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DISCUSSION 5: Relationship Trust (6 sessions)

Session 1
PREPARE slides to preview the 13 High Trust Behaviors; prepare your
own two truths and one lie (activity in Talk Straight).
REVIEW Self Trust

13 High Trust Behaviors (10 Minutes)

1. Direct students to page 22.
2. Preview Behaviors 1-13 using the prepared slide(s).
3. Ask, “Do the behaviors in the overview feel like high trust behaviors
to you?”

22 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


Opposites and Counterfeits (15 minutes)

1. Invite a student to read the “Opposites and Counterfeits” text on
page 23 aloud.
2. Invite students to identify an example of a Counterfeit Behavior
they’ve encountered recently.
3. Invite students to do a turn and talk about that Counterfeit
Behavior and what they learned from it.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 23

1. Talk Straight (25 minutes)
1. Provide expectations and guidelines for the next activity.
a. Share the two truths and one lie that you prepared earlier. For
example, state, “I have done x truth, y lie, and z truth.”
b. Invite students to prepare two truths and one lie about things
they have accomplished in life.
c. Invite students to guess which variable is an untruth about what
you have accomplished.
d. Give students a moment to prepare their own variables.
e. Invite a student to offer her two truths and one lie.
f. Invite the other students to guess which variable is the lie.
g. Allow time for all students who wish to share.
2. Invite students to read the charts on page 24 and respond in
writing to the two questions.

24 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


Session 2
REVIEW Counterfeits and Talk Straight.

2. Demonstrate Respect (15 minutes)

1. Direct students to page 25.
2. Ask students to think of a time when they felt respected, and
another time when they felt disrespected.
3. In a T-chart on a separate piece of paper, have students write down
the key differences between the two instances.

• I was spoken to kindly and with • The tone of voice used to speak
consideration to me was loud and angry
• The words were chosen • The words were harsh and
thoughtfully and respectfully mean
• I felt appreciated • I felt sad, mad, or rejected
because ____________
4. Invite students to read the High Trust Behavior chart on page 25
5. Ask, “If you were in the disrespected situation again, what would
you do differently to receive respect?”
6. Invite students to respond in writing to the questions on page 25.

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3. Create Transparency (10 minutes)
1. Invite a student to read the initial text on page 26 aloud.
2. Ask, “What leaders are you familiar with who demonstrate
transparency? How do they show their intent in the ways they
3. Allow time for student responses.
4. Invite students to read the High Trust Behavior chart and the
Opposites and Counterfeits chart silently.
5. Invite students to do a turn and talk for 2 minutes where they
respond to the two questions on page 26 verbally with a partner.
6. Invite students to conclude their discussion with written responses
to those questions.

26 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


4. Right Wrongs (15 minutes)

1. Invite students to stand next to their chairs.
2. Read the initial text on page 27 aloud.
3. Invite several students to each read one element of the High Trust
Behavior chart aloud. Encourage them to read each bullet loudly
and with emphasis.
4. Invite students to sit down.
5. Invite four students to read the bullets in the Opposites and
Counterfeits chart aloud, but quietly.
6. Ask students how it felt to hear the High Trust Behavior bullets read
aloud, as opposed to the quiet tone of the Counterfeit Behaviors.
7. Ask, “How does it feel to own a mistake?” and “How can righting a
wrong be powerful?”
8. Allow time for responses.
9. Invite students to complete the questions on page 27.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 27

5. Show Loyalty (10 minutes)
1. Invite students to look at the picture on page 28.
2. Ask, “What do you think the girls might be saying?” Allow student
responses, asking further clarifying questions to draw out dialogue
about the elements in the High Trust Behavior chart on page 28.
Sample questions might include:
a. What is the nature of the conversation? Why do you think that?
b. If you think the girls are talking about another person, what clues
lead you to think that?
c. Could they be speaking positively about something or
3. Ask students to read the “What to Say” column on the chart silently.
4. Invite students to respond to the two questions in writing on
page 28.

28 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


Session 3
PREPARE group tools for a Delivering Results activity – 10 toothpicks,
2 marshmallows, 5 lifesaver candies, and 1 straw per group.

6. Deliver Results (50 minutes)

1. Invite three students to read the content on page 29 aloud.
2. Coordinate small groups of 3-4 students to complete a Delivering
Results activity.
3. Provide expectations and guidelines for the next activity. In their
groups, direct students to:
a. Collect the materials for the project.
b. Plan a vehicle that will travel at least one foot without being
picked up, using only the materials provided.
4. Say, “Today you will build a vehicle. Your vehicle must move at least
one foot across a flat surface without being lifted. This vehicle may
be propelled in any fashion using these tools.”
5. Allow students time to plan and struggle, but make sure they have
begun building within the first 5 minutes.
6. After 10 minutes (or 15 minutes into the activity) let students know
they have 10 minutes remaining.
7. 10 minutes after that (25 minutes into the activity), invite students
to bring their vehicles to the competition track.
8. Test the movement of the vehicles.
9. Upon conclusion of the test, debrief with students by asking:
a. Were you all able to deliver results in this task? Why or why not?
b. What vehicles were the most successful? Why?
c. If you could do something differently, what would you do?
d. When given vague or ambiguous instructions, how can you
ensure you deliver results?

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 29

e. What other things would you ask beforehand if you were asked
to do something like this again? (You might direct their attention
to the High Trust Behavior chart on page 29.)
10. Invite students to conclude the session by responding to the two
questions on page 29.

Session 4
7. Confront Reality (15 minutes)
1. Invite students to read page 30 silently.
2. Ask, “If someone tried to convince you that the sky was green, how
would you respond?”
a. Allow time for student responses.
b. Ask, “If someone tried to tell you it was pink, how would you
c. Allow time for student responses.
d. Ask, “Why is there a difference in your responses? What makes
one more realistic?
e. Allow time for student responses.
3. Invite students to do a turn and talk for 2 minutes about these
questions: How do you feel when you point something out to
someone but they don’t believe you? How do you make others
feel when they do this for you? Is it comfortable to confront reality?
Why or why not?
4. Invite students to respond in writing to the two questions on
page 30.

30 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


8. Get Better (10 minutes)

1. State, “As you grow in this class, you will become a better leader
through an understanding of the many habits that make good
leaders. Behavior 8: Get Better, is a highlight of this. To continuously
improve means to become a better leader. “
2. Invite students to respond to the two questions in the “What to
Say” column of the High Trust Behavior chart, “Where can I get
better?” and “How am I doing now?” They can jot answers directly in
their guides.
3. Invite students to do a turn and talk for 2 minutes to respond
to the prompt, “Leaders who seem to always get better have
some characteristics in common. What do you think they have in
4. Invite students to respond in writing to the questions on page 31.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 31

9. Clarify Expectations (15 minutes)
1. Invite a student to read the initial text on page 32 aloud.
2. Remind students of the Delivering Results challenge from the
previous session.
3. Ask, “Would a more clear vision have helped you to be more
a. Allow time for student responses.
b. Ask, “Were you still able to deliver results?”
c. Allow time for student responses.
d. Ask, “How would your results have been different if you had
been given more clear expectations?”
e. Allow time for student responses.
4. Invite students to respond in writing to the questions on page 32.

32 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


10. Practice Accountability (10 minutes)

1. Invite a student to read the initial text on page 33 aloud.
2. Invite a student to read the “What to Do” text in the High Trust
Behavior chart aloud.
3. Invite students to answer two of the questions in the “What to
Say” column of the High Trust Behavior chart, responding to the
Delivering Results task from the previous session.
4. Invite students to do a turn and talk about the two questions on
page 33.
5. Conclude by having students write down their responses on
page 33.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 33

Session 5
11. Keep Commitments (10 minutes)
1. Invite students to read page 34 and respond in writing to the two
2. Invite students to do a turn and talk about the types of
commitments they find hard to keep, and what Counterfeit
Behaviors they tend to use to avoid a commitment.
3. Ask, “How can recognizing our own counterfeit behaviors help us
to be better about keeping our commitments?”
4. Allow time for responses.

34 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


12. Listen First (25 minutes)

1. Invite students to read page 35 and respond in writing to the two
2. Coordinate small groups of 3-4 students to complete the following
activity. You can create the groups in advance or allow students to
3. Provide expectations and guidelines for the next activity. In their
groups, direct students to do the following:
a. Students will each prepare a story about something that
happened on their way to school today that made them feel
happy, sad, mad, energized, frustrated, etc. They will choose one
emotion but will not state that emotion in telling their story.
b. Students take turns telling their stories.
c. Listeners will each ask a single question to get more information.
d. Once questions have been answered, they will take turns
guessing the emotion the speaker meant to convey.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved. 35

13. Extend Trust (15 minutes)
1. Students will remain in their groups for this activity.
2. Provide expectations and guidelines for the next activity. In their
groups, direct students to do the following:
a. Ask students to choose one story from the group activity for
Listen First.
b. Students should examine how extending trust helped the
speaker to either feel positive or negative about the situation by
asking some of the questions in the “What to Say” column of the
High Trust Behavior chart.
c. Students should evaluate and respond to how the speaker could
enhance the initial interaction in the future to achieve more
positive leadership results through extending trust.
3. Invite students to respond in writing to the two questions on
page 36.

36 © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.


Session 6
Putting the 13 High Trust Behaviors to Work (50 minutes)
1. Provide expectations and guidelines for the next activity. Direct
students to do the following with a single partner:
a. Choose a scenario from the list on page 37.
b. Write a short skit that uses the details from the chosen scenario;
apply one or more of the 13 High Trust Behaviors to achieve
maximum results.
c. Act out the skit.
2. Debrief each group’s presentation.
a. What High Trust Behaviors were used to achieve maximum
b. Where can the students apply more High Trust Behaviors?

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