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She scored as a Practitioner Teacher.

How to move from Practitioner to Master Teacher?

When you reach the practitioner stage, you have successfully acquired a range of teaching strategies and
skills. However, you have not yet learned how to integrate them seamlessly into your teaching practice.
That is the final step to becoming a master teacher—ASSIMILATION.

The way that you learn to assimilate the skills you have learned is to purposefully practice them. But it isn’t
just that you practice these principles; to move from practitioner to master teacher, you are going to adjust how
you practice these principles. So far, you have been practicing them in isolation of one another. Now you are
going to begin integrating them.

The first step to integrating the principles into your practice is to look to see how all of the other principles will
help you better practice an individual principle or how all the principles connect. Spend some time thinking
through how each principle connects to the other principles and how practicing one principle involves
practicing other principles.

The next step is to shift your thinking. Don’t think so much about the fact that at any one time you are
practicing a particular principle. Instead, think about the fact that you are applying a set of principles to your

Third, begin to use the mastery principles in different ways. For instance, rather than just practice the
principles, you can also start to use the mastery principles as a way to help you think through any instructional
challenge you may be facing.

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