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A visual learner is someone who learns better from images, charts, and other visual aids.

This does not mean

that videos of real-life experiences will resonate with the visual style. Visual learners often prefer to use
handouts, flashcards, and outlines to organize information. You might find them doodling in the margins of
their notes or closing their eyes to try to visualize what they are hearing. Surprisingly, videos of tend to appeal
more to kinesthetic learners than to visual learners.

Study tips for visual learners:

✓ Use colors to categorize information.
✓ Study early and often. The more times you see the information, the more you will retain.
✓ Make practice exams for yourself.
✓ Leave white space in your notes, so you can add to them later.
✓ Draw pictures.
✓ Make flashcards.
✓ Create graphs and charts.
✓ Make your own outlines.
✓ Rewrite key points from your notes.

Multiple Intelligences concepts and VAK ( or VARK or VACT ) learning styles models offer
relatively simple and accessible methods to understand and explain people's preferred ways to
learn and develop. Occasionally well-intentioned people will write that the use of such models
and tests is wrong because it 'pigeon-holes' people and ignores the point that we are all a
mixture of styles and preferences, and not just one single type, which is true. Please remember
that over-reliance on, or extreme interpretation of, any methodology or tool can be counter-

The concept of multiple intelligences is a theory proposed by Harvard

psychologist Howard Gardner. When you hear the word intelligence, the
concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often
defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something
that can be measured, and a capacity that is difficult to change.

In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged,

including Gardner's suggestion that multiple different types of intelligence
may exist. The eight intelligences according to Gardner are:

1. Visual-spatial
2. Linguistic-verbal
3. Logical-mathematical
4. Body-kinesthetic
5. Musical
6. Interpersonal
7. Intrapersonal
8. Naturalistic

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