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Nguyễn Quỳnh Như- 21128252

1. Do you think it’s fun to have a pet?

It is really happy when you own a pet, you can express your feeling, relax and play with your pet.
You definitely have a comfortable time as well as relieve the stress effectively. It also depends on
your demand. If one person loves having a pet, they want to have one, if not they will not adopt any

2. What pet do you usually keep at home?

Almost dogs and cats are usually kept at home because they are easy to breed, and loyal
companions to humans. Especially, they are not difficult to look after or they do not peaky when
talking about food. They can be our best friends forever.

3. What do you think are the benefits for children to keep pets?

Keeping pets can stimulate the children’s flexibility and give them positive energy and enthusiasm.
The children can learn how to take care of other people. They can share, empathy with
disadvantaged people.

4. What wild animals can be seen in Vietnam?

Birds, reptiles, monkeys, snakes, wild boars, etc… We can see them in zoos, aquariums, and forest

5. What animals have special meaning in Vietnam?

The Buffalo is the traditional symbol of Vietnamese culture. Buffalos appear in many stories about
Vietnamese heroes. They are a sign of prosperity in life agriculture and the Vietnamese unyielding

6. What animals do you like/dislike best? Why?

I dislike cats best due to their claws. They bite me and I formed my fear until then.

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