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FEMS Microbiology Reviews 32 (1986) 179-187 179

Published by Elsevier

FER 00012

Catabolite repression mutants of yeast *

(Catabolite repression; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; yeast mutants)

Juana M. Gancedo and Carlos Gancedo

Instituto de Investigaciones Biorr~dicas del C.S.I.C., Facultad de Medicina de la U.A.M., ,4rzobispo Morcillo 4, 28029 Madri~ Spain

Received 18 November 1985

Accepted 10 December 1985

1. SUMMARY lizable carbon sources [1]. The old 'glucose effect'

has p,771ed generations of biochemically oriented
The mecharlism of catabolite repression in yeast microbiologists, and the elucidation of its mecha-
is not well understood, although it has been estab- nism has been a long-standing problem in biology.
lished that cAMP does not play a role similar to In the last 10 years, a model to explain the mecha-
that found in Escherichia coli. To identify the nism of catabolite repression in E. coli has been
elements implicated in catabolite repression in worked out [2,3]. Briefly, it was found that glucose
yeast, a variety of mutants affected in this process produces a decrease in the levels of cAMP, and
have been isolated by different research groups. A that cAMP is necessary for the transcription of
systematic review of the results reported in the genes sensitive to catabolite repression. Thus, in
literature is presented. The conclusion that can be the presence of glucose, transcription of these
drawn is that the mechanism of catabolite repres- genes is impaired and the enzymes coded by them
sion is a complex one, with no single gene control- are not synthesized. Although this model is prob-
ling all the genes subject to repression. The ex- ably a simplification which does not take into
pression of a given gene or set of genes is con- account the possibility of a negative control by
trolled by several regulatory genes, but it is not yet specific metabolites [4] it is the first step in the
known whether these genes act cooperatively or understanding of catabolite repression in any
sequentially. organism. The useful concept of the unity of bio-
chemistry led to the assumption that the mecha-
nism operating in E. coil would also be functional
2. INTRODUCTION in other microorganisms [5]. However, in the last 4
years, evidence has accumulated showing that the
Catabolite repression, 'a new name for an old mechanism of catabolite repression in yeast may
phenomenon' proposed by Magasanik in 1961, not be similar to that found in E. coli. In particu-
designates the inhibition of the synthesis of cer- lar the role of cAMP has been challenged as a
tain enzymes by glucose or other rapidly metabo- consequence of results obtained in genetic and
biochemical experiments [6,7].
* This paper is dedicated to our teacher of chemical engineer-
To identify the different elements implicated in
ing Professor E. Costa, for his stimulating lectures and the mechanism of catabolite repression in yeast, a
warm support convenient approach is the isolation and char-

0168-6445/86/$03.50 © 1986 Federation of European Microbiological Societies


acterization of mutants affected in the process. A trolled by different mechanisms, and it is possible
number of laboratories have tried this approach for an enzyme to become constitutive (i.e., with its
and a variety of mutants has been described. With synthesis independent of inducer) while remaining
the aim of facilitating the integration of the exist- sensitive to repression by glucose.
ing data, we have examined the available literature
on this topic and have analyzed the results in a
systematic way. We present here a review of the 3. M E T H O D O L O G Y FOR OBTAINING
state of the field and propose a preliminary model M U T A N T S A F F E C T E D IN CATABOLITE RE-
of the interaction between the different elements PRESSION
implicated in the process of catabolite repression
in yeast. Several approaches have been used to obtain
mutants which are resistant to catabolite repres-
2.1 Strains used sion (non-repressible) or that do not derepress
sensitive enzymes even in the absence of glucose
A variety of strains, some of them poorly de- (non-derepressible).
fined from a genetic point of view, have been
used. In some cases this makes the genetic char- 3.1. Non-repressible mutants
acterization of the mutants difficult and hinders
comparative studies. Ideally, a good strain for One of the most general methods to obtain
studying catabolite repression should have the fol- mutants with non-repressible enzymes has been
lowing characteristics: (a) it should grow on a the use of non-metabolizable glucose analogues
variety of carbon sources that require for their that act as gratuitous repressors, like'glucosamine
metabolism enzymes subject to catabolite repres- or 2-deoxyglucose. The yeast is plated in the pres-
sion; (b) it should be well defined from a genetic ence of the analogue on a medium whose utiliza-
point of view; (c) it should be easily transformed; tion requires the expression of enzymes sensitive
(d) it should have a selectable marker to detect to catabolite repression, e.g., a medium with sac-
transformants easily, e.g., ura3, leu2; (e) an iso- charose or maltose as carbon source. Colonies
genic strain of opposite mating type should be growing in these conditions are selected as puta-
available; (f) the diploid should be easily amena- tive mutants [8-13]. In some cases diploids were
ble to genetic analysis. Perhaps it could be useful used as starting material to obtain dominant
to construct a small number of such 'ideal' (or mutants [14,15].
almost ideal) strains and adopt them as standard Another approach is based on the existence of
organisms in laboratories working in this area. different isoenzymes of alcohol dehydrogenase
This would allow an easy comparison of the re- with different regulatory properties. A D H I is the
suits from different laboratories. enzyme involved in fermentation of glucose and is
present in high levels when the yeast grows on this
2.2. Some considerations about nomenclature sugar. A D H II is the isoenzyme implicated in the
utilization of ethanol and is repressed by glucose.
The addition of glucose to a yeast culture causes Strains possessing only A D H II grow poorly on
inhibition of the synthesis of certain proteinL This glucose. Good growth on glucose of these strains
we shall term repression. When glucose is ex- could occur if A D H II fulfilled the role of the
hausted the synthesis of some of these proteins fermentative enzyme. This in turn would imply
may start and this process is called derepression. that the enzyme was no longer repressible by
However, for the synthesis of some other enzymes glucose. With this rationale mutants have been
to occur, depletion of glucose is not enough, and obtained possessing only A D H II, by selection of
the presence of an inducer is required. Therefore, large colonies on 10% glucose [16] or of cells able
these enzymes are both repressible and inducible. to grow on glucose in the presence of an inhibitor
Repression by glucose and inducibility are con- of respiration, like antimycin [17]. These ap-

proaches allow the obtention of mutants affected II (and other enzymes) even when the glucose has
not only in the control of ADH II but also in the been exhausted [16].
regulation of other repressible enzymes. Finally, mutants with non-derepressible en-
Mutants affected in gal7 (which codes for zymes have also been obtained as revertants of
galactose-l-phosphate uridyl transferase) have also non-repressible mutants [17].
been used as starting material. Mutants affected in
gal7 do not grow on a medium with ethanol and
galactose, probably due to the accumulation of 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MUTANTS
galactose-l-phosphate but grow on glucose plus
galactose, since glucose represses galactokinase Once mutants potentially affected in catabolite
synthesis. Mutants that have lost catabolite repres- repression have been isolated, it is necessary to
sion of galactokinase can be selected as non- test whether the phenotype observed is actually
growers on glucose plus galactose [18,19]. due to a mutation controlling repression or dere-
Direct methods have also been used occasion- pression. This is done by testing the activities of a
ally. The yeast is plated in conditions where only number of enzymes sensitive to catabolite repres-
deregulated mutants will produce enzymes whose sion under adequate conditions. In cases where
products may be detected by a colour reaction resistance to analogues is used as a selection pro-
[20,21] or even in the case of catalase by the cedure, mutants will frequently be obtained which
formation of oxygen bubbles after incubation with are resistant to the toxic effect of the analogue but
n202 [22]. still sensitive to repression by glucose ([10,12] this
Empirical approaches with no immediate theo- laboratory, unpublished).
retical explanation have also been employed. In In the mutants obtained so far not all enzymes
some backgrounds, the loss of respiratory com- tested responded similarly, i.e., while some had
petence causes an inability to grow on maltose. lost the control by catabolite repression others
Revertants able to grow on maltose in the rho- conserved it. This result suggests strongly that
state can be isolated and show resistance to there are several circuits implicated in catabolite
catabolite repression of several enzymes [23]. Re- repression and that there is apparently no 'master
vertants of non-derepressible mutants have also gene' governing the whole process.
yielded organisms with loss of catabolite repres- In Table 1, different mutations are shown that
sion [24]. block the derepression of several enzymes. Genes
identified as acting on the derepression process
3.2. Non-derepressible mutants are listed in Table 2. Although CA TI and CAT3
have the same characteristics, they have been
The phenotype of non-derepressible mutants is shown to belong to different complementation
lack of growth on carbon sources that require groups. It was originally thought that CCRI was
derepression of some enzyme(s) fc~r their utiliza- allelic with CAT1 [16] but this now seems un-
tion. Non-derepressible mutants have therefore likely, since CCR1 is aUelic with SNF1 [17] and
been isolated as non-growers on glycerol, and on SNFI has different properties from CA TI. Genes
maltose [25] or sucrose [26]. Since petites are also CCR2, CCR3 and CCR4 appear similar, but CCR2
unable to grow on carbon sources that can be used and CCR3 belong to different complementation
only via respiration, it is important to discard groups. It could be, however, that CCR4 is identi-
them at this stage. cal to CCR2 or CCR3. From the data available,
For the obtention of non-derepressible mutants, no consistent pattern of action emerges, since even
strains with altered alcohol dehydrogenase have the derepression of hydrolytic enzymes like in-
also been used. Starting with a mutant possessing vertase and maltase is not controlled by the same
only ADH II, small colonies on ethanol plus 0.4% set of genes.
glucose were selected. These organisms form small Other genes required for derepression are
colonies because they are unable to derepress ADH HAP2, TYE2 and TYE4. They have not yet been

"Fable 1
Characteristics of mutants unable to derepress enzymes subject to catabolite repression
Abbreviations: M A L , m a h a s e ; F B P , fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase; I C E isocitrate l y a s e ; S U C , i n v e r t a s e ; S D H , succinate dehydro-
genase; M D H , malate dehydrogenase; A D H II, alcohol dehydrogenase I1; M S , malate synthase.

Selection procedure Enzymes affected Name of mutation Reference

Lack of growth on glycerol and MAL, FBP, ICL carl [251
on maltose
Lack of growth on glycerol and SUC snfl a [26,531
on sucrose
Small colonies on ethanol + 0.4% FBP, ICL, SDH, MDH ccrl, ccr2, [16]
glucose, starting with an a d h l - strain ccr3
Reversion of a strain hex2 to MAL, FBP, ICL carl, cat3 [241
growth on maltose + glucose
Reversion of a mutant with ADH II, ICL, MDH, MS ccr4 [171
non-repressible A D H II

a This mutant does not ferment galactose or maltose and exhibits poor growth on ethanol or lactate.

thoroughly characterized and were identified as citrate lyase in the wild type. In the mutants tye2
follows. A fl-galactosidase gene was placed under and tye4 the derepressed levels of these enzymes
control of a D N A sequence that makes the are about 30% of those in the parental strain.
synthesis of iso-l-cytochrome c sensitive to Mutants ras2, which lack a protein activating
catabolite repression, and then introduced into a adenylate cyclase [29] fail to grow on gluconeo-
wild-type yeast. The transformed yeast was genic carbon sources like glycerol or ethanol, while
mutagenized, and mutants producing lower than still growing on sucrose or raffinose [30,31]. Since
basal levels of fl-galactosidase in the presence of malate dehydrogenase, phosphoenolpyruvate
glucose were selected. These mutants, named hap2 carboxykinase and fructose-l,6-bisphosphatase are
did not grow on non-fermentable carbon sources. derepressed in ras2 mutants, it could be thought
It was suggested that HAP2 may encode an that the gene RAS2 controls the synthesis of re-
activator for the synthesis of one or more cyto- spiratory enzymes, although other causes may be
chrome genes [27]. TYE2 and TYE4 have been responsible for this lack of growth.
identified as necessary for the constitutive expres- Table 3 shows a list of yeast mutants with a
sion of A D H II in strains that carry a Ty insertion number of enzymes that have lost the repression
in the ADR3 gene [28]. These genes are also by glucose. In some cases mutants have been
necessary for full expression of A D H II and iso- isolated as resistant to glucose analogues but have

Table 2
Genes that control the derepression of different enzymes sensitive to catabolite repression
Abbreviations for enzymes as in Table 1. + , Affects expression of the corresponding gene; - , without effect; + , partial effect; nt, not

Gene Enzymes affected

MAL SUC ADH II FBP ICL MS MDH SDH Respiratory enzymes
CATI + - nt + + nt =h nt -
CAT3 + - nt + + nt =t= nt -
C C R I ~- S N F ! + + + + + nt + + nt
CCR2 - nt nt + + nt + + :t:
CCR3 - nt + + + + + + +
C C R 4 ( =- C C R 2 o r - nt + + + + + nt +

not been further characterised [8,11]. These uncontrollable and excessive maltose uptake [33].
mutants have not been included in Table 3 since GRRI is not allelic to HEXI or HEX2 [15] and
resistance to the analogue may be caused by a probably also not to CAT80, since grrl mutants
mechanism not related to catabolite repression have elevated levels of hexokinase activity, a fea-
(see above). Some of the mutants presented in the ture not shared by cat80 mutants. The known
Table 3 appear to affect the repression of only one properties of mutants FLKI and FH4C make it
enzyme e.g., ADR3, GAL82, cgrl, while most of possible that they are allelic. Little information is
them have a pleiotropic effect. Genes affecting the available on dgr2, 1710 and regl, although the
expression of several enzymes are listed in Table last two are similar and differ in their properties
4. Although very similar in their properties, HEXI, from other mutants described.
HEX2 and CAT80 belong to different comple- Finally, the mutations in genes CCR91 (equal
mentation groups. Mutants hexl have decreased to CCR96) and CCR80 present the particularity
levels of hexokinase (see 4.3) while mutants hex2 of being dominant. Although CCR91 and CCRS0
show an increased concentration of hexokinase II are in some respect similar they are probably not
[32]. In addition hex2 mutants cannot grow in the allelic since glucose fermentation is severely im-
presence of maltose, a fact apparently related to paired in CCR80 but not in CCR91 mutants.

Table 3
Characteristics of mutants that do not repress enzymes subject to catabolite repression
Abbreviations for enzymes as in other tables, GAK, Galactokinase; CYT, cytochrome oxidase; ISO, isomaltase.

Selection procedure Enzymes affected Name of mutation Reference

Growth on galactose + 2-deoxyglucose MAL, SUC, MDH [9]
Growth on galactose + 2-deoxyglucose a MAL, SUC, GAK [14]
Growth on galactose + 2-deoxyglucose MAL, SUC, GAK, CYT grrl [15]
Growth on raffinose + 2-deoxyglucose MAL, SUC, MDH, SDH hexl b, hex2 ¢ [9,34,44]
Growth on raffinose + 2-deoxyglucose MAL, SUC dgr2, dgr3 [45]
Growth on starch + 2-deoxyglucose d MAL, SUC, ISO [13]
Growth on maltose + glucosamine MAL, SUC, GAK, CYT girl [10]
Growth on lactate + glucosamine Respiratory enzymes garl, gar2, gar3 [12]
Big colonies on 10% glucose from a ADH II ADR3 [47]
strain with only ADH II
Rapid growth on 85[ glucose from • MDH, SDH, ICL, MS CCR80 [48]
strains lacking ADH I
Growth on maltose of a strain f MAL flkl [49,23]
unable to grow on maltose in the
respiratory deficient state
Growth on lactate of a mutant defi- iso-2-cytochrome c cyc9 [50]
cient in iso-1--cytochrome c
No growth on glucose + galactose of SUC, G A K regl [19]
mutants gal7 GALSI
No growth on glucose + galactose of GAK GAL82, GAL83 [18]
mutants gal7 GALSI
Colonies grown on 10% fructose and r MAL, SUC FH4C, 1710 [20]
producing invertase
Colonies grown on 8~ glucose and s SDH CCR91, CCR96 [21]
stained red with a tetrazolium salt
Colonies grown on 10~ glucose and Catalase T cgrl, cgr2, [22,51]
releasing O 2 when incubated with H202 cgr4 h, casl h
" The mutation is dominant; b decregsed hexokinase; c increased hexokinase and respiration not repressed by glucose, d mutation in
Schwanniomyces occidentalis; • poor fermentative capacity, f mutation produces flocculence; s cytochromes not repressed; h cyto-
chromes aa3 and b not repressed. Catalas¢ A and c type cytochromes repressed.

M u t a n t s garl, gar2 and gar3 a p p e a r to b e l o n g g r o u p presented nonrepressibility of invertase and

to a m o r e c o m p l e x system since only the d o u b l e maltase and a partial decrease in glucose phos-
m u t a n t s garl gar2 or garl gar 3 are resistant to p h o r y l a t i n g activity [34]. Closer e x a m i n a t i o n re-
repression. vealed that this m u t a n t ( h e x l ) lacked the
hexokinase i so en zy m e P-II [35]. T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of
4.2. Epistatic relations between the different muta- yeasts lacking hexokinase activity with the P-II
tions affecting catabolite repression gene resulted in restoration of catabolite repres-
T h e effects o f a gene at o n e locus on the sion [36]. T h u s the hypothesis was put forward
that hexokinase P-II had a dual role in S.cerevisiae,
expression of a n o t h e r gene at a second locus
acting b o t h as a p h o s p h o r y l a t i n g e n z y m e and as a
(epistasis) are n o t always s t r a i g h tf o r w a r d in the
regulatory protein. S u p p o r t for this idea w o u l d be
case of c a t a b o l i t e repression. T h e simplest cases
g a i n e d if o n e co u l d o b t a i n a m u t a n t in the gene
are the d o u b l e m u t a n t s hex2 cat80, hex2 catl or
hex2 cat3 that b e h a v e like the respective cat c o d i n g for hexokinase P-II that m a i n t a i n s its cata-
m u t a n t s except that they are u n a b l e to grow on lytic activity and has lost the regulatory function.
This goal was achieved by E n t i a n an d FriShlich
m a l t o s e [24]. M o r e c o m p l e x appears the relation-
[37] w h o o b t a i n e d a m u t a n t with these characteris-
ship be t ween cat1 or cat3 and h e x l . W h e n these
tics. This m u t a n t was called h e x l R . However, up
cat m u t a n t s are c o m b i n e d with h e x l , maltase,
to now, there is no hint as to how hexokinase P-II
invertase an d m a l a t e d e h y d r o g e n a s e are not sub-
j e c t to c a t a b o l i t e repression (as in h e x l ) while acts in its role as regulatory protein.
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and isocitrate lyase
can not be derepressed (as in cat1 or cat3) A gene
5. I N T E R A C T I O N B E T W E E N T H E D I F F E R -
epistatic to CA T I is CAT2. This last gene can
m u t a t e to cat2, a form that causes early derepres-
sion of e n z y m e s in glucose g r o w n cells. D o u b l e BOLITE REPRESSION: A PRELIMINARY
m u t a n t s cat1 cat2 b e h a v e as cat2 [25]. MODEL

4.3. The participation o f hexokinase P - I I in the A l t h o u g h o u r k n o w l e d g e is still fragmentary,

catabolite repression o f some enzymes the f u n c t i o n i n g of a gene subject to c a t a b o l i t e
\ repression could be c o n t e m p l a t e d as follows (Fig.
A m o n g the several m u t a n t s i s o l a t e d by 1). T h e expression of the gene is c o n t r o l l e d im-
Z i m m e r m a n and coworkers, a c o m p l e m e n t a t i o n m e d i a t e l y by two types of cis-acting sequences,

Table 4
Genes that control the repression of different enzymes subject to catabolite repression
Abbreviations as in other Tables. Data from Table 3.
Gene Enzymes affected
HEXI =--GLR1 =1: + + - - - ± + +
HEX2 nt + + - _ _ + + +a
CA T80 nt + + - - - + - nt
GRRI + + + nt nt nt nt nt +
FLKI =-CYC9 nt + + nt nt nt nt + +
FH4C nt + + nt nt nt nt nt nt
DGR2 =-DGR3 nt + + nt nt nt nt nt nt
1710 nt - + nt nt nt nt nt nt
REGI + - + nt nt nt nt nt nt
CCR91 =--CCR96 nt - nt nt nt - nt + +
CCR80 nt nt 5: :t: :t: 5: 5: + nt
a Cytochromes have not been measured but in hex2 mutants glucose does not repress respiration.


Acting p l e i o t r o p i c a l l y ~

/ / ~ ~ Acting
p-~lei oi i i : i ~ i i : s ~ ~ Expression

Required for repression / ~ Si).encers

l Specific
Fig. 1. A possibleschemeof the functioningof a genesubjectto cataboliterepression.The metabolitesderivedfromthe utilizationof
the sugar could regulatethe expressionof the genesactingin trans, modulatethe interactionof theirproductswith the genesacting
in cis, or both. e, Activation,O, Inhibition.

enhancers or silencers, whose function is evident usually recessive, with the exception of mutants
from their names. Different sets of genes acting in like C A T 1 - 2 d [25] or A D R I c [41] which cause a
trans determine the activity of the enhancers and less tight repression. Genes necessary for repres-
silencers. These genes may act pleiotropically, af- sion can also act pleiotropicaUy, like HEXI,
fecting the expression of several genes, or specifi- CAT80 or CCR91, or specifically, like GAL82.
cally, affecting only a particular one. The expres- Mutations in these genes may be recessive (hexl,
sion of the genes acting in trans and the interac- cat80) or dominant (CCR91, GAL82). A recently
tion of their products with the genes acting in cis documented case of interplay between elements
may in turn be controlled by metabolites whose like those of Fig. 1 is the interaction of the protein
levels vary between repressed and derepressed GAL 4 with the DNA sequence UASG which is
conditions. Examples of the aforementioned com- necessary for derepression of the genes GAL 1 and
ponents follow. GAL I0. This interaction is blocked in the pres-
A typical enhancer is the UAS2 fragment up- ence of glucose [52]. Metabolites whose levels vary
stream of the gene CYC1 [27], that allows at least depending on the metabolic situation i.e., dere-
a 100-fold increase in the expression of iso-l-cyto- pressed vs. repressed, may play a role in catabolite
chrome c. A silencer [38] could be exemplified by repression, although this has not yet been proved.
ADR3, a fragment upstream of the gene A D H I I Likely candidates are glucose 6-phosphate, fruc-
which puts this gene under glucose control [39]. tose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, fruc-
When ADR3 is deleted [39] or a Ty element tose 2,6-bisphosphate or cAMP, whose concentra-
inserted [40], A D H I I is no longer sensitive to tions increase after glucose addition [7,42,43] Pre-
glucose. However, in the case of the Ty insertion, liminary results (Gancedo, J.M., unpublished re-
the constitutive expression of A D H I I requires the sults) suggest that a sugar has to be phosphory-
function of at least 4 trans-acting genes, and is lated to exert repression.
therefore not due to a simple disruption of the
wild-type controlling site [28]. Examples of genes
necessary for derepression are CAT1 and CCRI, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
which affect expression of several enzymes (pleio-
tropic effect), and ADR1 which specifically af- The critical reading of the manuscript by Drs.
fects A D H I I [41]. Mutations in these genes are J. Conde (La Cruz del Campo, Seville) P. Erasco,

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