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DP DAMMS SLSR (MAT WRB A ) INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IV SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT NO: RRP/0001H022023 NON- COKING CUAL SALES & PURCHASE AGREEMENT NON-COKING COAL GAR: 8000-7500 Kcal/kg C.F. KOK SRICHANG PORT, OF THAILAND ‘SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGEEMENT OF INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN BULK AGREEMENT CONTRACT NO : RRP/0001#022023 DATE: 08th , February. 2023, ‘THE SFILFR/RENFFICIARY: PT RIZKY RAHMAN PERKASA CO SELLER: PT WIRAMA ENTITI NUSANTARA ND THE BUYER UNITED OVERSEA TRADING CO., LTD HP aABRESWLAR (MRBTWE HRA) INDONESIAN STEAM CURLIN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT No: RRP/00018022023 This CAF. Steam Coal Sale and Purchase Agreement here In after referred to as “AGREEMENT” or CONTRACT" is ‘made and entered into as of: 08/02/2023 by and between: BUYER referred to 2 "The Buyer” IMPANY NAME [UNITED OVERSEAS TRADING CO, LTD (ORES 30501 BANGNA-TRAD 23, KWAN BANG NUEA, KHEI BANGHA, BANGKOK 10260, THATAND” EMAIL puradee@overses-thalcom frepresented by IMS. PARADEE VARAKRIRKULCHAI, MANAGING DIRCTOR And hereinafter ferred toa the "Siler", SELLER eferied ly "The Selerfoeneiiany” ‘OWPANY NAME PF Rik Ratan Prtasa Fooness i gree Gang MarungaT Malm, No 3 ATO Rex. Muro, Kota Samarn, Kalimantan 9 ih ro eoresanted by Ir Rahman, President Bretor onracrno. coseuen yMIPANY NAME [PT Wirama Entiti Nusantara ] ODRESS sa Mira Sue 3-08 Boulevard Mia Suter BKC, ln Vos Suro. Kova KA War ‘ta Admin Jakarta Utara, Indonesia, pretend ir Ani anal Abn reer vector TACT. ‘The Seller and the Buyer are referred to individually as the "Party" and collectively asthe "Parties" ‘The Seller and the Buyer hove agreed to enter into the Ageemesit whereby the Seller will supply the steam coal to ‘the Buyer subjected to the terms and conditions herein contained. Now it agreed as the follows: (CLAUSE 1: DEFINITIONS (32.81 412 Inthis Agreement, unless the subject or context otherwise reauirs, the fllowine ward and expressions will have the following meanings respectively asczhed to them: "ADB" means air dried basis "ARB" means as received basis ‘Coking Coat” means the cool mines by the Sells wits nigh fun Kmancan “C1.” has meaning ascribed to such term in INCOTERMS 2000 (as amended from time to time) “Loadine Port” means the vescel anrhnrago at Any pain Kalimantan, Indancso, or auch ether porto te pate ay ‘agree to in writing "Discharge Port” Ko richang post, Thailand, ax may be designated by the Buyer. "kca/Ky" means Kllacalorls of energy per kilogram of coal. ‘When caleulating any price or adjusted pric, or eamponent thereat, the results of such ealeulation shal be rounded tothe nearest cat and on haf fs cont shall be rounded up. When calling any tonnage, the resis of such ctelation shal be ‘rounded to the nearest ronne and one hat ofa tonne shall be rounded up. USS" means (unless atherwiee cpecfied the currancy ofthe United States of America, |; Metric Tonne” or *MT" or Toane” shell mesh 3,000 kilograms "Base Price" means the base price forthe Steam Coal fixe from time ta time in accordance with Clu 1" content otherise request singula shal nlude the plural and vice versa DEM ARS STA ( MAT WRAL) INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE ANUD PURCHASE CON IKACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT NO: RRP/o0O1#022023, ‘CLAUSE 2: TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall begin from the date ofthe electronic signing on 08 February 2023 and shall remain in force Until such time as this delivery of Steam Cnal ic complied with and the obligotions of both Parties have bees ulille The Parties at mutual agreement, may extend the Agreement but subject to terms and conditions to be set forth. [LLAUS 3: COMMODITY & ORIGIN ‘The Non- Coking Coal povided by the Seller to the Buyer under this Agreement shall be from Indonesi, Hereafter mey be referred toa the GOODS. ‘The Seller warrants max tne tle to the Non-Coking Coal shal be free of aliens, encumbrances and claims, and the Soller has all necessary eermit for exparting the Coking eal fn indonria, CLAUSE 4: QUANTITY 4.1 The Buyer shal purchase for tial order quantity: 10,000 _MT (#1056 of Non-Cokine Coa! NON. COKING COAL Commodity Grade ‘GAR 8000 to 7500 Kea Ke Price CNF. USD 319.00 / TONS. Tiat Tiel Order Contras AvouS 'US0_ $3,190, 000.0U (DOLLARS; THREE MILLIONS ONE HUNDRED NINTY THOUSAND ONLY) Tal Order Contrect Quanity 10,000 10%) Met Ton (10,000 Mi (210%) 7 shipment] Dalivry Arrangement First Tie Shipment Load 10,000 by /MiT End February, 2023, Destination Port KOHSIGHANG Port, Thailand, Country of Origin (7S) INDONESIA Packing (88) TOO, BUI Term of Payment 100% Non wansferable, revocable DLC M1700 at sight against goods at loading port. The Freight wil be pad iy seller ange io Toacing port ar reonesa ach Shipment to Teed: 10.000 MT with port aft: 14 meter up Vessel WT ‘The Inspection by SS, CCIC at loading port and respection by ClO at cestination Weight and quality Inspection CLAUSE 3. SHIPMENT TERMS Price based on CNFis Loading Port (Open Seo Anchorage, Tabones Port, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Discharging Por KONSICHANG Port, Thailand. lf there is ony change in the exact LAYCAN time, the Buyer ur the Seller shall notify each in advance by writing and it wll be confirmed ifthe Parties agree. Lead time of change is 1 week. First shipment of _10,000 MT (£10%) shall be arsved at the unloading port within 30 days, ater receiving the 100% Irrevocable DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT (DLC) via SWIFT code: MT-700{draft) t Sight from the Buyer. ‘The Seller shall go through ll legal export formalities; otherwise, all losses shal be burne by the Selle. All charges {including analysis report, export uty, local dues, documents and all ather goods charges in indonesia) at the Load Point shall be borne hy the Seller. lldirect / indirect costs incurred by the Mother Vessel atthe Loading Port shal borne by the Sele. fo 3 & L DEMARMESOTAR ( MEITWRARAA ) |NDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE AND PURCHASE LUNTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT NO: RRP/0O0iH022023, (CLAUSE 6: SPECIFICATION 64 Forthe ful duration of the Contract, the quality of Steam Coal to be supplied shall mect the specification as follow: io | SPesteatione “GUARANTEED REIECTION | Test Mthod [MAIN PARAMETERS TYPICAL | Net As Received Value (ARR) (GAR: >8000 (ARO) Keal/k@ 7300 Keallng | AST tar (ANB) Se Max 3 asta 1308) 2 Max sum rr 7) Wolee Naser ROBT se Si 751M 3) [feta suphar(A08) a sae 25TW 1] Fed Corban (ROB) x Wore 7 TI] Gra Ay Ha war Tom aie 5) | Sees.0rmm-00nm SB 20% aS no, | Parameter Basis Reject 1) | Mercury (a) 0B about 0 ue/e 2) | Arsenic (As) 08 ‘About 80 ua 34 | Phusplorus(P) DB hou 015 4) | enone ce oe ‘About 0.30% 51_| Fluorine (1 8 ‘About 200 alg 2 The seller guarantees that the Steam Coal to be supplied will conform to the specifications as stated in this Clause 6. The Steam Cal chal he delivared and analyzed according to ISO Standards aud sll wifi te specifications berore loading 3 There shail be no stone, coke and other non-coal ingredients lke iron, waad inthe cargo in any amount, which wil affect the sperifiations ofthe Steam Coal ¢ sot out inthis Clause G, Otherwise, tte Buyer lds ne fl ght to retuse recenng the Steam Coal a all the losses shall be n the account of the Seller. The Seller shall guarantee thatthe Steam Coal in. transit and the unlaading provess hall not have spontaneoue combution, ‘64 tthe Steam Coal supplied by the Seller is toa sticky or contain big pieces of steel, woods or stones, which cause serious ificuties forthe unloading or major damages tothe discharging equipment, the Buyer shall have the right to claim for compensation. ‘CLAUSE 7: BASE PRICE/TOTAL MONTHLY CONTRACT PRICE ‘7.4. _The base price for the Steam Coal on C.F, basis Port shell be USD $319.00 /MiT 7.2. [otal price forthe monthly contracts First Shipment of Steam Cnal Quantity: 10,000_MT Amounts: USD $ 3,1800,000.00. 72. The bese price shell be adjusted in acwordarice with Cause 8 1.4 Ihe base pice forthe Non-Coking Coal ta be delivered shall be based on Gross Calorfie Value (ARO) of 8,000 to 7,500kea\/K. ‘CLAUSE 9: INSPECTION- QUANTITY /QUALTY DETERMINATION. ‘The cargo weight of each shipment shall be calculated on the basis of draft surveys conducted at the load port by Independent Surveyor. The weight so determined on the basis of draft survey report submitted surveyor agreed by ‘both PARTIES shall be final and hinting nan sellor and buyer for the purpose ofthis contract and shill frm Une basis of settlement unless adjustment is required in accordance with the clause no 10 of this contract. ‘Quanity and quality assessments, conaucted by the appointed Indonesia $GS, CCIC, Surveyar hy third party 4 DEAR S SIA ( MIL WDE) | INDONCSIAN STCAM COAL IN SALC AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT NO: RRP/0001#022023, Company, shall be in accordance with methods and procedures usually used in the Coking Coal practice. However, ‘tall times, they shall also strictly comply with the revised procedures enforced atthe date of compliance. ‘The Buyer may at Its own expense sent its personnel to supervise the loading operation, provided that the Seller gives prior natice within 14 days before the loading operation, so thatthe Seller may apply for entry vieas for ite personnel ‘The Buyer has the right to appoint any international Independent Surveyor for collecting the samples either jointly cr independentty at the loading port, during the loading of cargoes into the vessel, by taking representative samples withthe ISO Standards. Cost of such appointment shall be borne by the BUYER The cost af draft surveys at loading port shall he forthe account of the calor. CLAUSE 10; PAYMENT OPERATING Ine five intentions of the parties after the contract, of after the consent of tne seller anc the buyer, are wiling to admit to issuing 2 100% irrevocable spot DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT AT SIGHT via SWIFT code: MT-700(draft) to he seller within 7 working days (or wno will be designated to receive tne certicate to pay _1U,0WU_tons (210 8). per demonstration, Issuing a letter of credit: the amount is C.N.F, USD 319,00 /MT per ton, 303 100% Non transferable, Irrevocable DLC MT700 at sight against goods at Loading port. 30.8 all bank charges of tne Issuing bank are for me account of wUYEX's. All Dank charges Outside the issuing bank inchiding reimbureoment charges are for the account of SELLER’. 10.5 Within 3 (three) banking days after signing the cantraet, BUVER challerue 2 DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT {DLC) for the SELLER’s Beneficiary’s Bank approval. Buyer/Applicant shall be following 100% Seller/Beneficiary Bank Format/ Verbiage given by Seller. (ULC takes 3 days to be released) use 13 ‘The said DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT (DLC) shall be payable by the issuing bank for amount of 100% value of the shipment accampanied by the following dacumants: JOCUMENTS FOR PAYMENT 111 Provicional invoice in 4 original and 3 copies for 100% value chowing DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT (DLC) No, "No. vessel name, Contract No. and sailing date 11.2 Certificate of Origin in 1 original and 2 copies issued by the relevant Indonesian governmental authority 113 Certificate of Weight in 2 originals and 2 copies issued and signed by SGS, CCIC, certifying sample drawn during the merchandise loaded an the Mather Vessel and inspection of the results in compliance with specification stipulated in Ue toauing port, 11.4Certiticate ot Quality in 2 originals and 2 copies issued by SGS, CCIC, certifying sample drawn during the merchandise loaded on the Mother Vessel and ingpeetion ofthe results in compliance with specification stipulated in the loading port. 11.SCertficate of Draft survey in ? originals and ? copies issued by SGS, CCIC atthe loading port. (CLAUSE 12: PAYMENT PAYMENT 100% PCT FROM DLC VALUE FOR PAYMENT AGAINST THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT: 12.1 Final invoice in 1 original and 3 copies for the halance value based on SGS, CLIC, Inspection Certificate of Weight «and Inspection Certificate of Quality established atthe Loading port 12.2 third party documents except draft and invoice to be acceptable. DeMARK SOLAB (MALIA ARTS ) INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT [CONTACT NU: Nn fuULFUZEULS 12.3 Allthe copy of documents must be furnished to the Buyer 1124 all the cocuments are to be provided within 10 days atter shipment 41255 Signed Commercial invoice singed by Beneficiary in one (2) Original and thee (3) copies 126 One (1) Beneficiary certificate certifying that Bill of Landing (/L) documents must be presented within fourteen (14) Banking days after shipment date. 12.7 Aull set of 3/3 originals and 3 non-negotiable "clean ship" bills of lading, marked "freight paid in accordance wt the charter party. (CLAUSE 14: DELIVERY ‘The delivery of agreed quantity shall be done within 30 days from the issuance date of the L/C The Seller shall ensure timely arrival ofthe ship to the discharge port in conformity with the approved schedule. ‘The Seller's chartered vessel shall arrive atthe discharge port with her tanks ina state ready for inspection 72 hours betore the ship arrives at the discharge port, the Vessel Master must inform the Buyer and the discharge port ofits Shipping Agent, boat name, tonnage, fag, the size of the boat, etc... Ths information must be sent again 48, 24 and 12 hours betore arrival 72 hours after leaving the loading port, the Seller's Shipping agent must email or fax to the Buyers office the vesse'’s sailing date, the name of the steamship company, tonnage, the age of the vessel, its flag, the Bll of Lading umber, contrect number, net quantity loaded, name of comedy, and eatinated tie uf etival (ETA), The SCLLEN should em and fox the following ot least five days before loading Une shi. Contract Number ate of Readiness 1D toralwergne Tl Package in Buk 1 boading Port Transshipment is Not Allowed. Partial Shipment allowed, ‘The Seller must ensure that its nominated vessel isa maximum of 25 years old Buyer may appoint a trusted person at Buyer's expense to check the shipping process, sampling test and ‘documentation in the exporting country and seller will not be held responsible. Buyer will inform Seller through ‘written as to the person full particulars, personal identity for seller's record and administrative purpose, cuause AIMS ‘Any claim that either Party may have, due to an occurrence, have to be submitted to the other party within a period ‘of month from the date ofthat occurrence. Inthe event that the quality of any ane af the delivered batches falls into the rejection limit ofthe contractual pecificaivn, Uneu te Buyer shall have he option i accept the sala batch at a lower price to be negotiated ana accepted by the Buyer as per Clause & If within 20 calendar days from date of discharge of the vessel, the Buyer falls to inform the Seller of non- compliance, the cargoes will be deemed to have been accepted by the Buyer, and the Seller will no longer accept ‘any tai All elaime will be executed in writing ond both Port speatoanewicigs mc caimaby wien ecctas, |f ° ff) & HRD RHE SWRAG (MABIURARDA ) INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT (CONTACT NO: KRP/ooULAUZ2023 thereot. The Seller shall be responsible forall legal cost in the event Seller cannot perform or continue after official legal contract i signed. (CLAUSE 16: TAXES, The Seller shall pay all and any charges, taxes and duties collected at the Ivauing purl related to the performance of this Agreement. ‘The Buyer chall pay all nd any chargee, takee and duties Incurred at the dizcharge port reloted tothe performance of this agreement. (CLAUSE 17: LIABILITY EXEMPTIONS [Netter ofthe Pariles shall be lable for fllure to perform any or ll ofthe provisions set out inthis agreement if tne performance hac haon delayed, hindered ar pravented by any reacan outside the control ofthe defaulter. ‘When such fallure, or delay, is caused by Force Majcure being any event, occurred by circumstance reasonably ‘beyond the control ofthat party, including without prejudice to generality ofthe forgoing failure or delay caused by ‘or reculting from Acta of God, strikes Tire, Floods, Wars (whether declared/undeclared) riots, destruction of embargoes, accidents, restrictions, quotas on by any Governmental authority {including allocation, requisitions, {quotaz and price controle. ‘Nu reduction or suspension in te Uellverles or receipt of Coking Coal due to any athe reasons set forth above, shall extend the term of this contractor terminate the same. However, any ofthe aforementioned circumstance(s) persist for more that $0 days; he Seer may correct the slwvation with the approval of the BUYER. {ne certincate issued in orginal by the competent recognized authority should be deemed as sufficient proof for the claim force Majeure and duration (CLAUSE 18: Breach of contract and cancellation of guarantee 117.1 n the event of any failure by the Seller or the Buver to comoly with anv of the obligation assumed under this Contract, shall entitle the other Party, without prejudice to any other or recourse available to it to consider such failure as breach of this contract and to terminate the same, orto unilaterally suspend its performance until such failure is corrected, and in both cases, may claim direct damages for the breach of this contract. CLAUSE 10: FORCE MAJEURE For the duration of a force majeure, such as, but not limited to, war ar threat of war, invasion, rebellion, rot, acts of fod, restraints of governments or rules, or strikes, lockouts, fire, flood, earthquake, unavoidable stoppages ar interruption st port losding operation, railways, seller production facilites, thereby Uelaying the perfurianve of this contract. seller and/or buver shall be released from their respective obligation ta deliver ar accent the delivery ‘of Coking Coal hereunder without liability to the other. The event of Force Majeure shall be legalized by local authori. the adverse effect af euch Inthe event of a Farce Majeure, the Seller and the Buyer hall c-operata to minim Force Majeure accurrence to the extent possible, Inve event hat the Seller/Buyer cannot agree within one month of zhe cessation of a Force majeure naving ‘occurred, upon rescheduling of delivery of quantity af Steam Coal affected by such case of Force Majeure, either party shall ave the right Lo cancel such quantity of Coking Coal without labilty to the other. Cases of Force Majeure shall be reported as soon as possible by fax by the effected party tothe other, defining the circumstances exactly and precizely. In the event that cither party exercises the cancellation right the cancellation shall be attected only by written notice. CLALISE 70: appLicanlE LAW. Conciliation and Arbitration ofthe International Chamber of Commerce in SINGAPORE. / 19.1 This Contract shale interpreted in accordance with the laws of witness for prosecution under the ruled of t th DEMAREESURAG ( MARTURARDA ) INDONESIAN STEAM COALIIN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT (CONTAC NO: KRP/oDUTeOz2023 (CLAUSE 21: ARBITRATION All disputes arising in connection with the present contract shall be settled in an amicable way firstly. Should the parties reach no agreement, and then the case shall be brought for final settlement under the rules of Conciliation {and Arbitration ofthe International Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, by ane ar mare arhitrators annainted in accordance with the sald Rules Each Party shall appoint one Arbitrator who In turn will appoint a third Arbitrator. Nothing in the agreement shall be rnetrund ta provent any Cauirt having jurisdiction from issuing injunetione, attachment ordere or ordre for other similar ree in aid of any arbitration commenced by the Arbltrator(s) may entered in any Court having jurisdiction hereof. Neither Party shall ail to comply in a timely way with the obligations of this part to be performed in pursuant to this ‘untiact even Unvugh ulspute may have been arisen ana precede into arbitration. Finding as assessed by the designated third Arbitrator. without any possibilty of recaurse. will be final and binding ‘on both Parties. ‘CLAUSE 22: NON-DISCLOSURES/NON-CIRCUMVENTION. The undersigned Parties do hereby accept and agree to the provisions of the international Chamber of Commerce for Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure with regards to all and anyone of the Parties in this transaction. ‘Toinclude but not limited to the Buyer, the Seller, their agents, mandates, nominees, assignees, and all intermediaties party to this Agreement/Contract ‘This Agreement shal be kept in the strictest confidence between them for atleast 5 years from the date hereof. Irthere is ony breeul of the strictest unfdence by ether Party, the Party that Incurred damages nas the right to claim damages (Ths cause isto he added inta the confidentiality lau). ‘Netter Party sented to transfer ther rights and/or obligations uncer this Agreement to athira party with fexreptinn of the Financial Agent ofthe Sellar/Buyer, 2 iit provided in appandix of the pracent Contract, and except where Ue third party is an entity whose majority ownership is the same as the original ownership contract partner In any eate the trancfaring party wll natify the other partyin writing (Including Telox). After cigaing the present Agreement, al previous negotiations and correspondence between the Parties in this connection will be considered rll and void, ‘CLAUSE 23: SPECIAL CONDITION ‘The Buyer and the Seller mutually warrants that It has exerted and shall continue to exert its best efforts to avoid any artion, which might bein any manner detrimental o both interest in the negotiation, execution and performance ofthis Agreement. ‘The Parties hereby agree that all terms. which are not specifically confirmed and agreed unon in this Agreement, have to be referred to the general rules of the ICC INCOTERMS Celition 2000 with latest amendments. ‘The Uellvery sctedule must report the dates of shipments, names of vessels ana tne quantity to be loaded. ‘Any notice or communication to be given by one party to the other shall be in English Language and shall be elivered to the party concerned by letter, telex or facsimile. ‘CLAUSE 24: GENERAL CONDITIONS ‘This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties with recnert to the trancactiane contemplated hereby and can only be amended by a written agreement. Any prior agreement, witten or verbal i ‘deemed merged herein and shall be superseded by this Contract. ‘The article and ather headings in this Agraement are for convenionce only an hall not he interpreted in any way to limit or change the subject matter ofthis Contract. Alsigned appendices, annexes and supplements shall constitute a integral part the present contract. / DenARHE SILA (MAE WAAREE ) INDONESIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT WO: ARE/oUOL#OZ2023, Conditions that have not been specified in the present contract shall be governed by INCOTERMS and subsequent amendments elated to CFR basis to the discharge port. EDT (Electronic document transmission) shall be deemed to be valid and enforceable in respect ofthe provisions of this contract. Either party shall be in a position request a hard copy of any previous electronic transmitted document. Both Parties agree thatthe signed and sealed fax ur EDT copies of the contract are fully binding and enforceable Until the hard copy of contract will be exchanged courier. Gramm mistakes, typing errors, if any, shall not be regarded as contradictions ‘The information contained heroin shall be kept confidential, and shall not be subsequently disclosed to third parties ‘or reproduced in any way, except to third parties who are necessary to the implementation ofthe Agreement (CLAUSE 25, AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT ‘This Agreement may only be amended by either Party with the orior written consent af hoth Parties This Agreement mayne partially madify ar cancel anlyin the circumstances that State Law cuependé er tops the ‘mining or exporting of the Steam Coal in the whole country r inthe area where the Seller is permitted, or natural disasters that halt the pracess af mining andl exporting the Caking Coal CLAUSE 26: NOTIFICATION 28.1 Any natire hetween the Parties, including invoices, raqueste or other documents, and other communieetions between the Parties under the terms and conditions ofthis contrac, shall be made n writing in Enelish or Chinese. and sent by hand, past office, courier service or emailto the other Party in accordance with the address as stated above. (CLAUSE 27: VALIDITY Any agreement ar provision other than thie Agreement chall be null and voi. “This Agreement shel be effective and valid from the time the Pa ies have sighed an sealed after they have read, review and agree to all terms and conditions herein, cua 98: EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 27.1 Each ofthe party to this Contract represents that it has full legal authority lo execute this Contract and that leach party isto be bounded by the terms and conditions contained in the Contract. This Contract represents the entire ogreement between the Parties and any change will be made in willing, executed by both Parties, WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract a ofthe day and yeor first above written, This Cconiracc wil take effect immediately upon the two Parties signature, euven : SELLEK/MENNEICIARY 2 ‘SO-SELLER: UNITED OVERSEA TRADING CO, LTD TCT Arba ann PTWIRAMA ENTIT NUSANTARa aa Parades Tag a, Teal Tl aia Rn sorecenatve | wage ner feesetaive | presinenrnécron | Represents | orancenebme aan = LEED aS Nes Fy se . a inary ae ose water seas fos oS einen BANKING INFORMATION LETTER OF CREDIT (L/C) BENEFICIAR DRDARHESIORAT (META ARA ) |NDONFSIAN STEAM COAL IN SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT AGREEMENT ‘CONTACT NO: RRF/oosHOz2023, Buyers Nominated Bonk BANK NAME PY Bank Mandi Tox (persero) ‘BANK ADDRESS ‘TL Mulewarman No, 23 Pelabuhan Le. Samarinda Kota, Kota Semerinda, Kalimantan Timur 75282 Indonesia “ACCOUNT NAME DT RIZKY RAHMAN PERKASA BANK SWIFT CODE MIRNDIA, ‘ACCOUNT NO. 149.00-1977068-5 BANK OFFICER NAME ‘BANK TELEPHONE “Tek: 0581. 709062 [Mab BANK NAME ‘BANGKOR BANK PUBLIC COMPAR UNITED [UNITED OVERSEAS TRADING CO, TNR 293 SoM RoaD,aaNckox 050 THAILAND COURT wa ——~ pac ORNBTD a Ta OFAC Appenats 1 Delivery Schedule ‘This Delivery ~ Shipping / Lifting schedule is to become an integral part ofthis Contract hefore it is efiecetive. Provided however, the parties may sign the eon acl und establish a shipping schedule as an integral part of | this contract hy mutual written agreement. ‘The goods shall be shipped in the following volumes and terms; ‘Month Year | Qty Metre Ton | Gross Value | Discharging Port in USD Tal Tebruary | 2023 | 10,000 3,190,000 | KOH Srichang por, Thailand oe XR mandir ADVISING LC No Reff Bank Me77123001418, Our Reff No Reff anda Your Reff HTanggal 02/03/2023 ate kami telah menerima authenticated \C dengan detail sbb: We have received an authenticated LC with the following details Bank Penerbit ‘BANGKOK BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED so11us6@111 UNITED OVERSEAS TRADING CO, LTD. USD 3,190,000.00 Tanggal Terbit 01/03/2023 Tanggal dan Tempat 20/04/2023 jssueDate Jatuh Tempo BENEFICIARIES’ Expiry Date & Stace COUNTRY rersedia pada...dengan. Available with ANY BAN IV BY NEGOTIATION Kami telah mendebit rekening Saudara no. atas nama PT RIZKY RAHMAN PERKASA untuk biava advising sebagai berikut: We hove adsing com Keterangan/Transaction Detail Dumiah Provisi/Komisi uso 0.00 [Commission/Provision Amount Biaya Administrash uso |o.00 lore’ fother Charge USD [0.00 other charge funiah Didebit dariRekening Saudaral |SD\ ju) ]0.00) FetiedAmistnts i Surat ini semata-mata merupakan pemberitahuan dan bukan suatu pernyataan keterlibatan dari pihak Bank, dan Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan dan/atau kelalaian pada transmisi yang. diterima, dan kami tidak memiliki hak untuk melakukan koreksi apapun. Mar 2, 2023 2:55 PM. mandir Ss'on in tele-taresmission, and we held no make any corrections necessary PEMBERITAHUAN INI TUNDUK PADA UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY |CREDIT, PUBLIKASI INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, VERSI TERBARU FS SUBJECT TO UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY lONAL Ct OF COMM VERSION Y DOCUMENT AT SIGHT BASIS WITH 1EST FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY. THE IN WILL BE CALCULATED FROM DATE 10 MATURITY DATE OF THE BILLS A OUR PREVAILING RATE IN THE CURRENCY OF UC JON THE DATE OF PAYMENT SHOULD YOU WANT US TO PAY/MEGOTIATE/ACCEPT DRAFT DRAWN ON US AT YR BANK COST PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. |SHOULD YOU WANT US TO HONOUR THE DOCUMENTS AT YR BANK COST PLEASE CONTACT US

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