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REVIEW 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2012.03956.

Bed occupancy rates and hospital-acquired infections—should beds be

kept empty?

K. Kaier1, N. T. Mutters2 and U. Frank3

1) Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Freiburg, 2) Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical Microbiology
and Hygiene, Heidelberg University Hospital and 3) Division of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg
University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany


There is growing evidence that bed occupancy (BO) rates, overcrowding and understaffing influence the spread of hospital-acquired
infections (HAIs). In this article, a systematic review of the literature is presented, summarizing the evidence on the adverse effects of
high BO rates and overcrowding in hospitals on the incidence of HAIs. A Pubmed database search identified 179 references, of which
44 were considered to be potentially relevant for full-text review. The majority (62.9%) focused on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus-associated infection or colonization. Only 12 studies were found that provided a statistical analysis of the impact of BO on HAI
rates. The median BO rate of the analysed studies was 81.2%. The majority of studies (75%) indicated that BO rates and understaffing
directly influence the incidence of HAIs. Only three studies showed no significant association between BO rates and the incidence of
HAIs. Interestingly, only one of the included studies detected a seasonal trend in the BO rate. The present review shows an association
between BO rates and the spread of HAIs in various settings. Because the evidence on this topic is limited, we conclude that further
research is needed in order to analyse the rationale of a threshold BO rate, because keeping beds empty is comparatively costly.

Keywords: Bed occupancy rates, hospital-acquired infections, infectious disease epidemiology, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
Article published online: 18 June 2012
Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18: 941–945

Corresponding author: K. Kaier, Department of Environmental

Health Sciences, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Breisacher
Straße 115b, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany
E-mail: klaus.kaier@uniklinik-freiburg.de

HAIs are of great concern in European society, and may

be considered from different viewpoints—those of the
clinician, the healthcare official, a pharmaceutical company,
Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are the most frequent the patient, and the public authority [4]. From a public
adverse events in healthcare delivery [1]. Because of growing health perspective, the major focus is on hospital-wide cor-
awareness in recent years, the burden caused by these infec- relations between incidence rates of hospital-specific patho-
tions, which is often complicated by antimicrobial resistance, gens and a basket of hospital-specific parameters [5].
has become a top priority within the European public health Transmission of HAIs is influenced by many different fac-
agenda [2,3]. It has been estimated that, in the EU alone, tors: several individual risk factors, such as exposure to
approximately 37 000 lives are lost because of HAIs each invasive devices [6], antimicrobial use, intensity and fre-
year, with an associated monetary cost of roughly €7 billion, quency of patient contact with others or with the environ-
which is mainly attributable to increased length of hospital ment, and implementation of hygiene measures; and
stay [1]. organizational and institutional factors. There is growing evi-

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Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2012 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
942 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 18 Number 10, October 2012 CMI

dence that bed occupancy (BO) rates, overcrowding and acquired’) AND (‘infection’ OR ‘infections’))) AND (‘bed
understaffing do influence many of these transmission-asso- occupancy’ OR ‘overcrowding’ OR ‘bed utilization’ OR
ciated factors. Unfortunately, relatively little is known about ‘workload’). References were also identified from the biblio-
the effects of these organizational and institutional factors graphies of studies. The search was performed to identify
on the risk of HAIs [6]. Studies have shown that over- studies that analysed the impact of BO on the spread of
crowding and understaffing lead to failure of patient safety HAIs. The search was restricted to studies published
programmes via decreased healthcare worker hand hygiene between 1998 and February 2012. Language of publication
compliance, increased movement of patients and staff was not restricted. The abstracts of all studies were
between hospital wards, decreased levels of cohorting, and reviewed. Two authors (K.K. and N.T.M.) independently
overburdening of screening and isolation facilities [7]. Even assessed the inclusion (presence of a statistical analysis of
a BO threshold for patient safety has been discussed [8]; association) and exclusion (reviews, comments, etc.) criteria.
however, there are still insufficient data to support this. K.K. and N.T.M. abstracted data systematically and indepen-
The present article summarizes the evidence on the influ- dently according to design, methods, sample size, type of
ence of BO rates and overcrowding on HAIs. infectious agent, and setting.

Methods Results

Studies were retrieved from PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm. Our literature search identified 179 references, of which 43
nih.gov/pubmed/; accessed on 6 February 2012). Search were considered to be potentially relevant for full-text
terms included: (‘Clostridium difficile’ OR ‘VRE’ OR ‘vanco- review. An additional article was retrieved from the refer-
mycin resistant enterococci’ OR ‘ESBL’ OR ‘extended spec- ence list in the literature [9]. Of the 44 full copies screened,
trum beta lactamase’ OR ‘MRSA’ OR ‘methicillin-resistant 35 investigated the infectious agents associated with HAIs.
Staphylococcus aureus’ OR ‘BSI’ OR ‘blood stream infections’ The majority (62.9%) focused on methicillin-resistant S. aur-
OR ‘central line-associated blood stream infections’ OR eus (MRSA)-associated infection or colonization. Only two
‘CLA-BSI’ OR ‘VAP’ OR ‘ventilator acquired pneumonia’ OR focused on viral diseases (i.e. rotavirus and norovirus), and
‘UTI’ OR ‘urinary tract infections’ OR ‘catheter-associated one on a parasitic disease (scabies).
urinary tract infections’ OR ‘CA-UTI’ OR ‘SSI’ OR ‘surgical Finally, 12 studies were identified as being valid for analy-
site infections’ OR ((‘nosocomial’ OR ‘hospital-associated’ sis. The flow of studies through the review process and the
OR ‘hospital-acquired’) OR ‘hospital associated’ OR ‘hospital number of studies excluded are shown in Fig. 1.

Titles and abstracts identified and screened

n = 179

Not relevant n = 136

Full copies retrieved and screened for inclusion Excluded n = 32

n = 43
No direct statistical
Association n = 26
Reviews n=5
Comments n=1

Total numbers of studies included

n = 12
From initial query n = 11
From reference list n=1

FIG. 1. Flow chart of the review process.

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CMI Kaier et al. Bed occupancy rates and hospital-acquired infections 943

The findings from the 12 articles met the inclusion criteria Interestingly, only one study detected a seasonal trend in
and were considered to be relevant (Table 1). Of these, the BO rates [11]. Although a seasonal trend can be
66.7% (8/12) investigated MRSA-associated infection or colo- excluded for some studies [5,12,18], for the majority of all
nization [9–16], one studied MRSA and extended-spectrum studies (66%) no information on seasonality is available.
b-lactamase-producing Gram-negatives [5], one studied C. dif-
ficile [11], one studied Enterobacter cloacae [12], and one
studied different infection types caused by varying agents
(pneumonia and bloodstream infections) [17]. The median
BO rate was 81.2%. BO rates have been proposed as a measure that reflects the
The majority of the studies (75%) indicated that over- ability of a hospital to properly care for patients [20]. How-
crowding of hospitals directly influences the incidence of ever, whether this measure can be considered useful in guid-
HAIs. Six used monthly time-series data, and found a positive ing the planning and operational management of hospital
correlation for the incidence of HAIs and BO rates [5,10– beds in order to guarantee appropriate compliance with
12,16,18]. Of these, three used a multivariate adjusted auto- patient safety measures depends on the answers to three
regressive integrated moving average model [5,12,18], and questions: (i) to what extent do BO rates influence patient
three determined simple univariate correlation coefficients outcomes; (ii) what would be a target BO rate to aspire to;
[10,11,13]. However, one study showed limited validity, as it and (iii) would any attempt to reduce the BO rate to the
was not controlled for the number of patient bed-days [10]. target level be cost-effective?
Two studies investigated annual cross-sectional data while Patient safety measures such as hand hygiene may take
applying a statistical comparison of BO and MRSA rates of considerable time. Overworked staff may feel that they do
different hospitals [9,13]. The first of these studies analysed not have enough time to undertake these measures without
two time periods, but found a positive correlation for the compromising patient care. In addition, understaffing is most
second period only [13]. The second study, however, applied likely to happen when BO rates are high [6,9]. Accordingly,
the very same methodology to another set of hospitals, and high BO rates directly impact on the incidence and spread of
found a positive correlation for the entire sample of data [9]. hospital-acquired infections, as shown in the present review
One study, a retrospective cohort study, found that the risk of the literature. Only two studies showed no significant
ratio for E. cloacae infection was markedly higher in times of association between BO rates and the incidence of HAIs,
overcrowding and understaffing [19]. and one found a negative correlation. In summary, the exist-
In contrast to these studies, some (25%) found divergent ing studies support the conclusion that BO rates have an
results. One study, using a multivariate logistic regression important impact on patient outcomes. It is not clear to
including 61 MRSA patients (colonization and infections), what extent BO rates have a direct impact on HAIs or can
found no evidence that intensive-care unit staffing or work- be considered as proxy indicators for deficiencies in hygiene
load predicts the risk of MRSA acquisition [14]. Sakamoto measures resulting from overcrowding and understaffing.
et al. [15] used monthly time-series data to determine simple The implementation and the true extent of the use of patient
univariate correlation coefficients, and showed that BO rates safety measures such as hand disinfection and barrier precau-
(r = 0.033, p 0.199), patient/nurse ratio (r = )0.769, p 0.295) tions is interesting with regard to future studies. The main
and colonization pressure (r = 0.006, p 0.571) were not sig- research in this field has been focused on mainly one patho-
nificantly associated with MRSA incidence density rates. The gen only (MRSA). Little attention has been drawn to infec-
only factor that was significantly associated was the amount tions caused by Gram-negatives or viruses, or vancomycin-
of alcohol-based hand sanitizer used for one patient per day resistant enterococci. As transmission pathways differ
(r = )0.769, p 0.011). The third descriptive epidemiological between pathogens, it is interesting to investigate whether
study analysed a total of 1312 cases of pneumonia and 513 BO rates influence the incidence rates of differing pathogens
cases of bloodstream infection . The major finding was that to varying extents.
fewer nosocomial infections were associated with a high BO As mentioned before, one study showed that simple fluc-
rate and a high nurse/ventilated patient ratio [17]. However, tuations in the BO rate did not have a direct impact on the
the turnover interval was not checked, which might have incidence of MRSA infection as long as the BO rate was
impaired the results. As, by definition, no case of nosocomial within designated levels. Instead, episodes of significant over-
infection would appear if a patient stayed on a ward for crowding, with occupancy levels in excess of designated
<24 h, a short turnover interval could lead to an underesti- numbers, triggered increases in infection incidence rates
mation of incidence rates. [10]. The BO rate analysed was, however, substantially

ª2012 The Authors

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2012 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 18, 941–945

TABLE 1. Characteristics of included studies

Investigation period/type Type of infection/infectious Potential threats

Reference Setting of study agent BO rate (%) to validity Main findings Auxiliary findings

ª2012 The Authors

[10] 900-bed hospital, all units 24 months of time-series data MRSA infections 76.3 (73–86) Not controlled for BO and MRSA incidence –
included (general wards only, (surveillance data); the number of positively correlated
no ICUs) retrospective patient bed-days
[11] 900-bed hospital, 8 general 65 months of time-series data MRSA infections 110 (91–124) Episodes of overcrowding Seasonal fluctuations with
medicine wards and 8 surgical (surveillance data); MLRM triggered increases in increase in BO and
wards, each with 30 beds (ARIMA); prospective MRSA incidence antibiotic use and
decrease in staff and PSM
during winter months
[12] 1500-bed university hospital 67 months of time-series data MRSA infections and 78 (64–90; general BO and MRSA incidence BO and PSM negatively
(including 120 ICU beds) (surveillance data); MLRM colonizations wards) positively correlated correlated
(ARIMA); retrospective
[13] 12 hospitals Two periods of annual MRSA bactaeremia 81.3 (62–92; first BO and MRSA incidence Turnover interval and
cross-sectional data; simple period); 82.5 (68–95; positively correlated in MRSA incidence
correlation coefficients second period) second period, but not in negatively correlated in
(surveillance data); first period second period, but not in
retrospective first period
[9] 38–40 hospitals One period of annual MRSA bactaeremia 84.9 (76–94) BO and MRSA incidence –
cross-sectional data, simple positively correlated
correlation coefficients
(surveillance data);
[19] 15-bed NICU, 60 patients 12 months; multivariate logistic Enterobacter cloacae Alternative measures Small sample size RR for acquisition of High non-compliance rate
regression; retrospective infections and of overcrowding/ E. cloacae markedly (37%) of staff with
colonizations understaffing higher in times of hand-washing and hand
overcrowding disinfection
[5] 1500-bed university hospital 67 months of time-series data MRSA infections and 78 (69–86; general BO and MRSA incidence Incidence of nosocomial
(including 120 ICU beds) (surveillance data); MLRM colonizations; ESBL-producing wards) and BO and ESBL MRSA and ESBL showed
(ARIMA); retrospective Gram-negative infections and incidence positively decreasing and increasing
Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 18 Number 10, October 2012

colonizations correlated trends, respectively

[18] 1500-bed university hospital 67 months of time-series data Clostridium difficile 78 (64–90; general BO and C. difficile Length of stay and
(including 120 ICU beds) (surveillance data); MLRM (toxin-positive stool samples wards) incidence positively C. difficile incidence
(ARIMA); retrospective and/or cultured isolates) correlated negatively correlated
[14] 1 ICU, 61 patients 48 months; multivariate logistic MRSA infections and Alternative measures Small sample size No evidence that staffing
regression (surveillance data); colonizations of overcrowding/ or workload predicts risk
retrospective understaffing of MRSA acquisition
[15] 33-bed NICU (223 patients) 73 months of time-series data MRSA infections and 85.8 BO and MRSA incidence Use of hand sanitizers

Clinical Microbiology and Infection ª2012 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 18, 941–945
(surveillance data), MLRM colonizations not significantly negatively correlated with
(ARIMA); prospective correlated MRSA incidence
[17] 182 ICUs; 1313 pneumonia 12 months, linear regression BSI; pneumonia 83 Fewer infections Nurse/patient ratio not
cases and 513 BSI cases model (surveillance data); associated with high BO significantly associated
retrospective and higher with infection rates
nurse/ventilated patient
[16] 1 ICU, 50 patients 19 months of time-series data, MRSA (not further specified) Alternative measures Small sample size Significant correlation –
simple correlation of overcrowding/ between MRSA incidence
coefficients; retrospective understaffing and: staff/patient ratio;
nurse/patient ratio; and
staff/workload ratio

ARIMA, autoregressive integrated moving average; BO, bed occupancy; BSI, bloodstream infection; ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase; ICU, intensive-care unit; MLRM, multivariate linear regression model; MRSA, methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus; NICU, neonatal intensive-care unit; PSM, patient safety measures; RR, risk ratio.
CMI Kaier et al. Bed occupancy rates and hospital-acquired infections 945

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ª2012 The Authors

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