Ekotek Tugas 1 Kelompok 2

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Ekonomi Teknik

Tugas 1 Kelompok 2
Tanggal: 31 Agustus 2022
B11200027 Ryan Lourentino A.
B11200032 William Richard Ong
B11200033 Kevin Giovanni
B11200039 Robby Nugroho S.

1. What sum must be loaned at 6% simple interest to earn $47 in 2 years?

R = 6%
I = $47
T = 2 years
47 = p . 0,06 . 2
p = $ 391,67

2. How long will it take any sum to double itself at a 5 percent simple interest?
Interest = principle
T = I/p . R
T = p/p . 0,05
T = 20 years

3. Find the compound amount of $100 for 3 years at 5 percent compound annually?
p = $100
n = 3 years
i = 5%
F = p . ( 1 + i )^n
F = 100 . ( 1 + 0,05 )^ 3
F = $ 115,76
4. Find the difference between the amount of $100 at simple interest and at compound interest for
5 years at 5 percent per year?
p = $100
R = 5%
simple interest
SI = 100 + 100 . 0.05 . 5
SI = $ 125
compound interest
CI = 100 . ( 1 + 0,05 )^5
CI = $ 127.63
the difference = $ 127.63 - $ 125 = $ 2,63

5. Find The compound amount of $ 5000 at 6 percent for 4, 6, 8, and 10 years, and compare the
result. Does doubling the time double the amount?
p = $ 5000
R = 6%
4 years
F = 5000 ( 1 + 0,06 )^4 = $ 6312,38
6 years
F = 5000 ( 1 + 0,06 )^6 = $ 7092,59
8 years
F = 5000 ( 1 + 0,06 )^8 = $ 7969,24
10 years
F = 5000 ( 1 + 0,06 )^10 = $ 8954,24
Double time ≠ double amount
because not a linear program, but an exponential program

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