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1 PERMAS Short

Description V19



E Version 19


INTES is a privately held and independent

enterprise for Finite Element Technology (FE
Technology) with offices in Stuttgart, Paris and
For all of its customers, INTES is a competent
partner in all aspects of FE Technology. Above all,
satisfaction of the customers with all the software
and services is of prime importance to the
INTES offers the FE software PERMAS (with
VisPER as graphical user interface), related
software developments, training courses,
PERMAS is making realistic simulations practical.
consulting and simulation services.
PERMAS provides extremely fast and accurate so-
lutions for realistic simulations of large models and
complex situations in time.
PERMAS effectively supports performance based
design decisions without the need to sacrifice ac-
Customer value with PERMAS:
• To reach improved understanding of product
performance and better product designs.
• More design iterations for more accurate
models for the same simulation costs.
• Better product designs through effective and
rapid optimization of complex situations.
• Reduced effort, cost and time to achieve
reliable performance driven designs.
• Reduced risk and uncertainty through robust
design and reliability analysis.
3 Profile/

1.8 (total Job)
High performance computing 29:11
for large and very large models, with
fast solvers, parallel (direct) I/O and
In combination with GPU acceleration.
2*Intel 6146(40core)
Nvidia Tesla V100
GPU benefit for contact analysis

Special high performance algorithms

for contact analysis, for eigenvalues with
MLDR method, for fluid-structure cou-
pling, harmonic balance method.

Development of Contact solvers

Integrated optimization
for topology, bead, (free-) shape, siz-
ing, laminates, robust design, sam-
pling . . .
Automated workflows for generative
design Simulation driven design of a rear wing holder (EDAG)

Productivity tools
for automatic part coupling and in-
compatible meshes, with substructur-
ing and submodelling.

Mapping of temperature fields

Innovations 4



HPC Fatigue Analysis

• Compute fatigue faster than exporting

• Simple/consistent analysis workflow
• Multiple loading conditions / fatigue cal-

Nonlinear analysis of short fibre materi- Manufacture


*.xml Distribution

als distributed orientation

anisotropy $MATREF
Fiber Orientation $HOMOGENIZE

• take manufacturing data into account


(e.g. from filling simulation) Matrix



• usable in combination with paralleliza-

Homogenization Workflow


u0 Harmonic Balance method

• Allows to solve nonlinear harmonic prob-
Amplitude of harmonic

1 k=2
lems, including path following
0.1 k=5

k = 1, linear
• For: squeak and rattle, bolted joints with
friction, contact and vibro-impact prob-
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
lems, . . .
Beam with contact

Geometry data in PERMAS/VisPER step2dat

• Start simulation driven design process
from CAD data (step) Topo
• Create automated mesh with geometry
reference for topology optimization
Simulation Plugin

• Automated creation of freeform opti-
mization model
• Quad Layout of parametric CAD faces, FreeForm

also suited for parameter optimization

and CAD export
(New GEOM)

INTES delivers continuous innovations.

5 Thermomechanics


Contact is a nonlinear
boundary condition, which can
be coupled with other linear
conditions as well as with
nonlinearities. At the same time,
the contact can be calculated
between different bodies,
between a body and ground, but
also when self contact occurs.
The contact analysis can be
performed with or without
friction, where isotropic or
orthotropic sticking and sliding
friction is applied following
Coulomb’s law of friction.
Model of a tractor transmission
ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Thermomechanics comprises The linear buckling analysis is

functionalities for the a classical method to study shell
determination of temperature and beam structures. It can be
fields, contact analysis, linear used also after a nonlinear
and nonlinear static analysis as static analysis in order to detect
well as buckling. additional bifurcation points.
The analysis of linear and
nonlinear, steady-state and
transient heat transfer analysis
is supported. Heat conductivity,
heat capacity, and heat The CLF (Condensed Lagrange
convection with radiation can be Flexibility) method provides high
used accordingly. Previously performance contact analysis.
calculated temperature fields The integrated
can be directly used in ContactAnalysisMultiGrid
subsequent static analysis. (CAMG) solver reduces
drastically run times for large
contact models (>10,000

Analysis of cooling element with

Thermomechanics 6


Contact can be calculated By updating the contact Nonlinear material behaviour

between compatibly and geometry, large sliding can use different constitutive
incompatibly meshed parts. In displacements can be models: nonlinear elastic
both cases, the resulting contact calculated. Together with material, elastic-plastic material
pressure is available. geometrical nonlinear effects, (von Mises, Tresca, Drucker-
large rotations are carried out. Prager, Mohr-Coulomb, cast
iron), simple visco-plastic
material, creep. At the same
time, the material can be
temperature-dependent. In case
of plasticity isotropic or
kinematic hardening can be
taken into account (the latter
also as nonlinear kinematic
hardening). A user-defined
material is possible.
Nonlinear gaskets are
Bolt pretension is also made modeled by special gasket Beside isotropic plasticity
by contact. The coupling of elements, which are fully models, transverse isotropic
screw and mating thread takes handled by contact analysis. plasticity for short fiber
place at the thread area, while reinforced plastics is also
Purely force-guided contacts supported.
the bolt and the bolt hole remain
are also possible with larger
perfectly cylindrical. By doing For large models and local
initial gap widths.
so, the radial widening of the nonlinear effects, substructuring
bolt hole and the twist of the bolt An obtained contact status and submodeling can be used
can be modeled by a flank can be re-used in a subsequent in nonlinear analysis.
angle and the pitch of the thread variant analysis. This has the
without modeling the thread potential to reduce the run time Geometric nonlinearities can
itself. of the variant analysis be combined with other linear or
significantly. nonlinear effects. Also nonlinear
buckling of shell structures is
To perform a subsequent supported with linear or
dynamic or heat transfer nonlinear material behaviour. It
analysis, the achieved contact can be amended by linear
status can be frozen, where a buckling in each load steo in
pressure dependent coupling is order to detect bifurcations.
Large strain analysis for
hyperelastic materials is
supported, where the same
element types are used as for
other linear or nonlinear
7 Vibroacoustics


In a real eigenvalue analysis of

a structure the elastic stiffness
can be extended by geometric
stiffness and pressure stiffness,
if needed. In rotor dynamics,
centrifugal stiffness or
convective stiffness can be
taken into account as the case
may be calculated in a co-
rotating or inertial reference

For structural dynamics The real eigenvalue analysis in

functionalities are provided in coupled fluid-structure acoustics
modal space by real and results in eigenmodes, which
complex eigenvalue analyses, consist of displacements for the
dynamic condensation, and structure and a corresponding
response analysis in frequency pressure field for the fluid.
and time domain (also steady-
For very large models with a
state). Additionally, spectral and
high number of modes to be
random response analysis are
calculated, a special eigenvalue
available. Direct solutions for
solver using the MLDR method
response analysis in frequency
(Multi-Level Dynamic
and time domain are available,
Reduction) provides an
extraordinary efficient
For both a Fluid only and the procedure.
coupled Fluid-Structure-
The complex eigenvalue
Acoustics, real eigenvalue
analysis is based on real
analysis, dynamic
eigenvalues and mode shapes.
condensation, and response
For rotating structures, a
analysis in frequency and time
Campbell diagram for an
domain as well as random The modeling of a fluid is using arbitrary number of rotating
response are supported in volume elements and the speeds can be generated in one
modal space. A direct solution connection to the structure is single run.
for the response analysis in using coupling elements. For
frequency domain is also the boundaries of surrounding
available. fluids, radiation boundary
condition elements and semi-
infinite elements are available.
Vibroacoustics 8


Many options for the modeling For complex position and For dynamic condensation, an
of damping are available like velocity control (like for machine extended Craig-Bampton
material damping, proportional tools) additional control method can be applied (i.e.
damping, viscous damping elements are on hand. MBCB Mixed Boundary Craig-
elements, modal viscous Bampton), which allows the use
damping, modal structural of vibration modes under
damping, and direct input of different boundary conditions
damping matrices (also in (also free-free).
modal space).
In frequency domain, structural
damping can be described as a
function of frequency. A
frequency-dependent viscous
damping is supported by a
In case of coupled fluid-
special element.
structure acoustics, a
The modeling of active structure with enclosed fluid can
damping is possible using be condensated in a way that no
control elements, which pressure degrees of freedom
combine dynamic vibrations are present in the condensated
(detected at a sensor) with a system (so-called dry In dynamic brake analysis the
driving force (applied at the condensation). contact status between brake
actuator) using classical linear pad and disc can be frozen for a
or nonlinear control parameters. subsequent real and complex
eigenvalue analysis to identify
instabilities indicating brake
squeal. An additional parameter
study using the integrated
sampling method will give
important hints on the brake’s
potential for improvement.
9 Optimal Design


A parametric shape
optimization is performed by
several methods like position
optimization, bead generation,
or shape optimization using
shape basis vectors.
The position optimization can
be characterized by a change of
the position of two or more parts
to each other or by a change of
the position of boundary
conditions in order to fulfil
certain conditions like minimum
Topology optimization of a bearing support (by courtesy of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Friedrichshafen)

All optimization methods in To start optimization a design The bead generation is used
PERMAS are fully integrated. space exploration using with shell structures in order to
Besides sizing optimization, sampling is a good first step achieve certain static or
topology optimization, and before starting optimization. In dynamic properties of the
shape optimization are this way different parameter optimized parts by a suitable
available. In addition, reliability settings can be used to get bead pattern.
analysis is available to handle more information on the effect
uncertain model parameters. An of certain parameters and the
optimization under reliability sensitivity of result quantities
constraints is supported as due to parameter changes.
robust design optimization.
Dependent on the optimization
method, different analysis types
can be used in optimization
loops, like static analysis,
contact analysis, linear buckling
analysis, nonlinear material
behavior, real and complex
eigenvalue analysis, modal
frequency response analysis,
steady-state heat transfer
analysis. Limits of design
variables or numerous result
quantities can be used as
objective or side constraint.
Optimal Design 10


A sizing optimization uses The topology optimization

other model parameters than starts from a design space in
node coordinates as design order to find the optimal
variables like shell thicknesses, material distribution in this
beam cross sections, material design space for a given design
parameters, property values of objective. Objective and side
spring, mass, and damper constraints can be defined in
elements or even parameters of the design space or outside in
control elements. the other parts of the structure.
In addition, manufacturing
constraints can be specified for
symmetries, release directions,
minimum and maximum
The non-parametric freeform
member sizes, and overhang
optimization is mainly used to
angles as 3D printing condition
homogenize stress fields or to
to influence the design. The
optimize the weight of parts
element filling ratio is used as
under stress limits. To achieve
design variable, which directly
that, material can be added or
influences stiffness and mass of
released at complex surfaces in
each element. After
normal direction. Additional
convergence, the elements in
constraints like displacmenets
the design space are either
or release directions are also
those with filling ratio near one,
possible. Due to the unification of which represent the desired
optimization methods like structural behaviour, or those
parametric shape optimization, with filling ratio near zero, which
sizing and topology are not needed to achieve this
optimization, all these methods behaviour. After an automatic
can be used simultaneously in a surface smoothing of the
Multi-Modal Optimization to remaining structure, it can be
jointly solve an optimization exported as mesh or geometry
task. (STL).
Topology optimization may also
be used with other quantities
like sheet thicknesses (so-called
Free Sizing).
The reliability analysis
handles uncertain model Laminates can be optimized by
parameters and their influence free sizing for new design
on the structural behavior. For a concepts and by sizing
given failure mode, it calculates optimization of ply thickness
the probability of failure and its and angle also with ply failure
sensitivities with regard to the constraints.
uncertain variables.
11 Other


By substructuring, an FE
model can be split into an
arbitrary number of
substructures (so-called
components). The components
can be assembled like single
elements to get a complete
structure (so-called
A configuration can be
assembled by an arbitrary
number of levels up to the top
component (i.e. the root of the
substructure tree). Each level
may introduce new elements,
loads, and boundary conditions.

Further analysis capabilities for Linear static and dynamic For the reduction of
electrodynamics, some special electrodynamic tasks can be components, static and
functions like laminate analysis, solved with the corresponding dynamic reduction is available.
and an innovative new spot modules. Generated heat By this way, matrix models can
weld concept as well as the according to the Joule effect or be generated, which represent
interfaces, which are directly induced forces can be directly the FE models of the reduced
supported by PERMAS to other used in subsequent structural components and are suitable for
software products. analysis. model exchange between
cooperation partners without
exchanging the model details.
Other Functions 12


For modeling and analysis of Results, which are calculated

laminated composites, with a coarse mesh, can be
triangular and quadrangular applied as boundary conditions
shell elements can be used. for a finer meshed part of the
Their properties are described structure (e.g. in order to
by the layer set-up or directly by calculate more precise
ABD matrices. Ply failure stresses). This submodeling
criteria can be evaluated. technique also enables
nonlinear analysis of parts
based on linear analysis of the
complete structure.

A Smooth Patch Recovery

(SPR) method is applied to get
SPR stresses beside classical
stress calculation. The
difference between both
stresses defines an (Absolute)
Error Indicator (AEI), which
can be used for mesh validation
A special spot weld element is and further mesh refinement, if
available, which essentially required. In addition, the stress
reduces the sensitivity of stress gradient normal to the surface is
results due to the mesh size of calculated at the surface nodes.
the flanges. By automated part coupling VisPER Adams MNF
through incompatible meshing MEDINA AVL Excite
Patran Altair MotionSolve
of parts, more flexible and faster I-deas VLAB Motion, Durability
Hypermesh, Hyperview Simpack
modeling is enabled, because Ansa Simdrive 3D
meshes need not to be made Simlab VAO
NX Femfat
compatible by expensive mesh Nastran BDF+OP2
Abaqus INP Ensight
adaptations and replacing parts ADSTEFAN
by other meshes become much Magmasoft
Interfaces: blue: in PERMAS, black: external
PERMAS is an open system and
maintains numerous interfaces to
other software products.
13 VisPER


Beside the specification of

element properties, MPC
conditions, boundary conditions,
and loads, VisPER comprises
specialized wizards, which
guide the user through the
respective modeling steps:

• Assembly and part

• Brake squeal analysis
• Design by simulation
• Pressfit
• Sampling


• Contact modeling
• Bolt pretension

VisPER is the graphical pre- For the evaluation of spot weld Optimization:
and post-processor of forces, a special method is • Topology optimization
PERMAS. It comprises the available, which uses traffic light • Sizing optimization
pre-processing of PERMAS labeling to visualize critical and • Shape optimization (with
models (mainly on the basis of non-critical values of the normal bead generation and
already existing meshes) and and shear forces in spot welds. position optimization)
the post- processing of The stresses can be shown in • Freeform optimization
PERMAS results. addition for a full assessment of
the stresses in a flange. Others:
In post-processing, XY plots
can be generated using VisPER • Fluid-structure coupling
or “PERMASgraph”, a • Substructuring
specialized tool for XY plots. • Rigid body mode decoupling
(RBM assistant)

Evaluation of spot weld forces

Temperature distribution over time with PERMASgraph
VisPER 14



VisPER also performs the task VisPER has a modern

of model verification by interactive graphical user
visualization and evaluation of interface for easy and intuitive
numerous PERMAS verification application. A simple selection
results, like projection vectors of the shown model parts,
and unconnected nodes in working with transparency and
surface to surface MPC cutting planes, the simple
connections. In addition, a generation of animations, and
message dialog evaluates the many other useful interactions
PERMAS diagnostic messages are supporting the effective and
and shows the affected model efficient working with this tool.
parts directly.
Comprehensive options for
adjustment provide an easy
customization to the user’s
preferred working style. Self-
defined abbreviations for
standard functions accelerate
many operations. Macros using
the programming language
Python can easily be generated
by recording and used later.

Pre-and post-processing for a freeform optimization

VisPER is based on the

infrastructure of PERMAS,
which provides most of the
interfaces in both PERMAS and
VisPER in the same way, where
VisPER additionally gives the Topology optimization of a gear wheel with cyclic symmetry
direct visual feedback about the and release directions
read model to the user. In
addition, results of PERMAS
can be exported in other

Graphical properties of parts and element sets

15 Software


PERMAS-Modules: VisPER-Modules:

Thermo-Mechanics: Other Functions: VBAS Basic module

MQA Basic module EMS Electro-/magneto-statics VCA Contact modeling
LS Linear static analysis EMD Electrodynamics VOPT Optimization models
CA+CAX Contact analysis LA Laminate analysis VTOP Topology optimization
CAU Contact geometry update WLDS Weldspot model VFS Fluid modeling
CAMG Contact multigrid solver GINR Generalized inertia relief
NLS Nonlinear static analysis XPU GPU-accelerator
NLSMAT Extended mat. laws
NLSA Hyperelastic material
BA Linear buckling analysis
HT Heat transfer
NLHT Nonlinear heat transfer
AD ADAMS-Interface
LIFE Basic fatigue analysis
Vibro-Acoustics: SIM SimPack-Interface
DEV Dynamics (eigenvalues) SIM3D Simdrive 3D-Interface
DEVXExtended mode analysis HMS MotionSolve-Interface
MLDR Eigenmodes with MLDR H3D HYPERVIEW-Interface
DRA Dynamics (response) VLAB Virtual.Lab-Interface
DRX Extended dynamics ADS ADSTEFAN-Interface
FS Fluid-structure acoustics MAT MATLAB-Interface
NLD Nonlinear dynamics NAS NASTRAN-Door
HBM Harmonic balance method ABA ABAQUS-Door
Optimal Design:
OPT Design optimization
TOPO Layout optimization
AOS Advanced opt. solvers
RA Reliability analysis
Software 16


dat ABA NAS MEDI ID hdf/post

Model Completion Postprocessing

Geometry/Meshing Simulation Workflows Model Verification

Scripting/Automation Animations/Reporting


Model Quality Assurance Thermo-Mechanics

HMS Vibro-Acoustics Design-Optimization MAT

Special Functions Electromagnetics

hdf/post H3D NAS MEDI ID PAT

VisPER comprises PERMAS HPC (High Performance Detailed information about the
and uses the same data basis. Computing) through different modules can be found
So, a perfect data compatibility parallelization (multi-threading), in the PERMAS Product
exists between pre-processing, the additonal use of a GPU (like Description on →
analysis, and post-processing. Nvidia Tesla Kepler GPU) and Company → Publications.
special algorithms (like contact,
MLDR, fluid-structure-coupling).


INTES GmbH The solid only finite element If not specified differently, all reg-
Breitwiesenstr. 28 model (>30M nodes) of an en- istered names and trademarks
D-70565 Stuttgart gine cooling module for dynamic are legally protected brands of
Tel.: +49-711-784990 response analysis appears by INTES or other organizations.
Fax: +49-711-7849910 courtesy of Valeo Thermal Sys- The registered trademarks of
E-Mail: tems, La Verrière, France. INTES are PERMAS and Vis-
Web: PER. The use of other product
Copyright 2022 INTES GmbH, names does not imply that these
Stuttgart, all rights reserved. names are not protected. They
are used here only to inform the

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