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JouRNAL OF BACTEROLOGY, June 1981, p. 1030-1037 Vol. 146, No.


Role of Inducer Exclusion in Preferential Utilization of

Glucose over Melibiose in Diauxic Growth of Escherichia coli
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Tsushima-naka,
Okayama 700, Japan
Received 27 January 1981/Accepted 31 March 1981

The role of inducer exclusion in diauxic growth of Escherichia coli on glucose

and melibiose was investigated. The amounts of glucose and melibiose in the
culture medium were determined during the diauxie. Glucose was consumed
during the first growth cycle of the diauxie, and melibiose was consumed during
the second cycle. The addition of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate to the
culture medium released both transient and catabolite repressions on the meli-
biose operon by glucose. Biphasic growth without a transient lag phase was
observed in the presence of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate. Preferential
utilization of glucose over melibiose was observed even under such conditions.
Thus, it is clear that inducer exclusion alone is sufficient to ensure the preferential
utilization of glucose over melibiose. Similar results were obtained from a glucose-
lactose diauxie. Inducer exclusion itself was not affected by adenosine 3',5'-cyclic
Monod (15, 16) found that in the presence of manent inhibition of gene expression. These two
two carbohydrates, such as glucose and lactose, regulatory processes have been extensively stud-
the growth curve exhibited two successive ied with the lactose operon as a model system
growth cycles, separated by a period of lag. This (4, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 29). Perlman and Pastan
type of growth behavior has been termed (18, 19), and Ullmann and Monod (29) have
diauxie. It was possible to classify various car- shown that adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos-
bohydrates into two groups according to phate (cyclic AMP) released these repressions.
whether or not diauxic growth occurred when Although expression of the lactose operon re-
each carbohydrate was paired with glucose (15, quired cyclic AMP (4, 18, 19), the intracellular
16). One class of carbohydrates did not give rise level of cyclic AMP was reduced by the presence
to diauxic growth when associated with glucose. of glucose in the culture medium (14). The PTS
The other class did. Later it was established that has been shown to be involved in the reduction
the former class of sugars is incorporated by of the intracellular level of cyclic AMP (20, 25).
cells via the phosphoenolpyruvate-sugar phos- Thus, B-galactosidase and the lactose transport
photransferase system (PTS), whereas the latter carrier, both of which are products of the lactose
class of carbohydrates is not (22). For instance, operon, are not synthesized in the presence of
when glucose and lactose were added as carbon glucose, and lactose cannot be utilized. Inducer
sources to cells of Escherichia coli, glucose was exclusion is the regulatory process by which
utilized in the first growth cycle, and then lactose PTS sugars selectively inhibit transport of non-
was utilized in the second cycle (16). Thus, celLs PTS carbohydrates (carbohydrates which are
of E. coli utilized glucose preferentially to lac- not transported via the PTS), such as lactose
tose. In other words, lactose cannot be utilized and melibiose. Even in cells having the lactose
in the presence of glucose in the medium. Three operon expressed, utilization of lactose is still
control mechanisms are operating behind this restricted by glucose, because of inhibition of
phenomenon, namely, transient repression, ca- lactose trnsport by glucose. Both the repres-
tabolite (permanent) repression, and inducer ex- sions and the inducer exclusion are caused gen-
clusion (12, 13). Transient repression refers to erally by PTS sugars. Since both transient and
the transient inhibition of gene expression, catabolite repressions are released by adding a
which occurs when glucose or other PTS sugars high concentration of cyclic AMP to the culture
(sugars which are transported via the PTS) are medium (18, 19, 29), it is possible to test the role
added to a culture medium. Catabolite repres- of the inducer exclusion in diauxic growth of
sion is distinguished kinetically. It is the per- celLs without the involvement of the repressions.
We have been studying the mechanism and RESULTS
regulation of melibiose transport (10, 17, 28). Diauxic growth of cells on glucose and
The metabolism of this sugar and its regulation melibiose. Both glucose and melibiose can be
had not been extensively studied. Thus, we in- utilized as carbon sources by E. coli. When the
vestigated inducer (melibiose) exclusion by glu- two sugars were added to a culture medium, E.
cose as a metabolic control of the utilization of coli strain W3133-2 showed diauxic growth (Fig.
this carbohydrate. In this paper we report the 1). Generation time of the first growth cycle was
effect of cyclic AMP on glucose-melibiose 65 min and that of the second cycle was 95 min.
diauxie of E. coli and the significance of inducer Generation times of this strain on glucose and
exclusion in the preferential utilization of glu- on melibiose under similar conditions were 60 to
cose over melibiose. 65 min and 80 to 95 min, respectively. The time
of the cessation of growth between the two cycles
MATERIALS AND METHODS was about 40 min. When 1 mM glucose and 5
mM melibiose were added, the first growth cycle
Bacterial strains and growth. E. coli W3133 stopped at an OD60 of 0.23. On the other hand,
(10), W3133-2 (10), and 7 (6), all derivatives of strain when 2 mM glucose and 5 mM melibiose were
K-12, were used. Strains W3133 and W3133-2 lack the added, the first cycle continued until an OD650
lactose transport system. Thus, melibiose transport is
mediated solely by the melibiose transport system in of 0.4. Thus, the growth yields of the first cycles
these strains. Strain W3133 possesses a temperature- in the two cases were proportional to the initial
sensitive melibiose transport system which is inactive concentrations of glucose. Therefore, it seems
at 370C or above. Strain 7 possesses the lactose trans- that glucose was utilized in the first growth cycle
port system. Cells were grown at 370C with shaking in and melibiose in the second cycle. The final
a basal salt medium (26) supplemented with 2 mM growth yields of both cases were close.
glucose and 5 mM melibiose, unless otherwise stated. Strain W3133 possesses a temperature-sensi-
Cyclic AMP, when necessary, was added to the culture tive melibiose transport system (10), which is
medium at a final concentration of 5 mM. For trans- active at 320C and inactive at 420C. Although
port experiments, cells were grown in the basal salts
medium supplemented with 1% tryptone (Difco Lab- melibiose is also transported via the lactose
oratories) and 10 mM melibiose and harvested at transport system, this strain lacks the lactose
exponential phase of growth. Growth was monitored system. Thus, melibiose cannot be utilized by
in terms of optical density at 650 nm (OD16w). this strain at 42°C. When 2 mM glucose and 5
Determination of glucose and melibiose. Sam- mM melibiose were added as carbon sources,
ples (2.0 ml of culture medium) were taken at intervals this strain showed diauxic growth at 320C (Fig.
and filtered through membrane filter (Toyo TM 2, 2). The OD660 of the transition point between
pore size 0.45 um) to remove celLs. Glucose in the the two growth cycles was about 0.4. When cells
filtrate was determined with glucose oxidase (Glucose- were grown in the same medium at 420C, growth
Test, Wako Pure Chemicals). To determine melibiose
in the presence of glucose, the procedure outlined by stopped at an OD6w0 of 0.4 (Fig. 2). Cells did not
Asensio et al. (1) for the measurement of lactose was show the second growth cycle in this case be-
modified. The sample (0.5 ml of the filtrate) was taken cause of the lack of melibiose transport. Since
and diluted with 3.5 ml of water. To 0.8 ml of this the same amount of glucose should give the
solution was added 0.6 ml of water and 0.1 ml of 5% same growth yield, it is believed that glucose
solution of NaBH4. The solution was kept at room was utilized in the first growth cycle and meli-
temperature (20 to 22°C) for 2 h to reduce glucose and biose was utilized in the second cycle at 420C.
melibiose, and the remaining D-galactopyranosyl-a-D- Preferential utilization of glucose over
glucitol was measured by the anthrone method (21). melibiose in the diauxie. As shown in Fig. 1
The same procedure was employed for the determi-
nation of lactose in the presence of glucose. and 2, preferential utilization of glucose over
Assay of a-galactosidase. The activity of a-ga- melibiose was suggested. We have confirmed
lactosidase was assayed by measuring the hydrolysis this notion by direct determination of both glu-
of p-nitrophenyl-a-D-galactopyranoside as described cose and melibiose in the culture medium when
previously (27). these two sugars were added as carbon sources,
Transport assay. Transport of [methyl-'4C1L-D- namely, during the diauxic growth. As shown in
thiogalactopyranoside (TMG) was measured by the Fig. 3, glucose was consumed in the first growth
filtration method as described previously (10). cycle, as expected. The first cycle continued
Protein determination. Protein contents were de- until all of the glucose was exhausted. Then the
termined by the method of Lowry et al. (11). cells stopped growing. After a lag time of about
Chemicals. Melibiose was purchased from Sigma 40 min, the cells started to consume melibiose
Chemical Co. Cyclic AMP was from Kohjin Co.
['4C]TMG was from New England Nuclear Corp. All and grow exponentially again. After the exhaus-
other chemicals were of reagent grade and obtained tion of melibiose, growth of the cells ceased.
from commercial sources. Thus, preferential utilization of glucose over


0 I


0.01o 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)
FIG. 1. Diauxic growth of strain W3133-2 on glucose and melibiose. Cells were grown in two media, one
containing I mM glucose and 5 mM melibiose (0), the other containing 2 mM glucose and 5 mM melibiose

A ... ,B
, .,,,



0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
Time (h)
FIG. 2. Growth patterns of strain W3133 in a medium containing glucose and melibiose. Cells which
possess a temperature-sensitive melibiose transport system were grown at 32°C (A) or 42°C (B). Glucose and
melibiose were added to 2 mM and 5 mM, respectively.

melibiose was directly shown and correlated to sions (4, 13, 18, 19, 29). Similarly, it has been
the growth of cells. shown that the melibiose operon of Salmonella
Effect of cyclic AMP on the expression of typhimurium is repressed by the addition of
the melibiose operon. It is well known that glucose to the medium, and the repressions were
the expression of the lactose operon is under the released by the addition of cyclic AMP (9). We
control of both transient and catabolite repres- tested the effect of glucose and cyclic AMP on

10 __

0 r_
10 u
.0.5 e"O

4 6 0O.1
Time (h)
FIG. 3. Utilization ofglucose and melibiose during diauxic growth of strain W3133-2. Cells were grown on
2 mM glucose and 5 mM melibiose. Samples were taken at intervals, and the amounts of glucose (A) and
melibiose (-) in the medium were determined as described in the text. Optical density of the culture medium
(0) was measured at the same time.

the expression of the melibiose operon of E. coli. of the biphasic growth in the presence of cyclic
The addition of glucose to fully induced culture AMP. The biphasic growth without a transient
inhibited further increase of a-galactosidase ac- cessation in the presence of cyclic AMP suggests
tivity (data not shown), suggesting an inhibition that glucose was utilized before melibiose. There
of the expression of the melibiose operon by are two reasons for this. First, generation times
glucose. After a severe transient repression, the of the first and second phases corresponded to
enzyme activity began to increase again, but to those of growth on glucose and melibiose, re-
a lesser extent compared with the control. Thus, spectively. Second, the transient point of the
the characteristic pattern of the catabolite biphasic growth corresponded well to the point
repression was observed. The addition of cyclic of transient cessation of growth in the typical
AMP to the culture medium together with glu- diauxie where glucose was utilized first.
cose prevented the inhibition of the enzyme The order of consumption of glucose and mel-
synthesis by glucose (data not shown). ibiose in the presence of cyclic AMP was tested.
Effect of cyclic AMP on the diauxie. Since As shown in Fig. 5, glucose was utilized first, as
cyclic AMP released the inhibition of the expres- expected. After complete consumption of glu-
sion of the melibiose operon by glucose, cyclic cose, cells started to consume melibiose. The
AMP should have some effect on the glucose- transition point of the biphasic growth corre-
melibiose diauxie. In the absence of cyclic AMP, sponded well with the starting point of melibiose
the melibiose operon was expressed after com- utilization. Thus, it became clear that glucose
plete consumption of glucose, judging from the was preferentially utilized over melibiose even
appearance of a-galactosidase activity (Fig. 4). A in the absence of both transient and catabolite
typical diauxic growth was observed in this case. repressions.
On the other hand, a biphasic growth curve Similarly, preferential utilization of glucose
without a transient cessation of growth was ob- over lactose in the presence of cyclic AMP was
served in the presence of cyclic AMP (Fig. 4), as observed with a lactose-positive strain of E. coli
reported by Ullmann and Monod (29). The (data not shown). Biphasic growth instead of a
OD6N of the transition point of the biphasic typical diauxic growth was also observed in this
growth curve was almost the same as that of the case. Again, the transition point of the biphasic
typical diauxic growth. The activity of a-galac- growth corresponded well with the point of the
tosidase, which represents the expression of the beginning of lactose utilization. Thus, biphasic
melibiose operon, appeared at a very early stage growth without a transient lag and preferential


0 4-,


0 2 4 6 8
Time (h)
FIG. 4. Effect of cyclic AMP on the diauxic growth of strain W3133-2. Cells were grown on 2 mM glucose
plus 5 mM melibiose either in the absence (0, A) or in the presence (0, A) of 5 mM cyclic AMP. Samples were
taken at various times from each culture to measure optical density (circle) and a-galactosidase activity
(triangle). One unit of a-galactosidase activity is defined as the amount causing release of I jmol of p-
nitrophenol per min.

utilization of glucose in the presence of cyclic

2 AMP are not exceptional for the case of melibi-
1 10 Effect of glucose and cyclic AMP on the
melibiose transport system. Why was meli-
- biose utilization inhibited by glucose in the ab-
5 0 sence of both transient and catabolite repres-
sions? The participation of inducer exclusion
L0 < should be considered to answer this question. As
2 < shown in Fig. 6, glucose inhibited uptake of
0~0. a TMG via the melibiose transport system. Addi-
1 o tion of cyclic AMP to the assay mixture did not
reverse this inhibition. Cyclic AMP alone did

0-05 . / \
not have a significant effect on TMG transport.
*v Thus, inducer exclusion, in this case, an inhibi-
"' tion of melibiose transport by glucose, functions
in the presence of cyclic AMP. The effect of
glucose and its derivatives on the melibiose
0.01 . 2. . transport system was tested in membrane vesi-
0.1 cles where inducer exclusion does not work be-
0 2 4 6 8
Time (h) biose, and 5 mM cyclic AMP. At various times sam-
FIG. 5. Effect of cyclic AMP on the utili zation of ples were taken to measure optical density (0) and
glucose and melibiose in strain W3133-2. Cwells were the content of glucose (A) and melibiose (U) in the
grown in the presence of 2 mM glucose, 5 nnM meli- medium.
step is the transport of melibiose, which is under
the control of inducer exclusion. The third step
30 is the cleavage of melibiose by a-galactosidase.
p a-Galactosidase splits melibiose into galactose
and glucose, and then these two sugars are me-
o25 tabolized. The first and second steps are regu-
lated by glucose and other PTS sugars added to
the culture medium. The third step is not af-
E 20 fected by glucose (3). Thus, the utilization of
melibiose is severely inhibited by glucose, and
diauxic growth is observed when glucose and
melibiose are added to the culture medium. Al-
though transient and catabolite repressions are
well understood phenomena, the significance
and mechanism of inducer exclusion are not
lo clear. To avoid the involvement of the two
repressions in the diauxie, we added cyclic AMP
to the culture medium. Thus, the significance of
'5 inducer exclusion in the diauxie could be evalu-
ated. Addition of cyclic AMP to a culture me-
dium containing glucose and melibiose caused
the transient lag phase to disappear (Fig. 4 and
0 1 2 3 4 5 5). This indicates that the short lag phase ob-
Time (mi n) served in the absence of cyclic AMP was due to
FIG. 6. Effect of glucose and cyclic AMI o TMG the absence of products of the melibiose operon,
uptake via the melibiose transport system in strain which were necessary for the metabolism of
W3133-2. Uptake of TMG was followed at.20°C with melibiose. Tine was required to induce the op-
the extracellular concentration of ["4C]Ti MG at 0.1 eron after the release of transient and catabolite
mM. TMG uptake was determined in th,Fe absence repressions and inducer exclusion. This release
(0) or in the presence (A) of 1 mM gluco)se, in the was due to the disappearance of glucose from
presence of 1 mM glucose plus 5 mM cyclic AMP (A) the medium. In the presence of cyclic AMP, on
or 5 mM cyclic AMP (0). Glucose and cyeclic AMP the other hand, the melibiose operon was ex-
were preincubated with cells for 10 min be fore initi- pressed at all stages of the growth. Although
ation of the reaction. Transport was initiacted by the inducer exclusion of melibiose uptake by glucose
addition of [4CJTMG.
occurs, a small amount of melibiose enters the
cause of lack of soluble components (Ienzyme I
cell in the presence of glucose (Fig. 6). Therefore,
and histidine-containing phosphate caienzyme induction of the melibiose operon can take place
tein of the PTS) involved in this re rrpatrio- in the presence of both glucose and cyclic AMP
Glucose, 2-deoxyglucose, and methyl-a-I glucoside (Fig. 4). Thus, the transient cessation of growth
did not occur. Utilization of melibiose and lac-
did not significantly inhibit TMG tran lsport via tose did not occur in the presence of glucose in
the melibiose transport sytem in memborane ves
icles (data not shown), although all of them the medium under conditions where transient
inhibited TMG transport in whole c(ells. and catabolite repressions were released. This
means that glucose does not have a si Tant
means that inducer exclusion alone is sufficient
to cause preferential utilization of glucose over
affinity for the melibiose transport carri
the inhibition of TMG transport obs ierved mus melibiose (and lactose). On the other hand, tran-
cells was actually due to inducer exclu sion.
sient or catabolite repression alone would not be
sufficient for the preferential utilization of glu-
cose over melibiose (and other non-PTS carbo-
DISCUSSION hydrates). Although transient repression is a
The metabolism of melibiose by E. coli has very severe inhibition of gene expression, it con-
not been extensively studied, wherea:s that of tinued for only one or two generations, after
lactose has been. The first step of the Xmelibiose which it is released (9, 19). Catabolite repression,
utilization is the expression of the Xmelibiose on the other hand, is a permanent although
operon which codes for a-galactosidasfa and the weak inhibition. Thus, the melibiose operon is
melibiose transport carrier. This opei ron is an expressed to some extent after one or two gen-
inducible system and is under the c ontrol of erations in the presence of glucose (data not
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