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Nguyễn Văn Sĩ

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Nguyễn Văn Sĩ

Question 1: We stopped at a motel _____ we wouldn‟t arrive in Chicago in the

middle of the night.

A. so that B. because C. for fear that D. in case

Answer: A. so that.

*So that, in order that: để mà.

Eg: Advice is given in order that / so that students can choose the best courses.

Thể phủ định của so that còn được biễu diễn thông qua: for fear (that), hoặc
trong tiếng Anh người Anh dùng in case hơn ở thể phủ định; lest là một liên từ
rất trang trọng khi đề cập đến mục đích.

Eg: They left early for fear that they would meet him.

=They…so/in order that they wouldn‟t meet him.

Question 2: The more exercise you do, _______________.

A. so fitter you become B. you become fitter

C. the fitter you become D. fitter you become

Answer: C. the fitter you become

*So sánh kép: càng…càng

𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒅𝒋/ 𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝒆𝒓

S+V+ 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 + 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗
𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝒂𝒏𝒅 + 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗

𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒅𝒋/ 𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝒆𝒓 + 𝑺 + 𝑽, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 + 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒅𝒋/ 𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝒆𝒓 + 𝑺 + 𝑽
𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 + 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝑺 + 𝑽, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 + 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 + 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗 + 𝑺 + 𝑽
𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 + 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒅𝒋/𝒂𝒅𝒗

Eg: The plant grew taller and taller.

The roads are getting more and more crowded.

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Nguyễn Văn Sĩ

The further you travel, the more you pay.

The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to find a job.

Question 3: ________ factories continue to comply with the law, improved air
quality will not diminish.

A. As soon as B. As far as C. As long as D. As little as

Answer: C. As long as

*As/so long as= Provided/ providing (that): miễn là.

Eg: You can renew a book in writing as long as/so long as you give its number.

I don't mind you using my bike provided (that) you take care of it.

We are willing to accept your offer providing (that) payment is made within.

Question 4: So _____________ become, that all mountain roads were closed.

A. dangerous did weather conditions B. dangerous conditions did weather

C. dangerous weather conditions did D. dangerous weather did conditions

Answer: A. dangerous did weather conditions

*Đảo ngữ với so…that: quá… đến nỗi mà.

So+ adjective/ adverbs+ aux+ S+ V (bare-inf) + that+ clause

So+ adjective+ be+ (noun) + that+ clause.


So dangerous did weather conditions become, that all mountain roads were closed.

So intelligent is that she can answer all the questions in the interview.

Question 5: The lawyer insisted that his client ________ never have been arrested in
the first place.

A. should B. must C. ought to D. would

Answer: A. should

*Bàng thái cách: (should+ V-bare/ V- bare)

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Formal subjunctives: ((should)+V-bare infinitive) được dùng sau các động từ: accept,
admit, advise, agree, announce, assure, beg, claim, command, comment, complain,
conclude, confess, confirm, demand, deny, explain, inform, insist, mention, object, order,
persuade, promise, recommend, remark, reply, request, respond, rumor, state, suggest,
threaten, urge, warm, propose, ask, move (trong cuộc họp mang ý nghĩa đề nghị),

Eg: He suggested that you (should) go to the shrine to pray for something.

Question 6: Let's hope the volcanic eruption ___ before we arrive on the island.

A. will have been finished B. will finish

C. is going to finish D. will have finished

Answer: D. will have finished

* Thì tương lai hoàn thành (Future Perfect Tense)

a) Form: S+ will/ shall+ have+ P.P+ O/A

b) Cách dùng:

*Diễn tả một hoạt động sẽ xảy ra trước một thời điểm hoặc một hành động trong tương

Eg: I will have finished my homework by the time I go out on a date tonight.

+ Sau by the time / before ta dùng hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành trong mệnh đề
chỉ thời gian.

+ Với thì tương lai hoàn thành already có hai vị trí đứng như sau đều đúng:

Eg: I will have already finished/will already finished my homework.

Question7: We _____________ the film, but then we forgot about it.

A. are going to watch B. went to watch

C. were going to watch D. would watch

Answer: C. were going to watch

*Was/were going to:

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Chúng ta có thể dùng was/were going to diễn tả một kế hoạch hay dự định đã được trù
tính trước ở quá khứ nhưng sau đó không thực hiện nữa vì một lí do nào đó.

Eg: Mr. Dudley was going to retire, but then he found another job.

The bus pulled away just as I was going to get on it.

I was going to means that I intended to.

 Dùng would như là hình thức quá khứ của will.

Eg: They set off at daybreak. They would reach the camp before night fall.

Question 8: There were _____ accidents during the holiday weekend that the
government is bringing in tough new driving laws.

A. so much B. many C. such D. so many

Answer: D. so many

*So …that: quá đến nỗi mà.

So+many/a lots of…+noun (đếm được)+that + clause

So+ much/a little…+noun (không đếm được)+that+ clause
Eg: There was so much steam (that) we couldn't see a thing.
Question 9: Since I __________here, I ____________ my neighbors.
A. lived- have seen B. lived- didn‟t see
C. have lived-don‟t see D. lived-haven‟t seen
Answer: D. lived-haven‟t seen
*Since trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
𝐕 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡ô𝐧𝐠 𝐝ụ𝐧𝐠
S+ V(present perfect)+ since+ S+
𝐕 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 í𝐭 𝐬ử 𝐝ụ𝐧𝐠
Eg: I haven‟t seen Mary since we graduated/ have graduated.

Question 10: The man ______ if the ambulance _______ so quickly.

A. would have died/ hadn't arrived B. could have died/ had arrived

C. would have died/didn‟t arrive D. would die/ hadn‟t arrived

Answer: A. would have died/ hadn't arrived

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* Type 3 conditionals: không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ.


Eg: If you had taken a taxi, you would have got here in time.

If I'd phoned to renew the books, I wouldn't have had to pay a fine.

The man would have died if the ambulance hadn't arrived so quickly.

Question 11: They‟re early risers, so they‟re unlikely _______ at this hour.

A. that they are sleeping B. having slept

C. to sleep D. to be sleeping

Answer: D. to be sleeping

*CẤU TRÚC: unlikely…



Question 12: __________ a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm.

A. As a result of B. In the event of C. By reason of D. In the time of

Answer: B. In the event of

*In case/ In the event that: trong trường hợp, nếu (việc gì) xảy ra: dùng để diễn tả
một việc gì đó có thể sẽ không xảy ra, nhưng có khả năng xảy ra.
Eg: I‟ll be at my uncle‟s house in case/ in the event that you need to reach me.
 In the even that trang trọng hơn in case, ta dùng should trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ
nhằm nhấn mạnh sự không chắc chắn của người nói về điều gì sẽ xảy ra.
Eg: I‟ll give you my phone number in case/ in the event that you (should) need to get in
touch with me.
 In case of/ In the event of+ noun/ noun phrase/ V-ing: thường dùng trong những
trường hợp khẩn cấp như cấp cứu, hỏa hoạn,…
Eg: In case of/ In the event of emergency, dial this number immediately.

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Question 13: We could go and visit Sue, ___that we have to drive past her house
A. seeing B. viewing C. because D. judging
Answer: A. seeing
* Because, seeing that +clause: bởi vì
Eg: We must be near the beach, because I can hear the waves.
We could go and visit Sue, seeing that we have to drive past her house anyway.
 Thường đặt “because” đứng đầu câu để mở đầu cho một mệnh đề chỉ lí do.
Eg: Because everything looked different, I had no idea where to go.
 Seeing that được dùng trong tiếng Anh không trang trọng, trong văn nói nhiều
người cũng sử dụng seeing as.
Eg: He just had to apologize, seeing that/as he knew he'd made a mistake.
Question 14: “What would you do in my place?”- “Were _____ treated like that, I‟d
complain to the manager.”
A. Were B. I to have been C. I have been D. I to be
Answer: D. I to be
* Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 2:

+ +
}+ S+ could/ would +V (bare).
+ +
Eg: It would be embarrassing, were she to find out the truth.

Were I in your position, I wouldn‟t do that.

Question 15:“______ you were ill, we would haven‟t come.”-“Don‟t be silly! I

always enjoy your company”
A. Were we to know B. Should we have known
C. Had we known D. Had we to know
Answer: C. Had we known
* Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 3:

Had+ S+ (not)+ P.P, S+ could/ would+ have+ P.P.

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Eg: Had they not rushed Dan to hospital, he would have died.

Question 16:________ we not succeed, the consequences would be disastrous.

A. If B. Even if C. As if D. Should

Answer: D. Should

Đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 1:

Should+ S+ (not) + V (bare-inf), +
+ / ,
Eg: Should he appear, please tell him to wait for me.
Should anyone ring, could you take a message?

Question 17:“It‟s time you ______ in bed. It‟s almost midnight, isn‟t it?”-“You‟re

A. Are B. have been C. were D. had been

Answer: C. were

* It‟s (high/ about) time: đã đến lúc.

𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈

It‟s (high/ about) time+
𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈

Eg: It‟s time we left. It‟s high time something was done about this!

It‟s about time for us to go to bed.

Question 18: If only I ______ the bill, we wouldn‟t have been cut off.

A. had paid B. have paid C. had been paid D. paid

Answer: A. had paid

* If only: giá như= wish: ước cách dùng như wish.

a. Present/ Future: chia động từ ở thì quá khứ sau If only.

Eg: If only I had a motorbike.

If only you weren‟t leaving

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If only I was going to on holiday with you next week.

If only he would change his mind and marry Jane.

b. Past time: chia động từ ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành sau If only.

Eg: If only he hadn‟t bought this second-hand car.

Question 19: “Susan looks ready to cry”-“It looks as if Peter ______ her birthday

A. has forgotten B. has been forgetting

C. had forgotten D. had been forgetting

Answer: A. has forgotten

* As if/ as though: như thể, dường như: động từ theo sau tùy thuộc vào tình huống có
thật hay không có thật mà chia cho phù hợp:

 Có thật: You look as if you‟re having second thoughts.(true: you are having
second thoughts)
 Không có thật:

Eg: He acts as if he were in charge.(unreal: He isn‟t in charge)

I feel as though an express train had hit me. (It didn‟t hit me)

19.1. “Why you are glaring at me?”-“You treat me as though I _______ your slave.”

A. have been B. was being C. were D. had been

Answer: C. were

Question 20: “You are looking tired.”-“I‟m exhausted. I wish my neighbors _____
loud music when I‟m trying to sleep.”

A. haven‟t played B. won‟t play C. wouldn‟t play D. hadn‟t played

Answer: C. wouldn‟t play

* Wish: ước

a. Present/ Future: chia động từ ở thì quá khứ sau wish (không xảy ra ở hiện tại or tương

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Eg: I wish I had a motorbike.

I wish you weren‟t leaving

I wish I was going to on holiday with you next week.

I wish he would change his mind and marry Jane.

b. Past time: chia động từ ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành sau wish.

Eg: He wishes he hadn‟t bought this second-hand car.

c. Hope: ước muốn một sự việc có khả năng xảy ra ở trong tương lai, có thể chia hiện tại
hoặc tương lai sau hope.

Eg: I hope it doesn‟t rain tomorrow.

I hope you („ll) have a lovely time in Portugal on your holiday next week.

Question 21: “Do you mind if I _____ Mary about your trip?” –“Well, I‟d rather you
_____ anyone else about it.”

A. tell/ didn‟t tell B. told/wouldn‟t tell

C. not tell/ not to tell D. didn‟t tell/ haven‟t told

Answer: A. tell/ didn‟t tell

*Do you mind if I …?/ would(„d) rather I…: có làm phiền …không?/thích hơn.

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a.I‟d rather: dùng như câu điều kiện

+Giả định ở hiện tại:

Eg: I would rather you call me tomorrow.

+Giả định không thực hiên được ở hiện tại:

Eg: I‟d rather you didn‟t smoke in here.

+Giả định không thực hiên được ở quá khứ:

Eg: Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday.

Hoặc có thể dùng như sau:

Eg: I‟d rather be a sailor than a solider. (present)

I‟d rather have live in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome. (past)

b. Do you mind if+ S+ V (present)+…?

Would you mind if+ S+ V (past)+…?

Eg: Would you mind if I closed the window?

Do you mind if I smoke in this room?

Question 22: Sally would prefer to pursue her studies _____ to look for a job.

A. rather than starting B. to starting

C. rather than start D. than to start

Answer: C. rather than start

*Cấu trúc: would prefer… rather than…: thích làm ..hơn làm…

would prefer to do something rather than do something

Question 23: Suppose the stock market _____ how much money would we have lost?

A. crash B. had crashed C. has crashed D. would crash

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Answer: B. had crashed

* Imagine, Suppose/ supposing= what…if: nếu …thì sao.

*Understood conditions: khi sử dụng chúng thì một phần của câu điều kiện được hiểu
ngầm chứ không nói ra. (hiểu ngầm)

Eg: Imagine we won the pools. (means Imagine what would we do if we won the pools.

Suppose someone told you that I was a spy! (means Suppose someone told you that I
was a spy, what would you say?)

*Present or past: giống như câu điều kiện

Eg: Imagine we had never met.

*Nếu đề cập đến sự việc có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại ta chia động từ ở hiện tại.

Eg: Suppose it starts raining, what will we do?

Question 24: Thinking over a decision can be a disadvantage: by the time our boss
made up his mind about the price the contract ______ to Brown & Sons.

A. has gone B. had gone C. did go D. would have gone

Answer: B. had gone

*After và before trong thì quá khứ hoàn thành:

S+ V (past perfect)+ before/ by the time+ S+ V(past simple)

S+ V (past simple)+ after+ S+ V(past perfect)

Eg: I had done my homework before I went to school.

After I had done my homework, I played video game with my friends.

Question 25: We are not going to stop. The campaign should go on until every bike
____ marked with the new reflective paint. Just think how many lives it may save.

A. will have been B. was

C. has been D. will be

Answer: C. has been

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* Không chia thì tương lai đơn trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.
S+ V(present tense/ future tense)+ Conjunction+ S+ V(present tense)

S+ V(past tense)+ Conjunction+ S+ V(past tense)

Eg: I'll come and see you as soon as I've finished work.

When I arrived, the party was in full swing

Have some coffee before you go.

Question 26: Of one thing I am sure: at no time _____ her father‟s name.

A. didn‟t she use B. she has used C. she did use D. did she use

Answer: D. did she use

* Đảo ngữ với cụm từ có No: at no time, in no way, on no account, under/ in no

𝒂𝒕 𝒏𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒚, 𝒐𝒏 𝒏𝒐 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕,
𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓/𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒐 𝒄𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔, 𝐨𝐧 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, + aux+ S+ V
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬

Eg: For no reason shall you play truant.

At no time did they actually break the rules of the game.
Under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors themselves.
No longer does he work in that shop.
On no account must this switch be touched. (dù bất cứ lí do nào)
In no way could I agree with you. (không sao có thể)
By no means does he intend to criticize your idea. (hoàn toàn không)
On no condition shall we accept their proposal. (trong bất cứ trường hợp nào)
Question 27: I think my wife and I _______ on a small farm when I am retired.
A. will have lived B. will be living C. are living D. have lived
Answer: B. will be living: đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm ở tương lai.
* Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future Progressive Tense)

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a) Form: S+ will/shall+V_ing+O/A.

b) Cách dung (cơ bản):

*Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể ở trong tương lai.

Eg: Right now I am sitting in the class. At the same time tomorrow I will be sitting in
class, too.

*Hành động trong tương lai đang xảy ra thì hành động khác xảy đến.

Eg: I will begin to study at seven. You will come at eight. I will be studying when you

*Hành động xảy ra và kéo dài liên tục trong một khoảng thời gian ở tương lai.

Eg: My parents are going to London, so I‟ll be staying with my grandma for the next two

Question 28: It didn‟t rain in the spring. I think we _____ water next summer.

A. will run out of B. are going to run out of

C. have run out of D. run out of

Answer: B. are going to run out of

*Phân biệt will và be going to:

Be going to + V(bare infinitive): thì tương lai gần

-Diễn đạt một hành động diễn ra trong tương lai gần hoặc một quyết định sẵn có (đã có
kế hoạch hay dự định từ trước).

Eg: He is going to be a dentist when he grows up.

Còn will đưa ra quyết định ngay lúc nói.

-Dự đoán sự việc ở tương lai dựa trên dữ kiện có thật ở hiện tại/ quá khứ.

Eg: Look at! The sky is a lot of dark cloudy. It‟s going to rain.

-Còn dựa trên kinh nghiệm thì dùng will chứ không dùng be going to.

Eg: One day people will travel to Mars.

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- Không dùng với come và go (verbs of movement) mà ta dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn để
thay thế.

Eg: Jim are going to meet his friends on the weekend.

Question 29:The flow of immigrants into Britain _________ to a small number since
the new laws __________.

A. will be reduced/ have introduced

B. have reduced/ had introduced
C. has been reduced/were introduced
D. were reduced/ have been introduced

Answer: C. has been reduced/were introduced: bị động thì hiện tại hoàn thành+ thì
quá khứ đơn.

* Hình thức bị động của các thì.


Present perfect Has / have + P.P Has / have + been + P.P

Simple past V2 / V-ed Was / were + P.P

Eg: The drugs were found by the police.

Cocaine has been seized by the FBI.

Question 30: They ______ the advantages of the takeover when I ______ them an
hour or so late.

A. were discussing/ rejoined B. have discussed/ am rejoining

C. are discussing/ will rejoin D. would discuss/ rejoined

Answer: A. were discussing/ rejoined

* When và while trong thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:

S+ V(past continuous)+while+ S+ V(past continuous)

S+ V(past continuous)+ when+ S+ V(past simple)

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Question 31: She was still working at 8 o‟clock yesterday evening. She ______ since
six o‟clock in the morning.

A. has worked B. has been working

C. worked D. had been working

Answer: B. has been working: nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động.

*Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Present Perfect Progressive Tense)

a) Form: S+ have/ has+ been+ V_ing+ O/A

b) Cách dùng:

* Hầu như không có nhiều khác biệt giữa hai thì hiện tại hoàn thành và thì hiện tại hoàn
thành tiếp diễn. Trong nhiều trường hợp, chúng ta có thể sử dụng hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn
thành hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn đều được với các động từ: work, live, study,
rain, learn, ... .

Eg: They've been working here for a long time but Andy has worked here for even

(Tôi làm việc ở đây cũng khá lâu rồi, nhưng Andy làm ở đây còn lâu hơn.)

Eg: I've lived here for 10 years and she has been living here for 12 years.

(Tôi sống ở đây được 10 năm, còn cô ấy sống ở đây đươc 12 năm rồi.)

* Để nhấn mạnh diễn biến hay quá trình của sự việc, chúng ta dùng hiện tại hoàn thành
tiếp diễn.

Eg: We've been working really hard for a couple of months.

(Chúng tôi đã làm việc cật lực trong mấy tháng nay.)

c) Dấu hiệu nhận biết: since, for, all day, all long time, all her/his life time,all the
morning/afternoon/ evening,…. .

Question 32: With a better goalkeeper they ______ almost certain to win the cup. But
even with poor old Joe Wright they are a very likely winner.

A. would have been B. would be C. were D. will be

Answer: B. would be

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* With+ noun/ noun phrase: Với…thì: dùng như câu điều kiện loại 2, loại 3.

Eg: With a bit more time, we could do a proper job (= If we had a bit more time,...)

Question 33: It‟s a tremendous task so I‟m rather pessimistic about Roger‟s chances.
Even if he ________ how to begin.

A. Shows B. were shown C. has shown D. showed

Answer: B. were shown

* Even if: cho dù, ngay cả khi.

Eg: Even if I get an invitation to the reception, I‟m not going to go.

Joanne wouldn't want a dog even if she had room to keep one.

Question 34: If Karol Wojtyia _____ elected Pope, there wouldn‟t be so many Poles
visiting Rome every year now.

A. Wasn‟t to be B. weren‟t C. hadn‟t been D. had been

Answer: C. hadn‟t been: câu điều kiện trộn

* Mix conditionals

If+past perfect, would(n‟t)+ V(bare) If I‟d saved more, I‟d be rich

If+past simple, would((n‟t) +have +P.P If I was sensible, I‟d have saved more
If+ past perfect, would(n‟t)+ be+ V_ing If I hadn‟t saved, I would be going on
If+ past continuous, would(n‟t) V(bare) If I was going on holiday soon, I‟d be
If+ past simple, would(n‟t)+ be+ V_ing If I didn‟t have savings, I wouldn‟t be
going on holiday
Dùng câu điều kiện hỗn hợp khi có sự khác biệt giữa thời gian ở mệnh đề if và mệnh
đề kết quả

 “past time” và “present time”

*The present result of a hypothetical past situation or action. (hay thi)

Eg:⏟ ,⏟

(= I didn‟t take his advice so now I don‟t own a small fortune).

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*Past result of a hypothetical situation in the present.

Eg: ⏟ ,⏟ (=you

don‟t get on with your father so you didn‟t listen to his suggestions.

 Past time+ future time

* The future result of a hypothetical past situation or action.

Eg: ⏟ ,⏟

(= I did break the wrist so I am not playing tennis).

 Future time+ present time

* The present result of a hypothetical future situation or action.

Eg: ⏟ ,⏟

(= I am meeting my manager later, so I am not at conference now).

* Future result of a hypothetical situation in the present.


⏟ ,

(= I am not at home in American so I won‟t be seeing my mother).

Question 35: Because they fly, bats are often mistaken for bird; _______, bats are
mammals, not birds.

A. otherwise B. as if C. in case D. however

Answer: D. however

* However/ nevertheless: tuy nhiên nói về sự tương phản, khi đứng giữa câu chúng
được ngăn cách bởi các đấu câu: dấu chấm phẩy (;) và dấu phẩy (,).

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Eg: The Great Fire destroyed much of London. However/Nevertheless, only six people
lost their lives.
Các từ này mang sắc thái trang trọng hơn so với though/although, chúng có thể đứng
đầu câu hoặc cuối câu, đôi khi lại đứng giữa câu hoặc sau chủ ngữ.
 However theo sau là tính từ hay trạng từ cũng có nghĩa là “although”.
Eg: We just don't have the money to do the work, however necessary you think it is.
Question 36: Let‟s face it! We can‟t get the house painted by the date of our golden
wedding anniversary ______ we hire professionals or paint it ourselves. There‟s just
not enough time.
A. Even if B. whether C. in case D. unless
Answer: B. whether.
* Whether or not: dù có thế nào đi chăng nữa.

Eg: I have to go to work tomorrow whether I feel better or not.

Question 37: We have to employ a few more workers, ______ we won‟t be able to
get the order ready by the arranged date.

A. if B. until C. or else D. as long as

Answer: C. or else

* Otherwise = or…else: nếu không…thì.

 Otherwise+ unreal condition (không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc quá khứ)

Eg: You are obliged to refund my money. Otherwise I shall take legal action.

 Otherwise+ real condition (có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại)

Eg: We must be back before midnight; otherwise I will be locked out.
Question 38: ________ you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and get plenty of
exercise can you be really healthy.
A. Supposed that B. Only if C. If only D. Even though
Answer: B. Only if
* Only if diễn tả ý chỉ có một điều kiện duy nhất để dẫn đến kết quả cụ thể.

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Eg: I'll stay at home only if it rains.

-Nhưng khi only if đứng đầu câu thì ta phải dùng hình thức đảo ngữ.

Eg: Only if it rains will the picnic be canceled (không dùng dấu phẩy ngăn cách hai mệnh

Question 39: We will get their order ______ another company quotes them a lower
price, which I doubt will happen.

A. so long as B. otherwise C. unless D. providing that

Answer: C. unless

* If... not~ unless: nếu không thì

-Sau unless ta luôn dùng thể khẳng định không bao giờ được sử dụng thể phủ định

Eg: I'll go swimming tomorrow if it isn't cold.

= I'll go swimming tomorrow unless it is cold.

-Cả only if và unless đều diễn tả ý: rằng chỉ có một điều kiện duy nhất để dẫn đến kết quả
cụ thể.

Eg: I'll stay at home only if it rains.

-Hầu hết các tài liệu cho rằng if...not= unless điều này thực sự không hoàn toàn chính
xác. Trong một số trường hợp ta không thể dùng unless thay cho if...not.

Eg: If it hadn't been for Zelee daring rescue, we wouldn't be here.

≠Unless it hadn't been for Zelee daring rescue, we wouldn't be here.

=Without Zelee daring rescue, we wouldn't be here.

 Trong hầu hết các câu điều kiện không có thật ( như ví dụ ở trên).

Eg: He would be happier if he didn't take things so seriously (not... unless she took...)

If she hadn't gone to university, she would have gone into the police force (not
Unless she had gone...)

 Khi nói về cảm xúc (emotion).

Eg: I'll be amazed if Christie doesn't win. (not...unless Christie wins.)

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 Trong hầu hết các câu hỏi.

Eg: If you don't pass the test, what will you do?(not Unless you pass...)

Ta có thể not unless với nghĩa là only if:

Eg: A: Are you going to join us? Not unless you apologize first.

(Phần kiến thức nâng cao không thi, khi thi gần như đề cho unless=if…not)

Question 40: Samson crept into the house very quickly _______ his parents wouldn‟t
notice how late he was.
A. for fear that B. in order that C. in case D. since
Answer: B. in order that= so that+ clause: để mà

Question 41: Theatre audiences should turn off their mobile phones _____ distract
the actors should they ring during the play.

A. On account of B. nevertheless C. in order not to D. in contrast to

Answer: C. in order not to

*Một số cụm từ chỉ mục đích:

So as to/ In order to/ To+ V(bare)

Eg: I'd just sat down to read the paper.

The company borrowed money in order to finance their advertising.

Paul wore a suit to his job interview so as to make a good impression.

Thể phủ định:

So as not to/ In order not to + V(bare)

Eg: I wrote it in my diary so as not to forget

 Không dùng phủ định khi chỉ có một mình to- infinitive.
Eg: I carried the knife carefully in order/so as not to cut myself, (not...carefully not to
 Dùng to-infinitive để đề cập đến một nhu cầu hay hành động cụ thể.

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Eg: I need a saw to cut this wood.

I got the scale out to weigh the letter.
Question 42: ____ the time change, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier.
A. Despite `B. Owing to C. Just as D. Instead of
Answer: B. Owing to
* Because of, due to, owing to: bởi vì
Các cụm từ này đều được dùng để đưa ra nguyên nhân, theo sau là một danh từ hoặc cụm
danh từ.
- Because of: bởi vì.
Eg: We won't be able to come because of the weather.
The Prime Minister returned home because of growing unrest in the country.
-Due to và owing to cũng có mang nghĩa như “because of”.
Eg: She was unable to run owing to/ due to a leg injury. (=because of a leg injury.)
We have less money to spend owing to/ due to budget cuts. (=because of budget
-Tránh dùng owing to sau tobe.
Eg: The company's success is largely due to the new director, (not...owing to...).
Question 43:_______ so many of the team members were ill, it‟s not surprising that
we lost the game.

A. In contrast B. Due to C. Nonetheless D. Since

Answer: D. Since

* As, because, seeing that/ as, since+clause: bởi vì.

Có thể dùng các từ trên để mở đầu một mệnh chỉ lí do (reason) .
Eg: As it was getting late, I decided I should go home.
We must be near the beach, because I can hear the waves.
Since he was going to be living in Sweden for some times, he thought he should read
something about the country.
We could go and visit Sue, seeing that we have to drive past her house anyway.

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Question 44: You must always have a good breakfast every morning _____ late you
A. however B. no matter C. even if D. whatever
Answer: A. however.
* Đảo ngữ với however
𝑵𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒘
} + adjective+ S+ V, clause

Eg: However poor he is, he still lives happily.

Question 45: ______ all the problems she encountered, she managed to finish her
homework on time.

A. By the time B. In spite of C. Even though D. Apart from

Answer: B. In spite of

* In spite of/Despite.
-Sau In spite of+ V-ing/ Noun (phrase) có cùng nghĩa với although: mặc dù.
Eg: In spite of playing with ten men, we won easily
In spite of being full of water, the boat sailed
In spite of their poverty, the children seemed happy.
-Despite dùng để thay cho In spite of thường được dùng trong lối văn viết.
Eg: Despite falling/In spite of falling midway through the race, she won.
-Bên cạnh đó còn có thể dùng In spite of/ Despite the fact that+ clause
Eg: Despite/ In spite of the fact that she fell midway through the race, she won.
Question 46: Some authors hope to enlighten or instruct their reader, _______ others
only want to entertain.
A. even B. so C. thus D. whereas
Answer: D. whereas
* While/whereas: chỉ sự tương phản trực tiếp “điều này hoàn toàn trái ngược với điều
kia”, whereas dùng trong văn viết rất trang trọng.
Eg: I'm right-handed whereas/ while my brother is left-handed.

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Question 47: _________ his illness, he still went to school yesterday.

A. Much to B. Much as C. Though C. Regardless
Answer: B. Much to
*Much to+ noun(phrase)= in spite of+ noun(phrase)

-Much as+ clause= although/though/ even though

 Much as cũng được dùng tương tự đứng trước một mệnh đề và đặc biệt dùng để
thể hiện cách chúng ta cảm nhận về ai hay cái gì đó.
Eg: Much as I enjoyed the holiday, I was glad to be home. (Although I enjoyed ...)
Question 48: ________ had the plane taken off ________ it began to develop engine

A. More-than B. Hardly-when C. Both-and D. Not only- also

Answer: B. Hardly-when

* No sooner…than= Hardly …when: đảo ngữ

No sooner+ had +S +P.P+ than +S+V(past simple)

Barely/Scarely / Hardly +had+ S+ P.P +when+ S+ V(past simple)

Eg: No sooner had Martin sat down than the phone rang.

Hardly had I started work when I felt a pain in my back.

Question 49: ______ is this tradition observed as keenly as it is in this town.

A. Only if B. Only when C. Whenever D. Nowhere

Answer: D. Nowhere

* Đảo ngữ với Nowhere

Nowhere+ aux +S+ V (bare infinitive)

Eg: Nowhere in Vietnam is the scenery as beautiful as that in my country.

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Question 50: If you are unable to speak a foreign language almost ______ your
mother tongue, you cannot describe yourself as “fluent” in that language.

A. so natural that B. more natural than

C. as naturally as D. naturally enough

Answer: C. as naturally as

* So sánh bằng: as…as

S+ V+ 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑠/𝑠𝑜+adjective/ adverb+ as+ …

Eg: Andrew came round to my flat as quickly as he could.

The gap between the sides is not as wide as it was.

The bees are plentiful, but not so common as last summer.

Was the film as funny as his last one?

Question 51: Many a strong man _______ disheartened before such a challenge.

A. has B. have C. are having D. is having

Answer: A. has

* Many: Many+ plural count noun+ singular verb

Many+ a+ singular noun+ singular verb

𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒐
=Many’s the +singular
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭
Question 52: Despite his disability, he tried to lead _________ possible.

A. as normal as a life B. as normal a life as

C. as a normal life as D. as normal life as

Answer: B. as normal a life as

*Chú ý cấu trúc đặc biệt sau:

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S+ V+ 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒔/𝒔𝒐+adjective/ adverb+ (a/an)+ countable noun+ as+ …

Eg: She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had.

Thể phủ định ngoài dùng not as/so ta cũng có thể dùng not such:

Eg: He's not as good a player as he used to be.

They're not such terrible children as we'd expected.

Mở rộng: Hoàn toàn dùng được hình thứ trên cho các từ: so, too, how.

Eg: How significant a role did he play in your life?

It's not quite so straightforward a problem as it might at first seem.

'Conspiracy' is perhaps too strong a word.

Question 53: There is a small number involved, possibly ________ a hundred.

A. as a few as B. as far as C. as long as D. as few as

Answer: D. as few as

* Dùng much/ many/ few/ little trong so sánh bằng để nói về số lượng.

Eg: She earns at least as much as Mark, and probably more.

Question 54: She‟s looking for a roommate as she can‟t get used to ________
everything on her own.

A. have to do B. have been doing C. having done D. having to do

Answer: D. having to do

*Be/ Get used to + V-ing: quen với.

Question 55: She‟s just bought three new dresses, ____ her if she gains weight.

A. none of them will fit B. that won‟t fit

C. but none of them fit D. none of which will fit

Answer: D. none of which will fit= but none of them will fit her.

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* Giới từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ:

- Trong trường hợp động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ, ta đem giới từ đặt ra trước
mệnh đề quan hệ (trước whom, which).

Eg: The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr. Pike.

The shop from which I got my stereo has lots of bargains.

- Ta cũng có thể bỏ whom, which và đặt giới từ ra sau động từ của mệnh đề quan hệ xác
định (defining relative clause).

Eg: The man Mary is talking to is Mr. Pike.

The shop I got my stereo from has lots of bargains.

- Khi dùng that hoặc who, ta không đưa giới từ ra trước.

Eg: The man that/ who Mary is talking to is Mr. Pike. (NOT The man to that/ whom
Mary is talking is Mr. Pike.)
- Khi giới từ đứng cuối mệnh đề quan hệ là thành phần của cụm động từ (phrasal verbs)
thì ta không đem giới từ ra trước whom, which.
Eg: This is the book which I'm looking for.
That is the child whom you have to look after.

- Khi dùng whom, which các giới từ cũng có thể đứng sau động từ (ngoại trừ without).

Eg: The man whom Mary is talking to is Mr Pike.

That is the man without whom we'll get lost. (NOT ... the man whom we'll get lost

-Đại từ whose có thể dùng giới từ đứng trước nó mang tính trang trọng và lịch sự.
Eg: Tom is the boy in whose house we live.

-Các cụm từ chỉ số lượng: none of, all of, most of, some of, many of, half of,…+which/
whom mà không dùng that.

Eg: I bought a lot of books, all of which are on animals.

Question 56: It‟s vital that we____ act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.

A. could B. should C. would D. might

Answer: B. should

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*Subjunctive form: Sau các cấu truc câu: It‟s important that, It‟s desirable/ crucial/
advisable that, It‟s obligatory/ vital/ necessary/ mandatory/ imperative/ essential that,…

Eg: It‟s essential that she arrive/ should arrive before 6:30.

Question 57:_______ to pass the test is something that surprised everyone who
knows him.

A. How did he manage B. That he manage

C. He managed D. Having managed

Answer: B. That he manage

*Mệnh đề danh ngữ (Noun clause):Mệnh đề mở đầu bằng that.

He is a good actor. I think that he is a good actor. Mệnh đề danh ngữ đóng
The world is round. We know (that) the world is vai trò tân ngữ nên “that”
round không có nghĩa thường bị
lượt bỏ đi.
She doesn‟t understand That she doesn‟t understand “That she doesn‟t
spoken English. spoken E is obvious. understand spoken” đóng
The world is round. It is obvious (that) she doesn‟t vai trò của chủ ngữ nên
understand spoken E không bỏ, thông dụng hơn
That the world is round is a “it” dùng làm chủ ngữ thì
fact. đặt mệnh đề danh từ cuối
It is a fact that the world is câu
Question 58: I realize you _______ to the meeting today, but I‟m glad you did. Your
input was invaluable.

A. must not have gone B. didn‟t have go

C. shouldn‟t have to go D. couldn‟t have to go

Answer: B. didn‟t have go: không cần thiết.

*Didn‟t have to: diễn tả về điều gì đó không nhất thiết phải thực hiện trong quá khứ

Eg: Chris and June phoned to say that they couldn't come to eat, so I didn't need/have to
cook dinner. (= I didn't cook the dinner)

Question 59: Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like_____ a trip somewhere.

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A. making B. to make C. make D. will make

Answer: A. making

*Feel like+ doing something: muốn làm gì.

Question 60: Anyone ______ ticket has been stolen should contact the airline


A. his B. their C. whose D. which

Answer: C. whose

* Whose: dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, thường thay cho các từ:
her, his, their, hoặc hình thức ‘s (sở hữu cách)

Eg: Several guests whose rooms had been broken into complained to the manager.

The student whose composition I read writes well.

-Dùng with+Noun= whose

Eg: A house with glass walls (=whose walls were made of glass) is easy to break.

Question 61: Mrs. Archer is known ________ the finest collection of twentieth
century art in private hands.

A. as have B. having C. by having D. to have

Answer: D. to have

* Passive voice:Verbs of report or opinion: report, expect, feel ,hope, know, prove,
understand, believe, estimate, say, rumor, claim, think,…


S+ BE+ P.P (SAID, REPORTED,…) + + +
+ +
{ + +

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Eg: The army was reported to be crossing the frontier.

The prisoner is known to have behaved violently in the past.

Stonehenge is thought to have been built over a period of 500 years.

Rice is believed to be grown well in the Mekong Delta.

He is said to be 100 years old.

Question 62: He looks like he‟s going to recover, but the doctor says it‟s ______ to

A. sooner than B. sooner C. too soon D. soon enough

Answer: C. too soon

* Too…to: quá…không thể.

𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
S+ + too+ + for (S.O)+ to-infitive
𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏

Eg: The test is too difficult for me to do on time

(NOT The test is too difficult for me to do it on time)

Question 63: “Is that your car?”-“Yes, it needs ______, doesn‟t it?”

A. washing B. to wash C. to washingD. wash

Answer: A. washing

* Bị động với các cấu trúc câu: Need, want, desire:

Need/ want/ desire+ to be P.P/ V_ing

(chủ ngữ của want và desire phải là vật)

Eg: The house needs to be repaired/ repairing.

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The cupboard wants tidying out.

Question 64: If tutoring is ______. I‟m sure Sarah would be glad to help you.

A. What you need B. that you need C. what do you need D. needing

Answer: A. What you need

*Mệnh danh từ bắt đầu bằng một từ để hỏi.


Who lives there? I don‟t know who live Trật tự từ trong câu hỏi và mệnh
there. danh từ giống nhau do who là chủ
ngữ của hai câu.
Who is she? I don‟t know who she is. She là chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi nên
được đặt trước động từ to be.
What did she say? What she said surprised What she said là chủ ngữ của câu
me. (chia động từ theo sau số ít nếu ở thì
hiện tại)
Question 65:“I haven‟t seen Mark in weeks.” – “Neither have I. he ______ on

A. should have gone B. had better have gone

C. must have gone D. would have gone

Answer: C. must have gone

*Modal verbs in the past time:

 must+ have+ P.P: chỉ một suy luận hợp lí, logic trong quá khứ.

Eg: You must have been upset when you heard the news.

 Should/ Ought to+ have+ P.P: diễn tả một sự việc đáng lẽ xảy ra ở quá khứ nhưng
vì một lí do gì đó mà không xảy ra.

Eg: If the flight was on time, he should / ought to have arrived in Jakarta early this

 Would + have+ P.P: hình thức tương lại trong quá khứ thường được sử dụng trong
các câu giả định.

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Eg: If he hadn't been evicted by his landlord, he wouldn't have been sleeping in the

+Đề cập một sự kiện đáng lẽ xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thật sự lại chưa diễn ra.

Eg: I would have accepted this job, but I didn‟t want to move house.

Question 66: “I can see you‟re not used to getting up this early, ________?”
A. don‟t I B. couldn‟t I C. are you D. didn‟t you
Answer: C. are you

* TAG QUESTIONS (Câu hỏi đuôi)

- Câu nói và phần đuôi luôn ở dạng đối nhau

câu nói khẳng định, đuôi phủ định?

câu nói phủ định, đuôi khẳng định?

Eg: The children are playing in the yard, aren‟t they?

- Chủ từ của câu nói là đại từ, ta lặp lại đại từ này

Eg: She is a doctor, isn‟t she?

- Chủ từ là danh từ, ta dùng đại từ tương ứng thay thế

Eg: People speak English all over the world, don‟t they?

- Đại từ bất định nothing, everything: được thay bằng “it”

Eg: Everything is ready, isn‟t it?

- Các đại từ no one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, anyone,

anybody: được thay bằng “they”

Eg: Someone called me last night, didn‟t they?

- Đại từ this / that được thay bằng “it”; these / those được thay bằng “they”

Eg: That is his car, isn‟t it?

These are your new shoes, aren‟t they?

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- “There” trong cấu trúc “there + be” được dùng lại ở phần đuôi

Eg: There aren‟t any students in the classroom, are there?

- Câu nói có trợ động từ (will / can / shall / should / is / are …): trợ động từ được lặp lại ở
phần đuôi

Eg: You will come early, won‟t you?

- Câu nói không có trợ động từ: trợ động từ do / does / did được dùng ở phần đuôi

Eg: It rained yesterday, didn’t it?

She works in a restaurant, doesn’t she?

- Câu nói có chứa các từ phủ định thì phần đuôi khẳng đ5nh

Eg: He never comes late, does he?

Note: Động từ trong phần đuôi ở phủ định thì luôn được viết ở dạng rút gọn.

Question 67: Daniel ______ have caught the bus. It doesn‟t run on Sundays.

A. shouldn‟t B. mustn‟t C. couldn‟t D. mightn‟t

Answer: C. couldn‟t

*Modal verbs in the past time:

 could + have+ P. P: đề cập đến một khả năng trong quá khứ hoắc 1 sự việc trong
quá khứ có thể xảy ra mà người nói không chắc chắn lắm (50%).

Nhưng couldn‟t have P.P (99%^)= can‟t have P.P (trích understanding and using
English grammar.)

Eg: David could have won the race if he had tried.

 Might+ have+ P.P: diễn tả một dự đoán của người nói về một sự việc có thể xảy ra
trong quá khứ mà người nói không chắc chắn lắm.

Eg: I may/might conceivably have been tempted to take the job if it had been nearer
home, (passive form)

Question 68: “How was your presentation?” – “Fine. I_______ worried.

A. wouldn‟t have B. mustn‟t have C. needn‟t have D. might not have

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Answer: C. needn‟t have

*Modal verbs in the past time:

 need+ have+ P.P: sự việc đáng lẽ không nên xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng đã trót
xảy ra.

Eg: I got up early because I had to get ready to go away. But in fact it didn‟t take me
long to get ready. So, I needn‟t have got up so early. I could have stayed in bed longer.

Question 69: ___________ people are writing blogs on the Internet, it is possible to
learn about current events without using the established media.

A. Now that B. While C. As soon as D. Until

Answer: A. Now that

*Now that: dùng để chỉ lí do trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ.

Question 70: __________ he is the top scientist, he will find the solution soon.

A. Given that B. Granted C. Although D. Even so

Answer: A. Given that

*Given that / Granted that = by the fact that : “Với việc … là”
+Given that và granted that có thể dịch là “với việc … là” dùng để giải thích câu kế tiếp.
Eg: Given that he is the top scientist, he will find the solution soon.
+Nếu bỏ “that” ra thì ta “không dùng clause” mà dùng “phrase”, nghĩa sẽ khác đi đôi chút
và gần giống với despite of.
Eg: Given his health condition, it‟s a miracle that he can play footballs (Với sức khoẻ như
thế mà anh ta chơi đá banh được)

Question 71: It‟s was his own fault, but I couldn‟t help _______ sorry for him.

A. feeling B. to feel C. having felt D. to have felt

Answer: A. feeling

* Can‟t help (không thể không), can‟t stand / can‟t bear (không chịu đựng nỗi)+ V-

Question 72: If you finished ______ the dictionary, I‟d like ______ it.

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A. to have used- having borrowed use- borrowing

C. using-to borrow D. having used- borrow

Answer: C. using-to borrow

*Finish+V-ing: kết thúc, hoàn thành/ would like+ to- V: muốn

V + V-ing: admit, hate, avoid, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, escape,
anticipate (đoán trước), complete, dislike, understand, save, finish, keep, mention, mind,
postpone, prefer, miss, practice, quit, recall, report, resent, recollect, resume, risk,
suggest, endure, face, involve, excuse, detest, imagine, fancy, discuss, tolerate, prohibit,
(spend, leave, catch, find, waste+ O+ V-ing: dùng như phân từ hiện tại); sit/ lie/ stand+
O (place) + Ving,…

Question 73: I really believe that you should let your son _____ his own decisions;
he is certainly old enough _____ so.

A. to be making- done B. making- being done

C. to make- for doing D. make- to do

Answer: D. make- to do

* V + bare inf: let, make, had better, would rather, have, would rather,…

Eg: I didn't enjoy it. I'd rather have stayed at home.

They decided to accept the offer rather than go to court.

The headmaster let the pupils go home early.

* Enough…to: đủ…để.

𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
S+ + +enough+ for (S.O)+ to-infitive
𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑏 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏
S+ V+enough+ noun+ for (S.O)+ to-infitive

Eg: He isn‟t high enough to play volleyball.

I don‟t have enough money to buy a car.

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Question 74: While _______ the historical building, they had to get some of the
missing tiles specially ________.

A. to restore- making B. restore- being make

C. restoring- made D. being restored- make

Answer: C. restoring- made

* Sau các liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,…+ V-ing.

Eg: After finishing his homework, he went to bed.

*Causative form: have, get: nhờ ai đó làm việc gì.

𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈

Have/ get something done by someone
𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈

Eg: I got/ had my bike repaired by my father yesterday.

Where did you have/get your hair cut?

Question 75: I guess life must be boring for the very rich, because they can get nearly
everything they want easily without _____ to make an effort.

A. being had B. have C. to have D. having

Answer: D. having

* Sau các giới từ: on, in, at, with, about, from, to, without, ….+ V-ing

Eg: My sister is interested in listening to pop music.

Question 76: From distance, we could hear the sound of some dogs ________.

A. to bark B. to be barking C. barking D. bark

Answer: C. barking

*See, hear, watch, ...


Eg: They saw the man running away.

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I saw her get off the bus.

Question 77: I‟m sorry that I didn‟t remember ______ $ 100 from you, but I promise
______ you back as soon as I get my salary next week.

A. borrowing- to pay B. to borrow- having paid

C. having borrowed- pay D. to be borrowing- paying

Answer: A. borrowing- to pay

*Remember/ forget/ regret+

/ /
/ / ,

Eg: Don‟t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed.

I remember meeting you somewhere but I can‟t know your name.

* V + to-inf: agree, arrange, ask, choose, claim, decide, determine, expect, fail, hope,
long, learn, manage, offer, omit, prepare, promise, refuse, swear, threaten, want, wish,
care, plan, happen, hesitate, strive, volunteer, wait, pretend, proceed, afford, attempt,
appear, deserve, beg, help, aim, seek(cố tìm cách), seem, struggle, need,…

Question 78: It took me so long ____ home that some of the flowers I had bought
earlier in the day had drooped.

A. getting B. to get C. to be getting D. having gotten

Answer: B. to get

* Trong cấu trúc: It takes / took + O + thời gian + to-inf

Question 79: Sorry! I didn‟t mean _______ you in the middle of the meeting, but I
urgently need ______ a look at the files in that cabinet.

A. having disturbed- having had B. to be disturbed- have

C. disturbing- to be having D. to disturb- to have

Answer: D. to disturb- to have

+ ,
* Mean+

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Eg: She means to work for that company.

I need the report tomorrow. It means staying up late tonight.

Question 80: If the exams are to be taken separately, I can see no point ______ on the
same day.

A. to have all of them come B. in having all of them to come

C. to have all of them to come D. in having all of them come

Answer: D. in having all of them come

* Sau các cụm từ: have difficulty / trouble/ hard (gặp khó khăn/trở ngại), can‟t help
(không thể không ), can‟t stand / can‟t bear (không chịu đựng nỗi), feel like (cảm thấy
thích), look forward to (mong chờ, mong đợi), It is (not) worth (đáng / không đáng), keep
/ keep on (tiếp tục), be busy, be used to / get used to (quen với), It‟s (no) good, There is
(no) point in, It‟s nice, have fun/ a good time, it‟s an experience, it‟s a nuisance,…+V-

Eg: It's no good arguing. I've made up my mind.

It might be worth taking the guided tour.

Question 81: I find it very hard_______ myself ______ anywhere other than here in

A. imagining- to live B. to imagine- living

C. imagined- having lived D. to have imagined- lived

Answer: B. to imagine- living

* S + find / think / believe/ make/ consider + it + adj + to-inf

Eg: I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary.

Question 82: Suddenly the wind started _____ so strongly that my silk scarf was
blown off my neck, and in astonishment, I watched it___ away into the sea.

A. blowing- being carried B. to blow- carrying

C. to be blowing- to carry D. having blown- carried

Answer: A. blowing- being carried

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* Begin / start / continue/ like / love/ bother/continue/ dread/ love/ like/ hate + to-inf /
V-ing đều không có sự khác biệt về nghĩa.

Eg: It started to rain / raining.

 Tuy nhiên sau like có thể dùng to+V thường đề cập đến một ý thích theo thói

Eg: We like to go out for lunch on Sunday.

 Not like to tương đương với think it‟s wrong to.

Eg: I don‟t like to disturb colleagues at home.

Question 83: Much to our amazement, we sold house to the first person____ it.

A. being viewed B. having viewed C. to be viewing D. to view

Answer: D. to view

* Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng cách dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to-
infinitive) hoặc cụm động từ nguyên mẫu (infinitive phrase: for + O + to-inf).

Question 84: Since she has never had the opportunity to practice the language in a
real situation, she writes Italian ______ she speaks it.

A. as well as B. too much like C. better than D. so well that

Answer: C. better than

* So sánh hơn: adjective+- er/ more adjective

 Tính từ ngắn vần là tính từ có 1 âm tiết: tall, small, fat, hot,…

 Tính từ dài vần là tính từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên(2 âm tiết nhưng tận cùng là w, y
thì xem chúng như tính từ ngắn vần: narrow, lovely, happy,..): beautiful, careful,
comfortable, …
 So sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn vần: adjective+ er; dài vần: more adjective.

𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃 + 𝒆𝒓
S+ V+ +than+…
𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 + 𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃

Eg: You'll have to draw the graph more accurately than that.

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You'll have to work harder if you want to pass the exam.

Question 85: In Europe _______ people are getting married these days and ______
people are living together outside marriage.

A. so many- from B. such a lot of- as

B. too many- so much D. far fewer- more

Answer: D. far fewer- more

* Để nhấn mạnh cấp đọ so sánh, ta thêm much/ far vào trước so sánh.

Eg: Henry‟s mobile phone is far more expensive than mine.

He speaks English much more fluently than he does Chinese.

*So sánh hơn của danh từ:

S+ V+ more/ fewer/ less+ noun+ than+…

Eg: Their job allows them less freedom than ours does.

There are fewer cars on the road in winter.

Question 86: Ararat, according to the Bible the resting place of Noah‟s Ark, is by far
_____ mountain in Turkey.

A. as high as B. the highest C. so high D. higher than

Answer: B. the highest

* So sánh nhất: the most+adjective/ adjective+-est

𝒕𝒉𝒆 + 𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃 + 𝒆𝒔𝒕

S+ V+ +…
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 + 𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒃

Eg: It's going to be the most exciting pop festival ever.

Which is the tallest building in the world?

Titan is the largest satellite of all.

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It's the most marvelous painting I've ever seen.

 In+ Noun (số ít), of+ N (số nhiều)

Eg: Ford is the most expensive of three cars.

 One of+ the+ so sánh nhất+ noun.

Eg: One of the most amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands.

 Dùng by far để nhấn mạnh so sánh nhất.

Question 87: In many countries in the world with the same job, women only get 40%-
50% ________________.

A. as much salary as men B. as many salary as men

C. as salary much as men D. as much as salary a men

Answer: A. as much salary as men

* So sánh bội.

S + V + multiple numbers + as + much/many/adj/adv + (N) + as + N/pronoun.

Eg: At the clambake last week, Fred ate three times as many oysters as Barney.

 Cấu trúc twice that + much/many+ … chỉ được dùng trong văn nói, tuyệt đối
không được dùng trong văn viết.
Eg: We had expected eighty people at the rally, but twice that many showed up.
Question 88: Animals _____ to survive in the wild, rather than kept in captivity.

A. should be help B. have been helping

C. are helping D. could be helping

Answer: A. should be help

* Passive voice of modal verbs: can, could, may, should,…


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Eg: Many things that used to be done by hand are now done by machine.

I can't find that piece of paper. It must have been thrown away.

This bill ought to have been paid weeks ago.

Question 89: I really dislike _____ to work on Sundays because I feel torn between
my family and work.

A. to be asking B. being asked C. asking D. having asked

Answer: B. being asked

* Passive of Gerund: enjoy, love, like, recall, postpone,…

V+ being+ P.P

Eg: She forgot having been given a big sum of money that day.

I'm annoyed at having been made a fool of.

Being searched by customs officers is unpleasant.

Let's not risk being caught in a traffic jam.

Question 90: I would like these reports ______ as soon as the photocopier is available.

A. to photocopy B. to be photocopied

C. being photocopied D. having photocopied

Answer: B. to be photocopied

* Passive of to-infinitive: learn, hope, try, refuse,…

V+ to be+ P.P

Eg: She came to be recognized as the leading violinist of her generation.

Kevin hoped to be selected by the team captain.

It's awful to be criticized in public.

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I'd like this rubbish to be cleared away as soon as possible.

Question 91: Nicotine, ______ found in tobacco, is named after the French diplomat
Jean Nicot.

A. it is a chemical compound B. is a chemical compound

C. a chemical compound D. chemical compound

Answer: C. a chemical compound: cụm danh từ xen giữa câu.

Question 92: Credit ______ is given in this semester requires approximately three
hours of classroom work.

A. where B. what C. when D. which

Answer: D. which: cái mà thay cho chủ ngữ chỉ vật “Credit”.

* Which: (cái mà) thay thế cho tân ngữ hoặc chủ ngữ chỉ vật trong câu.

Eg: The train, which was already an hour late, broken down again.

I love my books which I have just bought.

-Which còn được dùng như một liên từ nối hai câu lại với nhau và trước which phải có
dấu phẩy để nêu lên ý kiến, thái độ của người nói.

Eg: Family rules are important, which teach children values and respect for themselves
and others.

-Dùng of which thay cho dang từ bất động vật mặc dù whose vẫn được chấp nhận.

Eg: Savings account, of which interest rate is quite high, is very common now.

Question 93: Students ______ special accommodations should contact the private
dormitory office immediately.

A. whom require B. that are require C. require D. requiring

Answer: D. requiring

* Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ bằng cụm phân từ hiện tại.

Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể chủ động (active), ta dùng cụm phân từ hiện tại
(present participle phrase) thay cho mệnh đề đó (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ, đưa
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động từ chính về nguyên mẫu rồi thêm -ing).

Eg: The man who is sitting next to you is my uncle.
 The man sitting next to you is my uncle.
Do you know the boy who broke the windows last night?
 Do you know the boy breaking the windows last night?

Question 94: I never forget the time ____ my motorbike broke down in a very
crowed street.

A. Where B. when C. that D. in which

Answer: B. when

* When= on/ in/ at+ which: thay thế từ chỉ thời gian, thường thay cho từ then.

Eg: I‟ll never forget the day when I met you.

Question 95: The restaurant ____ we had our dinner was the most expensive in this

A. when B. which C. where D. that

Answer: C. where

* Where= on/ in/ at+ which: thay thế từ chỉ nơi chốn, thường thay cho there

Eg: The building where he lives is the tallest in this city.

Question 96: Is there a reason ______ she doesn‟t want to talk in the lecture?

A. why B. which C. that D. when

Answer: A. why

* Why: mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ lý do, thường thay cho cụm: for the reason, for
that reason.

Eg: That‟s the reason why she died suddenly.

Question 97: Mary, ______ has only been in Japan for 3 months, speaks Japanese

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A. that B. whom C. who D. which

Answer: C. who

* Who: (người mà) thay thế cho chủ ngữ trong câu chỉ người.

Eg: The man who gave me the book was the librarian.

The couples who live next to us have sixteen grandchildren.

Question 98: She a famous actress _____ everybody admires.

A. To whom B. whom C. which D. of which

Answer: B. whom

* Whom: (người mà) thay thế cho tân ngữ chỉ người.

Eg: He was the person whom everyone regarded as trustworthy.

-Có thể dùng who thay cho whom trong văn phạm hiện đại (đặc biệt Mĩ) nhưng theo ngữ
pháp chuẩn thì chỉ dùng whom.

Eg: The mam who(m) you are looking forward to is the chairman of the company.

Question 99: These walls are all ______ remain of the city.

A. that B. which C. on which D. whose

Answer: A. that

* That: dùng thay cho who, whom, which.

Eg: By 4:30, there was only one painting that hadn‟t been sold.

 Trường hợp bắt buộc dùng that: sau các thành tố hỗn hợp người và vật, sau đại từ
phím chỉ (something, anything, anyone,…), sau so sánh nhất, từ chỉ số lượng (few,
none, all), sau the first, the last, the second, the only,..

Eg: Anyone that knows about the fact must be pround.

 Không dùng that trong mệnh quan hệ không hạn định hoặc có giới từ đi kèm

Eg: The men to whom you talked this morning was a friend of mine.
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Question100: The book _____last week is his first written for children.

A. published B. publishing C. which is published D. which published

Answer: A. published

* Rút gọn mênh đề quan hệ bằng quá khứ phân từ:

Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động (pastive), ta dùng cụm phân từ quá
khứ (past participle phrase) thay cho mệnh đề đó (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ,
bắt đầu cụm từ bằng V3).
Eg: The books which were written by To Hoai are interesting.
 The books written by To Hoai are interesting.
A bridge which has built only two years ago has been declared unsafe.
 A bridge built only two years ago has been declared unsafe.
Question101: They arrived home only ____ the house had been burgled in their

A. upon finding B. to find that

C. after having found D. then did they find

Answer: B. to find that

*Only+ to infinitive for negative result = They did something only to find that+

Question102: “Should I buy a new bike or a used one?”

-“Buy_____ you can afford”

A. the one whichever B. which one that

C. whichever one D. the one that which

Answer: C. whichever one

*Whatever (= anything or it doesn't matter what), whoever (= the person/ group who or
any person/ group who), or whichever (= one thing or person from a limited number of
things or people)

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Eg: I'm sure I'll enjoy eating whatever you cook.

Whoever wins will go on to play Barcelona in the final.

Whichever one of you broke the window will have to pay for it.

Question103: He regrets _______ harder during his high school years.

A. that he not worked B. not to have worked

C. not having worked D. not to work

Answer: C. not having worked

*Regret+ (not)+ having+ P.P: hoi tiếc việc gì đó đã xảy ra trong quá khứ (một hành
một động xảy ra trước một hành động khác: việc hối tiếc diễn ra sau sự kiện trước nên
dùng phân từ hoàn thành)

Question104: It‟s unbelievable how he could have survived such free fall, _____ live
to tell about it on television.

A. hardly B. almost no C. much less D. hardly ever

Answer: C. much less

*Câu phủ định:

Negative…even/ till less/ much less+ Noun/ Verb in simple form

(không…mà lại càng không)

Question105: My friend often shows her ______ whenever I have troubles.

A. sympathetic B. sympathize C. sympathetically D. sympathy

Answer: D. sympathy

*Sau sở hữu từ (his, her, my, our,…)+ Noun

Sympathize (v)sympathy(n) sympathetic (adj) sympathetically (adv)

Question106: Let‟s begin our discussion now, _______ ?

A. shall we B. will we C. don‟t we D. won‟t we

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Answer: A. shall we

*Câu hỏi đuôi với trường hợp đặc biệt:

- Phần đuôi của I AM là AREN‟T I

Eg: I am writing a letter, aren‟t I?

- Phần đuôi của Let‟s là SHALL WE

Eg: Let‟s go out tonight, shall we?

- Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định:

+ dùng phần đuôi WON‟T YOU để diễn tả lời mời

+ dùng phần đuôi WILL / WOULD / CAN / CAN‟T YOU để diễn tả lời yêu cầu
lịch sự

Eg: Have a piece of cake, won‟t you?

Close the door, will you?

- Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định: dùng phần đuôi WILL YOU để diễn tả lời yêu cầu lịch sự

Eg: Please don‟t smoke her, will you?

- Phần đuôi của ought to là SHOULDN‟T

Eg: She ought to do exercise every morning, shouldn‟t she?

Question107: _____________, we tried our best to complete it.

A. Thanks to the difficult homework

B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Difficult as the homework as
D. As though the homework was difficult

Answer: C. Difficult as the homework as

*Với as/ though: mặc dù

Adjective/ Adverbs/ Noun+ as/ though+ S+ V, clause

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Eg: Child as he is, she knows a great deal.

Question108: The song has ___ been selected for the 22th Sea Game, Vietnam.

A. officially B. office C. official D. officers

Answer: A. officially

*Trạng từ đúng giữ trợ động từ và động từ chính

Question109: Not until the end of the 19th century ______ become a scientific

A. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding

C. plant breeding had D. has plant breeding

Answer: B. did plant breeding

* Đảo ngữ với Until/ Till

Until/ Till+ clause/ adverbs of time+ aux+ S+V

Eg: Not until the war ended did he return his hometown.

Question110: The tourist asked me how ____ to Hoan Kiem lake.

A. did they get B. they could get

C. would they get D. could they get

Answer: B. they could get

* Câu tường thuât với: Wh-questions

 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅
S+ 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 +Wh-questions+S+V (changed) +….
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘

Eg: “What‟s your name?”He asked me what my name was.

Question111: _____ the noise from construction work, the children couldn‟t
concentrate on their lesson.

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A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. Because of

Answer: D. Because of

*Because of+ Noun/Noun clause= Because+ clause: bởi vì

Question112: Jane: “I think I am going to miss the train”.

Jenny: “ _____ you to the station if you like.”

A. I would take B. I am taking C. I‟ll take D. I‟m going to take

Answer: C. I‟ll take

*Câu điều kiện loại 1: có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Eg: The milk will go off if you leave it by the radiator.

-Thông thường với loại điều kiện này ta dùng hiện tại đơn cho mệnh đề if, còn mệnh đề
chính dùng tương lai đơn hoặc be going to.

Eg: If you finish your vegetable, I‟m going to buy you an ice cream cone.

-Nhưng cũng có thể dùng một số động từ khiếm khuyết để chỉ ý tương lai như may/ might
hoặc should.

Eg: If you finish your vegetable, I may buy you an ice cream cone.

If Steve comes to class, he should get the answers to the quiz.

If you phone at six, they might be having tea.

Question113: “It ____ Jane you saw at the cinema last night. She was studying in the
library with me.”

A. Couldn‟t be B. mustn‟t have been C. shouldn‟t have been D. can‟t have been

Answer: D. can‟t have been

*Can‟t+ have+ P.P: diễn tả sự việc rất chắc chắn trong quá khứ của người nói

Question114: My parents don‟t like politics, and _________.

A. I don‟t, neither B. neither do I C. so do I D. I don‟t, too.

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Answer: B. neither do I

* Neither: dùng biểu đạt sự đồng ý mang nghĩa phủ định.

Negative clause, neither+ aux+ S+V(bare)

Eg: She doesn’t play the piano and neither do I.

Question115: Such _________ that the firefighters could not get near it.

A. hot was the fire B. the heat of the fire

C. was the heat of the fire D. the fire was hot

Answer: C. was the heat of the fire

*Đảo ngữ với: Such…that

Such+ to be+ Noun+ that+ clause

Eg: Such is the popularity of the play that the theatre’s likely to be full every night.

Question116: It was not until 1915 ____ the cinema became an industry.

A. what B. that C. when D. how

Answer: B. that

*It‟s not until+ time+ that…: mãi cho đến khi

Question117: Anna was slow at school, but she went on _____ Prime Minister.

A. being B. to C. having been D. to have been

Answer: C. having been

*Go on+

Eg: After receiving the test paper, they went to do it.

They went on knocking at the door after a short pause

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Question118: ______ store information but they also disturb it.

A. Not only computers B. Not only do computers

C. Computers do not only D. Only computers do that

Answer: B. Not only do computers

*Đảo ngữ với not only…but also

Not only+ aux+ S+ V (bare-inf)/ adjective+ but also+ clause

Eg: Not only do we finish this work but we also work overtime.
Question119: Last week, our class went to Ha Long Bay for a picnic, _____ made us
very happy then.

A. which B. that C. it D. of which

Answer: A. which

* Which: được dùng như một liên từ nối hai câu lại với nhau và trước which phải có dấu
phẩy để nêu lên ý kiến, thái độ của người nói.

Eg: Family rules are important, which teach children values and respect for themselves
and others.

Question120: Thanks to the laser beams, at last, he could get rid of the ____
birthmark on his face.

A. normal B. abnormal C. abnormality D. abnormally

Answer: B. abnormal

*The/ a(n)+ adjective+ noun noun clause , abnormal (adj): không bình thường.

Question121: The librarian told us not _______ reference books out of the library.

A. taking B. to take C. take D. took

Answer: B. to take

* Câu tường thuât:

a. Câu mệnh lệnh (imperative)

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“V+ O, (please)” S+ asked, warned, begged, invited,

told, requested, required +O+to-inf/ not to-inf

Eg: “Please give this book back to him tomorrow.” I said to Lan.

I told Lan to give that book to back him the following day.

b. Lời đề nghị lịch sự

Would you mind + V-ing…?

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 +you (please) + V (bare infinitive) …?

S+ asked/ told+ O+ to-inf/ not to-inf.

Eg: “Would you please show we the way to the market?” the stranger said to the boy.

The stranger told/ asked the boy to show him/her the way to the market.

Question122: No longer _____ cut the grass. I have just bought a lawn mower.

A. do I have to B. I do have C. I have do D. have I do to

Answer:A. do I have to

*Đảo ngữ với no longer

Question123: So little ___ about Mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond

A. I have known B. I knew C. do I know D. did I know

Answer: D. did I know

* Đảo ngữ với trạng từ phủ định: never (before), rarely, seldom, barely/ hardly/
scarcely, little.
Eg: Seldom do we have goods returned to us because they are faulty.
Little do they know how lucky they are to live in such a wonderful house.
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Hardly does she go to sleep before midnight because she must finish her work.
Rarely does Lan forget to do her homework every day on time.
Never in her life had she experienced this exhilarating emotion.
Question124: The _______ horse began to run as fast as he could.

A. frightening B. frighten C. frightful D. frightened

Answer: D. frightened

* Phân từ có chức năng như tính từ:

- Hiện tại phân từ: thường dùng miêu tả vật, mang ý chủ động (V-ing)

- Quá khứ phân từ thường dùng miêu tả người, mang ý bị động(V-ed/V3)

Question125: Can you keep calm for a moment? You _______ noise in class.

A. are always made B. always make

C. have always made D. are always making

Answer: D. are always making

* Ta dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn trong câu cho dù trong câu xuất hiện các từ: always,
constantly, forever khi diễn tả môt thói quen xấu gây phiền hà cho người khác (không
dùng thì hiện tại đơn).

Eg: He‟s always picking up Mary‟s dirty socks!

They're constantly having parties until the early hours of the morning.

So sánh sự khác biệt dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn với hiện tại đơn:

Our teacher always gives us a test. (=every lesson)

Our teacher is always giving us tests. (=very often)

Question126: “The inflation rate in Greece is five _____ my country.”

A. as high as that in B. as much as

C. as many as that in D. more than

Answer: A. as high as that in

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*So sánh bội (xem lại)

*So sánh hợp lí: that in???

Các từ dùng để so sánh phải tương đương với nhau về ngữ pháp (người với người, vật với
vật). 3 mục so sánh hợp lý sẽ là: - Sở hữu cách - that of (cho số ít) - those of (cho số
Eg: John's car runs better than Mary's. (Mary's = Mary's car)
The climate in Florida is as mild as that of California.(that of+ that climate of)
Classes in the university are more difficult than those in the college. (those in = the
classes in)
The basketball games at the university are better than those of the high school. (those
of + the games of)
Your accent is not as strong as my mother's. (my mother's = my mother's accent)
(Extract from website:
Question127: The captain as well as all the passengers _____ very frightened by the
stange noise.
A. have been B. was C. is D. were
Answer: B. was
* Chủ ngữ đứng tách rời động từ: xen vào giữa là một ngữ giới từ hoặc các cụm từ đi
theo sau tạo thành hiện tượng đồng chủ vị: “together with/ along with/ as well
as/accompanied by, besides, in addition to, other than, with, like”. Các ngữ này không hề
phụ thuộc đến việc chia động từ mà ta hoàn toàn chia theo chủ ngữ của câu.
Eg: The advertisements on the front part of a newspaper are usually the most expensive.

Mary, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight.

Question128: A: There‟s something different about Tom today.

B: What do you mean?

A: He _______ so polite today.

A. is B. was C. is being D. has been

Answer: C. is being

* Cách dùng am/is/ are+being+adjective

 be+ adj: dùng để diễn tả trạng thái.

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Eg: He is sick today.

 be+ being+adj: hành vi mang tính chất tạm thời , giả về đang tiếp diễn.

Eg: John is being very quiet today. I wonder if anything is wrong.

 be+ old: không dùng với dạng tiếp diễn và các tính từ sau không dùng với dạng
trên: angry, beautiful, handsome, happy , healthy, hungry, lucky, nervous,sick,
tall, thirsty, young.

Eg: Mr Smith is old.

... Các tính từ dùng với dạng trên: bad(ill-behaved), good(well-behaved), loud,
responsible, careful, cruel, fair, foolish, funny, generous, illogical, impolite,
irresponsible, kind, lazy, logical, nice, noise, patient, pleasant, polite, quiet, rude,
serious, silly, unfair, unkind, unpleasant,…

Question129: We‟d better be careful with Lisa. After your phone call, she _____
awake half the night crying.

A. has lied B. was laying C. lay D. laid

Answer: C. lay

*Lie-lay-lain (nằm nghỉ): là nội dộng từ không có tân ngữ theo sau.

Lie-lied-lied: nói dối

Lay-laid-laid (đặt, để): là ngoại động từ có tân ngữ theo sau

Question130: The new cook _____ the soup at the moment.

A. tastes B. has tasted C. has been tasting D. is tasting

Answer: D. is tasting

* Những động từ chỉ trạng thái thông thường không chia tiếp diễn nhưng khi chúng
mang nghĩa của một động từ chỉ hành động thì ta vẫn có thể chia thì tiếp diễn.

Các động từ chỉ trạng thái:

( TRẠNG THÁI TINH THẦN):know, believe, imagine*, want*,

realiz(s)e, feel, doubt*, need, understand, suppose, remember*, desire, recognize, think*,
forget*, mean*.

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(TRẠNG THÁI CẢM XÚC): love, hate, mind, like, astonish,

dislike, care, amaze, appreciate, fear, surprise, please, envy, prefer.

(SỰ SỞ HỮU):possess, have*, own, belong.

(CẢM QUAN): taste*, hear, see*, smell*, feel*.

(CÁC TRẠNG THÁI KHÁC): seem, cost*,be*, consist of,

look*, owe, exist, contain, appear*, weigh*, matter, include*, sound, equal, resemble,
look like.

(* Có hai dạng tùy thuộc vào nghĩa trong văn cảnh mà sử dụng cho phù hợp)

Eg: It tastes too salt.

The chef is in the kitchen. He is tasting the sauce.

Question131: Either George or Robert _________ to the meeting tonight.

A. are coming B. is coming C. have come D. comes

Answer: B. is coming

* Dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn nói về tương lai: khi đề cập đến sự việc đã được sắp đặt
trước hoặc dự tính chắc chắn.

Eg: My wife has an appointment with a doctor. She is seeing Dr. North next Tuesday.

Question132: A: Your dad has made a terrible mess in the chicken.

B: Don‟t worry, mum. I _________ up immediately.

A. am going to clear B. clear C. will clear D. am clearing

Answer: C. will clear

*Will: quyết định đưa ra ngay lúc nói.

Question133: A man _____ me to work three times this week, so I _____ him to the

A. follows – am reporting B. has followed – have reported

C. is following – reported D. followed – report

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Answer: B. has followed – have reported

*Hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ và có khả năng lặp lại trong
tương lai.

Eg: I have seen the film several times.

Question134: He can‟t remember any of the habits he ____when he was younger.

A. had B. has had C. was having D. had had

Answer: A. had

*Hành động bắt đầu và đã kết thúc tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.

Question135: Prices _______ sharply over the past six months.

A. has felt B. falled C. felt D. has fallen

Answer: D. has fallen

*Thì HTHT+ in/ over/during/for+ the +past/last+ time: trong thời gian đã qua

Question136: This is the first time I ________ this film.

A. has been watched B. watched C. was watching D. has watched

Answer: D. has watched

*Thì HTHT với cấu trúc: It's the first/ second/... time, so sánh nhất.

Question137: A good deal of money ______ spent on the comic books.

A. have B. has C. have been D. has been

Answer: D. has been

*Bị động thì HTHT

* Danh từ chỉ đo lường, thời gian, khoảng cách, các tựa đề sách+ động tứ số ít.
Eg: About three meters separates the runners in first and second places.

The fifty pounds he gave me was soon spent.

Five minutes is not enough for me to do it.

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Question138: Either you or headmaster _____ the prizes to these gifted students at
the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out

Answer: D. is to hand out

*Be to V: Dùng trong lối nói văn trang trọng để nói những sự việc hoặc sự kiện tương lai
đã được lên kế hoạch, sắp xếp một cách chính thức. Cấu trúc này thường dùng trong các
bản tin.

Eg: The two leaders are to meet for talks on a number of issues.

* Danh từ nối với nhau bằng: or, either …or, neither… nor, not…but, not only…but
also ta chia theo chủ ngữ gần nó nhất.
Eg: Either the station or the cinema is a good place to meet.

Neither the President nor his representatives are to attend the meeting.

Not Tom but his parents live here.

Not only Mary but also Tom likes going out for our dinner with our friends.

Mary or her manager is going to answer the press interview.

Either your eyesight or your brakes→ at fault.

(người bản ngữ sử dụng) (Van Shaik, 1976)

Either the professor or her assitants→ explain every lesson.

(người bản ngữ sử dụng) (Farhady, 1977)

Neither the students nor the teacher → that textbook.

(người bản ngữ sử dụng) (Van Shaik, 1976)

Neither of them → ready for marriage. (Van Shaik, 1976)

Neither of them → enough money to afford a car.

(người bản ngữ sử dụng) (Farhady, 1977)

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Question139: More than 90% the watches on sale _________ ourselves.

A. are made of B. are made up C. is made by D. are made by

Answer: D. are made by

* Sau phần trăm dùng động từ số ít, nhưng dùng of+plural noun+ plural verb.
Eg: An inflation rate of only 2 per cent makes a big difference to exports.

I would say that about 50 per cent of the houses need major repairs.

Question140: How many people had been killed in the operation _______ kept.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

Answer: C. was

*Sau mệnh đề danh từ chia động từ ở số ít (xem lại phần mệnh đề danh từ)

Question141: Now he ______ a book about English. I don‟t think he will finish it.

A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. is writing

Answer: D. is writing

*Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra ngay lúc nói (đi với now, right now, just now).

Eg: I am doing my homework now.

Question142: He found his book this morning, but now he _______ his pen.

A. loses B. lost C. has lost D. had lost

Answer: C. has lost

*Hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ nhưng không xác định rõ thời gian cụ thể lúc hành
động đó diễn ra.

Eg: He has lost a new pencil.

Question143: Janet ______ some washing this time yesterday.

A. is doing B. had done C. was doing D. were making

Answer: C. was doing

*Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm ở quá khứ.
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Eg: What was he doing at 7 o‟clock yesterday morning?

Question144: Each of the dresses and coats _______ selling at half price.

A. are B. is C. have been D. is being

Answer: B. is

* Each, one, every.

Each/ Every+singular noun+ singular verb

Each/ One of+ plural noun+ plural verb

Every one of+ plural noun+ singular verb

More than one+ singular count noun+ singular verb

Eg: Each of students has/have to do homework before going to class.

Every article in this newspaper is very interesting.

Each student has a textbook.

Every one of these athletes runs/run the mile in four minutes.

More than one person has known the news.

He is one of the best students that → ever come to this school.

Question145: Measles ________ now fought by injecting exposed children with

gamma globulin.

A. was B. were C. are being D. is

Answer: D. is

*Một số danh từ mang nghĩa số ít nhưng hình thứ số nhiều+ động từ số ít:môn học:
mathematics, physics, politics, economics, statistics(môn thống kê), linguistics(ngôn ngữ
học), genetics(di truyền học); căn bệnh: measles(bệnh sởi), mumps(quai bị), rickets (còi
xương), AIDS, diabetes(bệnh đái đường); môn thể thao: athletics, gymnastics, billiards,
darts(trò chơi ném phi tiêu), dominoes; địa danh: Wales, the Philippines, the United
States; từ khác: news,…

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Eg: The news from the Middle East seems very encouraging.

Question146: The number of students enrolled for the summer courses ______
widely over the past years

A. have varied B. had varied C. has varied D. varied

Answer: C. has varied

*A number of/ The number of

A number of+ plural verb+ singular verb

The number of+ plural noun+ plural verb

Eg: A number of refugees have been turned back at the border.

The number of books in the library has risen to over five million.

Question147: All of the courses recommended for college preparatory work ______
by the state university.

A. is recognized B. was recognized C. recognizes D. are recognized

Answer: D. are recognized

*All of

Eg: MASS: All (of) (the) water is polluted.

PLURAL: All (of) (the) students have arrived.

COLLECTIVE: All of my family → present.

All my family → present.

(không có of thường dùng trong văn viết)

Question148: Getting to know students from all over the world ______ one of the
best part my jobs.

A. are B. is C. have been D. has been

Answer: B. is

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*V-ing + V số ít

Question149: Half of the students in the class _____ from Arabic-speaking countries.

A. be B. are C. is being D. are

Answer: D. are

* Sau các từ như: some, part, most, almost, the rest, the remainder, plenty, half, a
lot/ lots, …+ of, phân số kết với động từ số ít hay nhiều tùy thuộc vào danh từ theo sau
là số nhiều hay số ít.

Eg: Most of the house was destroyed.

Most of tomatoes are too ripe.

Only third of the students are qualified for the new course.

Three quarters of the earth‟s surface is water.

Question150: How many wars do you suppose there _____ in the history of the world
since the dawn of civilization.

A. has been B. have been C. is D. are

Answer: B. have been

*Since Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

*There+ be+ noun: chia be theo noun

Eg: There are many books on my bookshelf.

There is a clock on the wall.

 Nếu theo sau là hỗn hợp danh từ vừa có nhiều vữa có số ít ta chia động từ:
Tradional rule: There are in the room.

Proximity rule: There in the room.

Question151: Do you have _____ minutes? I‟d like to ask you ____ questions.

I need _______ more information.

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A. a few/ a few/ a little B. few/ a few/ a little

C. a few/ a few/ little D. ∅/ a few/ a little

Answer: A. a few/ a few/ a little

*Cách dùng (a) few/ (a) little

+A few và few+ danh từ đếm được số nhiều.

A few mang ý khẳng định, few mang ý phủ định.

+A little và little+ danh từ không đếm được.

A little mang ý khẳng định, little mang ý phủ định.

Question152: Rita is careful about her weight, but she allows _____ one piece of
candy a day.

A. myself B. themselves C. herself D. hers

Answer: C. herself

*Đại từ phản thân (Reflexive pronouns)

+Thường làm tân ngữ cho động từ hoặc giới từ khi chủ ngữ và tân ngữ của câu là một.

Eg: I saw myself in the mirror.

I look at myself for a long time.

+Được dùng để nhấn mạnh, có thể dùng sau ngay chủ ngữ hoặc cuối câu.

Eg: Omar thinks Oscar is telling the truth. So does Ricardo. I myself don‟t believe
Oscar‟s story for a minute!

I faxed the report to him myself.

+By+ a reflexive pronouns= alone

Eg: Anna lives by herself in that apartment.

Question153: I got three letters. One was from my father. ______ one was from my
sister. _______ letter was from my girlfriend.

A. other/ another B. another/ others C. another/ the other D. others/ other

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Answer: C. another/ the other

*Các dạng của Other:

+another: một…khác

+other/others: những…khác

+the other(s): cái/ người còn lại

Question154: I will be here for ____ three years until I have finished my courses.

A. other B. more than C. additional D. another

Answer: D. another

*Another được dùng làm tính từ với các cụm từ chỉ thời gian tiền bạc và khoảng
cách, có nghĩa là “thêm…nữa”

Eg: We need another five dollars./ We drove another ten miles.

Question155: If you encounter a growling dog, you _____ show any signs of fear. If
a dog senses fear, it is more likely to attack a person.

A. must B. mustn‟t C. have to D. don‟t have to

Answer: B. mustn‟t

*Modal verbs: have to vs must.

+must: ý bắt buộc, đưa ra mệnh lệnh phải làm gì, mang tính cá nhân của người nói.

Eg: She‟s really beautifull. You must meet her.

+have to: không mang tính cá nhân của người nói mà do luật lệ, quy định bắt buộc.

Eg: You have to wear your uniform when you go to school.

+ mustn‟t: sự cấm đoán, không được làm gì.

Eg: You mustn‟t tell anyone my secret. Do you promise?

+ do not have to: không nhất thiết.

Eg: I can hear you. You don‟t have to shout.

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Question156: I _____ afraid of flying. My heart _____ pounding every time I

stepped on a plane. But now I‟m _______ and enjoy it.

A. used to be/ would start/ get used to fly B. used to be/would start/use for flying

C. used to be/ would start/ used to flying D. would be/used to start/used to flying

Answer: C. used to be/ would start/ used to flying

*Would vs used to: thói quen trong quá khứ.

+would: chỉ có thể dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động lặp đi lặp lại đều đặn trong quá khứ.

+used to:

 diễn tả một tình trang thường xuyên tồn tại trong quá khứ.

Eg: They used to live in the United States of America.

 Diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ= would.

Eg: When I was a child, my father would read/used to read me a story at night.

Question157: Many U.S automobiles __________ in Detroit, Michigan.

A. manufacture B. have manufactured

C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing

Answer: C. are manufactured

* Hình thức bị động của thì HTĐ.

Simple present: V1 / Vs (es)  Am / is / are + P.P

Eg: Large numbers of people are killed on the roads.

Question158: When I came, an experiment ____________ in the lab.

A. was being holding B. has been held C. was being held D. has held

Answer: C. was being held

*Bị động thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:

Past continuous: Was / were + V-ing  Was / were + being + P.P

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Question159: Julia said that she ________ there at noon.

A. is going to be B. was going to be C. will be D. can be

Answer: B. was going to be

*Câu tường thuật: Câu trần thuật (statement)

𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐨
S+ + (that) +S +V (changed)
𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 + 𝐎
Eg: “I‟ll do it today”He said he would do it that day.

Question160: The teacher said Columbus ________ America in 1492.

A. discovered B. had discovered C. was discovering D. would discover

Answer: A. discovered

*Động từ trong câu nói trực tiếp có thời gian xác định:

Eg: He said, “I was born in 1980”

 He said that he was born in 1980.

 Chú ý: Một số trường hợp không đổi thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp:

- Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề giới thiệu được dùng ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện
tại hoàn thành hoặc tương lai đơn, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay

Eg: He says/ he is saying/ he has said/ he will say, “The text is difficult”.

He says/ is saying/ has said/ will say (that) the text is difficult.

- Khi câu nói trực tiếp thể hiện một chân lý hoặc một hành động lặp lại thường xuyên, thì
của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay đổi

Eg: My teacher said “The sun rises in the East”

 My teacher said (that) the sun rises in the East.

He said, „My father always drinks coffee after dinner‟

 He said (that) his father always drinks coffee after dinner.

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- Nếu lúc tường thuật, điểm thời gian được đưa ra trong lời nói gián tiếp vẫn chưa qua,
thì của động từ và trạng từ thời gian vẫn được giữ nguyên

Eg: He said, “I will come to your house tomorrow”

 He said (that) he will come to my house tomorrow.

- Câu trực tiếp có dạng câu điều kiện loại 2 hoặc loại 3:

Eg: He said; “If I knew her address, I would write to her”

 He said that he would write to her if he knew her address

Eg: She said, “If I had enough money, I would buy a new bicycle.”

 She said (that) if she had enough money, she would buy a new bicycle.

Eg: The teacher said, “If John had studied harder, he wouldn‟t have failed his exam.”

 The teacher said (that) if John had studied harder, he wouldn‟t have failed his exam.

Tuy nhiên nếu lời nói trực tiếp là câu điều hiện loại 1 thì được chuyển sang loại 2 ở lời
nói gián tiếp.

Eg: The advertisement said; “If you answer the questions correctly, you may win one
million dollar.”

 The advertisement said that I might win one million dollar if I answered the questions

- Không thay đổi thì của mệnh đề sau “It‟s (high/ about) time,…”-quá khứ giả định.

Eg: She said; “It‟s about time you went to bed; children”

 She told her children that it‟s about time they went to bed

He said; “I wish I had a lot of money”

 He wishes (that) he had a lot of money

- Không thay đổi thì của mệnh đề đi sau „would rather, would sooner”

Eg: She said; “I would rather you stayed at home”

 She said that she would rather I stayed at hone

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- Không thay đổi thì của: Could, would, might, should, ought, had better, need trong câu
nói gián tiếp. Nhưng must -> had to/ must

Eg: She said; “I could do the homework

 She said the she could do the homework

- Động từ trong câu nói trực tiếp có thời gian xác định:

Eg: He said, “I was born in 1980”

 He said that he was born in 1980.

- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian trong câu phức có thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp

Eg: “I saw him when he was going to the cinema”

 She said she saw him when she was going to the cinema.

Question 161: ______ energy for growth or repair, a plant must carry out

A. To obtain B.It obtains C. It is obtaining D. Obtaining

Answer: A. To obtain

*To-infinitive dung để chỉ mục đích.

Question 162: “Will they have trouble finding your house?” – “ ________ here
before, they won‟t have a problem.

A. Have they been B. Having been C. To have been D. They‟ve been

Answer: B. Having been

*Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ ở thể chủ động: Having been = Because they have been

Question163: The restaurant has excellent food, so it‟s no wonder ____ so crowed.

A. why is it always B. is it always C. whether it‟s D. it‟s always

Answer: D. it‟s always

*It‟s no wonder (that)+ S+V= It‟s no surprising : không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên.

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Question 164: It was the way he asked ______ really upset me.

A. so B. that C. therefore D. and

Answer: B. that

+It was …that/ who…; câu chẻ dùng để nhấn mạnh.

Question 165: “I hope they haven‟t forgotten.”–“I know. They __ here an hour ago”.

A. ought to be B. must have been C. were to have been D. would have been

Answer: C. were to have been

+ were to have been = should have +P.P = were supposed to have +P.P.

Question 166:

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Exercise: 1
Question 1: The government should take ______ to reduce the current high
unemployment rate.

A. solutions B. changes C. steps D. measures

Answer: D. measures

+take/ adopt/ implement/ impose/introduce (a) measure: thực hiện/đưa ra giải pháp.

Question 2: I _____ a small fortune when my uncle died but I managed to squander
most of it. I‟m ashamed to say.

A. come up with B. come into C. come out D. come in for

Answer: B. come into

+ come up with: nảy ra ý tưởng (để giải quyết một vấn đề)

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+ come into: thừa kế

+ come out: trở nên nổi tiếng, được xuất bản

+ come in for: nhận được.

Question 3: A good teacher should treat all her students on the same _______.

A. views B. positions C. attitudes D. terms

Answer: C. attitudes

+treat sb on the same attitude: đối xử công bằng với ai.

Question 4: Students are often advised to look at the first and the last ____ of a book
before attempting to read it in details.

A. paragraphs B. headings C. chapters D. titles

Answer: C. chapters

+Chapters: chương (sách, truyện,…)

+ Headings: tiêu đề (bài báo, bản tin)

Question 5: Although he hadn‟t spoken French for many years, he picked it _____
again after a few weeks.

A. over B. on C. up D. through

Answer: A. over

+pick over: lấy lại, làm chủ

+pick on: chọc ghẹo, phê bình, trù dập

+pick up: đón, nhặt lên, đi lấy, ghé mua, học được, bắt đầu lại(việc dở dang), bắt
giữ, bắt được sóng, mua được với giá rẻ, thanh toán tiền, cải thiện (tăng), thu dọn
gọn gàng.

Question 6: Dr. Evans has _______ a valuable contribution to the life of the school.

A. created B. done C. made D. caused

Answer: C. made

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+make contribution to: đóng góp, cống hiến

Question 7: Shy people often find difficult to _________ group discussion.

A. take part in B. get on with B. take place in D. get in touch with

Answer: A. take part in

+take part in= take participant in= join (in): tham gia

+get on (well) with sb: chung sống hòa thuận với ai

+take place in: thay thế ???

+get in touch with sb= keep in touch: giữa liên lạc với ai

Question 8: Unfortunately, the company closed down because it couldn‟t keep ____
with rapidly changing technology.

A. speed B. time C. fast D. pace

Answer: D. pace

+keep pace with= keep up with: bắt kịp, đuổi kịp

Question 9: Books are wonderful __________ of knowledge and pleasure.

A. way B. information C. source D. type

Answer: C. source

+source: nguồn - way: cách thức, phương tiện = means

Question 10: The players‟ protests ____ no difference to the referee‟s decision at all.

A. had B. made C. caused D. did

Answer: B. made

+make diference: tạo sự khác biệt

Question 10: Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn‟t
take them _______.

A. as a rule B. as usual C. out of habit D. for granted

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Answer: D. for granted

+take sb/ sth for granted: xem ai/ cái gì là tất nhiên, nhầm ai/ cái gì với ai/ cái gì.

+as a rule: như thường lệ.

+out of habit: vì thói quen.

Question 11: Just keep _____ on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?

A. a look B. a glance C. an eye D. a care

Answer: C. an eye

+keep an eye: trông chừng, để ý ai/ cái gì.

Question 12: All flights in and out of the airport came to a ____ because of the strike.

A. closure B. conclusion C. standstill D. stoppage

Answer: C. standstill

+be at/ come to/ bring sth to a standstill: ngừng lại/đi đến/ đưa đến chỗ ngưng trợ,
dình công (công việc).

+in / jump to conclusion: cuối cùng/ đi đến kết luận vội vàng.

+closure (n): sự đóng lại.

+stoppage (n): sự ngưng trợ trong một nhà máy nhất là do đình công, sự tắc nghẽn,
sự hủy bỏ hay giữ lại (việc thanh toán tiền,…)

Question 13: The van driver said that he couldn‟t ______ us a lift home as there was
no free seats in his vehicle.

A. make B. give C. drive D. take

Answer: B. give

+give sb a lift: cho ai đi nhờ xe.

Question 14: This new instrument is _____ us a lot of trouble.

A. working B. giving C. making D. producing

Answer: B. giving

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+give sb some trouble (idm): gây rắc rối.

Question 15: If you do not repay the money we will, as a last ____, take you to court.

A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort

Answer: D. resort

+as a last resort: như là phương kế cuối cùng.

+attempt (n): attempt to do something/ at doing something: cố gắng, (sự) thử.

(v): cố gắng, thử làm gì.

Question 16: Be __________ of strangers who offer you a ride.

A. wary B. distant C. curious D. defensive

Answer: A. wary

+be wary of sb/sth: thận trọng cảng giác, đề phòng.

+defensive (adj): có tính chất bảo vệ, che chở, phòng thủ (thể thao)

(n): thế thủ, thế phòng ngự.

Question 17: In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding
and bad air.

A. keep B. catch C. face D. put

Answer: D. put

+keep/catch up with: bắt kịp (trong học tập, công việc, tình hình, ý tưởng…)

+put up with: chịu đựng

Question 18: I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my ______.

A. change B. supply C. cash D. cost

Answer: A. change: tiền thừa- cash: tiền mặt

Question 19: She _______ hope of any reconciliation.

A. departed B. left C. ceased D. abandoned

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Answer: D. abandoned hope (col): từ bỏ hi vọng

+ depart (v): sao lãng, lạc (đề), cáo biệt, tạ thế (trang trọng)

* depart from (v): rời khỏi

* depart for (v): khởi hành

+cease (v): dừng, tạnh, kết thúc, hết.

Question 20: Mary wanted to give Nigel a present that was a little bit out of the ____.

A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. everyday

Answer: A. ordinary

+out of ordinary (idm): khác thường, bất thường.

Question 21: The Wilsons have found it terribly hard to make ______ meet ever
since they both lost their jobs.

A. ends B. strings C. coins D. limits

Answer: A. ends

+make ends meet (idm): kiếm đủ tiền để sống.

Question 22: Most people would ______ at the chance of working for that company.

A. drive B. grab C. seize D. jump

Answer: D. jump

+jump at the chance (col): chớp lấy cơ hội

Question 23: you must have felt ______ when all your exams were over.

A. relieved B. upset C. irritated D. cross

Answer: A. relieved

+relieved (adj): an tâm, khuây khỏa, yên lòng.

+upset (adj): buồn rầu.

+ irritated (adj): kích thích, phát cáu.

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Question 24: The manager really wanted Anna to join the company: he believed she
would be a valuable ______ to his team of sales people.

A. addition B. accumulation C. supplement D. appendage

Answer: A. addition

+addition: addition to something: người hoặc vật thêm vào.

+accumulation (n): sự chồng chất, sự tích lũy, đống (sách vở, giấy).

+ supplement (n): phần bổ sung, phần phụ thêm, bảng mục lục, góc phụ (toán học).

+appendage (n): vật/ phần phụ thuộc, (giải phẩu) phần phụ (đuôi, cánh)

Question 25: When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a _____ in the hold.

A. gate-crasher B. stowaway C. interloper D. trespasser

Answer: B. stowaway

+ gate-crasher (n): người chuồn vào xem kịch, phim mà không có vé, khách không
mời mà vẫn đến dự tiệc.

+stowaway (n): người đi lậu vé (xe, máy bay, tàu thủy)

+interloper (n): người xâm hại quyền lợi người khác, người dính mũi vào chuyện
người khác.

+trespasser (n): kẻ xâm phạm, kẻ xâm lấn, (pháp lý) kẻ phạm tội.

Question 26: If they had been wearing ____ they might have survived when their
plane crashed into the sea.

A. cabins B. seat-belts C. life-belts D. yachts

Answer: B. seat-belts

+cabin (n): buồng nhỏ hoặc khoang trên tàu thủy, tàu vũ trụ, buồng láy máy bay.

+seat-belt (n): dây an toàn.

+yacht (n): thuyền buồm nhẹ, du thuyền.

Question 27: They‟re starting their _________ by flying to Tokyo.

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A. travel B. voyage C. journey D. trip

Answer: D. trip

+travel: danh từ không đếm được chỉ hành động du hành (ví dụ: du lịch mở mang
đầu óc)

+journey: chỉ quãng đường dài hoặc ngắn đi lại thường xuyên.

+trip: trịnh trọng hơn excursion; chuyến đi thăm ngắn xuất phát từ một nơi này rồi
trở lại nơi đó.

+voyage: chuyến đi dài trên biển hoặc trong không gian.

Question 28: The shop assistant was most ______ when I told her that there was no
price on the jar of olives.

A. helpless B. unhelpful C. thoughtful D. unhelpfully

Answer: B. unhelpful

+helpless (adj): không có khả năng hoạt động nếu không có sự giúp đỡ, không hiệu
quả (làm một việc gì đó)

+unhelpful (adj): không giúp ích.

+thoughtful (adj): trầm ngâm, suy nghĩ chín chắn, thận trọng, chu đáo, quan tâm.

Question 29: The _____ in our building often falls asleep at the in front desk.

A. caretaker B. stockbroker C. undertaker D. bookmaker

Answer: A. caretaker

+caretaker (n): 1. =caregiver: người chăm sóc cho người khác tại nhà.

2. người trông coi .

+stockbroker (n): người mua bán cổ phần chứng khoán (người môi giới).

+undertaker (n): người làm dịch vụ tang lễ.

+bookmarker (n): người làm sách (đóng, in, xuất bản sách).

Question 30: She gets fifteen percent _____ on every insurance policy she sells.

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A. salary B. commission C. bonus D. pension

Answer: B. commission

+salary (n): tiền lương.

+commission (n): tiền hoa hồng.

+bonus (n): tiền thưởng.

+pension (n): tiền trợ cấp.

Question 31: The hotel room was ____ furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe and an
ancient armchair.

A. thinly B. sparsely C. lightly D. sketchily

Answer: B. sparsely

+thinly (adv): mỏng, loãng (chất lỏng).

+sparsely (adv): thưa thớt, rải rác.

+lightly (adv): nhẹ nhàng, nhạt (màu sắc), nhanh nhẹn.

+sketchily (adv): sơ sài, thô sơ, đại cương, thiếu chi tiết, thiếu hoàn hảo.

Question 32: The main disadvantage to our house is that the only ____ to the garden
is through a bedroom.

A. passage B. doorway C. access D. communication

Answer: C. access

+passage (n): lối đi, hành lang = passageway, đoạn (văn, sách,…), sự trôi qua.

+doorway (n): cửa vào, lối vào.

+access (n) to something: đường vào, lối vào, (sự) dâng lên (nước triều), cơ hội/
quyền sử dụng cái gì, truy cập thông tin (tin học)

Question 33: Although he was a hardened criminal, his one _____ feature was his
love of children.

A. saving B. redeeming C. recovering D. acquitting

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Answer: B. redeeming

+ redeeming (adj): bù lại, chộc lỗi lại.

+ acquitting (adj): hết nợ, tha bổng, hành xử (cư xử).

Question 34: Following the accident, he was prosecuted for _____ driving.

A. rash B. heedless C. irresponsible D. reckless

Answer: D. reckless

+rash (adj): hấp tấp, vội vàng, cẩu thả, bừa bãi.

+heedless (adj): không chú ý, lơ là.

+reckless (adj): hấp tấp, thiếu thận trọng, liều lĩnh, khinh suất, táo bạo.

Question 35:The demonstrations _____ in one hundred students being arrested.

A. culminated B. erupted C. escalated D. concluded

Answer: B. erupted

+culminate (v): lên đến cực điểm (cao trào).

+erupt (v): phun (núi lửa), nổ ra (chiến tranh,…), nhú lên (răng), (y học) phát ra da

+escalate (v): tăng, leo thang (nghĩa bóng).

+conclude (v): kết luận, kết thúc.

Question 36: The ____ boards in the staircase would always wake us up whenever
somebody climbed up at night.

A. screeching B. gossiping C. roaring D. creaking

Answer: D. creaking

+creak (v): kêu cót két

+screech (v): kêu thét lên, rít lên (+along past, through: chuyển động với tiếng kêu
to rít lên khó chịu.)

+roar (v): gầm (hổ,..), gào thét.

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Question 37: We have to ______ the hard times hoping that things will change for
the better in the future.

A. maintain B. endure C. persist D. outlive

Answer: B. endure

+endure= bear: chịu đựng

+maintain (v): duy trì.

+persist (v): +in something/ doing something: khăng khăng làm gì dù bị phản đối
hoặc đã thất bại.

+ (with something): tiếp tục làm gì dù gặp trở ngại, khó khăn.

+outlive (v): sống sót, vượt qua được, sống lâu hơn.

Question 38: His parents have always wanted Phillip to set a good ____ to his
younger brothers both at school and at home.

A. form B. sample C. pattern D. guidance

Answer: C. pattern

+set a pattern for sb: làm gương cho ai.

+sample (n): mẫu vật.

+guidance (n): sự chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn, lời khuyên, hệ thống điều khiển máy bay.

Question 39: He was awarded a medal in _____ of his services to the Queen.

A. view B. recognition C. regard D. light

Answer: B. recognition

+in recognition of: để công nhận.

Question 40: The King showed his mercy by _____ the rebel‟s live.

A. releasing B. sparing C. granting D. accepting

Answer: B. sparing

+spare sb live: tha mạng cho ai.

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Question 41: To end or greatly reduce pollution _____, people would have to stop
using many things that benefit them.

A. constantly B. suddenly C. immediately D. usually

Answer: C. immediately: ngay lập tức.

Question 42: If you‟re too ______ , other people will take advantage of you.

A. trusting B. trustworthy C. trusted D. untrustworthy

Answer: A. trusting

+trust (adj): hay tin người

+trustworthy: đáng tin cậy

Question 43: You‟d better cut _______ animal fat if you want to lower your
cholesterol level.

A. out in B. down with C. off with D. down on

Answer: D. down on

*Cụm động từ với cut:

+cut down: đốn hạ, giảm, cắt bớt.

+cut in: chen ngang (ô tô), ngắt lời.

+cut off: cắt đứt, cúp (nguồn điện, nước, tài chính,…).

+cut down on: cắt giảm.

+cut…out (of): khoét, xén ra.

Question 44: In my view the changes to the education system have been to good ___.

A. outcome B. upshot C. influence D. effect

Answer: D. effect

+effect: tác động, ảnh hưởng (to good/ great effect (col): mang lại kết quả tốt)

+outcome: kết quả, hậu quả.

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+upshot: kết quả cuối cùng.

+influence (on/ upon): tác động

Question 45: We are ________ no obligation to change goods which were not
purchased here.

A. to B. with C. at D. under

Answer: D. under

+under no obligation: không chịu trách nhiệm.

Question 46: All candidates will be treated equally, ____ of their age or background.

A. irrelevant B. discounting C. notwithstanding D. irrespective

Answer: D. irrespective

+irrespective of: bất chấp= regardless of.

+irrelevant: không thích hợp, không đáng (+to sb/sb).

+discounting: chiết khấu.

+notwithstanding: mặt dù, bất kể.

Question 47: My friend has _______ for a bargain.

A. a sharp ear B. a strong head C. a keen eye D. a keen ear

Answer: C. a keen eye

+a sharp/ keen ear: một cái tai thính.

+a strong head: một cái đầu khỏe.

+a keen eye: sắc sảo, tinh ý.

Question 48: Mr. Wong decided to abstain from liquor as his doctor had told him that
excessive drinking was __________ to his health.

A. detrimental B. destructive C. depressing D. explosive

Answer: A. detrimental: có hại= harmful

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Question 49: When both parents went to prison, social workers took the children
_____ care.

A. with B. for C. into D. to

Answer: C. into

+take sb into care (col): đưa ai vào chăm sóc ở cơ sở chính quyền địa phương.

Question 50: The health minister has come ______ fire from all sides.

A. on B. under C. in D. to

Answer: B. under

+be/come under fire (idm): bị chỉ trích gay gắt về việc đã làm.

Question 51: Don‟t jump _____ conclusion; we don‟t yet know all the relevant facts.

A. into B. up C. to D. for

Answer: C. to

+jump/ leap to conclusions (idm): vội vàng kết luận.

Question 52: Even at that early stage the school felt that she ________ a good chace
of passing her exams.

A. stood B. gained C. possessed D. took

Answer: A. stood

+Stand a good chance of (idm): có cơ hội thành công hoặc thực hiện điều gì.

Question 53: You really can‟t trust Pauline. One day she‟s your best friend, and the
next day she can _______ you in the back.

A. hit B. stab C. cut D. punch

Answer: B. stab

+stab sb in the back (idm): chơi xấu sau lưng ai, phản bội.

+punch (v): đám, thoi, giùi lỗ, chọc/ thúc bằng gậy.

Question 54: He never stops criticizing me. He‟s a real __________ in the neck.

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A. ache B. pain C. hurt D. itch

Answer: B. pain

+pain in the neck (idm): cái của nợ.

Question 55: She ________ till the early hours listening to pop music.

A. Took me up B. kept me up C. caught me up D. held me up

Answer: B. kept me up

+keep sb up: không cho ai ngủ

+catch up (on): nắm bắt, cập nhật nhanh.

+hold up: chống đỡ, làm chậm lại, cướp có vũ khí, còn có giá trị.

Question 56: The whole buiding collapsed, but fortunately there were no ______.

A. victims B. wounded C. hurts D. casualties

Answer: D. casualties: người bị thương.

Question 57: Stop fighting you two-shake hand and ______your peace with each

A. set B. do C. make D. bring

Answer: C. make

+make peace with sb: ngừng tranh cãi với ai.

Question 58: My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ____ regret.

A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily

Answer: B. painfully

+painfully regret: ngậm ngùi nuối tiếc.

+harshly: gay gắt, cay nghiệt.

+keenly: mãnh liệt.

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Question 59: Sometimes in a bad situation, there may be still some good things . Try
not to “Throw out the_____ with the bath weather.”

A. fish B. duck C. baby D. child

Answer: C. baby

+ Throw out the baby with the bath weather (idm): vứt bỏ một cái gì đó quí báu
cùng với cái mình không thích (trong câu nghĩa là đừng vứt bỏ cả tốt lẫn xấu)

Question 60: International Games themselves can help to solve the problem ____ of
among countries.

A. warm-ups B. takeoffs C. standoffs D. kickoffs

Answer: C. standoffs

+warm-up: sự khởi động

+takeoff: sự cất cánh

+standoff: sự cách biệt

+kickoff: sự tách biệt

Question 62: Hundreds came to _____ their last respects to the dead president.

A. have B. indicate C. express D. pay

Answer: A. have

+have the respect for sb/ sth: ngưỡng mộ ai/ cái gì.

+pay the respects to sb/st: gửi lời hỏi thăm đến ai (đã khuất)/ cái gì.

Question 63: I was glad when he said that his car was ___________.

A. for me use B. at my disposal C. for me use D. at my use

Answer: B. at my disposal: tùy ý sử dụng.

Question 63: The player was ejected after committing 5 personal _________.

A. faults B. fouls C. mistakes D. errors

Answer: B. fouls

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+ fault: sự thiếu xót, khuyết điểm

+foul: điều xấu, sự ăn gian, chơi xấu

+mistake: sự nhầm lẫn

+error: lỗi máy móc, kĩ thuật.

Question 64: “I am going to for an interview for a job this afternoon.”-“Good luck,
I‟ll keep my ________ crossed for you.”

A. hands B. legs C. fingers D. arms

Answer: C. fingers

+keep one‟s finger crossed for sb: cầu chúc cho ai thành công.

Question 65: I can‟t see us beating them at tennis this year. We are so out of ______.

A. step B. fitness C. practice D. breath

Answer: C. practice

+out of practice: không tập luyện

+out of breath: hụt hơi.

Question 66: She should have been here but she‟s __________ flu.

A. gone through with B. gone down with C. come in for D. come against

Answer: B. gone down with

+go down with: đổ bệnh.

+go through with: hoàn thành xong, làm đến cùng.

+come in for: nhận được, hưởng phần.

+come against: va, vấp phải.

Question 67: Jane decided not to ________ the exam in November.

A. take on B. go in for C. get round to D. make for

Answer: B. go in for

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+take on: đảm nhiệm

+go in for: tham gia kì thi, đam mê.

+get round to: cần thời gian làm việc gì đó

+make for: đi về phía.

Question 68: The judge _______ the murderer to a lifetime imprisonment.

A. sentenced B. convicted D. accused D. prosecuted

Answer: A. sentenced

+sentence sb to st: kết tội ai đó.

+convict sb of st: kết án, tuyên bố có tội.

+accuse sb of st: buộc tội ai đó.

+prosecute sb for st: khởi tố, kiện.

Question 69: His wife died last year and he still can‟t ____ to terms with her death.

A. go B. come C. contribute D. make

Answer: B. come

+come to terms with st: chấp nhận sự thật/ điều gì đau lòng.

Question 70: Through an _________, your letter was left unanswered.

A. overcharge B. overtone C. oversight D. overtime

Answer: C. oversight

+overcharge: sự nạp quá tải (pin,...), quá nhiều.

+overtone: sự ngụ ý.

+oversight: sự bỏ qua, sự sai sót.

+overtime: ngoài giờ.

Question 71: There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death ____.

A. condemnation B. punishment C. penalty D. discipline

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Answer: C. penalty

+condemnation: sự kết án, kết tội.

+punishment: hình phạt.

+penalty: hình phạt-death penalty: án tử hình.

+discipline: kỉ luật

Question 72: I don‟t need any medicine. I‟m as right as _________.

A. clouds B. a ray C. rain D. a haze

Answer: C.rain

+(as) right as rain (idm): rất khỏe mạnh.

Question 73: Betty says he cannot stand looking at the rat, ________ touching it.

A. even so B. let alone C. what if D. as far as

Answer: B. let alone (idm): huống chi, huống hồ là.

Question 74: We shoud ______ every chance we have to speak English.

A. turn to our advantage B. make use of

C. come into use D. open to abuse

Answer: B. make use

+make use of: tận dụng

+come into use: bắt đầu sử dụng

+open to abuse: có thể được sử dụng theo cách sai.

Question 75: “You‟re probably too tired to play another game of racquetball, right?”

“I‟m not that tired, really. __________ , I‟d enjoy another game.”

A. As a matter of fact B. As a matter C. As a fact D. As a fact matter

Answer: A. As a matter of fact= actually: sự thật là.

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Question 76: When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty _________
paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso.

A. worthless B. valueless C. priceless D. meaningless

Answer: C. priceless

+worthless: không có giá trị, vô dụng.

+valueless: không có giá trị.

+priceless: vô giá, không định giá được.

+meaningless: vô nghĩa.

Question 77: His eyes were light blue and ______ in their innocence.

A. childless B. childlike C. childish D. childhood

Answer: B. childlike

+childless: không có con

+childlike: ngây thơ, trong sáng, chân thật (nghĩa tích cực)

+childish: (tiêu cực) dại dột, ngu xuẩn, non nớt (thiếu kinh nghiệm).

+childhood: thời thơ ấu.

Question 78: Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the
_______ on his post office savings account.

A. salary B. income C. interest D. wages

Answer: C. interest

+salary: tiền lương

+income: thu nhập

+interest: tiền lãi, lãi suất

+wages: tiền công (trả theo tuần hoặc sản phẩm)

Question 79: It‟s hard to persuade him to change his mind. He‟s always stick to his

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A. gun B. knife C. sword D. spoon

Answer: A. gun

+ stick to one‟s gun (idm): giữ vững lập trường.

Question 80: Beyond all ______, it was Alice who gave away our secret.

A. fail B. conclusion C. dispute D. contradiction

Answer: C. dispute

+beyond dispute: không còn bàn cãi gì nữa.

+contradiction (n): sự mâu thuẫn, sự phản bác, sự trái ngược.

Question 81: You have no business _____ to me the way you did yesterday.

A. in talking B. talking C. talked D. of talking

Answer: B. talking

+have no business doing st (idm): không có quyền

Question 82: Something began to go _____ with the experiment when the two
scientists were forced to retire.

A. wrong B. stale C. ill D. faulty

Answer: A. wrong

+go wrong (idm): sai lầm, hỏng, gặp rắc rối, trở nên xấu đi.

+ stale (adj): cũ, ôi thiu, nhạt nhẽo, luyện tập quá sức (vận động viên).

Question 83: The book says that the revolution was _______ off by the assassination
of the state governor.

A. launched B. cropped C. triggered D. prompted

Answer: C. triggered

+trigger st off: gây ra.

+prompt (v): xíu giục, thúc giục, nhắc nhở, gợi ý, gây (cảm hứng, ý nghĩ,…).

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Question 84: Extra blankets will be supplied on _______.

A. request B. suggestion C. asking D. need

Answer: A. request

+on request: khi có yêu cầu.

Question 85: James was _____ from school for bad behavior.

A. exiled B. dismissed C. expelled D. discharged

Answer: C. expelled

+expel sb (from sth): đuổi, trục xuất.

+dismiss (v): giải tán (đám đông,…), đuổi ra/ sa thải (người làm), gạt bỏ (ý nghĩ).

+exile (v): đày ải.

Question 86: They ______ around the town, looking at the shops.

A. explored B. crept C. wandered D. stalked

Answer: C. wandered

+wandered: đi thơ thẩn, đi lang thang.

+ stalk (v): lén theo, đuổi theo (thú săn, kẻ địch,…), đi hiên ngang qua (nơi nào).

Question 87: Our mother reminded us to _____ the fragile vase with care.

A. finger B. fumble C. handle D. caress

Answer: C. handle

+ fumble (v): dò dẫm, làm việc gì một cách lung túng.

+ caress (v): vuốt ve, mơn trớn, âu yếm.

+ handle: chạm vào, cầm, di chuyển vật gì.

Question 88: After a thorough ____, the doctor declared that I was perfectly healthy.

A. investigation B. validation C. verification D. examination

Answer: D. examination

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+examination: khám sức khỏe.

+validation (n): sự hợp thức hóa.

+investigation (n): sự điều tra/ + into sth: trường hợp điều tra, nghiên cứu.

+ verification (n): sự thẩm tra, sự xác minh, chứng cớ.

Question 89: His words _____ up the image of a tropical paradise in my mind.

A. supposed B. conjured C. introduced D. suggested

Answer: B. conjured

+conjure up (phrv): gợi lên

Question 90: A military junta has taken over power in the country after the
democratic administration ________.

A. collapsed B. stumbled C. vanished D. abandoned

Answer: A. collapse: sụp đổ

+ stumbled (v): vấp, sẩy chân, suýt ngã.

+ vanished (v): biến mất, triệt tiêu/ tiến tới không (toán học)

Question 91: The new situation has ___ a lot of anger and dissatisfaction. Our duty
now is to encounter it in the most sensible way.

A. devised B. established C. originated D. provoked

Answer: D. provoked

+ provoked (v): gây ra.

+ devised (v): sang chế, phát minh, bày mưu tính kế, (pháp lý) để lại (bằng chúc
thư), hoang tưởng (tưởng tượng).

+ originated (v): khởi đầu, bắt nguồn từ (+with/ from), sáng chế, phát minh.

Question 92: Mr. Hopkins is going to have his old family mansion ____. The
building lost its glamour after his ancestors died several years ago.

A. recovered B. resumed C. restored D. revived

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Answer: C. restored sth: sửa chữa lại, phục hồi lại.

Question 93: Mr. Nixon refused to answer the question on the ______ that the matter
was confidential.

A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations

Answer: C. grounds

+on the grounds that: vì lí do gì= because

Question 94: Joe was shocked when I disagreed with her. She‟s so used to getting her
own ______.

A. mind B. way C. opinion D. views

Answer: B. way

+get/ have on my own way (idm): làm theo ý mình.

Question 95: We sat on after the meal, _____ the taste of the fine brandy.

A. indulging B. sensing C. sipping D. savoring

Answer: D. savoring: thưởng thức, nhấm nháp.

+indulge in somrthing: tự cho phép mình hưởng thụ sự vui thích của cái gì, xả láng.

+sip (v): ngụm, uống từng hớp.

Question 96: That minister‟s ______ of party politics is well known to the public.

A. disgust B. objection C. dislike D. opposition

Answer: C. dislike

+ dislike of/ for sb/st: sự không thích, ghét.

+disgust (n): sự chán ghét, ghê tởm.

Question 97: I _____ that you have no objections to our proposal?

A. trust B. depress C. depend D. await

Answer: A. trust (formal): hy vọng.

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+await (v): chờ đợi (ai/cái gì).

Question 98: Hassan is down with influenza and he is feeling ____ right now.

A. critically B. barely C. poorly D. weakly

Answer: C. poorly+ ill/ sick: bị ốm.

Question 99: Why do you say the project should be changed even more? Personally, I
cannot see the _______ of introducing so many alterations.

A. point B. reason C. clue D. ground

Answer: A. point

+see the point of (idm): thấy được mục đích/ giá trị/ ý nghĩa của việc gì.)

Question 100: Feel free to come to us at all _____ if you need our advice.

A. whiles B. moments C. hours D. occasions

Answer: C. hours

+all hours (idm): bất cứ lúc nào.

Question 101: As they came under heavy fire, the captain ordered his men to _____.

A. fall away B. fall back C. fall over D. fall out

Answer: B. fall back

+fall back= retreat: rút lui.

+fall away: giảm sút.

+fall out: bị té/văng/ngã/rớt, sụp đổ.

+fall over oneself: tận tụy hết lòng.

Question 102: How voters will react to this latest political scandal _____ to be seen.

A. is B. remains C. has D. waits

Answer: B. remains

+It reamins to be seen: sau này mới biết đươc.

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Question 103: It was a totally ____ play that neither of them could follow.

A. obscure B. somber C. vague D. shady

Answer: A. obscure

+obscure (adj): khó hiểu

+somber (adj): màu thẫm, tối tăm, ảm đạm, ủ rũ, buồn rười rượi.

+vague (adj): mơ hồ, lờ mờ, chưa nắm vững, lơ đãng (vẻ mặt, hành vi)

+shady (adj): có bóng râm (mát).

Question 104: The announcement about job losses has ______ consequences for the

A. hard-hitting B. far-reaching C. never-ending D. wide-ranging

Answer: B. far-reaching : có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng.

Question 105: I‟d love to go out with you tonight. The only ____ is that I‟ve got no

A. snag B. pitfall C. disadvantage D. mistake

Answer: A. snag: trở ngại, khó khăn đột xuất.

Question 106: At school he had a good academic record, and also ____ at sports.

A. prevailed B. achieved C. surpassed D. excelled

Answer: D. excelled

+ excelled at sth/ doing sth: xuất sắc.

+ prevailed+against/ over: thắng thế, chiếm ưu thế & +on/ upon: khiến thuyết phục.

Question 107: Old house have a ____ to be draughty.

A. tendency B. habit C. problem D. characteristic

Answer: A. tendency: khuynh hướng, xu hướng.

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Question 108: There‟s a lot more traffic than usual. There must be something _____
in the town centre.

A. getting on B. going off C. going on D. getting off

Answer: C. going on

+go on: đang xảy ra, cứ/vẫn tiếp tục, tiến hành, nào (để động viên)

+go off: khai hóa, nổ, đổ chuông, tắt, ngắt, cắt, dừng, rẽ, được tiến hành.

+get on: đến ngồi/đứng/năm, cưỡi/leo (phương tiện…), bước lên, mang/mặc/khoác

+get off: xuống/ rời (tàu xe), ra khỏi, trút bỏ,cúp máy, thoát, bị phạt nhẹ, xong việc
ra về.

Question 109: This eighteenth century Turkish rug, which I bought from the auction
is a real ________.

A. claim B. value C. find D. prize

Answer: C. find

+a real find: một người/ vật rất thú vị, có giá trị, hữu dụng …được tìm thấy.

Question 110: A recent customer ______ showed widespread ignorance about

organic food.

A. census B. survey C. verdict D. patrol

Answer: B. survey (n): sự khảo sát, điều tra.

+verdict (n): (pháp lý) lời tuyên án/ bản án, sự quyết định, dư luận.

+patrol (n): cuộc tuần tra.

+census (n): điều tra dân số.

Question 111: I cannot stand that arrogant fellow – he really gets on my _____.

A. corns B. flesh C. nerves D. toes

Answer: C. nerves

+get on sb‟s nerves (idm): làm ai bực mình, chọc tức ai.
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Question 112: What did you tell them at the _____ ? Did you mention having already
worked as a financial adviser?

A. review B. dialogue C. speech D. interview

Answer: D. interview: buổi phỏng vấn.

Question 113: Mr. Turner‟s _____ coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the

A. endings B. retirement C. expiry D. termination

Answer: B. retirement: sự nghỉ hưu.

Question 114: The officer who questioned us at the railway station was ____ by two
men in uniforms.

A. allied B. associated C. cooperated D. accompanied

Answer: D. accompanied sb: hộ tông, đi cùng.

Question 115: “There is no further treatment we can give,” said Dr Jekyll. “We must
let the disease take its ___________.

A. course B. end C. term D. way

Answer: A. course

+take its course (idm): phát triển và kết thúc một cách tự nhiên.

Question 116: He walked from the court a free man, having been ____ of murder.

A. unconvinced B. discharged C. liberated D. acquitted

Answer: D. acquitted

+acquit sb (of sth): tuyên bố trắn án, tha bổng.

Question 117: Michael was the ____ force behind the company‟s rapid expansion.

A. managing B. leading C. rising D. driving

Answer: D. driving

+the driving force: người có ảnh hưởng lớn nhát, động lực.

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Question 118: As the test result was ______, the team of the scientists repeated it
after days.

A. obstinate B. mischievous C. abnormal D. unnatural

Answer: C. abnormal: bất bình thường.

+obstinate (adj): bướng bỉnh, ngoan cố.

Question 119: Can you _____ exactly what is you‟re complaining about?

A. find out B. turn in C. work out D. pin down

Answer: D. pin down

+pin down: (ép buộc) nói ra, ép buộc ra quyết định

+turn in: đi ngủ/ turn sb in (to): nộp cho ai/ turn sth in (to) sb: giao lại, nộp
bài=hand in.

+work out: diễn ra, kết thúc tốt đẹp, tính toán, có kết quả là, đề ra, tìm ra, tập thể

+find out: tìm ra, khám phá ra.

Question 120: I work in a government department where every document is packed

with technical _______.

A. jargon B. euphemism C. cliché D. slang

Answer: A. jargon (n): biệt ngữ.

+euphemism (n): uyển ngữ.

+cliché (n): lời nói sáo, câu nói rập khuôn.

Question 121: He lost job _____ no fault of his own.

A. through B. by C. with D. over

Answer: A. through

+through no fault of his own: (col): không phải do lỗi của anh ấy.

Question 122: He was completely ____ by her tale of hardship.

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A. taken away B. taken down C. taken in D. taken up

Answer: C. taken in

+take sb in: lừa/ phỉnh (thường ở dạng bị động), ngắm, cho ở trọ, thu nhỏ, hiểu, đem
đi sửa (take st in)

+take away: lấy khỏi, chuyển đi, trừ đi.

+take down: với tay lấy, hạ xuống, tháo xuống, ghi lại.

+take up: choán/chiếm, xê dịch, tham gia, tập, thấm, hút, khâu ngắn, bắt đầu theo
đuổi (sở thích, môn thể thao,…).

Question 123: The lecture was rather boring, but the ____ discussion proved fruitful.

A. subsequent B. later C. consecutive D. successive

Answer: A. subsequent: sau đó.

+consecutive (adj): liên tục, tiếp liền nhau.

+successive (adj): kế tiếp, liên tiếp, lần lượt.

Question 124: He wasn‟t sure whether he‟d be any good at hang-gliding, but actually
he ________ immediately.

A. took after it B. took it on C. took to it D. took it back

Answer: C. took to it

+take to sb/ sth: bắt đầu ham thích/say mê, sinh tật, có thói quen, nhiễm.

+take on: nhận, đảm nhiệm, chống lại, đấu với.

+take after: trông giống ai.

+take back: cất lại chỗ cũ, rút lại lời đã nói.

Question 125: _____ other cells in the body, nerve cells are not healed or replaced
when they are damaged or destroyed.

A. Different B. Unlikely C. Unlike D. But

Answer: C. unlike (prep): không giống, khác với.

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Question 126: Cinderella‟s fairy godmother _____ a pumpkin into a coach.

A. transpired B. transmitted C. transformed D. transposed

Answer: C. transformed

+ transform st/ sb into = convert: biến đổi.

Question 127: All smokers are ____ from sitting in the non-smoking section of the

A. inhibited B. ceased C. prohibited D. disobliged

Answer: C. prohibited

+prohibit sb from doing sth= forbid: ngăn cấm.

Question 128: He had always boasted about being a good fighter, but when I ___ him
he simply got cold feet.

A. challenged B. struggled C. ventured D. appealed

Answer: A. challenged: thách thức.

+ventured (v): liều, mạo hiểm.

Question 129: Let me _____ my luck at cards. If I win, I promise to invite you to a
posh restaurant.

A. have B. try C. put D. view

Answer: B. try

+try your luck back at sth: thử vận may.

Question 130: It was Dr. Dalton who _____ us how to deal with this complicated

A. noted B. explained C. interpreted D. instructed

Answer: D. instructed

+instruct sb to do sth/ instruct sb how, what,..: hướng dẫn, chỉ dẫn.

Question 131: He bought the car of his dreams after coming _____ a lot of money
from a wealthy uncle.
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A. across B. by C. into D. of

Answer: C. into

+come into: thừa kế.

+come of: kết quả, từ đó mà ra.

+come across: đi băng qua, vượt qua, tình cờ gặp.

Question 132: Can you take ____ of the shop while Mr. Bentall is away?

A. management B. running C. charge D. operation

Answer: C. charge

+take charge of sb/sth: chịu trách nhiệm trông nom.

Question 133: Jack and Christine wondered how the rumors had begun _____.

A. disseminate B. spread C. run D. develop

Answer: B. spread

+spread rumor (col): truyền tin đồn.

+ disseminate (v): truyền bá, phổ biến.

Question 134: The minister made no _____ of any further negotiations.

A. mention B. comment C. indication D. remark

Answer: A. mention.

+make no mention of: không nhắc đến.

Question 135: Iridology is essentially ______ in nature.

A. curative B. healing C. preventative D. treatable

Answer: C. preventative (adj): phòng, ngăn ngừa bệnh.

Question 136: Some doctors‟ ________ to backache is to prescribe pain-killers.

A. technique B. method C. approach D. process

Answer: C. approach (n): cách tiếp cận.

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Question 137: Oriental medicine _______ the mind and body as one inseparable unit.

A. thinks B. believes C. foresees D. regards

Answer: D. regards

+regard sb/sth as st: coi, xem.

Question 138: After leaving school, Nigel decided to ______ in the army.

A. enlist B. enroll C. register D. sign

Answer: A. enlist: gia nhập quân đội, nhập ngũ.

+enroll (v): ghi danh.

+register (v): đăng kí, ghi vào sổ.

Question 139: The painting was a valuable family possession, which had been _____
from generation to generation.

A. handed over B. handed down C. handed out D. handed across

Answer: B. handed down

+hand down= pass down: truyền lại, để lại, công bố.

+hand over: bàn gia, trao, nộp.

+hand out: phân phát, rải.

Question 140: By a fortunate ____, the bride‟s sister was not invited to the wedding.

A. insult B. oversight C. neglect D. disregard

Answer: B. oversight: sự sơ suất.

+ insult (n): lời lăng mạ, (y học) sự chấn thương.

+ neglect (n): sự sao lãng, sự thờ ơ.

Question 141: When you‟re driving at night, you shouldn‟t _______ any risk.

A. take B. make C. do D. get

Answer: A. take

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+take a risk/ take risk (idm): liều lĩnh.

Question 142: And finally here‟s a ________ of today‟s sports news.

A. round-up B. round–off C. round-on D. round-down

Answer: A. round-up (n): bản tóm tắt tin tức.

Question 143: There is no reason to ______ his honesty; he‟s absolutely sincere.

A. believe B. doubt C. question D. ask

Answer: B. doubt

+doubt one‟s honesty: nghi ngờ sự trung thành của ai.

Question 144: The teacher ________ her because her mother had just passed away.

A. caught sight of B. put up with C. take notice D. make allowance for

Answer: D. make allowance for

+ make allowance for: chiếu cố, để ý giúp đỡ ai.

+ put up with: chịu đựng.

+ take notice of: để ý, quan tâm đến ai.

+ caught sight of: nhìn thấy ai.

Question 145: It is very difficult to ______ the exact meaning of an idiom in foreign

A. convert B. convey C. exchange D. transfer

Answer: B. convey

+convert: biến/ chuyển đổi.

+convey: truyền tải.

+exchange: trao đổi.

+transfer: chuyển.

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Question 146: Deborah is going to take an extra lesson to ________ what she missed
while she was away.

A. catch up on B. cut down on C. put up with D. take up with

Answer: A. catch up on

+catch up on: học bù lại.

+cut down on: cắt giảm

+take up with: giao thiệp với ai.

Question 147: There is a huge amount of ______ associated with children‟s TV show

A. produce B. manufacturing C. merchandising D. sales

Answer: C. merchandising

+ merchandising: việc kinh doanh.

+produce: sản xuất.

+manufacturing: sản xuất theo dây chuyền.

+sales: doanh số.

Question 148: It‟s a formal occasion so we‟ll have to _____ to the nines-no jeans and
pullovers this time.

A. hitch up B. put on C. wear in D. get dressed up

Answer: D. get dressed up

+ get dressed up to the nines: mặc quần áo chỉnh tề.

+hitch up: kéo trang phục.

+put on: mặc quần áo.

Question 149: Half of the children were away from school last week because of
________ of influenza.

A. a break-out B. a breakthrough C. an outburst D. an outbreak

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Answer: D. an outbreak

+an outbreak: sự bùng phát

+a break-out: nổ ra.

+a breakthrough: đột phá.

+an outburst: phun lửa,sự bộc phát.

Question 150: A washing machine of this type will certainly ______ normal
domestic use.

A. stand up for B. come up with C. get on to D. take down with

Answer: A. stand up for

+stand up for: phục vụ, hỗ trợ.

+come up with: đưa ra một ý tưởng.

+get on to: nói chuyện về.

Question 151: There seems to be a large ______ between the member of people
employed in service industries, and those employed in the primary sectors.

A. discriminate B. discretion C. discrepancy D. distinguish

Answer: C. discrepancy

+discriminate: phân biệt đối xử, tách bạch.

+discretion: tự do.

+discrepancy: sự chênh lệch.

+distinguish: phân biệt.

Question 152: British and Australian people share the same language, but in other
respects they are as different as _______.

A. cats and dogs B. salt and pepper C. chalk and cheese D. here and there

Answer: C. chalk and cheese

+cats and dogs: dùng tả mưa to.

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+salt and pepper: dùng tả màu tóc.

+chalk and cheese: dùng nói về sự khác biệt.

+here and there: khắp mọi nơi.

Question 153: I _______ my Mum by cooking dinner for her.

A. cheered up B. looked up C. waited for D. felt like

Answer: A. cheered up

+ cheer up: làm cho ai phấn khởi, vui vẻ.

+ look up: tra từ điển.

+ wait for: đợi chờ ai.

+feel like: muốn, hứng thú.

Question 154: “If we can‟t afford a car, we‟ll just have to ________ one.”

A. do with B. put up with C. do without D. catch up with

Answer: D. catch up with

+ do without: không đến, bỏ qua được.

+catch up with: bắt kịp/ đuổi kịp.

Question 155: He carried a(n) _______ driving license.

A. artificial B. unfaithful C. untrue D. false

Answer: D. false

+artificial: nhân tạo, giả (chất liệu, vật chất).

+unfaithfull: không chung thủy, không chính xác.

+untrue: không đúng, sai sự thật.

+false driving license: bằng lái xe giả.

Question 156: As the drug took ________, the patient became quieter.

A. effect B. force C. influence D. action

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Answer: A. effect

+take effect (col): có tác dụng, có hiệu quả.

Question 157: They say he inherited his money from a ___ relative he had never met.

A. faraway B. remote C. distant D. slight

Answer: C. distant

+distant relative (col): họ hàng xa.

+faraway= distant: xa về khoảng cách.

+romote: hẻ lánh, xa xôi.

+slight: không đáng kể.

Question 158: According to my ______, we should have enough money for the rest
of the month.

A. estimates B. calculations C. suspicions D. expectation.

Answer: B. calculations

+estimates: ước tính.

+calculations: tính toán, cân nhắc, sự trù liệu.

+suspicions: sự nghi ngờ.

+expectation: sự kì vọng.

Question 159: The school was closed for a month because of serious ____ of fever.

A. outcome B. outburst C. outbreak D. outset

Answer: C. outbreak

+outcome: hậu quả, tác động.

+outburst: sự bột phát.

+outbreak: sự bùng nổ.

+outset: sự bắt đầu.

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Question 160: Owing to various advances in modern medicine, certain diseases that
was seemingly incurable now ______ treatment.

A. yield to B. consist of C. interfere with D. stem from

Answer:A. yield to

+yield to: chịu thua, đầu hàng.

+consist of= be composed of= include: bao gồm.

+interfere with: gây trở ngại, cản trở.

+stem from: xuất phát từ, bắt nguồn từ.

Question 161: Mr. Walter was fined by the police when he exceeded the speed
______ the highway.

A. limit B. ceiling C. frontier D. restriction

Answer: A. limit.

+speed limit (col): giới hạn tốc độ.

+frontier (n): biên giới, (số nhiều) lĩnh vực, (định ngữ) ở biên giới.

+restriction (n): sự hạn chế, giới hạn.

+ceiling (n): bay ở độ cao tối đa (hàng không)

Question 162: The teacher got nervous seeing that whatever he said was _____ on the
students who weren‟t paying any attention to the lecture.

A. missed B. lost C. failed D. slipped

Answer: B. lost

+be lost on sb (idm): không được hiểu, không được chú ý.

Question 163: “Can you see any ____ between these two occurrences?” – “For sure,
one thing that has in common is the location they took place it.”

A. relation B. union C. joint D. contact

Answer: A. relation: mối quan hệ.

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+joint (n): khớp (xương), mấu/ đốt (thực vật học), khe nứt (địa lí học), mối hàn/ bản
lề (kĩ thuật)

Question 164: “How was your vacation in Jamaica?” – “Sadly, it _____ from what
we expected.”

A. was a far cry B. went far C. was by far D. went too far

Answer: A. was a far cry

+a far cry from sth (idm): khác xa so với.

Question 165: The forecasters take a gloomy ________ of the economic future.

A. regard B. aspect C. view D. outlook

Answer: C. view: quan điểm.

+outlook on sth: quan điểm.

Question 166: After he left I just tried to ________ as normal.

A. carry on B. go by C. pass off D. come around

Answer: A. carry on

+ carry on: cố tiếp tục sống, tiếp tục (làm), cằn nhằn.

+ pass off: diễn ra, mạo nhận, xưng danh.

Question 167: A deep wound like this one will take longer to _______.

A. cure B. heal C. mend D. settle

Answer: B. heal

+heal (v): lành, chữa lành.

+cure: chữa trị.

+mend: sửa chữa (cái gì,..)

Question 168: Social and political problems ______ the outbreak of war.

A. improved B. led to C. gave D. exploded

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Answer: B. led to

+led to sth: đưa đến, dẫn đến.

+improve: cải thiện.

+explode: nổ, bùng nổ.

Question 169: Living in the actual country should act as a _____ to language

A. direction B. factor C. stimulus D. change

Answer: C. stimulus

+stimulus: tác nhân kích thích, sự khuyến khích.

+factor: nhân tố.

Question 170: When I went into the dining room next morning, the _____ of the
dinner were still on the table.

A. remains B. results C. fossils D. relics

Answer: A. remains

+fossil (n): hóa thạch.

+remains= left-overs: thức ăn thừa.

+relic (n): (tôn giáo) thánh tích, (số nhiều) di hài, di chỉ, kỉ vật.

Question 171: There‟s a tiny ______ in the diamond; that‟s why the ring is so cheap.

A. deformity B. error C. flaw D. scar

Answer: C. flaw (in sth): vết nứt, chỗ rạng.

+deformity (n): tình trạng méo mó, biến dạng.

+ scar (n): vết sẹo.

Question 172: Because of the shortage of water there is a _____ on the use of hose-

A. ban B. punishment C. taboo D. boycott

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Answer: A. ban on sth: lệnh cấm.

+taboo (n): điều cấm kị.

+boycott (n): sự tẩy chay.

Question 173: He‟s about the same height as his father, but in every other respect he
takes ______ his mother.

A. from B. up C. on D. after

Answer: D. after

+take after: trông giống ai.

+take on: dảm nhiệm,…

Question 174: In many families the important decisions are _______ by women.

A. done B. arrive C. made D. given

Answer: C. made

+make a decision (col): đưa ra quyết định.

Question 175: Thousands of passengers were _____ at the airport last night.

A. disposed B. quit C. stranded D. remained

Answer: C. stranded; mắc cạn, mắc kẹt.

Question 176: They _____ in sign language.

A. conducted B. operated C. communicated D. connected

Answer: C. communicated in

Question 177: Many people expressed a strong _____ for the orginal plan.

A. grace B. preference C. keenness D. temptation

Answer: B. preference

+express a strong preference for (col): bày tỏ sự thích hơn đối với…

+ grace (n): vẻ lịch sự, duyên dáng, thái độ (trong khi làm việc gì).

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Question 178: I don‟t like Anthony, he seems to take too much_____ in criticizing

A. joy B. fascination C. pleasure D. entertainment

Answer: C. pleasure

+take pleasure in (doing) sth: thích làm gì.

+fascination (n): sự thôi miên, sự mê hoặc, sự quyến rũ, sự lôi cuốn.

Question 179: Every worker gets an extra month‟s salary as an end-of-year _____.

A. bonus B. addition C. reward D. donation

Answer: A. bonus: tiền thưởng.

Question 180: At the scene of the disaster the Prince said comforting words to the
______ relatives.

A. hilarious B. absurd C. arrogant D. grieving

Answer: D. grieving: đau buồn, đau lòng.

+hilarious (adj): vui vẻ, vui nhộn.

+absurd (adj): vô lý, ngu xuẩn, ngớ ngẩn, lố bịch, buồn cười.

+arrogant (adj): kiêu ngạo.

+grieving: đau buồn, đau lòng.

Question 181: Since he spoke about the subject so indirectly, it was difficult to see
what he was __________.

A. getting at B. getting on C. getting in D. getting up

Answer: A. getting at

+get at: có hàm ý, với tới, phê bình, chỉ trích liên miên.

+get in/ into: (đi) vào, thu xếp để được vào, nhét, chèn, về đến, nhập (hàng để bán),
dành thời gian để làm gì.

+get on: mang/ mặc/ khoác vào, bước lên, đến ngồi/ đứng/ nằm.

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+get up: đi lên/ đi ra (hướng bắc), thức dậy, đứng lên= stand up, sắp xếp/ tổ chức.

Question 182: If you go out of reason, the island is a _______and relaxing place.

A. tranquil B. brutal C. lively D. composed

Answer: A: tranquil: yên bình (adj)

+brutal (adj): hung ác, tàn bạo, đầy thú tính.

+lively (adj): sinh động.

Question 183: It cannot be denied that fireworks are serious fire _________.

A. accident B. mishap C. danger D. hazard

Answer: D. hazard (n): mối nguy hiểm.

+mishap (n), việc rủi ro, tai nạn, sự bất hạnh.

Question 184: When his business failed, he started again from ___________.

A. scratch B. blank C. introduction D. beginning

Answer: A. scratch.

+start from scratch (idm): bắt đầu từ con số 0

Question 185: The lecture _____ from prehistory to modern times and gave the
audiences much to think about.

A. covered B. included C. ranged D. dealt

Answer: C. ranged

+range from sth to sth: (v) từ …đến…

Question 186: We can‟t go skating. The ________ has been closed for repair.

A. ring B. course C. rink D. pitch

Answer: C.rink

+rink: sân băng, sân trượt.

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+pitch (n): dầu hắc ín, sự ném/ tung/ liệng (cái gì) lao xuống, (thể dục) cách ném
bóng, đường ném bóng (trong criket), động tác ném bóng trong bóng chày, (âm
nhạc) độ cao thấp (nốt nhạc), mức độ/ cường độ (vấn đề),…

Question 187: Ralph Waldo Emerson‟s belief ______ the individual freedom of all
people greatly influenced later American thinkers.

A. as of B. on C. in D. as in

Answer: C. in

+belief in sth/ sb: niềm tin vào cái gì/ ai.

Question 188: Frank was overwhelmed with ____when his dog was knocked down
by a car.

A. grief B. chagrin C. melodrama D. melancholy

Answer: A. grief

+grief: nỗi đau buồn, nỗi thương tiếc.

+chagrin (n): sự chán nản, sự thất vọng, sự tủi nhục.

+melodrama (n): kịch melo, lời nói cường điệu.

+melancholy (n): u sầu, sầu muộn.

Question 189: If you‟re planning to leave the office earlier, ____ in mind to tell me
about it in advance.

A. bear B. put C. hold D. carry

Answer: A. bear

+bear in mind (idm): nhớ = remember.

Question 190: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60‟s, but now they are
_____ the times.

A. beneath B. under C. over D. behind

Answer: D. behind

+behind the times (idm): lỗi thời.

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Question 191: Who else is of the _____ that we should break the camp?

A. conclusion B. opinion C. remark D. theory

Answer: B. opinion

+be of the opinion that (idm): tin rằng, nghĩ rằng.

Question 192: John ____ it upon himself to ensure that everyone had satisfactory

A. took B. did C. got D. made

Answer: A. took.

+take it on/ upon yourself to do sth (idm): tự ý làm mà không xin phép.

Question 193: Douglas took _____ of his meeting with the Prime Minister to argue
his case.

A. opportunity B. advantage C. chance D. effect

Answer: B. advantage

+take advantage of sb/sth (idm): tận dụng, lợi dụng.

Question 194: In ______, it was a bad idea to pay him in cash.

A. hindsight B. consideration C. retrospect D. knowledge

Answer: C. retrospect

+in retrospect (idm): ngẫm lại, nghĩ lại.

+hindsight (n): tước ngắm (ở súng), (đùa cợt) nhận thức muộn (sau khi xảy ra mới
nhận thức).

+consideration (n): cân nhắc, suy xét,…

Question 195: All things ______, he is the best president we are likely to get.

A. considered B. thought C. taken D. added

Answer: A. considered

+all things considered (idm): sau khi cân nhắc kĩ.

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Question 196: Dominant individuals may use _____ gestures to underline their power

A. submissive B. expansive C. flirtatious D. nervous

Answer: B. expansive

+submissive (adj): ngoan ngoãn, dễ bảo, dễ phục tùng.

+flirtatious (adj): hay yêu đương lăng nhăng, thích tán tỉnh, thích ve vãn.

+expansive: cởi mở, chan hòa.

Question 197: Last night‟s concert did not _________ our expectations

A. catch up with B. stand in for C. come up to D. look up to

Answer: C. come up to

+catch up with: bắt kịp.

+come up to: đáp ứng.

+look up to: tôn trọng.

Question 198: We usually do go by train, even though the car _____ is a lot quicker.

A. travel B. journey C. trip D. voyage

Answer: B. journey

+travel: danh từ không đếm được chỉ hành động du hành (du lịch mở mang đầu óc)

+journey: chỉ quãng đường dài hoặc ngắn đi lại thường xuyên.

+trip: trịnh trọng hơn excursion; chuyến đi thăm ngắn xuất phát từ một nơi này rồi
trở lại nơi đó.

+voyage: chuyến đi dài trên biển hoặc trong không gian.

+excursion: gợi ý 1 nhóm người đi chơi cùng nhau.

+travels: gợi ý 1 khoảng thời gian dài đi từ nơi này sang nơi khác, nhất là ra nước
ngoài để vui chơi hoặc vì lợi ích.

+tour: một chuyến đi du lịch ngắn hoặc dài.

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Question 199: I usually buy my clothes__. It‟s cheaper than going to the dress maker.

A. on the house B. off the peg C. in public D. on the shelf

Answer: B. off the peg

+off the peg: (quần áo) được may sẵn.

Question 200: We put his rude manager _____ ignorance of our British customs.

A. up to B. down to C. off at D. up with

Answer: B. down to

+put sb up to sth: khuyến khích ai đó làm điều gì ngu ngốc.

+put sth down to: cho là, là do cái gì.

+put up with sb/sth: chịu đựng ai/ cái gì.

Exercise: 2
Question 1: The smell of the sea ________ his childhood.

A. took him in B. took after C. took him back to D. took it for granted

Answer: C. took him back to

+take sb in: nhận vào, cho trọ.

+take after: giống với ai.

+take sb back to: làm ai đó nhớ về cái gì.

+take it for granted: cho là dĩ nhiên, nhầm ai với ai.

Question 2: Despite all the interruptions, he ______ with his work.

A. pressed on B. held on C. stuck at D. hung out

Answer: A. pressed on

+pressed on/ ahead with sb: miệt mài làm, thúc giục, thúc gấp.

+hold on: nắm chặt, giữ máy, đợi.

+stick at: miệt mài, biền bỉ tiếp tục.

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+hang out: dành thời gian ở một địa điểm nào đó.

Question 3: Please don‟t _______ yourself out. A sandwich will do.

A. let B. put C. leave D. take

Answer: B. put

+put onself out: dùng hết (sức,…)

Question 4: Fire crews have been operating at full _________.

A. effort B. power C. strength D. energy

Answer: C. strength

+at full strength: hết công suất, đủ số người đến.

Question 5: I am writing with _______ to our telephone conversation yesterday.

A. accordance B. reference C. similarity D. speaking

Answer: B. reference

+in/ with reference to: viết về cái gì hay đề cập cái gì.

+in accordance with sth: theo như.

Question 6: He kept his marriage for many years, but eventually the truth _____.

A. came out B. went out C. came through D. fell out

Answer: A. came out

+come out: lộ ra

+go out: đi ra ngoài, đi chơi.

+come through: qua khỏi được.

+fall out: bị té/văng/ngã/rớt, sụp đổ.

Question 7: Getting a good school _________ is what you need to do.

A. report B. mark C. raise D. comment

Answer: A. report

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+school report: phiếu điểm học tập, bảng điểm.

Question 8: It was so foggy that the driver couldn‟t __________ the traffic signs.

A. make out B. break out C. keep out D. take out

Answer: A. make out

+make out: hiểu, phân biệt, nhìn thấy rõ.

+break out: bùng nổ.

+keep out: không cho vào.

+take out: lấy ra, rút ra.

Question 9: It was with a ______ heart that she said goodbye to all her classmates.

A. solemn B. heavy C. dismal D. grim

Answer: B. heavy

+a heavy heart: một trái tim trĩu nặng đau buồn.

+solemn (adj): trọng thể, chính thức, uy nghiêm, quy cách, gây ấn tượng.

+dismal (adj): buồn thảm, tối tăm, ảm đạm, u sầu.

+grim (adj): chán nản, thất vọng, buồn rầu, gớm giếc, tàn nhẫn, ác độc.

Question 10: Some political parties have such similar manifestos that they are
difficult to __________.

A. tell apart B. take apart C. say apart D. differ

Answer: A. tell apart

+ tell apart: phân biệt hai hay nhiều người/ vật.

Question 11: The poor girl was ________of social etiquette.

A. insecure B. senseless C. ignorant D. indifferent

Question 12: At the age of eighteen, my brother was ____ in the armed torces.

A. accepted B. consigned C. enlisted D. recruited

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Answer: C. enlisted

+ consigned (v): gửi (tiền, hàng hoá); gửi (hàng hoá) để bán; uỷ thác, giao phó.
+ enlisted (v): gia nhập quân đội, nhập ngũ.
+ recruited (v): tuyển, chiêu mộ (lính mới); tìm thêm, bổ sung chỗ trống, phục hồi.
Question 13: The vain boy tried to catch a _____ of himself in the mirror of the
overhead projector.

A. refraction B. reflection C. figure D. portrait

Answer: B. reflection.

+refraction (n): (vật lý) sự khúc xạ, độ khúc xạ; sự bị khúc xạ.

+reflection (n): sự phản chiếu, sự phản xạ, sự dội lại.

+portrait (n): chân dung, ảnh (người, vật); hình tượng, điển hình

Question 14: The ______ man refused to give his son a single cent to start his own

A. miserly B. meager C. sparse D. shortage

Answer: A. miserly

+miserly (adj) = mean: hà tiện, keo kiệt, bủn xỉn.

+meager: gầy còm, khẳng khiu, nghèo nàn,sơ sài, thiếu xót.
+sparse: Thưa thớt, rải rác, lơ thơ; rải mỏng ra
Question 15: The doctors had _____ their best, but hadn‟t been able to save the

A. done B. made C. operated D. attempted

Answer: A. done

+do one‟s best (col): làm hết khả năng.

Question 16: The open-air party had to be ____ because of a heavy rainfall.

A. postponed B. detained C. refused D. extinguished

Answer: A. postponed

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+ postponed: hoàn lại = put off

+ detained: ngăn cản, cầm giữ (tiền lương, tiền nợ, đồ vật...), giam giữ, cầm tù
Question 17: You may feel sure the casting will be done perfectly, just ____ your
trust in me and you will see I‟m right.

A. put B. forward C. grant D. allow

Answer: A. put.

+put your trust in me (col): bạn hãy tin tưởng tôi.

Question 18: If we leave now, we‟ll get to the airport with plenty of __________.

A. spared time B. spare time C. time to spare D. time that spares

Answer: B. spare time

+time to spare= extra time vs spare time= free time

Question 19: The worst thing about traveling for so many weeks is not having ____.

A. home – cooking meals B. cooking meals at home

C meals cooking at home D. home – cooked meals

Answer: D. home – cooked meals

+compound adjective + noun

Question 20: The police promised him ____ from prosecution if he cooperated with
them fully.

A. safety B. protection C. immunity D. absolution

Answer: C. immunity

+ immunity from sth (n): miễn - immunity from prosecution: sự miễn truy tố.

Question 21: The woods are _____ of a huge forest which once covered the whole

A. survivors B. remnants C. leftovers D. relies

Answer: B. remnants

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+remnants: di tích, tàn dư, , đồ thừa lại, dấu vết còn lại.

Question 22: This court deals only with _____ crime.

A. petty B. trivial C. small D. insignificant.

Answer: A. petty.

+petty= minor.

Question 23: In this quiz you have the chance to ____ your wits against the most
intelligent people in England.

A. set B. pit C. try D. sharpen

Answer: B. pit

+pit your wits against sb= compete with sb: đấu trí với ai.

Question 24: “Do you think she‟ll get the good job?” – “I have my doubts. She‟s
inexperienced, ______ very shy.”

A. in addition B. as well C. let it alone D. not to mention

Answer: D. not to mention

+not to mention (idm): chưa tính, chưa kể tới.

Question 25: More than thirty people _____ evidence to the court during the four
weeks trial.

A. gave B. explained C. produced D. spoke

Answer: A. give

+give evidence (col): đưa ra bằng chứng.

Question 26: The lawyer claimed that the tests had been carried out by experienced
scientists but this is not necessarily _______.

A. so B. the way C. thus D. the method

Answer: A. so

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+so: như vậy, như thế.

Question 27: He pictured the scene in his mind‟s _______.

A. thinking B. sight C. memory D. eye

Answer: D. eye.

+in your mind‟s eye (idm): trí tưởng tượng.

Question 28: A sharp frost _____ the beginning of winter.

A. advertised B. predicted C. showed D. heralded

Answer: D. herald

+herald: báo hiệu.

Question 29: They are fighting to eradicate the ____ of starvation caused by the civil

A. tradition B. legacy C. leaving D. remains

Answer: B. legacy

+legacy: dư chứng, hệ quả.

Question 30: The teenager took his father‟s credit card and _____ 7000 dollars worth
of purchases.

A. made up B. ran up C. took up D. put up

Answer: B. ran up

+run up (phrv): để cho (hóa đơn, nợ nần…) tích lũy.

Question 31: “I hear she‟s dropped out of med school.” – “I guess she wasn‟t cut out
_____ a doctor.”

A. As B. for C. being D. to be

Answer: D. to be

+be cut out for sth/ be cut out to be sth (phrv): có phẩm chất, có khả năng cần cho
việc gì, hợp với.

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Question 32: We couldn‟t have afforded to buy the house if our parents hadn‟t helped
us to _______ the cost.

A. devise B. meet C. manage D. achieve

Answer: B. meet

+meet the cost (col): thanh toán chi phí.

Question 33: John‟s observation was a bit wide of the ________.

A. target B. mark C. point D. goal

Answer: B. mark.

+wide of the mark (idm): không chính xác.

Question 34: The helicopter _____ over the ship and lowered a doctor onto the desk.

A. sank B. stationed C. hovered D. stayed

Answer: C. hovered

+ hovered: bay lượn

Question 35: The older inhabitants looked on the festival as an opportunity to bridge
the ______ between the newcomers and themselves.

A. hole B. gap C. blank D. crevice

Answer: B. gap.

+bridge the gap (between A and B) (idm): giảm khoảng cách.

Question 36: Emily managed to talk to the politican by ____ herself off as a

A. taking B. putting C. calling D. passing

Answer: D. passing

+ pass sb/ yourself/ sth off as sb/ sth (phrv): mạo nhận ai/ cái gì.

Question 37: “Who took part in the celebration?” – “Mr. Simmons an Frank Cox, to
_______ but a few.

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A. name B. say C. call D. state

Answer: A. name

+to name but a few (col): chỉ mới kể một số.

Question 38: I hope you won‟t take ____ if I say that your project needs more
improvement to be accepted.

A. hatred B. nerve C. offence D. anger

Answer: C. offence

+take offence (idm): cảm thấy khó chịu, bực bội, mếch lòng)

Question 39: He claims to be a professional stuntman, but his skills will have to be
________ to the test anyway.

A. brought B. taken C. laid D. put

Answer: D. put

+put sb/ sth to the test (idm): kiểm tra, thử thách ai/ cái gì.

Question 40: Your son has the ____ of a fine musician.

A. beginnings B. makings C. looks D. talents

Answer: B. makings

+have the makings of sth (idm): có những phẩm chất cần thiết đẻ trở thành.

Question 41: He found that the test was child‟s _________.

A. play B. games C. matches D. delight

Answer: A. play

+be child‟s play (idm): trò trẻ con, việc quá dễ làm.

Question 42: Her ability, _____ with a determination to succeed, should make her
very successful.

A. added B. coupled C. joined D. related

Answer: B. coupled

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+couple sb/ sth with sb/ sth (phrv): kết hợp, cộng với.

Question 43: The troops were positioned in ______ for action.

A. anticipations B. alert C. standby D. readiness

Answer: D. readiness

+readiness for sth (n): sẵn sang cho.

Question 44: Several people opted for a taxi on the _____ that no more buses would
arrive that evening.

A. belief B. assumption C. supposition D. comprising

Answer: B. assumption

+on the assumption that (col): theo giả định là.

Question 45: It‟s unlikely he will ever find out how to operate the conveyor belt, but
let him at least have a(n) ______ at it.

A. move B. trial C. go D. effort

Answer: C. go

+have a go (at sth/ at doing sth)(idm): nỗ lực làm gì.

Question 46: Holiday-makers often suffer from minor _____ such as sunburn and
stomach upsets.

A. aches B. disturbances C. ailments D. diseases

Answer: C.ailments.

+minor ailments (col): ốm nhẹ.

Question 47:

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

Knowing what to expect from your destination will make all aspects of planning an
adventure trip easier, as well as helping you to (1) _______ the most out of the
experience. Research will not only help you pick the best places to go but you'll also
learn what you need to pack, what health and safety (2) _______ to take, and what
cultural (and sometimes political) issues you should be (3) _______ of. Climate, and
seasonal pricing are important (4) _______ in your decision about when to go. (5)
_________for adventure travel, bad weather or whether you're not (6) ______ for can
ruin the trip. While you can't predict the (7) _____weather in advance, you can learn
about climate (8) _______ ahead of time when doing your destination research. Seasonal
popularity and pricing should also be considered if you intend to (9) _______ peak-
season crowds and prices.

While some research is absolutely (10) _______, don't plan out every moment of your
trip in advance. Over-planning tends to make us less (11) ________ to take part in the
unpredictable and spontaneous (12) ________ that are part of any sort of adventure
travel. It‟s really important to keep a big reserve of excitement and energy ready for the

1. A. take B. get C. find D. set

+get something out of sth/sb (phr): có được, nhận được, giành được cái gì từ cái gì/ai.

2. A. insurance B. precautions C. information D. warnings

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+precautions (against sth) (n): sự đề phòng, biện pháp đề phòng.

+warnings: cảnh báo.

3. A. aware B. familiar C. knowledgeable D. informed

+to be aware of (adj): biết, có ý thức, nhận thấy về.

4. A. points B. reasons C. factors D. details

+factor (n): nhân tố.

5. A. Especially B. Exceptionally C. Necessarily D. Definitely

+especially= particularly (đặc biệt là, nhất là)

6. A. anticipated B. prepared C. expected D. planned

+prepared (for sth) (adj): chuẩn bị cho việc gì

7. A. malicious B. sincere C. true D. exact

+exact (adj): correct in every detail(chính xác)

8. A. probabilities B. estimations C. assessment D. trends

+trend (n): xu hướng, chiều hướng, khuynh hướng.

+ estimation (n): sự ước tính.

9. A. keep out B. keep away from C. keep off D. keep up

+keep away from (phr): to avoid going near sb/sth: tránh xa.

+keep off (phr): giẫm lên, không bước, từ bỏ/ xa lánh (thói quen xấu,..).

+keep out (phr): không cho vào, không can dự vào.

10. A. needed B. essential C. ideal D. useful

+essential (adj) =vital (quan trọng, thiết yếu)

11. A. curious B. interested C. appreciate D. willing

+willing (adj): sẵn sằng, vui lòng, muốn.

+ curious (adj): tò mò.

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12. A. events B. performances C. circumstances D. chances

+event (n): sự kiện.

+ circumstances (n): trường hợp, hoàn cảnh.


At 19, Ben Way is already a millionaire, and one of a growing member of teenagers
who (1) _______ their fortune through the Internet. (2)________ makes Ben`s story
all the most remarkable is that he is dyslexic, and was (3) _________ by teachers at
his junior school that he would never be able to read or write properly. “I wanted to
prove them (4) ________”, says Ben, creator and director of Waysearch, a net search
engine which can be used to goods in online shopping malls. When he was eight, his
local authorities (5)________him with a PC to help his schoolwork. Although he was
(6) ________ to read the manuals, he had a natural ability with the computer, and
encouraged by his father, he soon began (7) _____ people $10 an hour for his
knowledge and skills. At the age of 15 he (8) _______ up his computer consultancy,
Quard Computer, which he from his bedroom, two years later he left school to (9)
________all his time to business. “By the time the company had grown and I needed
to take on a couple of (10) ________ to help me”, say Ben. “That enabled to start (11)
_______ business with bigger companies”. It was his ability to consistently (12)
_________ difficult challenges that led him to win the Young Entrepreneur of the
Year award in the same year that he formed Waysearch, and he has recently signed a
deal worth. $25 million with a private investment company, which will finance his
search engine.

1. A. taken B made C. put D. done

+Make one‟s fortune: phát đạt, phát tài.

2. A. This B. That C. Something D. What

+What as subject

3. A. said B. told C. suggested D. reported

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+Tell sb (that)…; passive voice

4. A. wrong B. false C. untrue D. unfair

+prove sb+ adj: prove them wrong= prove that they were wrong.

5. A. provided B. gave C. offered D. got

+Provide sb with sth(v): cấp cho, cung cấp

6. A. impossible B. incapable C. disabled D. unable

+Unable to do sth (adj): không thể làm được việc gì

7. A. owning B. charging C. lending D. borrowing

+Charge sb sth (for sth: tính giá, yêu cầu trả tiền

8. A. put B. run C. made D. set

+Set up(phr v): thành lập

9. A. pay B. spend C. devote D. invest

+Devote sth to sth (phr v): cống hiến, dành hết...cho...

10. A. couple B. few C. little D. deal

+A couple of= a few

11. A. having B. doing C. making D. bringing

+Do business with (common phrase): làm ăn với ai

12. A. overcome B. overlook C. overtake D. overdo

+Overcome (v): vượt qua, khắc phục

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