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Friday, 14TH July, 2023


 All participating schools need to register on the given link
 Online registration will close on Thursday, 6th July 2023@12pm.
 To facilitate smooth communication, updates and inquiries, the Teacher In-charge
from the participants’ school will be added to a WhatsApp group, after the
registrations are completed.
 Participants of Champion’s Arena and Bug Bytes must join the Haywire 6.0 Discord
server with his/her Discord Name (e.g Bxov#2405)
by Saturday, 8th July 2023.
 Updates about the events of Tech Symposium will be posted on Haywire 6.0 Discord
Server and the following QR code must be scanned
to visit Haywire 6.0’s official Instagram Page.

 Plagiarism will lead to instant disqualification of the team.

 All the prelims entries for various events, should reach the host school by Saturday,
8th July, 2023@12 pm through the submission form link mentioned individually with
each event.
 Ensure to enable the option “Anyone with the link can view” while sharing the drive
link in the submission form.
 Entries for all the events must be sent from registered school email id only.
 Top three positions for the submission-based/Online events (Animate Your
Imagination, Story Island, Web Weaver, Champion’s Arena, Monochromatic Hues
and Pulse) should be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.
 E-certificates will be given to participants post the final event on the registered email
ID of the teacher in-charge.
 The schools are requested to register one team per event.
 One participant can take part only in one event.
 The participants will be responsible for their own gadgets. Host school will not be
responsible for the same.
 To claim the Rolling Trophy, a school must participate in minimum 7 events. The
school scoring the Maximum points will be declared the overall winner.
 The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
 Top 3 positions for each event will be awarded with a Trophy and a certificate.
 Results of the Preliminary Round will be declared by Monday ,10th July, 2023
@8pm on the Haywire 6.0 Discord Server ,
teachers’ WhatsApp group and on Instagram page.
 The offline events will be conducted in the school premises on 14th July, 2023.
Reporting time: 8:00 am sharp
 Final results will be declared on 14th July, 2023.


President : Saurabh Kumar Satya

WhatsApp No: 93879 33836
Email Id

Vice President: Akshit Gupta

WhatsApp No: 9599035880
Email Id:

Secretary: Ameya Kaur Dhillon

WhatsApp No:72900 33300
Email Id:



1. Story Island 4-5 1 1

2. Animate Your 6-8 1 2
Imagination fDRPMfGe3U6

3. App-a-thon 7-8 1 2


4. 3D Design 9-10 1 2

Showdown UYiW3RtMQ7J8

5. Tycoon 9-12 1 2-3

Gladiators Np8C82VFL5w8

6. Battle Bots 9-12 1 2 -

7. Bug Bytes 10-12 1 2 -

8. Champion’s Open 1 2 -

9. Web Weaver Open 1 2


10. Monochromatic 9-12 1 1

Hues 8hMYTwZukUf7

11. Pulse 9-12 1 1

Event 1

Story Island

: 4- 5
: 1
Microsoft Photostory3

“The painter constructs, the story teller discloses”. Design a Photostory to illustrate any one of the
following topics:
 Trip to Space
 Friendly Alien comes to the town


● This is a submission-based event.

● The Photo story has to be made in Microsoft Photo story3 software.
● Plagiarism is unacceptable and will lead to disqualification.
● The files should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
● The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday,
8th July 2023@12pm using the given submission link
● Teams are required to submit the following:
○ original file(.wp3 file) of Microsoft Photostory3
○ The video file(.wmv)
● Final result will be declared on Friday, 14th July 2023.
● The top three positions must be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.

Judgement Criteria:
 Creativity
 Overall Design
 Originality
 Relevance to the topic

Event Head:
 Avani Sharma 9811039633
Event 2

Animate Your Imagination

: 6-8
: 1
: 2
: Animaker
Gender Equality
2-3 minutes


● This is a submission-based event.

● Teams are required to create a movie on ‘Gender Equality’ using Animaker
● Participants must record their voice and add it as a dialogue in the movie.
● Movie should not exceed the time limit mentioned above.
● The file should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
● The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th July 2023
using the given submission link
● Teams are required to submit the following:
○ The movie (.mp4 format)
○ Original Link of the Animaker
● Use of any existing template and/or plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
● Final result will be declared on Friday, 14th July, 2023.
● The top three positions must be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.

Judgement Criteria:

 Creativity
 Relevance to the topic
 Originality
 Technical Aspect

Event Heads:
 Hargun Kaur Grover 9315849369
Event 3

: 1
: 2
: MIT App Inventor

Prelims (online):
 Participants are required to create an app using any App Inventor, on the topic “Travel and
Tourism-Showcase your state of Origin”.
 The app should be of utility in terms of real-world application.
 Any kind of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
 Application should have a working prototype.
 Teams are required to submit the following:
o A presentation having the screenshots of the App code and visuals of the App.
o A video showing the working of the entire App. The video should be of 3- 5 minutes
 The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th July, 2023
using the given link
 The files should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
 Result of Prelims will be declared on Monday,10th July, 2023 @8 pm.
 Top 15 teams will qualify for the finals.

Finals (offline):
 The final round will be conducted in the school premises on Friday,14th July,2023.
 The Finalists will present their working app to the judges. They are required to explain the
working and design of the app.
 Participants are required to bring their original Project file, presentation and the video.
 Each team will get 10 minutes to present their App.
 Participants have to bring their own devices.
 After the presentation, questions may be posed by the judges.

Judgement Criteria:
 Originality
 Utility
 Aesthetics and Visual Appeal
 Technical Knowledge
Event Heads:
 Rasika Gautam 8076755433
 Akhyaan Kumar 9654255167
Event 4

3D Design Showdown

9- 10
123D Design or Tinkercad(Online)

● Participants are required to make a 3D model of a ‘House with Interiors’.
● You are required to submit two files:
o Picture file in any one of the following file format .png or .jpg
o Original file in any one of the following file format .123dx or .stl (STL file)
● The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th July, 2023
using the given link
● The files should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
● Result of Prelims will be declared on Monday,10th July, 2023 @8 pm.
● Top 15 teams will qualify for the finals.
Judgement Criteria:
 Originality
 Design Detailing
 Printability of the design
 Creativity

Finals (Offline):
 This event will be conducted on Friday, 14th July 2023 in the school premises.
 The Finalists have to create models only using 123D design or Tinkercad on any one of the
topics that will be given on the spot.
 Time duration for making the model will be 1.5 hours (excluding presentation time).
 The participants have to present their design/model to the judges.

 Creativity
 Authenticity
 Overall design
 Printability of the design

 Dhriti Sharma: 8447963730
Event 5

Tycoon Gladiators

Prelims (online):
 Participants must take “AI for all, AI for good” as their theme and incorporate two or more United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( and work on them to create an
original AI-based idea for a startup.
 They will prepare a video that exhibits their prototype incorporating the following points:
o The aim of their startup
o The problem they’re aiming to solve (through AI)
o How they wish to solve the problem
o A brief view of their prototype (The AI-based prototype should be in the form of a website
or mobile application).
 The video should not exceed 5 minutes and should be precise and relevant.
 The drive link of the video should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th July, 2023
@12pm using the given link
 The prelim result will be declared on Monday, 10th July, 2023.
 The top 12 teams will qualify for the final round (offline).

Judgement Criteria:
 Use of AI
 Relevance and uniqueness of the idea
 Prototype development
 Presentation

Finals (offline)
 The final round will be conducted on Friday, 14th July 2023 in the school premises.
 The presentation of the participants should include the following:
o Use of AI as a technology
o Problem being addressed
o UN SDG targeted
o How the company aims to solve the problem?
o Target audience
o Future plans
o Economic Feasibility, Marketing strategy, Business plan (refers to how
the company will earn a profit).
 Prototype should be in the form of a website or a mobile application.
 Participants are expected to show a live demo of their prototype.
 The presentation should be made through a PPT (you may include videos, pictures, illustrations,
 After the presentation, questions may be posed by the judges.
 Each team will get 9 minutes to present their idea and prototype to the judges. Points will be
deducted for exceeding the time limit.
 Participants must carry their own laptops.
 Participants should ensure that their laptop is compatible with an HDMI cable.

Judgement Criteria:

 Use of AI
 Prototype
 Real-life application
 Innovation

Event Heads:

 Rudrakshi Kakkar 9211733997

 Aabhas Dhayal: 88007 88703
Event 6

: 1
: 2

General Rules:

 This event will be conducted offline in the school premises on Friday, 14th July, 2023. Join the
discord server for any further updates.
 The maximum permissible weight of the robot is 6 kg. Weight of the robots will be measured after
every round. Dimension of Robot : 30x30x30 cm (±5 cm).
 The dimensions of the arena will be 2.5m x 2.5m. Robots must operate within this space and take
into account any obstacles or hazards that may be present.
 The robots can be either wired or wireless.
 There will be 3 rounds per match. Maximum time per round is 5 minutes.
 You may lose a round in the following ways:
o Leaving the ring (either by getting pushed or otherwise) at least 3 times.
o Losing mobility in the robot for more than 10 seconds.
o If a bot gets stuck inside the arena due to the deformity of the arena itself. The timer
will be stopped and the bot will be released by the safest means.
 After a round has begun, no team member is allowed to step inside the arena until the timer stops.
 Having weapons on your robots is allowed, as long as they don’t damage the arena.
 Teams should explain about their robot and strategy before starting the game.
 Teams are required to bring their own electrical extension cords. AC plugs will be provided on-

Judgement Criteria:

Points will be given on the basis of aggression, damage and control:

 Aggression: Aggression is judged by the frequency, severity, boldness and effectiveness of attacks
deliberately initiated by the robot against its opponent. If a robot appears to have accidentally
attacked an opponent, that act will not be considered when judging for aggression.
 Control: Control is judged in terms of the ability to attack an opponent at its weakest point, using
weapons in the most effective way, and minimizing the damage caused by the opponent.

 Damage: Through deliberate action, a robot either directly or indirectly reduces the functionality,
effectiveness or defensibility of an opponent. Damage is not considered relevant if a robot
inadvertently harms itself. Also, if a pressure vessel or a rapidly spinning device on a robot
fragments, any damage to the opponent will not be considered "deliberate".

Event heads:

 Samridh Prabhakar +91- 9013617485

 Andrew Steve Jacob +91-7428876462

 Maanya Dhawan +91-8744033300
Event 7

Bug Bytes

Online IDE
Logic, Math, Reasoning and Data-structures


 The participants must have a hackerrank account before the event.

 Every participant must provide their hackerrank ID on the discord channel under Bug-Bytes
 In case of any technical difficulties the participants should inform the event heads.
 The prelims will be conducted online at on
Sunday, 9th July, 2023 from 7pm-10 pm.
 There will be four logic based and two data-structures related question in the prelim round.
 The prelim result will be declared on Monday,10th July 2023@8 pm.
 Top 15 teams will qualify for the finals.
Finals (offline):

 The final round will be conducted in the school premises on Friday, 14th July 2023.
 Finals will be conducted on
 The participants will be given 2 hours in the final round to solve the questions. There will be six
logic based and three data-structure related questions ranging from easy to advanced level.
Judgement Criteria:
 Time Complexity
 Originality
 Successful Test Cases

Event Heads:
 Saurabh Kumar Satya 9387933836

 Manu Kumar 9911447097 (WhatsApp only)


 Ranveer Dadwal 9810848329

Event 8

Champion’s Arena
: 1
: 2
: Call of Duty-Mobile
: Battle Royale (DUO)
: 3
: Mobile

 This is an online event which will be conducted on Sunday, 9th July 2023@ 12 noon.
 Participants must join the Discord Server by Saturday 8th July, 2023 for detailed rules.
 The participants must download the above-mentioned game before the event.
 The Game mode will be Battle Royale (DUO).
 The Haywire Event Head should be informed in case of any technical issues.
 Use of any unfair means will result in an instant disqualification of the team.
 The Game ID and password will be shared on the discord server 20 minutes prior to the match.
 Every team should join the match and be ready in their respective slots by 11:50 am.
 Winners will be decided on the basis of their position and kills in all the 3 matches.
 The IGN (In game name) of the team members should be uploaded in the discord server by
Saturday, 8th July 2023.

Judgement Criteria:

 Gaming Skills (Position + Kills)

Event heads:

 Kushagra Kohli 8810607341
Event 9

Web Weaver
Classes: Open
No. of teams per school: 1
No. of participants per team: 2
Topic: E-Commerce

 This is a submission-based event.
 The students have to make a website on the above topic.
 Website should consists of multiple pages (minimum 4) and students can use
HTML/CSS/JavaScript or any other language.
 Website should contain some products with a working cart.
 Payment system would be appreciated but isn’t mandatory.
 Use of any existing template and/or plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
 Students have to record a video of maximum 5 minutes explaining features/utility/target
customer of the website.
 Host your website on any free Online-platform.
 The video file should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
 The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th July,
2023@12pm using the given submission link
 Teams are required to submit the following:
o Link of the online platform where the website is hosted.
o The video file(.mp4 )
 Final result will be declared on Friday, 14th July, 2023.
 The top three positions must be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.

Judgement Criteria:
 Originality
 Creativity
 Usability
 Feature Functionality

Event Heads:
 Akshit Gupta +91-9599035880

 Shreya Sargam +91-9773844505

Event 10


: 1
: 1

 This is a submission-based event.
 The objective of this photography competition is to encourage participants to capture unique and
interesting moments in everyday life.
 The competition’s theme is “Monochromatic Hues”.
 Participants will be required to capture a moment from the busy city life.
 Participants would also give a brief description of their entry and unedited original photograph
(for eg. What did you find inspiring about the entry?).
 The drive link of the photograph should be sent to the host school, latest by 8th July 2023@ 12 pm,
using the given submission link
 Final result will be declared on Friday, 14th July, 2023.
 The top three positions must be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.

Submission Guidelines:
 Each participant can submit up to 2 photographs.
 The photos must be monochromatic (black and white).
 Entries must be submitted in high resolution with JPEG file extension.
 All entries must be original works of the participant. Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
 Watermarks and logos are not allowed on the photos.
 Participants must include a brief description of each photo, including the location and date in the
email in which the photos are attached.

Judgement Criteria:
 Relevance to the theme
 Creativity and originality
 Technical proficiency
 Composition and framing
 Description of the image

Event Heads:
 Akriti Jha +91-84485 09795

 Aradhya Bajaj +91-82878 69455
Event 11

A Beat -Production Event

Classes: 9-12
No. of teams per school: 1
No. of participants per school: 1

 This is a submission-based event.
 Participants must use computers to create electronic music.
 The track may include a cultural influence.
 No actual instruments are allowed, it must always be made using plug-ins and DAWs.
 Any commonly used DAW is allowed. Remixes will not be accepted.
 Track must be 1-2 minutes long.
 The video file should be named as: school name_branch name_event name.
 The drive link of the entries should be sent to the host school, latest by Saturday, 8th
July,2023@12pm using the given submission link
 Teams are required to submit the following:
o Video of the track being made in the DAW (software used for the production of music
digitally)(mp4 format).
o Video of the track being played in a graphic visualizer (mp4 format).
o Final track (.WAV /.mp3 format)
 Final result will be declared on Friday, 14th July, 2023.
 The top three positions must be present on Friday, 14th July 2023 to collect their awards.

Judgement Criteria:

 Variation throughout the track.

 Arrangement of the Track.
 Adherence to Time Limit.
 Overall production and Mix.

Event heads:
 Ribhu Bhattacharya +91 80768 56317

 Agustya Vats +91 8595678481

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