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募集要項 2024

1、 出願資格

● 本国の⾼校以上の学歴(12 年以上の学校教育)を有する者。
(⽇本では学校教育 12 年間を修了していないと⼤学または専⾨学校へ進学できません。た
だし、⽇本語学習後帰国の場合は 12 年間の有無を問いません。

● ⽇本語習得を⽬的とする⽇本語能⼒試験 N5 相当(N5 合格、または⽇本語学習時間 150
● 応募時の年齢が30歳以下であること

2、 出願から⼊学までの⼿続き

3、 募集コース
2024年4⽉⼊学 進学2年コース
2024年7⽉⼊学 進学1年9ヶ⽉コース
2024年10⽉⼊学 進学1年6ヶ⽉コース
2025年1⽉⼊学 進学1年3ヶ⽉コース

4、 出願時期
2024年4⽉⼊学 2023年9⽉1⽇から10⽉20⽇
2024年7⽉⼊学 2023年12⽉1⽇から2024年2⽉10⽇
2024年10⽉⼊学 2024年3⽉1⽇から5⽉10⽇
2025年1⽉⼊学 2024年6⽉1⽇から8⽉10⽇
5、 必要書類

⽇本語能⼒⽴証資料(⽇本語学習証明、⽇本語能⼒試験や NAT TEST などの合格証)
過去 1 年分の資⾦形成過程を明らかにする資料

6、 学費

※⼊学検定料(出願時)20,000 円(+消費税 2,000 円)

⼊学⾦ 50,000 円(+消費税 5,000 円)

授業料 1期分(12 か⽉) 600,000 円(+消費税 60,000 円)
教材費(12 か⽉) 20,000 円(+消費税 2,000 円)
教育活動費・設備費・健康管理費・損害賠償責任保険料(12 か⽉)*1
50,000 円(+消費税 5,000 円)
合 計:720,000 円(+消費税 72,000 円)

*1 内訳(12 カ⽉):教育活動費 22000 円、設備費 22000 円、健康管理費 5500 円、損害賠償責任保険料 5500 円


午前クラス 9:15 ‒ 12:40

午後クラス 13:30 ‒ 16:55

〒252-0304 神奈川県相模原市南区旭町 8−22
TEL: +81-42-851-5238 FAX +81-42-851-5239
Application Requirements 2024

1. Application qualification
*Graduation from at least high school in their home country (Those who have more than 12
years of school education)
(In Japan, you cannot go to universities or vocational schools if you do not have 12 years of
education. However, if you go back to your home country after graduation of Japanese
language school, you do not need 12 years of education.)
* Equivalent to N5 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test for the purpose of learning
Japanese (Those who pass N5 or have 150 hours of Japanese study time)
* Applicant should have a reliable guarantor.
* Applicant should be younger than 30 years old when they apply.

2. Application procedure
Preparing interview sheet
Preparing application documents and submit
Selection (Interview and document screening)
Application for certificate of eligibility
Granting the certificate of eligibility to the school
Enrollment for the academy (Payment of tuition fee and submit documents)
Sending admission permit to applicant
Visa application and acquisition
Admission and starting class

3. Courses
April 2023 Preparatory 2-year course
July 2023 Preparatory 1-year and 9-month course
October 2023 Preparatory 1-year and 6-month course
January 2024 Preparatory 1-year and 3-month course

4. Period of application
1st Sep 2023 to 20th Oct 2023 (Admission at April 2024)
st th
1 Dec 2023 to 10 Feb 2024 (Admission at July 2024)
1st March 2024 to 10th May 2024 (Admission at October 2024)
1st Jun 2021 to 10th Aug 2023 (Admission at Jan 2025)
5. Documents required
*School application form
*Graduation certificate of the final school
*Japanese language certificate (Japanese language school, certificates of JLPT or NAT TEST)

*Financial support letter

*The certificate of relationship between the applicant and sponsor
(Birth certificate or relationship certificate)
*Bank balance certificate
*Past 1-year record of fund formation process
(Any of followings: Deposit withdraw statement, passbook copy, Fix deposit certificate,
Authorized document for sponsorʼs income status and its supporting materials)

6. Expenses
*Examination fee (Paid for application of COE to the immigration office)
20,000 yen (+Tax 2,000 yen)

*Entrance fee 50,000 yen(+Tax 5,000 yen)

*Tuition fee(12 months) 600,000 yen(+Tax 60,000 yen)
*Text, Materials (12 months) 20,000 yen(+Tax 2,000 yen)
*Educational activity, Facilities, Health management, Liability insurance. (12 months)
50,000 yen(+Tax 5,000 yen) *1
In total (Paid on the entrance of the academy) 720,000yen(+Tax 72,000 yen)

*1 A breakdown of the total expenditure (12 months):

Educational activity 22000 yen, Facilities 22000 yen, Health management 5500 yen, Liability insurance 5500 yen.

7. Class hours
Morning class 9:15 to 12:40
Afternoon class 13:30 to 16:55

Contact: Sagami International Academy

8-22, Asahicho, Minami-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
TEL: +81-42-851-5238 FAX +81-42-851-5239

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