Dark Energy Discriminant Theory

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International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.

3, August 2023


Cheman Shaik

Independent Researcher, Chicago, USA

In this paper I present a new theory that explains as to when and how dark energy is created as mass is
destroyed. The theory extends Einstein’s mass energy equation to a more generic form in order to make it
work even in high gravity conditions. It also explains why dark energy is created. Further, it is proved
Einstein’s mass energy equation holds good only when the destroyed mass has no supermassive object in its
close vicinity. The relationship between dark energy and dark matter is unveiled. An extended
mathematical form of Einstein’s mass energy equation is derived, based on which the conditions leading to
dark energy creation are explained. Three new physical parameters called dark energy discriminant, dark
energy radius and dark energy boundary are introduced to facilitate easy understanding of the theory. It is
explained in detail that an extremely superdense object has two dark energy boundaries, outer and inner.
Mass destroyed only between these two boundaries creates dark energy. Dark energy space, the space
between the two aforementioned boundaries, shrouds visible matter in obscurity from optical and
electromagnetic telescopes. This theory identifies Gargantuan as a superdense black hole currently
creating fresh dark energy, which could be the subject of interest for the astronomical research community
having access to sophisticated telescopes, and working on dark energy. It also upholds dark energy and
denies the existence of dark matter. Dark matter is nothing but the well-known visible matter positioned in
dark energy space. An important relationship is derived between a photon’s frequency and its distance from
a black hole to demonstrate the effect of gravity on light. Another important fact revealed by this theory is
gravity stretches out light, thereby causing redshift, which is unaccounted in the computation of velocities
of outer galaxies. Whether the universe is undergoing accelerated or decelerated expansion, or accelerated
contraction can precisely be determined only after accounting for the redshift caused by gravity.

Dark Energy, Dark Energy Discriminant, Dark Energy Radius, Dark Energy Boundary, Supermassive
Object, Superdense Object, Photon Stretching.

Dark energy has been an enigma in Astrophysics for the last few decades. Its presence is felt in
the currently ongoing expansion of the universe. However, it is least understood as to how it is
created, and under what conditions.

Earlier, astrophysicists had an opinion universe was expanding at a constant rate. Later, it was
proved the universe is undergoing an accelerated expansion, which is possible only if the it is
densely filled with dark energy. Otherwise, it would have been a decelerated expansion caused by
the retracting gravitational effect of matter. It is hard to prove the presence of dark energy as it
does not interact with light and electromagnetic waves. In 1929 Edwin Hubble provided the first
observational evidence that the universe is not contracting but expanding [1].

Using the largest telescope of that time Hubble noticed that the light from far-away galaxies
appears to be stretched to longer wave lengths, which means the universe is expanding uniformly
in all directions. At this point, even though Hubble had provided the evidence that the universe is

DOI: 10.14810/ijrap.2023.12301 1
International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
expanding, it was not clear whether the expansion was decelerated due to the pull-back effect of
gravity, or accelerated running out of control, defeating gravity.

Based on cosmological observations, Astrophysicists have estimated that dark energy contributes
about 68 percentage of the total energy of the present-day universe [2].

Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt found that expansion of the universe is not slowing down but
accelerating [3].

Black holes form in the core of a massive star when it runs out of fuel causing it to collapse under
its own gravity. As the core collapses under the force of gravity, its density increases. At some
point, if the available mass is huge, that mass will be compressed into such a smaller point that it
forms a gravitational well which sucks other stars passing by [4].

An early assumption in astrophysics was that our solar system, galaxy and clusters of galaxies
were held together by gravity. However, galaxies are rotating with such speed that the gravity
generated by their observable matter could not possibly hold them together. This led scientists to
believe that something we cannot see is at work.

Another strange thing happening in the universe has been spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The observations of a very distant supernova showed that long time ago our universe was
expanding more slowly than it is today. Expansion of the universe has not been slowing down
due to gravity as everyone thought, and instead it has been accelerating. The reason behind this
fact remained unexplainable even by modern theories in astrophysics [5].

One idea is that empty space is full of temporary, virtual particles that spontaneously and
continuously form out of nothing and disappear into nothing again. The energy from those
particles could be dark energy. Or, dark energy could be an unknown kind of dynamic energy
fluid or field which permeates the entire universe but somehow has the opposite effect on the
universe than the normal energy and matter [6].

This research work resolves the mystery of dark energy, explaining as to how and where it is
created. It also sheds light on the dark matter conundrum and clarifies why it is invisible to
electromagnetic telescopes. Further, it explores where dark energy is produced in the universe at
present. This theory makes another big leap in Astrophysics, disclosing the unimaginable fact that
gravity has stretching effect on light, thereby causing it to redshift towards lower frequencies. At
the end of this report, a bold prediction is made of space travel to far off galaxies with the help of
negative gravity created by lateral decompression of light.

Regarding dark matter, in 1982 Milgrom proposed his theory of Modified Newtonian Dynamics
(MOND) as an alternative to the dark matter hypothesis, wherein he suggested that there is not
much dark matter in galaxies and justified their dynamics with his modified gravity [7].

However, MOND fails to explain the cosmic microwave background (CMB). MOND is also
unable to explain the dynamics of galactic clusters as pointed out by Clowe et al in their study of
a bullet cluster [8].

In 1992, Gerbal et al found that the dynamical mass of some eight clusters of galaxies estimated
with MOND is about 10 times smaller than the normal Newtonian mass, thereby confirming the
shortcoming of MOND [9].
International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023

Sanders et al also confirmed in 1998 the insufficiency of MOND in explaining the ratio of the
dynamical to observable mass of X-ray emitting clusters of galaxies [10].

Regarding dark energy, recently in 2023, Duncan et al proposed a theory that dark energy
emanates from stellar remnant black holes, based on their measurements of cosmological
coupling of black holes [11].

In 2012, Tian and Shouhong proposed a new theory, deriving a new set of gravitational field
equations. Using the new field equations, they introduced what is called scalar potential energy,
which consists both positive and negative energies. The negative energy produces attraction
whereas the positive part causes repulsive force representing dark energy [12].

Regarding accelerated expansion of the universe, in 1998 Adam et al provided observational

evidence from supernovae that the universe is undergoing an eternally accelerating expansion.
They found luminosity distances to certain supernovae through spectral and photometric
observations. The results were consistent with a currently accelerating expansion [13].


Consider a special scenario wherein a mass m is in close vicinity of a supermassive object of
mass M, such as a black hole as shown in Fig.1.

Fig 1. Mass Destruction in Close Vicinity of a Super massive Body

Gravitational potential energy between the two masses, 𝐸G = 𝑅
, (1)
where G = the gravitational constant

M = mass of the supermassive object

m = mass of the destroyed object
R = distance between the two objects

Einstein’s energy created by destroying the mass m, EE = mc2, (2)

Where c = velocity of the light

As the mass m is destroyed, the gravitational potential energy E G between the two masses is lost,
since there is only a single mass left now.
International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023

Therefore, net energy available,

E = EE – EG = 𝑚c 2 − 𝑅

Taking out 𝑚c 2 as common factor,

E = 𝑚c 2 (1 - ) = 𝜀mc2, (4)
c2 𝑅

Where 𝜀 = (1 - c2𝑅) (5)

𝜀 in the above equation can have three possible values:

𝜀 > 0: In this case, visible energy is created.

𝜀 = 0: In this case, no energy is created as the gravitational potential energy and Einstein’s visible
energy nullify each other.
𝜀 < 0: In this case, dark energy is created as the created visible energy is less than the lost
gravitational potential energy.
𝜀 is named Dark Energy Discriminant as its value indicates whether or not dark energy is created.


Denoting the particular value of R by 𝑅𝑑 at 𝜀 = 0 in equation 5,
1- c 2 𝑅𝑑
= 0. Therefore, 𝑅𝑑 = c2

𝑅𝑑 is dark energy radius and the imaginary spherical surface defined by it around the
supermassive object is its dark energy boundary. Any mass destroyed within this boundary
outside the supermassive object creates dark energy as shown in Fig. 2, since the lost
gravitational energy surpasses the created Einstein’s visible energy.

Fig 2. Mass Destruction Outside an Object within its Dark Energy Boundary
As evident from equation 6, an object’s mass can be expressed as 𝐺
𝑅𝑑 , where 𝑅𝑑 is its dark
energy radius.

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023


When an object’s own mass is destroyed at a distance R from its centre as shown in Fig. 3,
effective mass causing gravitational attraction decreases.

Fig 3. Mass Destruction within an Object's Mass inside Dark Energy Boundary

Expressing mass in terms of density and volume in equation 6, for an object of physical radius 𝑅𝑎
and mass density ρ,
𝐺 4
𝑅𝑑 = 𝑐 2 3 𝜋 𝑅𝑎 3 𝜌 (7)

Assuming R = λ𝑅𝑎 , where λ < 1, effective mass attracting m,

M′ = 3
𝜋 λ3 𝑅𝑎 3 𝜌 = λ3 𝑀 (8)

Recalculating the effective net energy E′ created when mass m is destroyed,

𝐺M′ 𝑚 𝐺M′
E′ = 𝑚c 2 − R
= 𝑚c 2 (1 − c2 𝑅
) (9)

Substituting M ′ = λ3 M in the above,

𝐺 λ3 𝑀
E′ = 𝑚c 2 (1 − c2 R
) (10)

𝐺 λ3 𝑀
E′ = 𝜀 ′ 𝑚 c 2 , where 𝜀 ′ = (1 − c2 R
) (12)

is effective dark energy discriminant.

𝐺 λ3 𝑀
For E′ = 0, 𝜀 ′ = 0. Therefore, (1 − )=0 (13)
c2 𝑅

𝐺 λ3 𝑀
Denoting R at 𝜀 ′ = 0 by R′d, 1 − =0 (14)
c2 R′d

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
λ3 𝐺𝑀
From the above, R′d = c2

Substituting R d for c2
in the above, R′ d = λ3 R d (16)

As mentioned before, R = λ𝑅𝑎 . Therefore λ = 𝑅 (17)

𝑅 R3
Substituting for λ in equation 16, R′ d = Rd (18)
𝑅𝑎 𝑅𝑎 3
Since R is denoted by R′d at 𝜀 ′ = 0, substituting R′d for Rin equation 18,
R′ d 2 Ra 3 Ra3/2
R′ d = 3 Rd => R′ d = => R′ d = (19)
𝑅𝑎 𝑅𝑑 Rd 1/2

R′ d can also be expressed in terms of λ𝑅𝑎 as

Ra 1/2 Ra 𝑅𝑎 𝑅𝑎
R′ d = =√ R a, where λ =√ (20)
Rd 1/2 Rd Rd

R′ d is inner dark energy boundary of the supermassive object.


From equation 19, it is clear that if a supermassive object’s dark energy boundary lies outside its
mass at a radius 𝑅𝑑 , it also has an associated inner dark energy boundary at a radiusR′ d = ,
where R a is the physical radius of the object. As shown in Fig. 4, while part of the dark energy
space lies outside its mass, the remaining falls inside. Any mass destroyed between the two
boundaries, either outside or inside the object, creates dark energy.

Fig 4. Outer and Inner Dark Energy Boundaries

Mass destroyed outside the outer dark energy boundary or within the inner dark energy boundary
creates visible energy.


Tabulated below are the inner and outer dark energy radii of different super massive objects.

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
Table. 1 Inner and Outer Dark Energy Radii of Known Massive Objects

Massive Mass Physical Inner Outer Comments

Object (Kg) Radius Dark Dark
(meters) Energy Energy
Radius Radius
(meters) (meters)
Earth 5.97 x 6.37 x - 4.42 x 10-3 With a radius of 4.42 mm
1024 106 Earth’s outer dark energy
boundary almost
coincides with its centre
of gravity.
No scope for dark energy

Sun 1.99 x 6.96 x - 1.47 x 103 Sun’s dark energy

1030 108 boundary falls within its
mass very close to its
centre of gravity.
No scope for dark energy

Sagittarius A* 7.96 x 2.36 x - 5.90 x 109 The black hole’s outer

Black Hole at 1036 1010 dark energy boundary lies
the centre of within its mass close to
Milky way its centre.
Galaxy No scope for fresh dark
energy creation.

M31 Black 5.97 x 6.79 x - 4.41 x 1010 The black hole’s outer
Hole at the 1037 1011 dark energy boundary lies
centre of within its mass close to
Andromeda its centre.
Galaxy No scope for fresh dark
energy creation.

M33-X-7 3.11 x 4.59 x - 2.3 x 104 The black hole’s outer

Black Hole at 1031 104 dark energy boundary lies
the centre of midway between its
Triangulum centre and physical
Galaxy surface.
No scope for fresh dark
energy creation.

GAIA BH1 1.85 x 6.89 x - 1.37 x 103 The GAIA black hole
Black Hole 1030 108 matches with the Sun in
both mass and radius.
No scope for fresh dark
energy creation. Its outer
dark energy boundary is
very close to its centre.

Gargantuan 5.97 x 1.50 x 8.75 x 4.41 x 1013 Gargantuan black hole’s

Black Hole 1040 1011 109 outer dark energy
boundary falls outside its
mass. Therefore, it also
has an inner dark energy

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023

boundary falling within

its mass.
It is a good source of
fresh dark energy.

TON 618 1.31 x 1.95 x - 9.7 x 1013 TON 618 is the largest
1041 1017 black hole ever
discovered till date. It has
roughly twice the mass of
Gargantuan black hole.
However, it is more than
million times bigger than
Gargantuan in size, with
its mass too diluted. This
has shrunk the outer dark
energy boundary into the
black hole’s mass.
No scope for fresh dark
energy creation, despite
being the biggest known
black hole.

Sagittarius A*, M31 and M33-X-7 are the black holes pertaining to the three largest galaxies of
our local group. These galaxies are not moving away from one another. In fact, they are moving
closer to one another under their gravitational influence. There are theories around asserting that
dark energy is pervasive everywhere in the universe, causing it to expand at an accelerated rated.
In that case, a question that pops up immediately is why the local group of galaxies is an
exception for that.


Energy of a photon Ep = hf, where h is the Plank’s constant and f is the frequency of the photon.
Suppose a photon appears in the dark energy space of a black hole, its presence may be
considered an outcome of destroying over there a particle of mass equal to hf/c 2 so that it would
create the amount of energy equal to hf as per Einstein’s principle. As we understand from section
6, mass destroyed in dark energy space creates dark energy, implying photons are turned into
dark energy as soon as they appear in the dark energy space.

If a photon is present at a radial distance r from the centre of a supermassive object, dark energy
created Ed = Gravitational Energy of the photon – Einstein’s energy.

𝐺𝑀 ℎ𝑓 ℎ𝑓c2
Therefore, Ed = r c2
- c2

Taking out hf as common factor, Ed = hf ( rc2 − 1) (22)

Substituting dark energy radius Rd for c2
, Ed = hf ( 𝑟
− 1) (23)

From the above equation it is clear that a photon occurring at the dark energy boundary does not
create any dark or visible energy. Photons occurring in the interior of the dark energy space turn
into dark energy. Hence, the darkening effect of a supermassive object, such as black hole, starts
at its dark energy boundary. Light loses its visibility at the dark energy boundary. When r

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
> R d , photon has positive energy. From equation 23, the effective frequency of photon moving in
a gravitational field,

fe =f (1 − 𝑟
). (24)


Light slims down towards black holes, shifting to higher wavelengths as shown in Fig.
5.According to equation 24, as light travels towards a black hole, its frequency decreases. At the
black hole’s dark energy radius photons (or light waves) become perfectly flat, completely losing
their energy. Photons carry their full energy only when they are in zero gravity condition, at
infinite distance from a super massive object.

Fig 5. Light Wave Stretching and Reducing its Frequency Towards Black Hole

Gravity creates the effect of a lateral force pressing photons in all directions lateral to their
direction of propagation. The force becomes more and more significant as photons travel towards
the dark energy boundary of a supermassive object, where photons (or light wave) are completely
flattened and rendered energy less.


Schwarzschild radius is the radius of a supermassive object at which light is trapped into its
gravity. Schwarzschild radius Rs = c2 , is exactly twice the Dark Energy Radius Rd = c2 . When
light enters the Schwarzschild boundary of a supermassive object, it is only trapped into its
gravitational pull. However, photons still exist in their low energy form until they cross the dark
energy boundary, where they completely lose their energy and go out of existence.

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023

Fig 6. Dark Energy and Schwarzschild Radil of Black Hole

As shown in Fig. 6, the dark circle at the centre of the black hole is not Schwarzschild boundary.
It is actually the outer dark energy boundary, and the outer boundary seen in the image is the
Schwarzschild boundary. The inner dark energy boundary is not visible as everything looks dark
inside the outer dark energy boundary. Outer dark energy radius of the black hole is half its
Schwarzschild radius as can be seen in the image.


When a black hole’s dark energy boundary lies outside its mass, it is called a rising black hole.
On the other hand, a declining black hole has its dark energy boundary falling within its mass. A
rising black hole creates fresh dark energy as mass is destroyed in its dark energy space, until its
dark energy boundary somehow recedes back to its mass boundary. There on, gravitational
energy lost is dominated by the Einstein’s energy created when mass is destroyed, resulting in
positive energy.

Most of the known black holes are declining. They might have created dark energy over a time in
the past during their rising phase but are currently out of that activity. Such black holes still retain
their dark energy by their strong gravity. The retained dark energy will be cleared as visible
energy, such as photons, hits it from outside, or any mass gets destroyed in it, creating visible
energy. However, this process may not be complete in a day or two and may take several million

A declining black hole may still have its Schwarzschild boundary falling outside its mass and
may switch back to its rising phase in future. Such a black hole may not, at present, create dark
energy but can accrete mass by pulling cosmic dust from its surroundings or gasses from stars
passing by, thereby increasing its size. During this process the black hole’s mass keeps
increasing, and consequently the dark energy boundary will come out of its mass boundary, again
switching it back to its rising phase.


When Schwarzschild boundary of a black hole lies outside its physical mass boundary, it starts
accreting matter such as by sucking cosmic dust or gasses from its surrounding stars. As mass

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
entering Schwarzschild boundary cannot escape the gravitational trap of the black hole, it is
further pulled inwards and deposited at the core of the black hole. As new matter is added,
Schwarzschild radius keeps increasing, further attracting mass much more forcefully. As such,
size of the black hole keeps on increasing.


According to the theory of relativity, mass attracts not only mass but energy also, which is
evidenced by bending of light near supermassive objects in space. When two masses, M and m,
are placed at a distance R, the gravitational potential energy between the two is 𝑅 as per
Newtons law. Assuming the mass m is destroyed and energy is created, it cannot be implied that
the same gravitational energy exists between the mass M and the energy mc 2 and equal to 𝑅 .
If this is always true, it will lead to absurdity as the value on one side is a variant of R and the one
on the other is a constant, irrespective of the distance R. The relation is satisfied only at one
point, R = Rd = c2 , which is the dark energy radius as described in section 3. So, the value 𝜀 = (1
– c2 𝑅) that I derived in section 2 may also be considered mass-to-energy conversion factor in
presence of gravity.

Einstein’s energy mc 2 is not absolute in its value. Its value changes with respect to its distance
from a supermassive object. The equivalent energy of mass has its full potential only in zero
gravity conditions. In other words, mc 2 is the gravity-free energy of mass. When energy is
carried closer to a high gravity object, its value decreases. Eventually, when it reaches the dark
energy boundary of a superdense, supermassive object, its value will reduce to zero, which is
why photons lose their existence at the dark energy boundary. Even if photons are created by
destroying mass inside the dark energy space of a superdense object, they will be converted into
dark energy.

Dark matter does not exist, only dark energy does. There is only one kind of matter, which is
visible when it is outside dark energy space and goes invisible when positioned in dark energy
space. Dark energy space around matter shrouds it in obscurity as no photons can emanate from
there and render it visible for optical and electromagnetic telescopes.

Astrophysicists observed outer layers of galaxies moving with the same speed as the inner layers,
which is possible only if some invisible matter causing the same effect as the visible matter is
present over there. The invisible matter was named dark matter. If dark matter is a different kind
of matter with different properties it might not be causing the same gravitational effect as the
normal visible matter. The presence or otherwise of dark energy around matter decides whether
or not the matter will interact with electromagnetic radiation and be visible to telescopes.


Astrophysicists have been interpreting the higher redshift of light emanating from farther galaxies
compared to that of closer galaxies as accelerated expansion of the universe. In fact, it is not
acceleration alone causing the redshift.

Assuming matter started scattering in the universe from its centre point, it is less densely
populated as we go father radially from its centre, because the surface area of the sphere over

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
which matter is spread at a given radius increases as the square of the radius. As mass density of
the universe goes down radially outwards, so does the gravity. Therefore, gravity is weaker at
outer regions of the universe and gets stronger towards its centre. As already discussed in the
previous sections, gravity compresses light laterally, flattening and stretching photons to higher
wave lengths. More the gravity, more the flattening effect. Farther a light beam comes from,
flatter the photons become due to the increasing effect of gravity. This effect is missed by
astrophysicists and they have been attributing the observed redshift completely to the receding
velocity of galaxies. Taking the gravity caused redshift also into account, and recomputing the
actual velocities of galaxies, the correct conclusion can be drawn whether the universe is really
expanding or contracting. In reality, the universe might be undergoing a decelerated expansion
governed by its gravity, if it is still expanding. Alternatively, it might be contracting, if its
expansion is complete and reversed its direction of expansion. What is happening in reality needs
to be confirmed with new redshift figures corrected for the gravity effect.

Using this theory, I have proved Einstein’s mass energy formula holds good only if there is no
supermassive object in close vicinity of the destroyed mass. Under supergravity conditions, net
energy created goes negative, thereby creating dark energy. Dark energy radius is a very
interesting physical parameter of a supermassive object. Mass destroyed within this radius creates
dark energy.

Dark energy radius of most objects falls within their mass, which out rules the chances of dark
energy creation. Dark energy is gravitational potential energy lost beyond Einstein’s energy when
mass is destroyed.

On computing dark energy radius of various supermassive objects, I have identified Gargantuan
as the only black hole currently producing fresh dark energy. Only Gargantuan has its dark
energy boundary falling outside its mass. It is a very promising superdense black hole for
researchers trying to find dark energy and understand more of it. Dark energy might be existing
around a lot of other black holes. However, they might have created it over a period in the past.
The same dark energy might have been held by their gravity.

There is only visible matter and nothing like dark matter. Dark matter goes invisible and becomes
dark matter when it is surrounded by dark energy, as it cannot be detected by electromagnetic

Light slims down towards black holes, shifting to upper wave lengths, irrespective of its observer,
and eventually vanishes completely when it hits the dark energy boundary. This is a different
phenomenon than the redshift, which occurs when the source of light and its observer are in
relative motion.

The universe might not be undergoing accelerated expansion. The expansion might, in fact, be
decelerating. Alternatively, it could be even contracting, if its expansion is already complete.
Current state of the universe can be precisely determined only after accounting for the gravity-
based redshift of light from distant galaxies.


Based on this theory, my assumption on the birth of the universe is that it emerged out of nothing,
that is, an absolute zero energy condition, out of which equal amounts of visible and dark

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023
energies were created. The visible energy manifested itself as the interchangeable forms of
photons and matter, while the dark energy as gravity. However, what remains to be known is what
caused the nothingness to divide into the visible and dark energies.

Another strong assumption is that artificial gravity can be created by extensive lateral
compression of light. Similarly, zero and negative gravity can be achieved by lateral
decompression of light, which could be the key to launching flying saucers in future by the


Practical testing and evaluation of the theory has limitations as it requires access to advanced
electromagnetic telescopes and high-performance computing systems. On account of these
limitations, my recommendations for future work include collecting observational data of far off
galaxies, and conduct a thorough data analysis to confirm the redshift effect of gravity on light.
Further recommendation is that astronomy and cosmology researchers having access to
sophisticated telescopes focus them onto the Gargantuan black hole and study it in detail.
Comparison of the data with that of other black holes might provide clear understanding of the
dark energy and its impact on its sourcing black hole and neighbouring celestial bodies.


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International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) Vol.12, No.3, August 2023


Cheman Shaik has been a Research & Development professional in Aeronautical

Engineering, Space Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology for
the last thirty years. He worked as senior research fellow at the National Aeronautical
Laboratory, Bangalore, India. Later he served the Indian Space Research
Organization as Scientist. He is an inventor in software and information technology,
and achieved eight U.S Patents for his inventions in these areas of technology. He is
the pioneer of the Absolute Public Key Cryptography in 1999. He is well known for
his Password Self Encryption Method which has earned him three U.S Patents. He
has published research papers in the international journals – IJCSEA, IJCIS, IJNSA, AEIJ, CSEIJ and the
proceedings of EC2ND 2006 and CSC 2008


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