2072 Chaitra

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Ca:rdidates are required to gi.,,e thr r nswe -s in tl,eii 1 .12y; ,,'oi',]..- as far as practicable.
. ;ttentpt Al ! 0uestions.

The figures in the margh, indicate Full.M$ri;s.

As.;utne suitable dara if necessary.

1. Why is the concept of Green Building important in the present context? Taking LEED as
an example, what is the significance of green building rating system? [4-4]
2. What do ,vou mean by 'cradle-to-grave'? Illustrate your axswer with exampie. Describe
some vernacular green building construction techniques with sketches.' l4+4)
Describe with the help of sketches any one traditional green building technoiogy that is
still use for modem green building. [10]
4. What are the major issues that should be taken into consideration while designing and
constructing a green building in Nepal? What impact wili the use of local materials make
in the construction of green building in Nepal? Is+3]
5. Describe with the help of sketches how you design day lighting for energy efficiency in
modem green building. t6l

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