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1.I :nI]I;\IAN IE,d;. #
INST 'U i-E OF ENGII'{EERING i L'rvel , BI- FuJi larl;' -+0
Pas;,, Ma'' ;
I= xaminafion Control Division I Ptogturrl*e
i.'... --. .'-'... - , -i
2Cj0 Chaitra i Year lP' rt i V

Caxlidates are reqlured to give their answers in therr ou' i \^rords as i'ar as
Attcntpt any Four c;uestirtns.
The.figures in the tnargin indicqte Full Morks.
As,sume suitable data if neces:iar)'.

1 . a) Write the concept of Green building design. {4+6 )

b) Explain why Green buildings are impofiant in Nepal for future'

2 . a.) Write the name of different Green building rating system used in the lvorid' (1+7')
b.) Describe one of the Green buiiding rating systerns used in the world.

3,. Describe with the help of sketcires' green materials and technology used for Green
t' (s+s )
4. Explain the main points to be considereci to convert an existing building in to Green
' (10)
building with the help of sketches,

5 . Write the shorl notes on any

(5+5 )
a) Site efficiency for Green design
b) Embodied energY
c) CSEB building of IOE, Pulchowk

Fgv 2-o73

I-.1 1

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