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At the end of the discussion, the grade10 students are expected to:

1. Explain the different kinds of textures in music

2. Perform a song with different textures


A. TOPIC:Texture in Music
B. REFERENCE :Apilado, V., Magaspar, C. “SHINE WITH MAPEH”,
Valenzuela, City: JO-ES PUBLISHING HOUSE, Inc., pp. 46-49
C. MATERIALS: Handouts, laptop/phone, speaker



(Prayer, Checking of Attendance)


Let us have first a song before we proceed

to our discussion. First, you will sing the
song “Price Tag” without any The class will sing without accompaniment.
accompaniment, then afterward you will
sing it with accompaniment.
(The students will sing along with the
The teacher will play the minus one accompaniment.)

The song became alive.

What happened to the song when the
accompaniment was added?
(answer varies)
Was it more fun to sing alone or with lots of
parts such as accompaniment?
Yes ma’am. (Students will arrange the
Before we are going to start our lesson we letters)
are going to have an activity first. I will
group you into 3 groups and then you are
going to arrange the scrambled letters.
Monophony, Homophony, Polyphony
Okay, now can you please read the words?


Okay, so today we are going to discuss

Texture. After our discussion, I expect you
to be able to explain the different types of
textures and perform a song with different
Ma’am! Texture is an element of music that
Who can tell me what texture in music refers to a single or several layers of sound
means? heard at the same time. It is the density –
thinness or thickness – of music.

Ok. Very good!

We can recognize texture by listening to the

different sounds around us.
If the song is sung alone or with
What factors should you consider in trying accompaniment or with different melody.
to analyze the texture in music?

Yes, that’s right! That is how we classify

the kinds of textures.
Ma’am! The three types of textures are
What are the different types of textures? Monophony, Homophony and Polyphony.

Very good.
I am going to play different songs and you
are going to identify what type of texture is
being played.

(First music is an Acapella “You Are the

Reason”) Monophony.
What kind of texture is this? As the prefix “mono” connotes, means one
sound. It is a single musical line without any
What is monophony? form of accompaniment.

Humming and whistling can also be

considered monophony.
Very good! Who can give me another
example of monophony?

That’s right. Homophony.

(Next song is an acoustic performance)
What about this one? Homophony means one main melody with a
supporting harmony such as piano or guitar
What is homophony? accompaniment.

Ok. Very good!

Some melodies are accompanied by
instruments. Homophony gives focus to the
melody as its main feature and is supported
by the distinctive tonal quality of another
instrument like a guitar or piano.
(The last song is a choral performance)
What type of texture is this?
Polyphonic texture has two or more melodies
What does polyphony mean? presented at the same time. A round song can
also be considered a polyphony.

Very good class! Partner Song.

So, now there are two kinds of Polyphonic
Texture and number one is? Can you please Two different melodies are sung or played at
read this one? the same time.

Do you know what is a partner song? Can Partner Songs- songs that have rhythms and
you give me an example? melodies which is similar so they can be
sung at the same time thereby resulting in a
Very good! Can you please read the beautiful song.
meaning of the Partner songs?
(Played the music)

Okay, I will let you listen what is the Sung or played in different layers
example of a partner song.

The next kind of Polyphonic Texture is

Round Songs. Do you know what is Round The round song is a single melody sung by
songs? two or more groups that start the song one
after another.
Yes, great job! Can you please read the
meaning of Round Songs? (Played the music)

Very good! Now, I will let you listen to one

example of the Round Songs.

So, those are the example of different kinds

of textures in music.
(The class will group themselves)
(Group 1 will perform)
Since you already know the different types
(Group 2 will perform)
of textures, we will now have a group
(Group 3 will perform)
activity. I am going to divide the class into
three groups and I will let you choose which
of the Texture in Music you’re going to
perform. Choose one inside this envelope.
Here's our rubric for this presentation
you’re going to perform.

Presentation- 30%
Mastery- 30%
Melody- 30%
Energy - 10%
Total 100%

I will give you five minutes to practice.

Now let’s have the presentation by the

group. Ma’am! Applying different musical textures
in a piece creates a feeling of variety.

What do you observe when you apply the

different types of textures? Ma’am! Being creative in applying can
contribute to the beauty of a musical piece.

(answer varies)

Which type is most interesting to you?

(answer varies)
Do you still have clarification about our
topic today?

If you were a composer and you were asked

to write a religious song, which texture
would you use? Why?


Direction: Identification

1. As the prefix “mono” connotes, means one sound. It is a single musical line without any form of
2. It means one main melody with a supporting harmony such as piano or guitar accompaniment.
3. The texture has two or more melodies presented at the same time. A round song can also be
considered a polyphony.
4. Acapella is what kind of Texture in music?
5. A choral performance is what kind of Texture in music?


Watch musical presentations on Youtube. Write the title and describe the texture of the songs.

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