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Course Outline

Faculty of Science and Technology

Course Number BCNT 1401

Course Title: Introduction to Building Construction & Drawings

Course Instructor: Jeffrey Jones

Credits: 3

Section: 1

Semester: 2023-1

Class Meeting Times TTH- 10:00 -11:15am

Class Venue: Belmopan City (Bg.)

Pre-requisites: None

Co-requisites None

Field trip(s): ( ☑ ) Yes ( )No

Office Location Near Hummingbird Building, FST Main office

Office Hours: Mon. – 10:00pm - 12:00pm or by appointment

(Consultation Hours)

Telephone: Office: 822-3680/3681…..Ext. 1055


E-Mail Address:

Required Text:

Chudley,R. , Greeno. R. (2009). Construction Technology (4 th ed.) Edinburgh Gates, Harlow

Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited.
Other Resources’:

1. Seeley, I.H. (1995). Building Technology (5th ed). London: Macmillan Press Limited

2. Emmitt, S, Gorse, C.A, (2014). Barry’s Introduction to Construction of Buildings (3 rd ed.)

Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd

3. Allen, E., Thallon, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Residential Construction (3 rd ed.)

Hoboken New Jersey. John Wiley and Sons Ltd

4. Chudley,R. , Greeno (2006). Building Construction Handbook (6 th ed.) Jordan Hill

Oxford, Uk. Butterworth-Heinemann

5. Barry, R. (1999). The Construction of Buildings Volume 1. (7th ed.) Osney Mead Oxford, Uk.
Blackwell Science Ltd.

6. Ching,F.D.K. (2014). Building Construction Illustrated (5th ed.) Hoboken New Jersey. John
Wiley and Sons Ltd

7. Fleming, E. (2005). Construction Technology: An Introduction. Oxford Uk. Blackwell

Publishing Ltd.


This course prepares students for future positions at technician and supervisory levels in building and
civil engineering emphasizing domestic, commercial, and industrial buildings. Topics include:
preliminary items; types of structures; site works and setting out; foundations; floor construction; walls;
roofs (up to 10m span) and roof coverings.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

a. Describe the various preliminary items.

b. Outline the requirements of simple site preparation.
c. Examine and explain the various types of substructures.
d. Examine the classification of building structures with reference to foundations, floors,
walls, columns, beams and roofs.
e. Design Construction details to meet specific conditions and needs of windows and doors.
f. Identify and classify building structures such as portal and framed structures.
g. Use the manual media of drafting to create sectional detailing of different building components.
h. Develop professional and ethical responsibilities of the profession.

Course Schedule
Date Topics/Sub-topics Teaching Strategies Readings and Assessment and
and Activities Assignments Due Dates

Week1 Course Outline Discuss- introduction Read:

Aug. 15 & 17 to building Chapter- Intro (pg 1-11)
2023 construction. Construction
Introduction Technology (4th ed.)
a. Buil
ding teams Lecture and
b. Buil discussion building Read:
ding team and building a. Chapter 1
regulations regulations. Construction
Technology (4th ed.)
Discussion on the
significance of
Preliminaries items preliminaries items
a. Site and Soil
b. Site layout and
c. Health and Welfare
d. Security, Safety and
e. Materials storage

Week2 Site Works and Lecture &Class Read:

Aug. 22 & 24 Setting Out discussion on site Chapter 1
2023 works. Construction
a. Site clearance
Technology (4th ed.)
b. Equipment and
tools Power point
c. Setting out of presentation on
Assignment 1:
building. setting.
Site work
Field demonstration-
Due: Week 3
Week 3 Substructures Lecture & Class Read:
Aug. 29 & 31 Trench and basement discussion Chapter (Part
2023 2) 2.1
excavation. Construction
Power point
Technology (4th
presentation on
trench and
basement Read Posted
excavation. information on
your Moodle

Week 4 Substructures Lecture & Class

Sept. 5 & 7 Foundations discussion using Read: Assignment 2:
2023 power point Chapter 2. Foundation –
a. Classification and

Date Topics/Sub-topics Teaching Strategies Readings and Assessment and
and Activities Assignments Due Dates

types of foundations presentation on Construction drawings

b. Design and building foundation Technology (4th Due: Week 6
Functions ed.)
c. Design factors Lecture from the
required text book TEST I –
site layout and
setting-out) and

Week 5 Floor Construction. Lecture &Class Read:

Sept.12 & 14 a. Factors affecting discussion on Chapter 4.
2023 design system different types of Construction
floor construction Technology (4th
b. in-situ reinforced
concrete floors and Ppt presentation
Read Posted
temporary support. with video clippings information on
c. Concrete floor on floor design your Moodle
finishes page, floor
d. Basic design Site Visit to construction
principle for reinforced construction sites to
concrete floors and observed floors and
materials used foundations

Week 6 Floor Construction Lecture &Class Assignment 3:

Sept. 19 & 21 a. Pre-cast reinforced discussion on Drawings on
2023 concrete floor slab different types of Foundations.
b. Composite floor floor construction Due: Week 7
c. pre-cast hollow
floors Ppt presentation
d. timber floor with video clippings
e. Factors affecting on floor design
design system
Site Visit to
construction sites to
observed floors and

Week 7 Walls Lecture &Class Read:

Sept. 26 & 28 a. Functions and discussion Chapter 3
2023 requirement of walls Construction
and the materials used Technology (4th
Ppt presentation ed.)
b. Factors that

Date Topics/Sub-topics Teaching Strategies Readings and Assessment and
and Activities Assignments Due Dates

determine thickness with video clippings

of brick and block on wall construction. Read Posted
walls constructions information on
c. Function of damp- your Moodle
page, floor
proof courses and
materials used

Week 8 Walls Lecture &Class Assignment 3:

Oct. 3 & 4 a. Construction of door discussion Floors and walls
2023 and window opening construction
and treatments Due: Week 9
Ppt presentation
b.Cavity wall with video clippings
construction on wall construction.
c. Timber wall
d. Reinforced concrete Construction site
wall construction visit
e. Wall cladding TEST II –
Floors and walls

Week 9 Roofs Lecture &Class Chapter 3

Oct. 10 & 12 a. Factors influencing discussion Construction
2023 the choice of roofing Technology (4th
b. Various types of Ppt presentation
roofs used. with video clippings
c. Factors affecting on roof construction.
design system Constructions.

Week 10 a. Factors Lecture &Class Chapter

Oct. 17 & 19 affecting discussion 6Construction
2023 design system Technology (4th
b. Roof covering Ppt presentation
with video clippings

Date Topics/Sub-topics Teaching Strategies Readings and Assessment and
and Activities Assignments Due Dates

on wall construction.

Week 11 Internal fixtures and Lecture &Class Chapter 7 Construction Assignment 4:

Oct. 24 & 26 fittings: discussion Technology (4th ed.)
2023 Due: Week 13
a. door frames
and linings Ppt presentation Roof Design,
b. Windows
c. Ironmongery

Week 12 Internal fixtures and Lecture &Class Chapter 7 Construction

Oct. 31 & fittings: discussion. Technology (4th ed.)
Nov. 2
Stairs – timber,
concrete and Ppt presentation.
Finishes – Floor, wall
and ceiling

Week 13 Framed Buildings Lecture &Class Chapter 10 Construction Assignment 5:

Nov.7 & 9 a. Simple framed discussion Technology (4th ed.) Frame building
2023 Due: Week 15
b. Reinforced and Video presentation
framed structures
precast concrete
Roof , internal
finishing and
Week 14 Framed Buildings Lecture &Class Chapter 10 Construction

Date Topics/Sub-topics Teaching Strategies Readings and Assessment and
and Activities Assignments Due Dates

Nov.14 &16 discussion Technology (4th ed.)

2023 Reinforced and precast
concrete frames

Week 15 Framed Buildings Lecture &Class Chapter 10 Construction

Nov. 21 & 23 discussion Technology (4th ed.)
Structural steelwork
frames Review all topics


Course policies and regulations

1. Academic Honesty: The administration of student discipline in the university community is a

responsibility shared by students, faculty, and administrative staff. The University of Belize Academic
Honesty Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of student’s academic work, the
procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of
students and faculty throughout the process. All students are expected to conform to the Academic
Honesty Policy. Lecturers are expected to consult with academic department chairpersons to prevent and
respond to violations of the Academic Honesty Policy. Students wishing to dispute a charge of academic
dishonesty or a sanction made upon them because of such allegations can do so by appealing to the Dean
of Student Affairs to invoke the Discipline Appeals Process as detailed in the Student Handbook. (Please
visit for a full description of violations to the Academic Honesty Policy and sanctions.)

2. Class Attendance: Students are expected to attend all sessions, and to be on time. Students must attend at least
80% of class sessions. Unexcused absences beyond this point may result in a reduction in your grade. You
must provide the necessary documentation for any other absences e.g., doctors certificate if you are ill. You are
expected to participate fully in class discussions and come to class prepared to contribute to class discussions
and group work. Because participation in class is imperative for success, each student’s final grade will be
positively or negatively affected based upon the number of class sessions they attend. Absent students are
responsible for obtaining class notes, handouts, and activities, as well as any other pertinent information.

If an instructor is late to class, the students are required to wait for the instructor at least fifteen minutes after
the scheduled start of the class period. If the instructor has not arrived by that time, the students are free to
leave unless specifically notified to await the instructor's arrival.

3. Disability Consideration: Where necessary, and with adequate notice, instructors are required to make
special arrangements, to allow students with special needs to participate in assessment without being
placed at a disadvantage, for example use of enlarged fonts or Braille. Students requiring such
considerations must be medically certified as having a specified special need.

Class Policies

1. Punctuality: Kindly make every effort to arrive on time to all sessions. Walking into a session late is
unprofessional and distracting to the rest your colleagues. If you will be late for any session, please
inform the instructor via an e-mail, telephone call, or text message.

2. Professional Ethics: In your fieldwork and/or class activities, you are expected to conduct yourself in an
ethical, legal, and professional manner.

3. Readings: Readings will be assigned. You will be expected to attend the class session prepared to
discuss the readings from the required text and/or any additional readings assigned. The aim is to
enhance your understanding and skills related to these materials and to enable you to share your
understanding with class members. Assigned readings must be completed prior to the class for which
they are intended.

4. Writings: The ability to write clearly and effectively is essential to a profession. Written assignments
represent your best professional abilities and excellence. Assignments must be written in Standard
English. Written assignments should be typed and carefully proofread. Pages that are disorganized and
contain errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, or typing will receive reduced grades. All written work
should adhere to the APA /MLA style as directed by the instructor.

5. Cell phones: As courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please have cell phones turned off
throughout class time. If an urgent matter arises that requires you to have your cell phone on (on vibrate),
please inform the instructor before the session.

6. Missed of late Assignments: Students are expected to do all class assignments, and turn them in on time.
If prior approval for late assignment is not granted by the instructor, points will be deducted from that
assignment or the assignment will not be accepted.

7. Technology: Students are required to utilize word processing programs to complete all assignments.
Internet and electronic mail systems will be used as needed to develop strategies, facilitate class
discussion, and enhance communication between professor and students.

Grading Scale
The final grade will be assigned in adherence with the University of Belize’s Grade Policy. Thus, final
grades will be computed using a combination of semester grades (quiz, essays, tests, presentations, blog,
wiki, quizzes, e-portfolio/ portfolios) and a final examination. The final letter grade will be assigned
using the following University Grading Scale:
95-100 A 80-84 B 65-69 D+
90-94 A- 75-79 C+ 60-64 D
85-89 B+ 70-74 C 0-59 F


Assignments (5) 25%

Tests (3) 30%
Site Visit Reports/ Field works/Presentations 10%
Attendance/Participation 5%
Final Exam 30%



1. Assignment 1: Preliminaries and Site work

Worth 32 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc)
Structure/Organization of assignment 4 points
Drawings/Sketches 8 points
Knowledge gained 16 points

Rubric for Assignment # 1

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well presented presented with given in with with no cover
with cover page, less information limited cover page, no
stapled, on cover page, page assignment
assignment stapled together. information name, not
name, course stapled.
name number
Structuring/Organization X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well structured. structured structuring is structuring is
Each question properly, numbered poorly
re-written, numbered in properly organized,
properly order, spacing. with poor
numbered and spacing
space structure and
Drawings/Sketches X 2 (8pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete
substantial good effort, with
evidence of meeting all minimal effort,
effort, beyond requirements work is
what was somewhat
required careless

Knowledge gained X 4 (16pts max.) All questions Approximately Approximately Less than
were properly 75% of the 50% of the 25% of the
answered questions were questions were questions
thoroughly, with answered answered were
all thoroughly. Some thoroughly and answered
drawing/sketche drawings/sketche with relevant thoroughly
s neatly done, s done with information and with
properly label relevant detail relevant
and dimension information information
and with relevant

2. Assignment 2: Drawing on Foundation & Floor
(Manual drawing of foundation and floors, identifying and producing sections details of building

Worth 32 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc)
Structure/Organization of assignment 4 points
Drawings/Sketches 8 points
Knowledge gained 16 points

Rubric for Assignment # 2

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well presented presented with given in with with no cover
with cover page, less information limited cover page, no
stapled, on cover page, page assignment
assignment stapled together. information name, not
name, course stapled.
name number
Structuring/Organization X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well structured. structured structuring is structuring is
Each question properly, numbered poorly
re-written, numbered in properly organized,
properly order, spacing. with poor
numbered and spacing
space structure and
Drawings/Sketches X 2 (8pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete
substantial good effort, with
evidence of meeting all minimal effort,
effort, beyond requirements work is
what was somewhat
required careless

Knowledge gained X 4 (16pts max.) All questions Approximately Approximately Less than
were properly 75% of the 50% of the 25% of the
answered questions were questions were questions
thoroughly, with answered answered were
all thoroughly. Some thoroughly and answered
drawing/sketche drawings/sketche with relevant thoroughly
s neatly done, s done with information and with
properly label relevant detail relevant
and dimension information information
and with relevant

3. Assignment 3: Floors
Manual drawings of different type of floor construction, sectional detailing.

Worth 32 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc)
Structure/Organization of assignment 4 points
Drawings/Sketches 8 points
Knowledge gained 16 points

Rubric for Assignment # 3

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well presented presented with given in with with no cover
with cover page, less information limited cover page, no
stapled, on cover page, page assignment
assignment stapled together. information name, not
name, course stapled.
name number
Structuring/Organization X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well structured. structured structuring is structuring is
Each question properly, numbered poorly
re-written, numbered in properly organized,
properly order, spacing. with poor
numbered and spacing
space structure and
Drawings/Sketches X 2 (8pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete
substantial good effort, with
evidence of meeting all minimal effort,
effort, beyond requirements work is
what was somewhat
required careless

Knowledge gained X 4 (16pts max.) All questions Approximately Approximately Less than
were properly 75% of the 50% of the 25% of the
answered questions were questions were questions
thoroughly, with answered answered were
all thoroughly. Some thoroughly and answered
drawing/sketche drawings/sketche with relevant thoroughly
s neatly done, s done with information and with
properly label relevant detail relevant
and dimension information information
and with relevant

4. Assignment 4: Wall
Manual drawings of different type of walls construction, sectional detailing.
Worth 32 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc)
Structure/Organization of assignment 4 points
Drawings/Sketches 8 points
Knowledge gained 16 points

Rubric for Assignment # 4

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well presented presented with given in with with no cover
with cover page, less information limited cover page, no
stapled, on cover page, page assignment
assignment stapled together. information name, not
name, course stapled.
name number
Structuring/Organization X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well structured. structured structuring is structuring is
Each question properly, numbered poorly
re-written, numbered in properly organized,
properly order, spacing. with poor
numbered and spacing
space structure and
Drawings/Sketches X 2 (8pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete
substantial good effort, with
evidence of meeting all minimal effort,
effort, beyond requirements work is
what was somewhat
required careless

Knowledge gained X 4 (16pts max.) All questions Approximately Approximately Less than
were properly 75% of the 50% of the 25% of the
answered questions were questions were questions
thoroughly, with answered answered were
all thoroughly. Some thoroughly and answered
drawing/sketche drawings/sketche with relevant thoroughly
s neatly done, s done with information and with
properly label relevant detail relevant
and dimension information information
and with relevant

5. Assignment 5: Roof
Manual drawings of different type of roof construction, sectional detailing.
Worth 32 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc)
Structure/Organization of assignment 4 points
Drawings/Sketches 8 points
Knowledge gained 16 points

Rubric for Assignment # 5

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well presented presented with given in with with no cover
with cover page, less information limited cover page, no
stapled, on cover page, page assignment
assignment stapled together. information name, not
name, course stapled.
name number
Structuring/Organization X 1 (4pts max.) Assignment is Assignment Assignment Assignment
well structured structured structuring is structuring is
each question properly, numbered poorly
re-written, numbered in properly organized,
properly order, spacing. with poor
numbered and spacing
space structure and
Drawings/Sketches X 2 (8pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete
substantial good effort, with
evidence of meeting all minimal effort,
effort, beyond requirements work is
what was somewhat
required careless

Knowledge gained X 4 (16pts max.) All questions Approximately Approximately Less than
were properly 75% of the 50% of the 25% of the
answered questions were questions were questions
thoroughly, with answered answered were
all thoroughly. Some thoroughly and answered
drawing/sketche drawings/sketche with relevant thoroughly
s neatly done, s done with information and with
properly label relevant detail relevant
and dimension information information
and with relevant

Worth 48 points

Eye Contact/Facial Expressions 6 points

Posture/Gesture 6 points
Enthusiasm 6 points
Topic Announced 6 points
Time frame 6 points
Visual Aid/Technology 6 points
Completeness of Content 6 points
Professionalism of presentation 6 points

Rubric for assessing presentation

Category Weight 3 2 1 0
for each
Eye Constantly Occasionally Only Does not
Contact/Facial X 2 (up looks at looks focuses attempt
Expressions to 6 Someone or at someone attention to to look at
points) some groups or one audience
at all times some particular at all, reads
and groups part of notes
Gives during the class, the entire
audience presentation does not time
Clues to what scan
the content audience
speech is
Posture/Gesture X 2 (up Stands up Occasionally regularly Sits during
to 6 straight with slumps slumps presentation
points) both feet on during during or slumps
the ground presentation presentation
and display
natural hand
and body

Enthusiasm X 2 (up Demonstrates Occasionally Shows Show

to 6 a strong show some absolutely
points) positive positive negativity No interest
feeling about feelings toward topic in topic
topic during about topic presented presentation

Topic X 2 (up Clearly Vaguely tells Audience Audience

Announced/ to 6 explains what audience not sure has no idea
points) the report is when report what the what the
covering is over presentation report is on
is about
Time frame X 2 (up Presentation Presentation Presentation
to 6 falls within is more than is less than
points) required time maximum minimum
frame time time

Visual X 2 (up Visual aid Thoughts Adds Poor,

Aid/Technology to 6 enhances articulated nothing to distracts
points) presentation, clearly, but presentation audience
all thoughts not and is hard
articulated engaging to read
and keeps

Completeness X 2 (up Thoroughly Majority of Majority of One or more

of Content to 6 explains all points points points left
points) points covered in glossed over out
depth, some
glossed over

Professionalism X 2 (up Presentation Thoughts Thoughts Mumbles,

of presentation to 6 is organized 15 articulated don’t flow, audience
points) and the Clearly, not clear, has difficulty
interest level though does does not hearing,
of the not engage engage confusing
Assignment Rubrics

Rubrics for Field Trip/Site Visit Report:

All students within the course are expected to attend field trip or site visit, which is a part of their course
requirement. A field trip report is required from each student and will be assessed as an assignment
grade. Report should be neatly done with cover page properly identifying the name or title of report.
Report should include pictures, drawings, sketches or diagrams where applicable and should be neatly
layout and properly label.

Worth 28 points

Presentation/Appearance (Cover page with assignment name, date, 4 points

course name, etc.)
Structure/Organization and Knowledge of assignment gained 16 points
Pictures/Drawings/Sketches 8 points

Rubric for Field Trip Report

Category Weight for 4 3 2 1

Presentation X 1 (4pts max.) Report is well Report Report given in Report with no
presented with presented with with limited cover page,
cover page, less cover page no
stapled, report information on information. assignment
name, course cover page, name, not
name number stapled stapled.
dates together.
Structuring/Organization X 4 (4pts max.) Report is well Report Report poorly Report
and Knowledge gained structured, structured structuring. structuring is
easy to follow properly; Some poorly
with step-by- information information organized,
step procedure. was reported. base on what little
Accurate and Students have was presented information
relevant a knowledge at the site or in base on what
information and the field. was
were reported. understanding Some presented on
Students have of the project understanding the site.
a thorough at hand. of the project
knowledge and at hand.
of the project at
Pictures/Drawings/Sketches X 2 (4pts max.) Complete with Complete with Completed Incomplete,
substantial good effort, with no diagram
evidence of some pictures minimal effort, and pictures.
effort, beyond and diagrams limited pictures
what was presented and diagrams.
required. within report.
drawing and

diagrams was
used effective
within report,
and neatly



Worth 16 points
Category Weight for 4 3 2 1
each category
ATTENDANCE X 1 (4pts max.) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Student was present Student was absent Student was absent Student was absent
for every class. for 1 class but for 2 classes but for more than 2
provided instructor provided instructor classes and/or did
with a reasonable with reasonable not provide
excuse. excuses. instructor with
reasonable excuses.
PUNCTUALITY X 1 (4pts max.)
Student was always Student was usually Student was Student was rarely
on time for class and on time or early for sometimes on time on time or early
often arrived early. class (was tardy to (was tardy to class 3 (was tardy to class 4
class only 1 or 2 times), but rarely or more times).
times). arrived early.
LEVEL OF X 1 (4pts max.)
ENGAGEMENT Student brought Student often Student sometimes Student rarely
AND BEHAVIOR original thought and participated freely in participated in class participated in class
perspective to class class, asked without being discussions or asked
discussions. Student questions, and prompted but was questions.
was fully engaged participated in reluctant to join in Interaction with
and actively discussions/work discussions/work peers was
involved during with peers with peers. Some minimal. No
every class. They cooperatively. participation in participation in
also worked Partake in Dept. activities Department
cooperatively and activities and or activities.
well with all of their attend a seminar
Students part take in
the Department
intramurals sports,
seminars, trips, etc.
PREPARATION X 1 (4pts max.)
Student is always Student is usually Student is Student is almost
prepared for class prepared for class sometimes prepared always unprepared
with completed with completed with most of the for class.
assignments and assignments and assignment Assignments/quizze
necessary materials. necessary materials. completed and with s are not fully
Student has also May have had a few the required completed and/or
sought additional quiz/homework materials. May have they do not have
help between classes questions left to needed extra time to other required
if necessary. answer at the complete materials.
beginning of class. homework/quizzes
before turning them


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