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Environmental Education is a process which is very useful to human beings in order to manage
well their environment and instill the right behavior that serves as a key to sustainable
development. It is also an opportunity especially for the youth to participate in making their
respective locality become clean and green and a pleasant place to live in. Through relevant
undertakings, the youth become a great force to combat all the ill effects of climate change.

At the end of the class, the students are expected to:
1. Provide the youth with the knowledge on Environmental Education.
2. Motivate them to be actively involved in combating the ill effects of Climate Change.
3. Adopt dynamic strategies on Environmental Education.
4. Value the importance of Environmental Education as a way of developing the youth to be
good citizens.

Form small groups of not more than 10 students per group. Each group must have a piece of
manila paper, pental pen and other drawing/writing materials. Fold the manila paper into three
columns. On the first column/ fold-draw a picture of an ideal environment for the group; on the
third column/fold –draw a picture of the present state of the environment; and on the
second/middle column/fold, draw a scenario of what you can do to bring the present situation to
the ideal environment of the group. Present the output to the whole class.

Proceed with the lecture as outlined.

Give 15 to 20 items quiz/seatwork.

Environmental Education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environment
functions and particularly, how human beings can manage their behaviors and ecosystems in
order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system,
from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all
efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media
campaigns, etc. Related disciplines outdoor education and experimental education.

Environmental Education is a learning process that increase people’s knowledge and awareness
about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to
address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations and commitments to make informed
decisions and take responsible actions. (UNESCO, Tbilsi Decleration, 1978)


1. Republic Act. No. 9512: An Act to Promote Environmental Awareness Through

Environmental Education and For Other Purposes
 The Act shall be known as the “National Environmental Awareness and
Education Act of 2008”
 Section 2. Declaration of Policy states that, “consistent with the policy of the
State to protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful
ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature, and in recognition of
the vital role of youth in nation-building and the role of education to foster
patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human
liberation and development, the State shall promote national awareness on the role
of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental
conversation and ecological balance towards national development”

2. Republic Act No. 9003: January 26, 2001

 This is an act providing for an ecological waste management programs, creating
the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts
prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating thereof and other purposes.

3. Republic Act No. 9275: March 22, 2004

 An Act providing for a Comprehensive Water Quality Management and for other
 Section 2. Declaration Policy. The State shall pursue a policy of economic
growth in a manner of consistent with the protection, preservation and revival of
the quality of our fresh, brackish and marine waters.

4. Republic Act No. 8740: June 23, 1999

 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
 An act providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for other
5. Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 33 Series of 2009
 Subject: Integration of Environmental Education in the Tertiary Education
Curriculum particularly the Civic Welfare and Training Service Component of the
National Service Training Program


The following are the importance of Environmental Education. Each must consider and put
action on it.
 All major natural resources in the country are in grave danger of irreparable
 A society cannot survive if its natural resources are rendered unfit for use by its
 The only hope of salvaging this grave situation is by making the young aware that
they need to proactively begin to protect the environment they will inherit.
 Science and technology can help in a limited way but cannot deliver it.
 The moral and ethical education for changing people’s attitude.
 To protect children living in polluted regions, environmental education represents
a relevant means of prevention.
 It is a need of the time to propose environmental education delivered with moral
 Sustain participation of the citizens especially the youth particularly in combating
ill-effects of climate change.


What is Climate Change?
Climate Change is any change in climate over time whether due to natural process or as a result
of human activity.

It is a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the
composition of the global atmosphere and which is, in addition to natural climate variability,
observed over comparable time periods (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

How does it occur?

The 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 4AR
2007) concludes that climate change is already occurring and the further acceleration will result
to a two (2) degree increase in global temperature and extreme weather conditions.

Climate Changes is caused by the increasing volume of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the
atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb and remit infrared radiation, warming the
earth’s surface and contributing to climate change (UNEP 1988). These gases are water vapor,
methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, ozone, hydrofluorocarbon, and sulfur hexafluoride.
When these gases increase in volume more solar heat will be trapped resulting to a warmer
atmospheric condition. This phenomenon is known as the “Greenhouse effect”. Global warming
is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans that is
associated with the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Man is responsible for the accelerated warming of the earth. Before the advent of man, climate
changes were naturally caused. Many greenhouse gases occur naturally like methane, carbon
dioxide, nitrous oxide, ozone and even water vapor. Other greenhouse gases like
hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) perfluocarbon (PFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) which absorbs and
hold greater heat are man-made. These are produced through industrial process. However,
human activities also add to the increase of the naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. The burning of wood and wood products, and the production use of fossil fuels such
as oil, coal and natural gas release carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the
atmosphere. The rapid growth of human population increases consumption of earth’s resources,
threatening the earth’s carrying capacity to support life. It also increase the amount of
decomposing organic wastes that releases carbon and methane into the air. Massive
deforestation, mining and other forms of land conversion make the situation worse.

What are the effects of Climate Change or Global Warming?

The warming of the earth’s atmosphere results to the melting of snow covers and glaciers, the
rise of seal level, shorter winters, early springs, hotter summers and delayed coming of autumns,
altered forest productivity and composition, habitat shifts of some animals, changes in the
behavior patterns of flora fauna, spread of disease, stronger and more frequent typhoons, more
floods, severe droughts, stronger heat waves, and heavier rains and more.

These changes in the environment as a result of Climate Change have already made their impact
on human population in a global scale. Socio-economic problems and difficulties will be
amplified compounding the already heavy burden of the poor sectors. Agriculture become less or
non-productive due to droughts and flooding. Mounting social pressure on the damaging effects
of Climate Change will influence political priorities and direction.

The Philippines is ranked 4th in the Global Climate Risk Index. Being archipelagic, fifteen of its
region are vulnerable to sea level rise a meter rise in sea level will affect 64 out of 81 provinces
in the Philippines, sea water would cover at least 703 of 1610 towns and close to 700 4 703 of
1,610 towns and close to 700 million square meters of land could displace at least 1.5 million
Filipinos. The country is in the path of typhoons which is recent years have become stronger and
more destructive and frequent. The Philippines is also located in an earthquake prone region.
Under these circumstances, life, properties, food, health, and livelihood are threatened severely
affecting the most vulnerable sector of Philippine society-the poor.

Zero management is an ecological method of handling wastes that does not degrade the
environment nor pollute air, water, soil, and facilities their sanitary retrieval, reuse and recycling.

Zero waste management is one of the most-friendly economic tool of contributing ecological
welfare for human beings and the community.
Modern waste reduction consists of three (3) components, namely:
1. Reuse. It means re-utilization of materials for particular purpose.
2. Reduced. It is the process of lessening the fresh raw materials that affects air, water and
land pollution through proper waste disposal.
3. Recycling. It involves processing used, unwanted materials (waste) into new products to
prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduced the consumption of fresh raw
materials, reduced energy usage, reduced air pollution (from incineration) and water
pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for conventional waste disposal, and
lower greenhouse gas emission.

 Does not pollute air, water and soil
 Facilitates sanitary retrieval, reuse or recycling
 Contribute reduction of waste
 Economic source of funds through utilization of foods, fuels materials and fertilizers
 Helps sustain good friendly environment


“There is a paramount need to create a conscious of the environment. It must permeate all ages
and all section of society, beginning with the child. Environmental consciousness should involve
teaching in school and colleges. This aspect will be integrated in the entire educational process”.

National Policy of Education 1986

Education brings awareness and is essential for action. In this direction Environmental
education provides an understanding of the multi-dimensional problems of depleting resources
and ever-increasing populations. Environmental Education is a way of creating knowledge,
understanding, attitudes, skills, abilities and awareness towards the environment and its

The basic purpose of Environmental Education is to provide individual and social groups
sufficient scope so that they can acquire awareness and knowledge, develop attitudes, skills and
abilities and participate in solving real life environmental problems. The perspective should be
integrated-approach and should be holistic in nature. Purpose of Environmental Education is
therefore not to introduce a new subject as such, but to evolve a new approach to education to
integrate the concept of preserving environment with the existing content of a subject discipline.
Let’s Reflect.
1. As a student, what is the role of the youth in the environmental protection and

Let’s Do It
1. Make a short documentation film on how can you contribute to help your community in
terms of environmental education.
2. Plant at least 2 (two) fruit bearing seedlings on your backyard. Make a documentation out
of it and reflect on the significance of the activity.

o Inadequate (5 points): Most facts are wrong.
o Needs improvement (10 points): Some facts are wrong.
o Adequate (15 points): Technical details are generally correct.
o Professional quality (20 points): All facts are correct, and the technical
explanation is both concise and complete.

EO 579- Encouraging the Formulation & Implementation of Green Philippines through
RA 9512- Environmental awareness and Education Act of 2008
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) issuances.


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