: (Khomsan et al. 2010; Briawan
27 et al. 2015).
29 METHODS (Max. 200 words)
30 The design, location, and time of the research must be described in details
31 in paragraph form . If applicable, the author needs to include information of the
32 ethical clearance of the research.
33 Sampling methods, data collection methods and statistical analysis of data
34 colleted are described in details in paragraph form.
35 Data analysis
36 If subchapters are needed, they are typed in “sentence case” and bold.
38 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Max. 300 words)
39 Results and discussion should be written in a single chapter. The results
40 section presents data of the characteristics of the subjects/samples and findings of
41 the research; while the discussion section contains arguments that relate and
42 compare the findings with scientific theories, concepts, and findings from other
43 researches. The discussion should be meaningful and should not be only
44 restatement of the results. If applicable, implications of the research findings should
45 be included and supported with references.
46 One paragraph consists of at least two sentences. Avoid the use of the words
47 "while, so, and, yet, but, from, and, in, with, on, at" at the beginning of a sentence.
48 The value of significance is always placed at the end of the sentence that explains
49 it. For example: the results showed that there was no significant difference in the
50 blood glucose levels between the two groups (p>0.05).
51 The figures and tables must be incorporated into the text. They should be
52 presented following the order of when they are cited in the text. The maximum
53 number of figures/tables are three (3) that include any combination of graphs,
54 images and tables. Graphs and images must be in acceptable resolution range (at
55 least 300 dpi). Tables must be formulated directly in the MS Word and not in an
56 image format.
57 Any data or information in the figures and tables must be written in 10 pt.
58 TNR with single spacing. Footnotes should be used rather than writing information
59 directly in the figures. Titles of tables should be written in left alignment, while
60 titles of graphs and images must be written in center alignment. The titles must be
61 typed as “sentence case”.
63 Table 1. Subject distribution based on research variables
Variable* n** %

Nutrition knowledge:
Fair 10 33.3
Moderate 18 60.0
Low 2 6.7
Health complains:
Low 20 66.7
Moderate 9 30.0
High 1 3.3
Psychological condition:
Depressed 17 56.7
Not depressed 13 43.3
64 *
Write notes here explaining a certain aspect of the table
65 **
Differentiate each note with an asterisk (*)
67 Yearly stunting cases
68 If subchapters are needed, they are typed in “sentence case” and bold.

40 40
35 33 33


23.7 23.7
5 3 3

2019 2020 2021 2022 Year
Male Female
70 *
Write notes here explaining a certain aspect of the graph
71 Figure 1. National data of stunting cases in Indonesia
73 CONCLUSION (Max. 50 words)
74 This section contains answers to the research objectives and it should not be
75 a summary of the results. To provide recommendations is optional.
76 Recommendations should be written in a separate paragraph within the conclusion
77 section. They can be implications of programs and future research that are important
78 to be carried out based on the current research results.
80 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (If applicable; max. 50 words)
81 This section contains acknowledgments for contributions given, but do not
82 justify authorship. Contributions include research grant donors or sponsors,
83 contributors of samples/materials, providers of research facilities and other types of
84 contributions. Individual names should be written without their academic titles.
87 Write down "The authors have no conflict of interests" if the authors do not
88 have any conflict of interests in preparation of the manuscript.
90 REFERENCES (Max. 5 references)
91 The referencing style should be in accordance with the Harvard system,
92 containing name(s) and year arranged in alphabetical order based on the author or
93 authors’ last name(s). If there are more than 10 authors in a reference, write the first
94 ten authors then followed with et al. Check the following guidelines when writing
95 list of references.
96 Journals articles:
97 Tuan NT, Nicklas TA. 2009. Age, sex, and ethnic differences in the prevalence of
98 underweight and overweight, defined by using the CDC and IOTF cut points
99 in Asian children. Eur J Clin Nutr 63(11):1305–1312.
101 Books:
102 Gibson RS. 2005. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. Second Edition. New York
103 (USA): Oxford University Press.
104 Proceedings:
105 Muhilal & Hardinsyah. 2004. Penentuan Kebutuhan Gizi dan Kesepakatan
106 Harmonisasi di Asia Tenggara dalam Soekirman dkk (Eds.), Ketahanan
107 pangan dan Gizi di Era Otonomi Daerah dan Globalisasi. Prosiding
108 Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VIII (page 302−307), 17−19th May.
109 Jakarta (ID): LIPI
110 Final projects (undergraduate thesis, master’s thesis and dissertation):
111 Friska T. 2002. Penambahan sayur bayam (Amaranthus tricolor L.), sawi
112 (Brassicajuncea L.) dan wortel (Daucus carota L.) pada pembuatan crackers
113 tinggi serat makanan [Undergraduate thesis]. Bogor: IPB University.
114 Internet:
115 [WHO] World Health Organization. 2009. Key strategies for promotion of
116 breastfeeding: Facts and Figures. World Health Organization Western Pacific
117 Region.
119 Figures.pdf [Accessed 9th April 2021].

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