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Chapter 2:

 Nominal variable=named, ex. Gender, race
 Ordinal variable=ordered, what is lower/worse or better
 ex: ordinal: education- high school, college, university
Not ordinal: race-black, Asian, white
 Bar charts, pie charts, contingency tables

 Marginal distribution: the totals

 Conditional distribution: if you have a table with conditional distribution, the bottom
right corner will NOT add up to 1

Quantitative: has to be numerical

 Discrete: only integers, ex. Dice 1,2,3,4,5,6
 Continuous: any value, ex. 3.1, 3.12, 5.1235, etc.
 Histograms, stem and leaf plots

Does our data represent what happens at a single point in time?

 Yes= cross-sectional data, several variables measured at the same time point
 No= time series data, measuring same variable at intervals over time (GDP, stocks etc.)

Data types:
 Primary data: you collected the data yourself
 Secondary data: someone else collected the data

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