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Rissa Sofia S.

Saladan SPED 502

Guide Questions:
1. What is the learner’s behavioral challenges?
 Anton has difficulty following directions
 He would throw tantrums when he did not get what he wants.
 Problems getting along with his peers.
 Did not like to wait for his turn or stand in line with his classmates.
 He also does not listen to his parents
 Defies his teacher and refuses to follow instructions
 Loud verbal arguments led to fistfights with other boys, and occasionally girls,
at lunch or recess time.

 Alva’s teacher reported that Alva generally paid attention and tried hard to
complete her seatwork and other academic assignment each day.
 Her teacher reported that Alva had several behavioral challenges at the
beginning of first grade.
 Alva is shy and timid and refusing to stand up for herself.
 She would avoid or withdraw from social situations with other students

2. What were the behavioral intervention that each learner received?

 Anton was referred to the school’s Individual Education Program (IEP) team,
assessed and identified him as a learner with behavioral disorders.
 Anton’s principal and parents decided to enroll him in a special education
program called Learning Nook Starter, an evidence based behavioral
intervention for young children
 Anton 2nd grade teacher used “token economy” program to positively
reinforce his appropriate behavior. The teacher sets clear behavioral
expectations for Anton’s behavior in the classroom, hallway, canteen and
 At home an interventionist visited Anton’s home once a week for six week.

 The teacher referred Alva to a new behavioral intervention program at her

 The program was based on behavioral studies of young children like Alva
 Her teacher reinforce positive behavior
 Her teacher also observe and learn how her classmates behaved in
difference social situations during class, in the hallway, at the canteen, and
on the playground.

3. What were each learner’s behavioral outcome after he or she received the
behavioral intervention?
 Anton receives token for appropriate behavior but lost token for misbehavior.
 Anton turned in tokens for special prizes. He could choose something fun for
 His parents felt the Learning Nook Starter activities offered her a structure
and helped her learn how to interact with her children in a positive way.

 Her social behavior had changed dramatically after the intervention

 She learned how to perform the skills effectively as well as when to use the
skills in what social situations.

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