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Chemical Process Technology

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Class Objective - Lecture 2

• How to read and draw a process flow diagram (PFD)

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD Symbols
• ISO 10628 is the International Standard for PFD drawing symbols.
• Most European countries have adopted ISO 10628 as their standard, but very
few North American companies apply this standard and there is currently no
U.S. standard for PFD symbols.

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD symbols for Reactors, Vessel Mixer, Tanks

Fig. 1. PFD symbols for reactors, vessels mixers and tanks

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD Symbols for Heat Transfer Equipment

Fig. 2. PFD symbols for Heat Transfer Equipments

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD symbols for Fluid Handling equipment

Fig. 3. PFD symbols for Fluid Handling Equipment.

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD symbols for Solid Handling Equipment

Fig. 4. PFD symbols for Solid Handling Equipment.

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD symbols

Fig. 5.General PFD symbols used with other Symbols

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD Some Common Symbols

Fig. 6.Control Valves, Common Symbols, Instrument Lines, Actuators

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Don’t Confuse with the symbols
➢ Note that some types of equipment have generic symbols as well as symbols
that describe a particular equipment type.
➢ If the wrong symbol is selected, this can cause confusion for other engineers
who read the flowsheet.
➢ For example, Figure 1 (i) shows an in-line mixer, which would be used
downstream of a T-junction to ensure rapid mixing of two liquid streams.
Figure 4 (f ) shows a solids mixer or blender that would be used to mix solids
into a liquid.
➢ Figure 5 (c) is the symbol for a propeller agitator that might be used in a mixing
tank. All of these symbols could be referred to as a “mixer”, but the designer’s
intention is obviously different in each case.

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Simplified PFD of Polymer Production

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD of Simplified Nitric Acid Process_ Specification Table Included

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD Exercise
• At the start of the process, there two fluid streams, one containing species ‘A’ at a concentration of 2mol/l (Stream 1)
and one containing species ‘B’ at a concentration of 3mol/l (Stream 2)
• Each stream has a control valve near the start of the process
• Stream 1 has a temperature of 90 C and Stream 2 has a temperature of 70C, The two streams enter a motorized mixer
• A single stream exits the mixer (Stream 3), Stream 3 then enters a stirred tank reactor where nA + mB = C
• The exit stream (Stream 4) enters a fluid separator
• Out of the separator are two streams, one containing species ‘A’ and ‘B’ (Stream 5) and the other containing species ‘C’
at concentration of 1.5mol/l (Stream 6)
• Stream 5 goes back into the mixer, Stream 6 goes through a pump and another control valve
• This stream is then cooled in a shell and tube heat exchanger using a cooled water stream that is at a temperature of
15 C
• The outlet flow, now at a temperature of 50C, then enters an insulated product storage tank

Your first task it to sketch a PFD for this process.

• Sketch PFD with Proper symbols

• Write down the state-points (e.g., flow rates and temperatures) in their proper locations

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD Exercise Solution

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
PFD shows all process engineering information
Typical conventions (vary by company):
➢ All major equipment represented, uniquely numbered
➢ All process flow streams shown and uniquely numbered, with
description of thermodynamic conditions and composition (often
in an accompanying table)
➢ All utility streams supplied to major process equipment shown
➢ Basic control loops, illustrating control strategy during normal

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

PFD of Toluene Hydrogenation, with PICs

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Equipment Naming
➢ Letter followed by dash followed XXX (A/B/…) with role of equipment
➢ Example C-101 A/B/…
➢ C represent Equipment
➢ 1st digit after dash represent area of equipment in the plant vicinity
➢ Next two numbers shows that piece of equipment from the start of
process (See Figure, E-101, E-102, E-103…)
➢ The general procedure is to number units based on the path of process
➢ For units which are part of parallel paths, should given priority to the
units shown above others in diagram. (E-104, E-106)
➢ A/B.. shows standby or parallel equipment (common for pumps, etc.)
➢ Description about the role of equipment (E-101 feed preheater, E-102
reactor effluent coolant, E-104 benzene condenser)
Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
PFD Drawing (lines)
➢ Horizontal lines are dominant
➢ Arrows are added for
▪ Change in direction
▪ Inlet of equipment

➢ Full Stream data is included in table

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Stream information Flags

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Equipment Information
Basic data such as size and key data are included in a separate table

Vessel V-101 V-102

Temperature (ºC) 55 38
Pressure (bar) 2.0 24
Orientation Horizontal Vertical
Height/Length (m) 5.9 3.5
Diameter (m) 1.9 1.1
Internals s.p. (splash plate)

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Stream information to be incorporated in PFD

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
The piping and instrument diagram (P&I diagram or PID) shows the engineering details of
the equipment, instruments, piping, valves, and fittings and their arrangement. It is often
called the engineering flowsheet or engineering line diagram. It Should Include…
1. All process equipment identified by an equipment number. The equipment should be
drawn roughly in proportion, and the location of nozzles shown.
2. All pipes, identified by a line number. The pipe size and material of construction should
be shown. The material may be included as part of the line identification number.
3. All valves: control and block valves, with an identification number. The type and size
should be shown. The type may be shown by the symbol used for the valve or included
in the code used for the valve number.
4. Ancillary fittings that are part of the piping system, such as inline sight-glasses,
strainers, and steam traps, with an identification number.
5. Pumps, identified by a suitable code number.
6. All control loops and instruments, with an identification number.
Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Basic Control Loops
➢ Often the basic control loops (those
involving maintaining material
balance and reactor controls) are
included on the PFD;
instrumentation and other control
loops are not shown
➢ The final control element in nearly all
chemical process control loops is a

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Basic Instrumentation Symbols

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Basic Instrumentation Symbols

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

Basic Instrumentation Symbols

Assistant Professor: Engr. Dr. Asim Riaz | Email:

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