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The Daraga Community College Students had a Seminar Workshop on Campus Journalism last April 16&
21 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at Malabog National high School Senior high School building as learning
new ideas and techiques on making news article. It is a very big help for those participants in order for
them to fully understand the importance of making a news writing.




The seminar done at Malabog National High School with the theme “ Enhancing Students’ Journalistic
Skills as an Art and Practice of Truth and Accountability” is a big information for those students who
participates in the said workshop. There’s a speaker who shares their knowledge on how to make a
news article correctly and perfectly. MS. PAMELA G. GARCIA is the first speaker who share the different
techniques in ART OF FEATURE WRITING with key word of “DRAWING WITH WORDS” which means that
you don’t need to draw but instead we need to be artistic in making a news article using words. She also
tackle the different types of features article. Other Speaker also shared their own knowledge and
perspective, MR. NEIL N. MIRAFUENTES shared the tips on making news article like the correct fonts and
size that we need to use and the proper layout of the news made by. Another speaker who generously
shared an ideas and information is MR. JEFFERSON V. TORRES he also shared his knowledge with regards
to sports writing, sport page, editorial cartooning and the photojournalism, he shared a lot of ideas and
knowledge in making a news article. Lastly the speaker who also gives an advice and tips in making
mobile photography that will help us in making a good news article in section of photomaking with a
quote “ The picture are there, and you just take them” coming from Robert Copa

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